Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 363 Mind tricks frequently appear!

Chapter 363 Mental tricks frequently appear! (seeking subscription)

Two days later.

Jiexiu County Government.

The county magistrate Tuzhi called the others together.

The county magistrate, county magistrate, county assistant, and county lieutenant all attended the table. Their expressions were a little solemn. Obviously, they had heard about what Qin Luoheng and others had done.

Tuzhi said:
"You should have heard of it."

"There have been some uninvited guests in our county these days."

"They have been deliberately visiting various township pavilions these days and have collected a large number of land sales contracts in the county. What do you think of this?"


The others looked serious.

Ma Ping, the county captain, snorted coldly: "I told you many times a while ago that His Majesty is launching a large patrol nearby, and the movements should be restrained. What happened? Who listened to you? If you restrain your hands and feet a little, as for Was discovered?"

"I don't care about that."

"Fix the problems you provoke yourself!"

"Furthermore, you arranged for those rich people to become lords, and they have nothing to do with me. You don't want to involve me in it. It's the best of humanity for me to turn a blind eye to what you have done in the past."

"I won't get involved in this matter!"


Ma Ping got up and left directly.

The remaining few people looked at each other in blank dismay.

When Ma Ping walked away, the county magistrate Qi (qi) scolded angrily: "This bird really turns its face and doesn't recognize anyone. It used to collect things without blinking its eyes. Now that something is going to happen, it immediately refuses to admit it. "

"The mother and maid!"

The county assistant at the side also said: "The county lieutenant and us have never been in the same way. He is from Qin, and we are outsiders in their eyes. Even if they really angered him in the end, he relies on the relationship of the old Qin people. Might be able to get away."

"He doesn't care."

Listening to a few people talking about each other, the county magistrate suddenly frowned and said: "It's all at this juncture, so don't tear each other down. If Ma Ping doesn't meddle, don't meddle. What he gets every year is what we give him." Yes, nothing."

"And Ma Ping can fool the past, but we can't."

"Let's talk about business first!"

However, Tuzhi didn't say much on Ma Ping. He knew very well that Qin Luoheng and his party were coming aggressively, and if they were not careful, they might be dragged into the water.

The county magistrate Qi condensed and said:
"This group of people is a bit strange."

"I specifically inquired some time ago that the first emperor only sent people to inspect the counties where the guard camp was scheduled. Why did they suddenly come to our territory this time? The first emperor has always been on a hunting tour and rarely crossed the designated counties. Otherwise, we wouldn't be so confident."

The others looked at each other and shook their heads.

They just don't know.


The county magistrate Qi looked at the county magistrate and asked: "Magistrate Tu, can you find out who are the people in our county? Are they from the army accompanying the first emperor?"

Tuji looked serious.

Nodding and saying:
"I've already sent someone to check, but it should be more or less the same. They are from the first emperor's accompanying army. No matter what their official positions are, once they reveal the situation in our county, I'm afraid we will all be doomed."

Others have dark faces.

The county magistrate Qi said: "However, I have inquired privately. They seem to be young and not familiar with the situation. They seem to only investigate the sale of land and the 'rich people who buy and sell by force' in the investigation circle. ''Sealing the Lord' doesn't go too deep."

"There may be another turning point in this matter."

Tuzhi's eyes lit up, and he asked, "How do you say that?"

Qi looked around and said vigilantly: "After the fall of the Zhao Kingdom, we were able to take over. After several years of hard work, we have already squeezed out the disobedient people. The 'powerful' who are rampant in Jiexiu are actually all It's our 'family'."

"If we are really under strict investigation, we may not be able to escape."

The eyes of the others were slightly closed, and there was no objection to this.

Qi continued: "However, you can't look at things this way. Daqin talks about evidence. These tycoons are indeed our people, and we do have a deep relationship with them, but what about the evidence? They only came to Jiexiu for a few days. Could it be possible to find them?" Evidence of our connection?"

Qi's eyes were full of disdain.

He said coldly: "These tyrants are our own people. In the past, we did use the hands of these people to amass wealth and plunder the people's admiration, but there has never been a time when we have directly exposed it openly."

