Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 373 Tonight Confucius House is removed! ! !

Chapter 373 The Confucian Mansion Is Dismissed Tonight! ! ! (six thousand words)
One mile outside the old Confucius wall, there is a very dilapidated small courtyard. At this time, most of the Confucian scholars such as Kong Yu and Zixiang are inside, but their faces are extremely ugly now, and their eyes are looking out of the door from time to time. , looking extremely nervous.


There were hurried footsteps outside, and upon hearing the sound from outside, the original whispers in the house disappeared immediately. Everyone tensed up and looked outside the door in panic. After seeing who was coming, everyone breathed a sigh of relief .

Kong Yu said: "Uncle Sun Tong, you are finally back, did something happen to Kong Li?"

Shu Suntong didn't care about etiquette at this time.

Out of breath airway:
"Brother Zixiang is right, something happened in Kongli."

"Qin Luoheng has surrounded Kongli with hundreds of soldiers, and I'm afraid they have broken into the house at this time."


The faces of the Confucian scholars in the room suddenly changed.

uneasy said:
"what on earth is it?"

"Why did Qin Ting suddenly think of attacking us?"

"Could it be that the private school was exposed?"

"It's over, we're done!"

"It must be that the matter of private education has been exposed. I said before that you can't do this, but you insist on it. Now our Confucianism is completely hated by the Qin court. From now on, we can only hide around like dogs in a mourning family, in fear all day long!"

"Our Confucianism is over!!!"

"It's impossible for no one to know about what Qin Ting did to us. Why didn't we know about it before?"


"There is a problem with the nobles of the Six Nations."

"Why didn't they tell us in advance?"

"I knew these nobles from the Six Nations were unreliable, they clearly wanted us to die!"

"This time, if brother Zixiang hadn't discovered something strange in advance and told us to leave urgently, otherwise we might all be the souls of Qin Zu's subordinates now."

"Just what are we doing now?"


All the Confucian scholars in the room were chattering, but their expressions became more and more panicked and uneasy. Many people even trembled nervously, and their faces turned pale with fright.

They were really intimidated!

Zixiang's expression was also ugly.

His eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes were full of anger and fear.


It's really only close.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, noticed the abnormality in time, and responded hastily, otherwise they might all be folded in the hole.

Kong Yu's face was also ugly.

He looked at Zixiang and asked, "Zixiang, you were the one who realized this time, what exactly do you think happened?"

Zixiang glanced coldly at everyone in the room, and said in a deep voice: "I'm not sure yet, last time I escaped from Confucianism, although I violated the law, but at that time the matter of the nobles of the six countries was more important, the court wanted to avoid Pushing us to the nobles of the six countries, so we will only choose to turn a blind eye and close one eye, now."

"I'm afraid something really happened."

"Judging from the decisiveness of the court this time, it should be that the private school has been exposed."


The faces of the Confucian scholars around changed drastically.

They are naturally aware of private schools. The Qin court strictly prohibited the opening of private schools in localities, and the Confucianists even set up private schools in various parts of Shandong in spite of the law. Once this matter is exposed, they may have no future.

Zixiang took a deep breath.

"I just thought about it."

"It is indeed possible that the private school has been exposed."

"It was farming ahead, and all private schools were closed, so nothing happened, but after the farming was over, it was time for private schools to teach, and the first emperor has been sending officials to inspect the place for the past few months, and the private schools may have happened at this time was discovered."

"We were negligent!"

"Once the matter of the private school is discovered in one place, it is easy to implicate the private school in other places by following the vines. I am afraid that the court has already found out the reason for such a big move this time. This time it is here to bring us to justice. of."

There was dead silence.

All Confucian scholars are ashamed.

Kong Yu said anxiously: "Then what should I do?"

Zixiang shook his head.

Reluctantly said:
"My Confucianism has declined, and I have suffered such a catastrophe. I am really powerless."

"It's a blessing to be able to save my life this time, but I'm afraid the old ancestors will not be able to save it."

Kong Yu's face changed slightly.

