Chapter 19 ! !
The next day, early in the morning.

Qin Luoheng woke up early.

He wants to prepare some dry food for himself.

After entering the classroom, he will basically stay in the classroom all day long. The classroom does not include meals. If he studies for four or five hours a day, he will not be able to sustain it if he does not eat extra food.

Ordinary people in the Qin Dynasty had two meals a day.

That is, 饔 (yong) and 飧 (sun), which are the so-called morning eclipse and evening eclipse.

In the Qin Dynasty, because of the low grain output, all Guizhou capitals were tight on food, and in order to spend more time on work, they formed the current two meals a day.

That is, work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

Get up when the cock crows, go to the fields to work, wait until Sishi (nine o’clock) and go home to eat morning food, take a short rest and continue to return to the field, and keep working until the sun reaches the sad valley, that is, Shenshi (four o’clock) and go home for evening food , and then ready to rest.

Therefore, there is such a saying among the people.

Can't see the shop!
It means that the neighbors can meet each other except for the morning and evening meals, and basically can't see each other at other times.

If you see it at other times, it means that the other party must be lazy.

At this time, there is no such thing as eating well in the morning and eating less at night. In this era of scarce food and material scarcity, it is not an easy task to light a fire and cook.

In order to save time and firewood, breakfast in Qianshou is basically eaten fresh, and dinner is generally hot leftovers from the morning.

This can also be seen from the literals of 饔 and 飧.

"Shuowen·Xinfu": "饔, which (cooked) food is also." ’, ‘飧 is made of 馂, which is also ready-to-eat. '

Of course, this is just the head of Guizhou.

If they are high-class scholars or nobles, they do not follow the two meals a day. They eat three, four, or even more meals a day.

Qin Luoheng had the habit of eating three meals a day.

Nature is not in this category.

However, there were not many types of food during this period, and there were only two or three types of dry food that could be made.

That is, 糇 (hou), meal and embarrassment.

糇 is to expose the steamed rice to dry food.

Meal and embarrassment are to press the grain with the skin (bran) into dregs and rice noodles, and then fry them, which are equivalent to fried noodles and fried rice in later generations.

Grab a handful when eating and serve it under cold water.

These three kinds of dry food are all used to fill the stomach, but the taste is really not flattering.

Qin Luoheng naturally would not wrong himself.

He is going to make crispy rice.

As the fire in the stove continued to rise, the stewed rice in the pot gradually adhered to a layer of rice grains that had been coked into lumps in the pot, and the color became golden, and a fragrance came out of the pot.


He also hastily waved the spatula, turned the white rice grains inside to the body of the pot and compacted it. Although he had surplus food, he was not so extravagant that he wasted a few handfuls of rice just to make some rice crackers. He wanted to make all of them into rice crackers. .

As time went by, the aroma of rice in the kitchen became stronger and stronger, even coming out of the window.

While Qin Luoheng was busy turning the spatula, Bao Shu, who didn't know when she woke up, was already standing at the door of the kitchen, staring at the pot with blinking eyes, and sniffing it secretly when no one was paying attention. The aroma of the house.

Qin Luoheng looked at Bao Shu after filling out these rice crusts.

He opened his mouth and said:

"you're awake?"

"You haven't fully recovered yet. I only made you some porridge. You will eat it with the pickles on the table later. You should be able to light a fire, right? At noon, if you are hungry, you can clear the porridge by yourself. Eat the porridge once it’s hot.”

Bo Shu hurriedly saluted.

"Thank you sir."

"The little girl once worked as a cook and also learned how to make a fire."

"It's just that the young master wants to go out?"

Qin Luoheng shook his head.

"Not counting."

"Just go to school."

"The courses in the classroom are heavy and you can't spare them, so you have to take care of yourself at noon."

"In addition, if you want to leave, remember to inform me, I will take you out, don't leave without authorization, or you will be caught by the soldiers outside, and I will not save you."

Bo Shu was taken aback.

She didn't react for a moment.