"He can't find evidence!"

"The only evidence he can find is the land deeds that were bought and sold by force, but this was done by local tyrants. What does it have to do with us? You have heard of land annexation before? Anyway, I haven't heard of it. .”


Everyone's eyes lit up.

Tuji smiled and said:

"The magistrate is still considerate."

"I have been busy dealing with county government affairs, and I know very little about the annexation of land in the township pavilions, and no officials have reported it to me. I really don't know."

"And it did."

"It is common for local tyrants to merge, but they are all done behind the scenes, without the participation of officials, and when we planned to buy and sell land, we kept our minds on it. We only kept the relevant account books, but we didn't bring the land deed to our home. We have every reason to clean up."

The others laughed.

The originally gloomy look suddenly became energetic.

They all echoed: "As long as he can't get conclusive evidence of our connection with the powerful, even if he really reports to the court, he will at most sentence us to negligence. Year rank, we still don't pay attention to this loss."

The corner of Xian Chengqi's mouth was slightly raised, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"This statement is wrong again."

"It's not that we were negligent, it was the local pavilion chiefs and village chiefs who were negligent. Even if the imperial court really wanted to blame it, it could only be blamed on the village miser. How innocent we are, I don't care if we were punished for a year or so. Yes, I still prefer to be reprimanded."


"The first emperor excluded the officials who supervised the localities. The official positions are generally not high. They have no ability to interfere with the real power of the locality. Is it only our county that has merged the land in Taiyuan County? The county guard, the county magistrate, and the supervisor. Or less involved."

"Even if they want to report me, but the sheriff and the censor are our people, why should they let me wait for the law? As long as we insist that we don't know, even if we report it to the court, we can find an excuse .”

"In the territory of Taiyuan County, the Qin people just can't do anything to us."


"Let's not let our guard down either."

"After all, these people are close to the first emperor, and they did find something. As long as they don't find conclusive evidence, we only need to give up some 'money people' and 'lords', and we can safely stay out of the matter. In my opinion, This little effort is worth it, these feudal lords have relied on us to bully and oppress the local area for a long time, and it is time to learn a lesson."

"As long as we are still in position, it doesn't matter if we change a batch of 'lords'."

"I have a worry now."

The county magistrate Qi was not too complacent.

It is about his own wealth and life, so he is also extra cautious at the moment.

"Oh? What else is there to worry about?" Tuzhi frowned and asked curiously.

Qi Dao: "According to the information we have inquired, these people have collected a lot of land deeds, which is enough to convict those 'rich people' and 'lords' who buy and sell by force. What I am worried about now is what will happen to them? Dispose of these contracts."

Tuji looked weird.

Smiled and said:
"You are overthinking."

"Land sales are already illegal, so these land deeds will naturally be voided, and isn't Meng Changjun's reputation of "burning bonds and righteousness" has always been circulated in the world? They have accepted so many contracts out of emotion and reason, and also for their own fame and fortune. They will all choose to burn it."

"One way is to set the sight and listen squarely, so as to show the law of Qin."

"Secondly, to gain some reputation for myself."

"The third time is to show some kindness to the head of Guizhou, and after the good things are done, go back and return to the first emperor."

"Such a good story, how could they not be tempted?"

Tuji was not worried at all.

However, seeing that the county magistrate was still worried, he also said, "If they don't come, we can take the initiative to mention it when the time comes. They, the children of the Qin people, came to the place for the sake of gaining a layer of fame and wealth, and we took the initiative to send it up. How can they not accept it?"


The county magistrate Qi nodded, but didn't think too much about it.

They don't care about the so-called deeds at all. Those things, as long as they are still in their positions, they will come back sooner or later, and they have account books in their hands. I got it back.

As for the deed.

Just write another copy!
How difficult is this?

The county magistrate Qi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Besides this matter, we have specially recruited men from various families to serve in corvee this time for the convenience of buying and selling land. I'm afraid they have noticed that there are farming cattle and so on. One loose."

Tuzhi said:
"I know that."

