Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 91 The real value of lava fruits!

Chapter 91 The real value of lava fruits!
In the Holy Land, Mary Joya's side, Im didn't play tennis, but stayed alone in the tree house between the moons, earnestly recording something in the notebook, showing memories and thinking from time to time.

"The sea tower is inlaid on the bottom of the naval warship, so that the sea kings feel that the naval warship is the sea, and can greatly avoid the chance of being discovered by the sea kings in the calm zone. This technical difficulty should not be too difficult. Just mention it and you should be able to study it. out, plus paddle wheels, propellers and steam."

While recalling, he wrote these down on white paper. Of course, he didn't know too much technical knowledge, so he just wrote down the general meaning.

Because he is going to give a slight push to the development of the navy's science and technology.

The main reason is to decide to disclose the star gate with Wu Lao Xing and the others in the near future, and then [-]% of them will have to come into contact with other civilizations, so there is a sense of tension to some extent.

Vegapunk studied these things within a few years of the original plot, but that is more than 20 years later for the current world government.

Im can't wait that long.

He feels that some things really need long-term research and experimentation, but some things can actually be rolled out quickly.

Today's naval warships do not have sea stones on the bottom of the ship, no steam propulsion, and no paddle wheels and propellers, so it is difficult to drive in a windless zone, and the speed is much slower.

In his memory, he remembered that it took the flying squirrel to bring the empress Hancock from Nine Snakes Island to Advance City, and it only took more than four days, but now it takes at least a week.

"Animal semi-mechanization, he has already created it in the future kingdom. After so many years, I think it is very mature. I just need to think about how to use this technology."

"There are also man-made biological technologies using bloodline factors." Im looked at the relevant information of the scientific troops handed over by Wulaoxing, and said with a smile: "Oh——have you just started researching?"

This should be the advanced technology of human cloning technology in Germa Kingdom.

In fact, whether it is Vinsmoke Gage, Quinn of the Beast Pirates, or the future Caesar, their biochemical technology is actually the leftovers of Vegapunk.

But they have also played some new tricks, such as genetic modification at the embryonic stage, so that the baby has supernormal physique and superpowers.

Although there is a lack of emotion, from the perspective of Sanji and Reiju, it is only a matter of probability. The most important thing is that they cannot disobey Gaji's order.

"Isn't this the best CIPHER POL seedling? If you can master this technology maturely, you won't need to find any orphans to cultivate in the future."

Thinking of this, Im's eyes flickered, and he became interested in the Germa Kingdom in the North Sea and the Vinsmoke family.

"At this point in time, the eldest daughter Reiju should have just been born, or still in her mother's womb. Three years later, Iji, Niji, Sanji, and Yuji were born as quadruplets on the same day."

"Then don't move them for now, wait for the four brothers to show up before picking peaches!"

For the Germa Kingdom, the biggest obstacle is that it is a member country, and even one of the fifty countries that are eligible to participate in the World Conference.

Therefore, Vinsmoke Gage cannot be arrested casually, but the research materials, experimental equipment and related scientific researchers he produced can all be confiscated, and Reiju and the others can also be taken away as contraband.

Because apart from the scientific troops, the research on blood factors is originally prohibited by the world government, and it is reasonable and legal to do so.

If he wants to continue his research work, there is only one choice, to join the scientific army, oh, now it is the Academy of Sciences.

"But with this guy's ambition, it's impossible for him to join the Academy of Sciences and become a scientist honestly." Im chuckled.

In his eyes, the current Vinsmoke Gage is just a chicken laying an egg. When the egg falls, take the egg away and lock it up.

Then he turned his attention to Quinn.

"The plague bomb is nothing, but the mummy virus and the ice ghost virus are interesting. They are very similar to Caesar's death kingdom in the future. If you have a chance to catch him, you can throw him to the Biochemical Research Institute. If not, then send the idea to Caesar , I can figure it out if I want to.”

Im discovered that the biochemical virus weapons in this world seemed to be the type that penetrated from the outside to the body. In his impression, poisonous gas and plague didn't all start from the inside.

Of course, he didn't understand it very well, maybe there was a virus that infected the skin first in the previous life.

"There is also this guy's body modification technology. If you make good use of it, how many disabled people can recover their activities. It seems that you have to find a way to 'invite' him back. It is too wasteful to work for that guy Kaido!"

While recording, I saw Im complaining in his heart.

"However, Punk Hazard's human giant experiment must be stopped. What's the use of this thing? If you want giant soldiers, it's better to catch a few giants and let them have children, and then train and train them."

The main reason is that it is a little unbearable to use the child of a natural person as a biochemical experiment. Although he is not a good person and values ​​the power and influence in his hands, he still has a basic bottom line.

Unless there is a situation that seriously threatens one's own rule, the bottom line must still be guarded.

This kid is the bottom line.

As for Vinsmoke's Iji and the others, in his opinion, they are more inclined to high-level clone fighters, and they cannot be generalized with natural people.

"Ah, speaking of which, Elbaf's giant kingdom has to find a way to solve it, not to mention the entrance and exit of the high-speed empty road, and the attitude towards the world government has always been refusing to cooperate, even a little hostile, this is stubbornness! "Thinking of this, Im's eyes became cold.

To be honest, as a time traveler, he really doesn't care about all kinds of grievances and conflicts hundreds of years ago. As long as he is willing to cooperate and be obedient from now on, then he is willing to accept the other party's continued existence, and even take more care of him.

Fishman Island is like that.

But if it really doesn't work, then he certainly can't keep such a big time bomb behind his homeland.

When the star gate is opened in the future, conflicts and wars with the civilizations of the myriad worlds will definitely be inevitable. He doesn't want to be stabbed in the back by these giants.

"Either find time to die, or support a new giant king who is biased towards the world government!"

At this time, Im realized that his thinking had diverged and strayed from the topic. What he was thinking about today was about science and technology, and then he pressed the matter of the giants back to the bottom of his heart.

"Vegapunk must be grasped, let me think about it. His lifelong goal is to allow the citizens of the future kingdom of Balkimoa to live in a warm environment. To this end, he also created a super-large heating furnace, It was just that the lack of funds and technology forced it to stop.”

"Then can I provide funds to support him to continue to improve this heating furnace, and he should figure out a way in terms of technology."

In fact, Im thinks that if he wants to warm up Balkimoa in Winter Island, he doesn't need to rely on technology. The ability of Devil Fruit can also do it.

For example, let the yellow monkey go to wake up, dispel the wind, snow and dark clouds on the island, and turn it into a never-ending island that will never lack light, and then let Akainu go to create an active volcano, let Balkimore Asia has enough geothermal heat, so that the island's ice and cold problems can also be solved.

"Speaking of which, the real value of the lava fruit's awakening is not in combat, but in being able to artificially create eternal active volcanoes and geothermal energy. I remember that this thing can generate electricity!"

Im's eyes sparkled, but he didn't realize that his thoughts had strayed from the topic again.

 Thank you very much for the reward of 100 starting coins from the troubled readers!bow!Thank you for your support and encouragement!

  Good guy, the last chapter just said that it will be on the shelves in three days, and the collection starts to drop. Is this too realistic and too indifferent?

  It's a bit sad
(End of this chapter)

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