Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 987 The World Government's Underworld 3 Departments 6 Divisions!

Chapter 987 The World Government's Three Divisions and Six Divisions of the Underworld!
"Forget it, don't touch porcelain"

After some deliberation, Im finally shook his head and waved his hands.

Immediately, the white paper with many things written on it disappeared in an instant.

The above content is exactly the structure of the underworld organization in the Chinese mythology system.

The main reason is that he thinks that in the heavens and worlds, there are probably those gods and hells, and it will be too embarrassing to encounter them at that time.

Therefore, neither Western nor Eastern works are suitable for 'copying'.

That being the case, follow the style of world government directly.

That is, the five-level organizational structure of the hospital, department, division, division, and section.

Im made a new blank paper and recorded his thoughts again.

First of all, Yan Mo City should be changed to Huangquan City, because starfish folks have long called the underworld the "Nation of Huangquan".

Then there is the Yan Luoyuan in the political center, and under the Yan Luoyuan are the judges, reincarnation, and the three divisions of the Underworld Army, but the headquarters of the Underworld Army needs to find another place to build it.

Under the Judgment Department, there are six divisions, including Minglu, Mingjuan, Mingcheng, Mingshi, Mingbi, Mingquan, and Minglu.

The Department of Hell Law is responsible for formulating, revising, and abolishing laws and related matters.

The underworld judge is responsible for adjudicating the reincarnation of most undead and rewarding good and punishing evil.

The Underworld Division is responsible for the supervision, construction and development of cities, towns, and villages in all districts of the underworld.

This is very important, because after the undead arrive in the underworld, they are not reincarnated immediately, because there are still many people queuing in front of them.

Therefore, most of the undead need to live in various places for a period of time, until it is their turn to go to the underworld to accept the judgment.

This time is often between decades and hundreds of years, and many undead will choose to form new families during this period, so the construction of urban infrastructure is necessary.

There will even be children born directly in the underworld. This kind of reincarnation depends on your own application.

If you don't want to be reincarnated, you can live in the underworld until your soul's lifespan expires.

However, during the reign of King Yan Mo, few undead could live so long.

For one thing, only some young or thin undead can survive only by ingesting spirit particles in the air.

Undead with slightly higher spiritual power must drink 'Yellow Spring Water' from time to time so as not to starve to death.

This "Yellow Spring Water" is actually the water from the Styx River under the Underworld.

Although the reason is unknown, the water in the Styx River cannot be directly used for drinking, only the 'Yellow Spring Water' dug out of this soil can be used.

The key is that you can't just find a place and dig down to find the 'Yellow Spring Water'.

So this thing is actually very precious in the starfish underworld, and can even be used as hard currency.

As a result, many water sources are occupied by powerful demons and ghosts from all walks of life.

At the same time, all towns and villages are actually built around these water sources. If there is a lot of water, it is a big city, and if it is small, it is a small village.

In the latter case, if there is no water from the water source one day, it is often the result of the whole village starving to death or fleeing in all directions, each looking for a way to survive.

And even having a water source is not necessarily a good thing, maybe one day you will be attacked by ghosts who come to 'drink water' and 'eat' by the way.

Therefore, the living environment under the rule of King Yan Mo is very harsh.

Almost all areas outside Yan Mocheng are 'lawless zones'.

Really hell!
Only those low-level undead living in the big city can have a stable life.

Because these cities not only have water sources with a large amount of water, but also strong people they can rely on. These strong people are generally called 'ghost kings'.

In Im's eyes, these 'ghost kings' must be suppressed, either surrender to Wang Hua, or be completely wiped out.

The underworld envoy is responsible for recruiting, training, and managing all ghosts and ghosts.

They act as the police, maintaining social order in the underworld, and guides for the undead.

Similar to the previous black-robed gods of death, but with more responsibilities and a larger scope.

The Department of Underworld Springs supervises all the "Yellow Spring Water Sources", that is, nationalizes these water sources, and at the same time is responsible for producing more water sources, or sending "Yellow Spring Water" to places that need water, so as to ensure that the undead everywhere will not be hungry die.

Finally, there are Mingbi Division and Minglu Division.

These two are simple, the former manages bank currency, and the latter manages various files and materials.

Im thinks that the era when the Underworld uses 'Yellow Spring Water' as currency should be over.

He wants the people under his rule to only use Bailey, whether in life or after death.

In the future, it may even be possible for the Baileys of the two worlds to communicate with each other.

For example, before the living person dies, he deposits Bailey in the bank of the underworld in advance, then he can use it directly when he gets here!

Of course, this is just an idea right now.
Im looked calmly at the composition of the reincarnation section on the paper.

The so-called reincarnation naturally refers to the six realms of reincarnation.

According to Yan Luo, these six reincarnations are functions that every complete underworld must have.

And its mode of operation can be either passively hidden or actively revealed.

The former is to let the underworld run automatically, without any trial process, and directly put each undead who is due to time into the six reincarnations at random.

So whether you will be a human or a pig in your next life, or be tortured forever in hell depends entirely on luck.

The latter is for the master of the underworld to communicate the will of the underworld, so that the six reincarnations will appear in the form he wants.

In this way, he can decide which path the undead will put into according to the rules he made.

Therefore, Im directly created six divisions, including Heaven, Humanity, Ghost, Animal, Hell, and Asura, who are responsible for guarding and managing their entrances, and are also responsible for sending the undead sent by the underworld to reincarnate.

Among them, Tiandao, he decided to be the exclusive channel for Tianlong people!

All the undead who are determined to be reborn as Tianlongren in their next life will enter the heaven!
In addition, the Tianlongren after death will not belong to the Underworld Judge, but the Tiandao Division will be responsible for the judgment.

Those who were mediocre or made big mistakes during their lifetime will not be able to be dragons again in their next life.

But after all, he was a Tianlong person before his death, so there are still some small preferential treatment.

That is, no matter what, at least one can be thrown into the human realm, and it is absolutely impossible to be thrown into the three evil realms of animal realm, hell realm, and asura realm.

But when they die again, they will return to the underworld judge, and they can do whatever they want.
Of course, for these Tianlong people, knowing that they will become pariahs in the next life should be a very painful and unacceptable result.

However, those who were extremely outstanding during their lifetime may continue to be Tianlong people or become Tianlong people in the next life.

For example, in the future, after people like Sakaski, Sengoku, and Karp die, they may be reincarnated as being born in a certain Celestial Dragon clan.

Im going to use this method to make the future Tianlong people better and better!

Although he doesn't know whether the outstanding person in the previous life will be excellent in the next life, but it is more likely than the mediocre or even incompetent person in the previous life to become excellent, right?
Then came ghosts.

This sounds a bit interesting.

The undead who entered the ghost way will be born in the belly of a certain woman in the underworld after reincarnation. After birth, they will be souls born and raised in the underworld.

As for the difference between them and the undead, it is still unclear
After writing this, Im stopped the pen in his hand.

Because the next step is to rebuild the hell road.

The hell here before was throwing random unlucky undead into volcanoes everywhere.

Let them live forever in lava and fire.

But this seemed too monotonous to him.

"Well, first of all, people who oppose the world government will have special hell hospitality after death, and those who oppose Tianlong are also felonies among felonies!"

Im murmured.

Since it is the underworld under the World Government, these are necessary crimes and punishments.

Not only do they have to suffer alive after being caught, but they will also be tortured in purgatory after death.

Hmm. When the time comes, support another religion to spread the word?
 What do you think about Im choosing a few people to reincarnate to the human world with their memories of the underworld?
(End of this chapter)

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