Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 36 The next example is not an example! ! !

Chapter 36 The next example is not an example! ! !

The Qin Dynasty took a rest every five days.

That is, officials work for five days and rest for one day.

Although Qin Luoheng and the others were only Shizi and not official Qin officials, they were naturally able to take a vacation because they had all gone home to take a rest because they were in charge of the lectures.


It's not actually the same as a vacation.

In the pre-Qin period, nobles had the habit of bathing their heads and bodies regularly.

People in this period have long hair, and the hair is not easy to take care of. If you don't wash your hair for a long time, or your hair doesn't dry after washing, it will affect the handling of government affairs. Therefore, in order to facilitate the management of officials, the courts of all parties approved Officials regularly go home to take a bath.

After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, it also specially included the "five days and one rest" into the etiquette law.

Since then.

Hugh Mu became the legal rest day for officials.

Lishan house.

Rarely did not have to get up early.

Qin Luoheng slept until noon.

After waking up, he took a brief shower and ate some leftover dry food. Then he put on a sheepskin fur, went to the study, and began to recite the law.

The Qin Dynasty respected the rule of law.

If they want to become officials, they must clarify the laws and regulations.

There is only one thing they can do with these various decrees.

Keep backing, keep backing.

Memorize it until you know it thoroughly, memorize it until you know it by heart, and even memorize the law, it will directly become a part of your life, completely integrated into your blood and bone marrow.

This is Qin official! ! !
When Qin Luoheng was reciting laws and decrees, in Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng also didn't rest, and he was at his desk day after day reviewing various memorials.

He didn't rest.

He doesn't need to rest either.

From the moment he ascended the throne as the king, he has no so-called rest time, and today the world hangs on him alone, and he dare not rest.

Don't even dare to slack off in the slightest.

Daily review of 120 stone memorials has become the norm.

Sometimes due to being too focused on reviewing the memorials, a lot of ink will be stained on the hands, and sometimes even the ink will be eaten into the mouth.

At this time.

He was reading a memorial from Nanjun.

The Yue people rebelled!

Four days ago, a small group of Yue people in Nanjun attacked and killed dozens of Qin people in Nanjun. Then the county captain of Nanjun led troops to attack and killed 25 people, but a few Yue people escaped and hid in the Lush jungle.

He has read no less than ten copies of such memorials within half a year.

Nanjun was originally the old land of Chu State. In the 24th year of Qin Wangzheng, Qin destroyed Chu, and Nanjun has since become a county of Qin State. However, since Qin State occupied Nanjun, the Yue people in the south continued to attack and kill the Qin army. The local county captain organized troops many times. encircled and suppressed, but with little effect.

The south of Nanjun is Baiyue!
Baiyue once surrendered to Chu, but after Qin destroyed Chu, Baiyue never surrendered. Instead, he repeatedly sent troops to harass the border, and even crossed the border to attack and kill Qin people many times.

Qin Wangzheng 28 years (219 BC).

He gathered the strength of the whole country and sent 50 troops to start from Yizhang and go south to crusade against Baiyue.

In the same year when troops were sent out, Dongou and Minyue were conquered.

Just when the Qin army thought they could take advantage of the victory to pursue and attack Baiyue in one go, the Qin army encountered an attack from the Ouluo army led by Yiyu Song in Xiou. The commander of the Qin army, Tu Sui, died on the spot. Since then, the Qin army retreated to Minzhong County.

Since then, the two sides have started a years-long tug-of-war with Lingnan as the boundary.

Over the past few years, the Ouluo army led by Yixu Song began to break up into pieces, and divided the army into countless small-scale raiding and killing teams. Start the raid.

within three years.

Thousands of Qin people were attacked and killed in Nanjun, Minzhong County and other places, and the county captains and county captains from all over the country also went to the shuffle many times to ask for troops to encircle and suppress. However, there are many hills and forests in the south, and every encirclement and suppression has little effect .