Why would you be arrested if you went out by yourself?And this and that?Why are there soldiers outside?what's going on?
Bao Shu was confused.


Qin Luoheng explained:

"We are in Lishan Forbidden Garden."

"I have a ticket to enter and exit the Forbidden Garden, but you don't. If you don't want to be arrested and tortured, you can rest at home peacefully. When you feel better, I will take you away from the path."


Qin Luoheng ignored Bao Shu.

He put a few pieces of crispy rice on his body, put some dipping sauce in a wooden tube, looked at the sky, and walked quickly down the mountain.

Bo Shu was the only one left in the room.

Bao Shu stood in the kitchen, her whole body was messed up.

She was a little confused about the situation.

As far as she knew, only Daqin officials were able to enter the Forbidden Garden and have a debate ticket, but Qin Luoheng said that he still had to go to school.

Does that mean he is not an official yet?

How did you get the voucher?

Since he has an argument, why did he take the alley? He didn't need to know the alley. If he was found by the patrolling attendants while walking on the alley, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?
And Lishan is a forbidden garden.

What about his residence?
Bao Shu was stunned for a moment.

She couldn't figure it out.

Also totally confused.

She felt that there was a cloud of fog on Qin Luoheng's body, which made it difficult for people to see clearly, and even made people feel at a loss.

Obviously salty sugar water is not very hungry.

Bo Shu's cheeks flushed, and she didn't think about it any more.

She went to get a bowl, served herself a bowl of clear porridge, and when she turned to leave the kitchen, she walked back in a strange way.

Looking at the golden rice crust left in the pot, she couldn't hold back after all, stretched out her soft tool to pick up the scattered rice crust crumbs, and put it in her mouth.

Crispy and fragrant!

the other side.

Qin Luoheng rushed to the classroom early.

Then, under the leadership of a Lingshi, he went through the admission procedures.

Officially became a historian.

It's not even a moment.

Ling Shi and other Shizi who taught him have not yet arrived.

After logging in Qin Luoheng's information, the Lingshi took him to a classroom, pointed to a table in the back row, and fixed him a place.

In the classroom.

Qin Luoheng felt a sense of space-time confusion that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

He sat on the ground.

On the case in front of him are the stationery for class.

All provided by the classroom.

The most conspicuous thing is a roll of blank bamboo slips.

In the classroom, it is called the Jianzi Jian.

In the Qin Dynasty when there was no paper, bamboo slips were actually a very luxurious thing. If it was not provided by the court, most historians in the school would not be able to use it at all, and they could only practice their pens on leaves or stones.

Beside the bamboo slips is a pen.

The brush was not invented by Meng Tian.

As early as the Warring States period, brushes appeared. Meng Tian just improved the brushes, changing the rabbit hair brushes in the Warring States period into sheep hair brushes, which is more convenient for writing.

On the other side is 'ink'.

The ink at this time is different from the later generations. It is a pure natural mineral pigment, and it will not melt when dipped in water. If you want to use it, you must put it on the 'inkstone' and grind it vigorously with a grinding stone.

It's a physical job.

The last piece of stationery is a knife.

It's called 'Sharper' or 'Book Knife'.

This is when writing a typo, hang up the typo, and its importance is no less than that of a brush, so the civil officials at this time are also called "knife and pen officials".

Before the other historians arrived, Qin Luoheng picked up the research stone and began to grind it.


Other historians came one after another.

Everyone sat quietly beside their desks, waiting for Ling Shi to teach.


A clerk in his early thirties, with dark hair and a crown, and wearing a narrow-sleeved dark coat arrived.

He is the history of teaching.

Seeing Ling Shi's arrival, everyone got up quickly, and said to the teachers and students: "Master Shi has seen Ling Shi."

Ling Shi's expression was cold, he held the bamboo slip with one hand, and stroked the beard on his lips with the other, but he didn't respond.

His eyes wandered back and forth in the room, and after confirming that the number of people was correct, he turned around indifferently, picked up a pen, and wrote a word on the wooden board in front of him.

灋(fa)! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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