I am Da Song

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
Zhu Lian's concentration was interrupted by Zhao Huan's yawn, she stopped the needle and thread in her hand and put it on her lap, turned her head to look at her husband who propped his chin with a tired face, and said with concern: "Is the official family sleepy?" I'm going to make the bed for the officials."

Zhao Huan was indeed a little tired, but it was obviously more important to devote himself to his plans than to sleep.Then he said: "Alright, I have been nervous for many days, and I can finally relax and sleep today. Is the saint in good health recently?"

Zhu Lian was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhao Huan with beautiful eyes, a little moved, and replied with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, I am both physically and mentally well."

Obviously, there was a major deviation in the understanding of the two people about their health.

However, seeing the empress's moved and happy expression, Zhao Huan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much, so as not to spoil the empress' good mood.

In the inner court of Renming Palace, two court ladies are spreading bedding on Zhu Lian's phoenix bed.

What the queen said about tidying Zhao Huan's bed was obviously not doing it personally, but being there in person and directing the maids to do things.

Perhaps the queen felt that directing from the side would better reflect her respect.

However, Zhao Huan didn't care much about these things. After the two maids made the bed and left, he lay down in the middle of the bedding. I don't know much about the fragrance of flowers, so I can't smell the fragrance of flowers.

Zhu Lian, who was standing on the side, was surprised at the official's informality for a moment. He didn't expect the official to go to bed with his clothes on.

Zhao Huan is used to being rough, and never thought that his clothes would be covered with blood and lead dust when he walked on the battlefield of soldiers and horses, and he just lay on the queen's fragrant and soft boudoir bed Asked: "What kind of fragrance is this?"

At this moment, Zhu Lian was like an ordinary wife, kneeling beside Zhao Huan with her legs together. She helped him take off his pantyhose, untied his jade belt, and took off his outer robe. ?”

"Yeah, it smells nice, is it floral?"

Zhu Lian shook his head and said: "The war is tense, I just bathe in clean water, I have never used flowers and plants, is there any fragrance, I haven't smelled it at all."

Under the service of the queen, Zhao Huan finally took off his cotton robe, lay down on the soft and fragrant quilt, nodded solemnly, and said, "I can't tell what it smells like, it's faintly fragrant, like a soft scent in spring. sunshine."

Zhu Lian helped Zhao Huan tuck the quilt carefully, and said with a light smile, "As long as the officials like it."

Zhao Huan didn't know how to speak to this gentle and laughing queen. He always felt that if he spoke bluntly, he would break the tranquility and warmth in front of him. He huddled under the quilt and asked a little bit reluctantly: "Does the queen still want to sew military robes?" ?”

But Zhu Lian's next words made Zhao Huan overjoyed and his heart pounded wildly.

"The official family is staying in Renming Palace, how can I make the official family sleep alone." Zhu Lian looked at Zhao Huan, with a smile and tenderness in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Yu go take a bath and change clothes."

The queen opened the door and left, Zhao Huan couldn't restrain his excitement any longer, curled up under the quilt and rolled around.

A faint fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose, Zhao Huan could only feel his whole body was hot, his blood was throbbing somewhere, and he was full of infinite reverie for the beautiful scene that would follow.

Thinking of Zhao Huan, he was extremely annoyed, Chunxiao is worth a thousand dollars, why didn't he go with the queen just now.

The mandarin duck pot is also very good.If they had left together just now, maybe they would have had a good time now.I don't know how this gentle and luxurious queen will react or sound in the heat.

A burst of hurried footsteps interrupted Zhao Huan's thoughts, and the voice of Wang Zongmian, who was carrying the imperial equipment, sounded outside the house: "The officials, the Jin people sent envoys to the city to discuss peace talks, and the right minister is undecided. Let the officials make the decision."

Zhao Huan threw off the quilt angrily and walked to the door. When it is not good to send envoys to negotiate a peace, he insists on coming here now.

The wooden door opened, and a gust of cold wind blew in front of him. Zhao Huan, who was thinly dressed, couldn't help shivering, and said angrily, "I will pass on the order to let Qin Hui, Yushi Zhongcheng, take full responsibility for the peace talks. Tell him that the Jinren don't need to say anything." I agree, agree together."

Wang Zongmian frowned, is the court going to repeat the same mistakes?As long as the Jin army is willing to make peace, the imperial court will satisfy the Jin army's greed for gluttony at all costs, in order to achieve peace overnight?
But before Wang Zongmian's anger arose, it was completely extinguished by the officials' next words.

"I will pass on the edict again, let Zuo Xiangmei take care of the court, and all the ministers who talk about making peace will be demoted."

Wang Zongmian really couldn't understand the meaning of these two diametrically opposed deployments by the government.

Moreover, these two orders are so abrupt, impeachment of courtiers should be the responsibility of Taiwan's admonishment, and the prime minister should be responsible for negotiating peace with the enemy country. As a result, the officials just issued two diametrically opposed orders.Let the chief admonish the chief to negotiate peace with the enemy, and let the chief minister attack the peace faction.

Obviously, Wang Zongmian has never heard a word, the paper I haven't signed is the shit in the latrine.

If the prime minister went to negotiate a peace with the enemy country, he would sign on behalf of the country, but if the censor Zhongcheng went, even if Qin Hui signed and sealed it, he would give the entire north of the Yangtze River to the Jin army.Both the court and the local government can easily tear up the agreement and throw it into the latrine as toilet paper.

He agreed to peace talks, but Zhao Huan bought time for the defenders to strengthen their arms in order to delay the Jin army.

"Don't confuse verbal orders with edicts, according to what I said, go pass the orders!" Zhao Huan waved his hand, and then said very resolutely: "Also, no matter what happens tonight, don't bother me again. The left minister is in charge of the government affairs, and the military affairs are in charge of the pivotal ministers. When defending the city, look for the envoy Liu Wei, who defends the four walls, and when going out of the city, look for the commander Yue Fei, who is the commander of Shenwu and the right army. There are so many capable ministers and generals, enough to support all matters big and small. No need for me Do everything yourself."

As soon as Wang Zongmian left, the queen returned wearing an elegant light blue dress embroidered with golden flowers. Her long, smooth hair was tied up with hairpins, revealing her fair and tall jade neck.Seeing Zhao Huan standing at the door, Zhu Lian asked gently: "Does the official family have important matters to deal with?"

Zhao Huan shook his head resolutely, the most important thing for him tonight was to share the bed with the queen.All other affairs are properly arranged, and absolutely no one will disturb my purity again.

In the long quiet night that follows, I can calmly experience the beauty of the Song Dynasty, and enjoy the situation that has been getting better and better since tonight.

With a bit of joy in his smile, Zhu Lian said: "Then the official should not stand in front of the door anymore, don't suffer from the wind and cold."

Lying back in the soft quilt, Zhao Huan's heart beat faster, nervously watching Zhu Lian with a delicate fragrance, gently lifted a corner of the quilt, and lay next to him with his left arm.

In the quiet night, the two shared the same quilt, and Zhao Huan could clearly hear the queen's gentle breathing and his own violent heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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