Hastily said:
"Brother Xiang, do you think Qin Luoheng will destroy the house?"

Zixiang nodded.

"Nine times out of ten."

"This time he led his troops here to arrest us, but we have all escaped this time, so how could he not be angry?"

"At that time, I am afraid that I will vent my anger on the old walls of the ancestors. It is a pity that the old walls of the ancestors have survived hundreds of years of wars and chaos, but today they will be burned to the ground. We are really ashamed of the ancestors of Confucianism. .”


Zixiang couldn't help laughing at himself:

"Fortunately, when we returned from fleeing, we collected books early as a precaution. As long as Qin Luoheng didn't destroy them too badly, those books should be fine. With books, our Confucianism can last forever. This is also considered Inherited the ambition of the ancestors."

It turned out that after the last escape, although Zixiang thought that the Qin court would not do anything to them, he still didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he asked the Confucian disciples to organize the books, chiseled a stone strip in the old wall, and put these All the bamboo slips are hidden in it.


Kong Yu felt lonely and remorseful.

sighed softly:
"There are hundreds of schools and schools in the world, why is my Confucianism so ill-fated?"

"However, since the ancestor Confucius, there have been nine generations of Confucianism. Which generation has worshiped the monarch? The nobles who live in the monarchy would rather not cherish it, so that they fall into the cold and neglected, and even lead to the danger of extinction for the school?"

"This is my retribution!"

The other Confucian scholars also looked sad.

They were doing well in Xianyang. Although they couldn't be in politics, they lived a very rich life. It was only because their ambitions were difficult to achieve, so they wanted to find another way. But if they knew that they ended up like this today, they would be willing to continue to be a bachelor in Daqin .

At least there is no fatal disaster!
Just when Kong Yu was sighing, Zixiang suddenly became alert, he faintly noticed something, and said: "Just now I thought about it carefully, maybe my Confucianism is indeed destined to have such a disaster, but this time there is a faint sense of danger. Something is wrong, this matter should be far more than that simple."

Kong Yu was a little confused.


"What do you mean by Brother Xiang?"

"Qin Luoheng obviously came here for us, does he have other plans?"

"Brother, have you been in contact with the nobles of the six countries recently?"

"Recently? I only met Wei Gongzi Chen Yu a few times, and I have nothing to do with others. Brother Xiang asked what is going on?" Kong Yu's eyes became more confused.

Zixiang said:
"There are many things involved in private schooling."

"In addition to our Confucianism being involved, the nobles of the six countries are also involved."

"Our Confucianism is indeed closed to news, but in other words, the nobles of the six countries are our eyes and ears. In the past, when there was a slight disturbance in various places, the nobles of the six countries would choose to use the news in order to win us over and let us return. Let me know, but this time, are there any nobles from the six countries to report?"

"At present, Shi Huang's hunting team is far away in Ji County."

"Qin Luoheng also set off from Ji County."

"Did the nobles of the six countries really not know about the hundreds of miles of trek?"

"If they really didn't know, why did they appear near Kongli from time to time last night and this morning? Don't you feel a little strange about this?"

Kong Yu's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Xiang thinks that the nobles of the six countries know about this, but deliberately concealed it?"

Zixiang nodded slightly.

He opened his mouth and said:

"That's how it should be."

"The nobles of the six countries are on the same rope with us. They spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources on Confucianism before. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to abandon us directly, but this time they abandoned us so decisively. I'm afraid The aristocrats of the six countries have communicated in secret, and with the way the aristocrats of the six countries have always acted, An Zhi is not using my Confucianism as bait to catch a big fish?"

"Big fish? What big fish?" Kong Yu was puzzled.

Zixiang shook his head.

He just had this guess, but he actually didn't know who it was He Dayu.

He knows so little information!
Zixiang hesitated for a moment, then said slowly: "Now that we have all escaped, elder brother can send someone to ask Wei Gongzi Chen Yu, he should know about this matter."

Kong Yu hesitated for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, it's just that the nobles of the six countries have already concealed it from us once, and this time they go to ask, will they really tell us the truth?"

