Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 353 I will chop off the white beard with my own hands!

Chapter 353 I will chop off the white beard with my own hands!
The world of starfish is wonderful. Just when there was a huge wave in the sky because of Im, and the storm in the sea because of the super big butterfly of the World Government turned the fate of many people to an unknown future.

【Da da da da da】

[Boom boom boom! 】

This place filled with gunpowder smoke, gunshots like rain, and explosions and flames everywhere is Gambino Island in the West Sea, and it is also the base camp of the Peter family.

As one of the five famous mafia families in this sea area, even those large pirate groups are not willing to provoke them.

Because they have many people, many guns, many cannons, and they are very powerful.

But today, there was such a bold guy who came to the door with a group of people.

The key people outside, not only failed to prevent them from landing before, but now they are being beaten back steadily, allowing the little man who is only 1.6 meters to drive straight in.

"Damn, hate, why do they have so many bullets, and where did they come from!"

Peter Mangano used the building wall on the street as a cover, angrily watching the melon-like grenade flying in the sky, blowing up the members of the family to the ground, and he didn't dare to fight back.

From before, those bastards of the Capone family have been using a large number of grenades to open the way, and after they are blown up, they will push them with a machine gun.

Yes, machine guns, not the micro-punches more commonly used by gangsters!
The reason why the more powerful former is not used is not because it is heavier, after all, it is not much heavier, the main reason is that it needs to consume too many bullets.

And gang fights, even fights with pirates, are far from reaching the level of war, and there is no need for machine guns at all.

But who would have thought that they actually met a group of strange lunatics!

"Have you found out how they got their ammunition supplies?"

"Without a leader, they are all lightly armed. It is impossible to carry so many ammunition chains and grenades on their bodies!"

After hearing this, Peter Mangano had no choice but to watch helplessly as the continuous metal storm pierced through the wall, killing everyone under his hands one by one, or was blown to death by waves of grenades .

Two hours later, the gunfire on the island stopped abruptly, and the streets full of bomb craters and bomb craters were covered with a layer of yellow shell casings.

And the corpses of the members of the Peter family lay casually in a pool of blood like tatters.

among them.

Peter Mangano's body was already separated, his white head staring fiercely at the blue sky.

three days later.


Located in the West Sea, and also one of the five major mafia families, on Castro Island, the stronghold of the Capone family, an astonishing roar suddenly erupted, and its voice was full of anger and disbelief.

"Old man, didn't you agree before that as long as I level up one of the other four families, you will support me to go to sea to find 'Whitebeard'?"

I saw a young man who was only 1.6 meters tall and only 19 years old, but with a somewhat mature appearance, standing in front of his father who looked exactly like him, except that there were many wrinkles, squinting his eyes and speaking in a cold tone.

"Could it be that you want to break the contract and play me?"

Capone Al opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer. Before, he only made a request that was basically impossible to fulfill because of the idea of ​​his son going to sea.

But who would have thought that in less than a month, this kid first took away two important territories of the Peter family, and then released news that the third island was about to be attacked, and even sent a hundred people.

Then, taking advantage of the large number of people from the Peter family to leave the base camp, they directly led the remaining [-] people to attack Gambino Island.

It stands to reason that this is impossible. There must still be hundreds of mafia members and a large number of coastal defense artillery on the island.

But he just succeeded!
As for the 100 people who were sent out, they became outcasts without any accident, but the father and son didn't care about it at all. Cruelty and cold-bloodedness are the style of the Capone family!
Their heirs, from the time they can walk, play with real knives and guns, and often arrange 'war games' with other children.

Really deadly game!

Growing up in this kind of training environment, it can be said that the relationship between Capone and his son in each generation is cold. The so-called fetters are blood inheritance and family inheritance.

"Becky, it's none of your business whether 'Whitebeard' joins the World Government?"

Capone Arr exclaimed angrily.

This child doesn't know what's going on, after seeing the news that 'Whitebeard' accepted the acceptance of the world government, founded the Whitebeard Kingdom and joined the high command, and was awarded the honorary rank and title of general,
I frantically shouted that it was impossible, and I had to form a fleet to go to the 'New World' to ask the other party to understand.

"Because 'White Beard' is definitely not a man who will compromise for the sake of glory and wealth or bow his head because of the threat of the world government, there must be a big problem!"

Capone Becky said coldly.

To put it simply, 'Whitebeard' is his idol, and he is an admirer of 'Whitebeard'. Anyway, he is going to set this 'New World'.

"How do you know he's not that kind of person?"

"Have you seen him?"

"Where in this world is there someone who does not pursue glory and wealth, and where is there someone who is not afraid of death!"

Capone Al is really going crazy, he is the only heir, what is the 'new world'.

Not to mention anything else, you first have to cross the West Sea, cross the Reversing Mountain, and then go through the second half of the "Great Route" to get there. Do you need to calculate the probability of danger on the way?

"You are my father, so I will give you a chance. If you insult 'Whitebeard' again, I will kill you."

Capone Becky lit the cigar with a lighter, and warned coldly with a blank face, and then said: "If it is determined that he is really a man who has let me down, I will cut off his head myself!"

Capone Al's eyes twitched when he heard this.

"Finally, I'm going to tell you that I'm out of this sea, and I'll come back after seeing 'Whitebeard'. At that time, I will destroy the other four families and let the Capone family rule the underworld in the West Sea."

After finishing speaking, Capone Becky turned and walked out of the gate with a smoking cigar in his mouth, but he heard his father's roar behind him.

"Is 'White Beard' your father, or is Lao Tzu your father? What 'world's strongest man', wake up, he has become the dog of the world government!'"

【boom! 】

There was a sudden gunshot, which frightened the gang members who were guarding nearby. They were shocked to see that the young master turned around and shot through the Patriarch's forehead without hesitation.

Capone Becky's eyes were so cold. Through the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, he watched his father fall to the ground in disbelief, staring blankly at the luxurious ceiling.

"I've said it before, I'll kill you if I curse again, and you dare to break the contract with me?"

"court death."

Capone Becky walked over slowly and looked coldly at the old man who was [-]% similar to him on the ground, then raised his head and scanned the surrounding family members.

"From now on, I am the head of the Capone family. I have the final say here. You can go prepare sea ships and supplies!"

"Young master, ah, no, family, Patriarch, if we leave, what will we do if people from other families call up?" one of his subordinates raised his courage and asked.

"Take all the treasures, food, and ammunition with you. As for these sites, you can't escape. You just need to shoot them down after you come back, and destroy them by the way."

Capone Becky answered him patiently, but just as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his pistol and shot the other party between the eyebrows, which shocked the other members.

"That's a good question, don't ask next time."

What he hated most was that his subordinates disobeyed or questioned his orders, but at this moment, an arrogant laughter rippled through the arena like invisible ripples.


"It was really a good show, boy, you are very good, and it is not in vain that I personally bring you a letter of appointment~~"

 Here I recommend a good book, "I, Dragon Man!" written by a half-dead author! ", Starfish Great Unification Theory and Great Treasure. The brain holes of Starfish Big Map are very amazing.


(End of this chapter)

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