Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 88 The encounter of Crocodile!

Chapter 88 The encounter of Crocodile!

The largest prison in the world, Advancing City, Imperton.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"no, do not want!"

【Plop, plop】

In the baptism room on the first floor of the sea, naked men and women lined up in a long line with horror and despair on their faces. Every time they heard the sound of falling water and screams in front of them, their bodies would tremble involuntarily.

Around them, a prison guard with a whip or a gun stared at their every move with a blank face. The coldness in his eyes was incompatible with this steamy and stuffy space.

I saw the few prisoners at the front of the line, trembling and reluctant to take another step forward, because there was no way beyond a distance of less than one meter.

Below the end is a black iron pot big enough to accommodate dozens of people, filled with boiling hot water, and 'red shrimps' howling, twisting, and struggling desperately.

"Come down."

At this moment, the [-]-meter-tall prison guard stood impatiently and kicked down the terrified prisoners with a bang, and then grabbed the neck of the next female prisoner with a big hand. Completely disregarding her graceful figure and frantic begging for mercy, she casually threw it into the boiling water.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Below, at the other end of the huge iron pot, several prison guards holding what looked like fishing net bags took turns to pick up the 'steaming red shrimp' that had boiled alive and passed out in the pot, and threw them casually to a place not far away. on the ground.

There, someone put clean zebra prison uniforms on them, and then handed them over to another group of prison guards to drag them to their respective floors and cells. This is a whole set of baptism process.

Surprisingly, none of these prisoners were scalded to death after being 'disinfected' for as long as 5 minutes in boiling water at [-] degrees Celsius.

The most serious ones just passed out, and some guys with strong breaths could still be seen. Although they kept screaming, they could walk up step by step with their trembling and gasping bodies!
However, as these guys walked, they looked back at a certain figure in the pot, as did the many prison guards around them.

A pair of eyes full of amazement and even some admiration were focused on the one who was sitting cross-legged in the boiling water with his eyes closed. Not only did he not make any sound, but his face was also very calm, as if he came here to soak in a hot spring with a comfortable temperature.

"Tsk tsk tsk, amazing, amazing, why have so many strong men come in recently, is this the first prisoner who doesn't take 'baptism' seriously?"

"Let's think about it. Since last year, except that Roger, the Pirate King, received special treatment and was not baptized, and changed into prison uniforms, that is, 'Golden Lion' Shiki, 'Devil's Descendant' Barrett, and... ahem, now For our fellow Moria and Taklama."

The prison guards were chatting and laughing with each other, completely ignoring the screaming prisoners who kept falling into the boiling water like dumplings.

"Then what about this one?"

"Well, I heard that it was the 'Sand Crocodile' Crocodile with a bounty of 2000 million Baileys, a natural sand fruit ability user. I heard that the challenge to the 'White Beard' was defeated two years ago, and I don't know how he was caught. came in."

"By the way, how long is this one left?"

"Two minutes and 20 seconds."

At the same time, Crocodile, who was in the boiling water, only felt that the world was unpredictable at this moment, and everything happened too fast. To be honest, he still hadn't realized it yet.

After becoming another silver medalist in the 'New World' two years ago, he withdrew from that sea area with injuries all over his body, and then just wandered aimlessly on the various routes of the 'Paradise'.

When you are hungry, you eat the overlord's meal, and you kill anyone who challenges you. You really can do whatever you want, no one can stop you, and you don't even need to use domineering energy. Your ability alone is enough to instantly kill these miscellaneous fish.

But his heart has been suffering.

Because he began to doubt his strength, doubting that he might not be the strongest in this life, because the crushing feeling shown by 'White Beard' was too strong, and he gradually felt that relying on his own strength was hopeless.

Until one day a month ago, he accidentally heard the legend of the ancient weapon 'Pluto' from an old liar who sold fake antiques in a certain kingdom.

The power that is said to be able to wipe out an entire island with one shot immediately made Crocodile feel that if he could find it, it might be possible to defeat 'Whitebeard'.

And military power!

Didn't the "Admiral" of the Flying Pirates and the "Golden Lion" Shiji surrounded the "One Piece" Roger with a huge fleet and his men? If it wasn't for the big storm that shocked the world, maybe Roger The partner has long been wiped out.

If you use 'Pluto' as the main ship, and have an army of millions, you will form an unprecedented fleet far exceeding the size of the flying pirates.
Such a desirable imagination suddenly became his ambition ignited again.

Next, because he had found his target again, he began to recruit subordinates who were barely noticeable and useful, and at the same time searched for news about ancient weapons.

Finally, there is a clearer intelligence pointing directly at the Kingdom of Alabasta!
For this reason, he also learned about the past history of this kingdom. When he knew that the royal family of this country was one of the 800 royal families who established the world government [-] years ago, he suddenly felt that everything he wanted might be obtained from it. body get.

seven days ago.
Crocodile brought a group of men who could barely be regarded as the big trash fish in the eyes of the trash fish, and came to the seaport city 'Rape Flower' in this desert kingdom in an ordinary white sailing ship.

After a few hours of understanding, bought a map of the kingdom, enough fresh water, food, and a dozen camels, because he decided to go across the sand sea to the capital 'Arubana'.

"I'm kind of in love with this country, it's nice"

Crocodile is riding on a camel, behind him is the 'rape flower' that just came out, and in front of him is the endless golden desert, and above his head is a scorching sun emitting infinite light and heat, but he just feels comfortable, The mood has become a lot happier.

Behind him, the subordinates who looked like crooked melons and jujubes heard the words of the boss, felt the unbearable heat on their bodies, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they secretly complained, saying: "Can you not like it? It’s the devil who went to hell, he’s gone home, isn’t he!”

But when they got farther and farther away from the 'rape flower' and kept stepping deeper into the desert, they saw a white shadow appearing in front of them as soon as they turned over a sandy slope.

"what is that!"

"It looks like a white spot, motionless, is there anything white in the desert?"

"It's a human!"

As Crocodile and his group continued to approach, someone finally saw the white shadow clearly. It was a man nearly two meters tall, wearing a white suit, white gloves, a white top hat, and a white mask that completely covered his face. man.

Although he couldn't see the face of the other party, judging from the direction he was facing, he was obviously waiting for them. This aroused everyone's vigilance and caution, and hurriedly pulled the camel under him.

"It looks like you're looking for trouble, what should I do?"

 The main reason for the problem of slow pace is that I have been so inspired recently that all kinds of plots will automatically come to my mind. After reading the words for more than an hour, you can still think of the subsequent development of the plot. Can you understand this feeling?
(End of this chapter)

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