Zixiang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "If they didn't intend to plot against us, they should have told the truth, and my Confucianism doesn't pose too much threat to the nobles of the six countries, so they won't be able to kill them all."


Zixiang looked at the other Confucian scholars in the room and asked, "Do you still remember those nobles from the six countries who appeared in Kongli these days?"

There was a moment of silence all around, and finally a Confucian scholar answered.

The person said in a concentrated voice: "In addition to Wei Gongzi Chen Yu, and his friend Zhang Er, I also seem to have seen Korean Gongzi Zhang Liang, and Chu Gongzi Xiang Liang, and other nobles, but I don't think so. No."

Zixiang looked slightly different.

He whispered: "There are so many people working for the restoration, I'm afraid they really have a plan, but my Confucianism has been calculated, I don't know if it's good or bad, if they can't hold back the tiger and wolf Qin Zheng, they may bear the brunt of it." It’s my Confucianism, but what are they planning? So much so that they would rather abandon my Confucianism?”

Zixiang didn't understand for a moment.

I can't figure it out either!
Kong Yu said: "Maybe it's just that the nobles of the six countries don't want to waste resources on my Confucianism anymore?"

Zixiang shook his head and said:

"If the nobles of the six countries want to succeed, they cannot do without our Confucianism."

"Brother, I have said before that if the nobles of the six countries want to restore, they must advocate the restoration of the old system of princes, kingship, and benevolent government. Confucianism has the deepest understanding of it, and the nobles of the six countries have helped Confucianism, in fact they are helping each other, and the nobles of the six countries have helped each other for many years, so there is no reason to suddenly abandon it."


"Now that something happened to my Confucian school, the nobles of the six countries should have taken action to help us tide over the difficulties, and in this way, Confucianism and the nobles of the six countries will go closer, and even directly form an alliance with them."

"As for the first emperor's abandonment of Confucianism, it was already doomed. After all, the Great Qin practiced the legal system. If Legalism dominates the court, our Confucianism is doomed to fail. The nobles of the six countries also see this clearly."

"They don't make trouble."

"And joining forces with our Confucianism is the cornerstone for the nobles of the six countries to oppose domination and stand on their own in the world."

"If my Confucianism dies, the nobles of the six countries will inherit the hegemony of the Qin government alone. Is this what the nobles of the six countries want to see?"

Kong Yu was puzzled and said:
"Then why this time?"

"The nobles of the Six Nations have no reason to betray us, but they did not hesitate to betray us this time. That means there must be other reasons, but what other reasons are there? It can't be to target Qin Luoheng, right? Isn't that even more absurd? Don't you?"

Hearing his elder brother's complaints, Zixiang's eyes lit up.

He has figured it out.

The nobles of the Six Nations were targeting Qin Luoheng.

And only Qin Luoheng.

Apart from this reason, he couldn't think of any other reason, and there was one and only one reason for this reason, which was that the nobles of the six countries had already known Qin Luoheng's true identity.

Only this reason can explain why the nobles of the six countries are willing to sell Confucianism as the price.

Because Qin Luoheng is the tenth son of Great Qin.

Judging from the current situation, Qin Luoheng is already the best candidate for the Great Qin Crown Prince.

Compared with the other sons, Qin Luoheng did more harm to the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, and was more detrimental to the restoration of the Six Kingdoms. Confucianism has begun to take shape in the local area. It is difficult for the Qin court to clean it up completely. In the eyes of the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, Just paying the price of Confucianism can completely kill the continuation of Qin Ting, which is undoubtedly very worthwhile.

What's more.

Confucianism has always been dominated by Confucianism.

They have always been close to the nobles of the six countries, and have not really attached themselves completely. Instead, they have been using the power of the nobles of the six countries to expand the influence of Confucianism itself. This obviously makes the nobles of the six countries a little dissatisfied. In order to survive, Confucian scholars from all over the world may have to devote themselves to the nobles of the six countries.

This policy can be described as killing many birds with one stone!
It is completely beneficial and harmless to the nobles of the six countries!