Baiyue has become a worry in the South!
Looking at the memorabilia in his hand, Ying Zheng was furious.


"I have tolerated you for a long time!"

"Two years ago, the Qin army beheaded Yiyu Song, the leader of the Ouluo army. They thought that the south would be peaceful from now on. Unexpectedly, after killing Yiyu Song, another Jie Jun appeared."

"This man is also well versed in military affairs."

"I have been leading the Xiou army to attack the Qin army at night."

"Forcing Daqin to "sit soldiers in useless places, and then not to retreat, and to be in fear all day long." After a few years, Daqin's sharp soldiers were exhausted, and they did not dare to disarm and ride crossbows for several years.

"This blood debt."

"Sooner or later, you will have to pay back with blood!"

Although his heart was full of anger, Ying Zheng did not lose his mind.

The last time the attack on Lingnan failed, the Qin army lost three halberds and 10,000+, the lesson of blood is still vivid, he will not be as impulsive as last time.

He is waiting.

Wait for the new road to be completed.

Waiting for Lingqu to be completed.

When the new road leading to Lingnan is completed, when the Lingqu canal is completed, and the supply of food and grass for the Qin army is guaranteed, then the Qin army will come from three directions, and he will put an end to the blood debt that lasted five or six years.

When the emperor got angry, he laid down millions of corpses! ! !

He only drew a circle on this memorial to indicate that he had read it, and then threw it aside.

He opened the next memorial.

Subconsciously ink.

Immediately, seeing that the ink in the inkstone was exhausted, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with impatience, and he immediately shouted to the outside of the hall, "Zhao Gao, come in and grind it for me."

next interest.

A tall, handsome man entered the hall.

He leaned down and said respectfully:
"The minister is here."

"I will give your Majesty the inkstone."


Zhao Gao went to the case step by step, took the inkstone aside, cleaned up the remaining inkstone dregs in the inkstone, then knelt down on the ground, and began to grind the ink carefully.

His movements were very slight.

There was no abnormal sound during the whole process.

Ying Zheng was used to this for a long time, so he didn't take a second look at it, and continued to read the memorial at his desk.


Zhao Gao finished studying ink.

He put the inkstone filled with ink back on the big case.

He bowed and bowed respectfully, and retreated respectfully.

It's just different from the past, Zhao Gao retreated much slower this time, and even peeked at the inkstone with his downcast eyes.

Seems to be expecting something.

Ying Zheng tapped ink as usual, and then realized something was wrong.

He frowned.

He looked at the inkstone suspiciously.

Since taking office, he has reviewed a large number of memorials every day, so he is very sensitive to the viscosity of the ink, but the ink in front of him is different from the ink in the past.

Clear ink without stagnation.

The ink also has a faint rosin.

This ink is wrong!

"Zhao Gao, stop!" Ying Zheng raised his head and asked coldly, "What's the matter with this ink?"

Zhao Gao hurriedly bowed his head and said:
"Go back to Your Majesty."

"This ink is called Pine Smoke Ink."

"It was presented by Xianyang Worker Cao Yan Le."

"It is said that it was developed by an engineer unintentionally."

"The craftsman saw that the ink produced by the pine smoke ink was eye-catching, firm and shiny, dark and moist, and the brush was not rough, so he dedicated it to Gongcao, hoping to get a reward from the government."

"I saw that the quality of the ink was really good, so I boldly changed the ink."

"Please punish me, Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng snorted coldly, but still picked up a pen and wrote a few words on the bamboo slips. Seeing that the handwriting on the bamboo slips was indeed dark and smooth, and full of color, he nodded in satisfaction.

"It's not an example!"

"I want this calligraphy."

"You go and inform the engineer, and ask him to tell the engineer that his ink-making craftsmanship has been accepted by the imperial court. As for the reward, it will be added to the reward stipulated in the original Qin law."

Zhao Gao was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed and said:
"The minister obeys the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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