"I'll arrange it tomorrow."

"Distribute some of the farm cattle to these untouchables, those men. I will also write a letter and ask the county to release them."

The county magistrate Qi said:
"You don't have to rush to put all the men back."

"Some time ago, the road was blocked by heavy snow, and many sections of the road were damaged. It is true that we need to conquer the corvee. If we rush to release all of them, we may lose people's tongues. We will return some parts, so that we can give a reasonable explanation. "

Tuzhi said, "Just do as you say."

He looked at the others and asked: "You have heard what I said just now, and you have sold the 'money people' and 'lords' behind your back. I warn you in advance, don't think about kinship, what should you do?" Sell ​​it as soon as it is sold, if it is implicated in me, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

Tuji gave several warnings.

The others nodded quickly and said with a smile: "Don't worry about the county magistrate, we can still distinguish these things. It's enough for the relatives to take care of them in the past. It's a critical moment. Who will protect them?"


"What is our identity? As long as we don't have any accidents, even if all these relatives don't recognize us now, in a few days, a beehive of relatives will recognize us."


This remark also caused everyone to laugh.

The laughter fell.

Tuzhi suddenly said: "After the meeting is over, remember to remind them and let them know what to say and what not to say. If these people from Xianyang didn't find anything, we might still be able to save their lives. , if you dare to speak nonsense."

A sharp coldness flashed in Tuzhi's eyes.

The others were stunned, and said coldly: "Don't worry, the county magistrate, I will inform them later, and let those 'lords' keep their mouths shut. If they dare to involve us, I will not let it go." them!"


Tuji nodded in satisfaction.

There was nothing to say for a while, and the officials in Jiexiu also dispersed one after another.

When the Jiexiu officials were doing good, Qin Luoheng and others were still secretly investigating.

At dusk, a group of people dragged their tired bodies back to the mansion shop. Gu was diligently sorting out and summarizing the received contracts. Looking at Gu's pen and ink, Qin Luoheng's face was undoubtedly very ugly, Zhang Xi and the others did the same. Look serious.

Hua Yao said indignantly: "The boundary of Jiexiu is rotten from the bottom of it. It is cronyism. In the fish and meat township, bullying dominates the market. Buying and selling by force is a common practice. Lord, they all have an unclear relationship with the government."

"It really makes no sense!"

Qin Luoheng was also very angry, but he knew very well that anger could not solve the problem. He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and asked, "I told you this morning, don't waste time collecting deeds, go to Check the local 'money people' and 'lords', how is the investigation going?"

Gu then said:

"I made a count. At present, we have found 42 'money people' and 'owners', but these should not be all. I went to the field to observe today. Some people did not dare to tell the truth. Still full of concerns."

"However, these tyrants should have no clear relationship with the government."

Qin Luoheng said:

"The hatred between Qin and Zhao can't be resolved in a short time. They don't want to say it, so we can't force it. We don't care about whether the powerful has anything to do with the government. We're just relying on evidence now."

"Don't speculate without evidence."

Zhang Xi frowned.

"Why is this?"

"The annexation of Jiexiu's land is so bad that it must have something to do with the local officials. Since we already know the evil, why should we ignore it?"

Qin Luoheng glanced at Zhang Xi indifferently, and said coldly: "We can indeed take these deeds to Xingshi to inquire about crimes, but don't forget that our official positions are not higher than them, or even lower than them."


"Daqin judges cases based on evidence."

“You can’t just jump to conclusions without evidence.”

"We don't have evidence of collusion between Haoqiang and officials. Even if Haoqiang recruits officials later, it will be a follow-up matter. We only need to focus on the current affairs. Officials break the law, and the court needs to come forward to judge it!"

Qin Luoheng withdrew his gaze, and continued: "Our investigation is almost done, and we will go to the county government office tomorrow to ask for an explanation. The farming season has passed for a long time, and the matter of farming cattle and males needs to be resolved urgently."

"You will give me the list of 'money people' and 'lords' that Jiexiu investigated later, I will use it tomorrow."


He went straight back to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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