In the end, they could just turn the matter over with the excuse of ignorance, while the other Confucian scholars could only pretend to be ignorant even if they were aware of it in order to survive, and completely became the vassals of the nobles of the six countries.

At this moment.

Zixiang has thought everything through.

Their Confucianism became the bait for the nobles of the six countries to lure Qin Luoheng into ambush.

Zixiang walked towards the door and looked at the old Confucius palace in the distance, his expression was extremely ugly.

Once upon a time, their Confucianism suffered from this kind of anger?

The key is that they can't have an attack yet, they can only pretend to be ignorant.

Think of these.

Zixiang's face turned even paler.

After a long time, he finally couldn't help cursing angrily: "Nobles of the Six Nations, you are bullying too much!"

Seeing this, Kong Yu asked suspiciously: "Brother Xiang, have you figured out why?"

Zixiang looked at Kong Yu, hesitated for a moment, finally didn't say anything, shook his head numbly and said: "Brother is paranoid, we don't know anything about the outside situation, what can I guess? But brother don't I have too much hope for Chen Yu, he probably won't tell us the truth."


Kong Yu frowned.

He naturally noticed Zixiang's strangeness.

Seeing that Zixiang's face was so ugly, he still didn't ask in the end.


The room fell into a deathly silence.

the other side.

After the soldiers broke in, it was soon found that the room was empty.

Yang Wu went back and reported: "Reporting to the Qin Minister's Order, the disciples of Confucianism heard the news at some point, and now they have all fled. The cave is empty and deserted. The officials have sent people to search everywhere."

Qin Luoheng frowned slightly.

He faintly sensed something was wrong.

The bright lights in the old palace of Confucius indicate that there were people inside before, but there is no one inside now. It is clear that Kong Yu and others got the news in advance and escaped halfway.

After he got the order, he didn't tell the soldiers the purpose of this trip, only when he was near Kongli, did he tell the purpose of this time, how did Kong Yu and others know their purpose?
Qin Luoheng said: "Is there anything suspicious in the Confucian mansion?"

Yang Wudao: "I didn't see it. The officials felt that something was wrong. The Confucian clan and the Confucian disciples numbered more than a thousand. If no one informed them, it would be impossible for them all to evacuate so quickly."

"The officials believe that someone leaked the news halfway."

Qin Luoheng's expression was slightly condensed. He knew very well that the soldiers he led could not be leaked, and the only ones who could and had the opportunity to leak it were the hunting officials, so the involvement in this matter would be more serious.

He said:

"This matter will not be pursued for the time being."

"Now you immediately notify the local government, set up checkpoints everywhere, and strictly search for Confucius and Confucian disciples. They should not have gone far."

Yang Wu hurriedly said: "No."

Qin Luoheng rode his horse and looked at the empty courtyard in front of him, and said coldly: "Confucians of the Confucian family, you still choose to stand on the opposite side of the Great Qin after all, and you still choose to be the enemy of the Qin government after all, since you are determined to create chaos The world, then don't blame me, Qin Luoheng, for being immoral."

"Come here, first open the stone wall of the Confucian mansion and destroy its courtyard."

"The Confucian Mansion will be removed tonight!!!"

in a moment.

The flames were everywhere, and under the guidance of the engineers, hundreds of soldiers began to excavate all the walls in the Confucian Mansion. In less than two hours, all the walls outside the Confucian Mansion had collapsed, leaving only dust and ashes on the ground.

The soldiers who searched the mansion first had already sorted out all the things collected in the mansion.

There are only hundreds of volumes of books on trees in agriculture, industry and medicine, but not a single volume of poetry and books.

Gu told Qin Luoheng about this.


Qin Luoheng's face became more serious.

He looked at it for a while, and said with a sneer: "It seems that Confucianism has also learned to be suspicious of soldiers and deceitful. The great hypocrites and deceitful thieves!"


"I would like to see what kind of tricks Confucianism still has to deceive after the collapse of the Confucian Mansion."

For a while, the flames once again flourished.

Gu hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Shang Shuling, the officials think that it is not enough to destroy the Confucian mansion. Your Majesty's intention is to let us capture the disciples of Confucianism and Confucianism, so as to deter the lawless people in the world. Although we are traveling all day and night, but at this moment Since no one is seen, this operation is likely to fail."

Qin Luoheng nodded.


"How can I not know?"

"I didn't even tell you the purpose of our trip before we arrived in Kongli. How could the people in Confucius know about it?"

"The Confucian family is a big family here, and there are many students who attend classes here, but they all fled at this time. Maybe the people of the Kong family have already partially evacuated after Kong Yu and others escaped last time, but After half a year, some members of the Kong family should have returned, but what about the current situation? There is no one in the mansion."

"Not even the books were left out."

"This is actually enough to show that the Confucian Mansion has known about this for a long time, and made preparations to escape in advance."

"How can we succeed if we do mental arithmetic without intention?"

"Shang Shuling thinks that someone tipped off the Confucian people? But apart from Shang Shuling, no one knew the purpose of this trip before, so it can only be..." Gu's eyes were full of horror.

Qin Luoheng said coldly: "Whether it's someone tipping the news, or the people in the Confucian Mansion are quick to detect something strange, the time they actually escaped will not be too long, and hundreds of people, even if they hide in the mountains, are still alive." A large number, they can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime."

"Immediately write a notice and post it in the county to inform the public of the crimes of Confucianism, and at the same time warn the local people that anyone who knows the knowledge and does not report it, or deliberately covers up the thieves will be guilty of crimes!"

"No." Gu quickly accepted the order.

However, Qin Luoheng didn't think that his order would work.

The influence of Confucianism on Kongli is too great. Even if the people are afraid of Qin Law, I am afraid that they will not confess the people of Confucianism in the end. I am afraid that his arrest during this trip will really fail.

Looking at the burning flames in front of him, Qin Luoheng's expression became extremely cold.

When he actually came here, he was still a little hesitant. Regarding Confucianism, he actually still had a little thought in his heart. After all, later generations were greatly influenced by Confucianism, and he actually didn't want to see Confucianism die because of it.

But at the moment.

His thoughts dissipated.

Because the tentacles of Confucianism are too long.

It has even affected the court.

The current Confucianism is not even a prominent school, but it already has such a terrifying influence, and the ambition of Confucianism is too great, so big that it makes Qin Luoheng a little uneasy.

After a few more hours, it was already daylight.

The Confucian Mansion, which originally occupied a vast area, has been reduced to ashes.

Qin Luoheng stood outside the Confucian mansion all night, witnessing the disappearance of the Confucian mansion with his own eyes.

After the Confucian Mansion was completely reduced to ashes, Yang Wuning said: "Shang Shuling, the walls of the Confucian Mansion have all been pulled down, but no other books have been found."

Qin Luoheng didn't reply.

Said to himself:
"As far as I know, the Confucian family has gone through many twists and turns since the death of Confucius, but the Confucian family has always been rooted here and has never moved. There have been nine generations of Confucianism, and most Confucian scholars will come to mourn Every time Confucius came, he would give some books to Confucianism, and after hundreds of years, the scriptures would have been filled to the brim.”

"How could Confucius memorize such a huge booklet?"

Gu frowned and said, "That's right, but where will Confucius hide these thousands of scrolls? Don't you even worry about the theft of these scrolls?"

Yang Wu looked at the two, cupped his hands and said, "I have a thought, although the Confucian Mansion is big, it is not easy to collect books, and it is easy to be discovered. I asked the magistrate of Lu County last night, and the magistrate said Dao, the tomb of Confucius is actually as big as a hill."

"Baijiang Yang means that the book is hidden in the tomb?" Gu's expression moved slightly.

Yang Wudao: "The officials do have this idea."

"It is said that the Mausoleum of Confucius covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu. It is under the former residence of Confucius. There are stone chambers above and below the ground, which have never attracted attention."

(End of this chapter)

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