Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 398 The way to govern people, don't be in a hurry!

After finishing all the procedures, it was almost noon.

All the officials were sitting in Zhangtai Palace, waiting for the upcoming banquet.

Qin Luoheng returned to the bedroom where he lived last night, and changed the crown and clothes on his body into regular clothes. When he took off the heavy outfit, he immediately collapsed on the bed. He was wearing the nine chapters clothes at first. He was still very excited and excited about the Seventh Crown, but as the process progressed, he gradually felt some difficulty.

This outfit is too heavy!
As a result, he was struggling more and more behind, and he couldn't even lift his head up.

At this time.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He is now in his prime, in the prime of his life, and it still feels strenuous to wear this suit, but Shi Huang wears heavier clothes, but he always performs with ease, without showing the slightest discomfort, this skill is really amazing.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight.

It was never just a saying.

But the fact!

After a short rest, an eunuch came to deliver the order.

The first emperor summoned him in Xianyang Palace.

Qin Luoheng didn't dare to neglect, put on his clothes, and hurried towards Xianyang Palace.

Go outside Xianyang Palace.

Qin Luoheng took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and then entered the hall.

Once in the hall.

Qin Luoheng said loudly:

"My son, Ying Sinian, sees my father."

Ying Zheng sat on it, looked at Qin Luoheng calmly, and said calmly, "Do you feel tired?"

Qin Luoheng showed hesitation, and finally chose to tell the truth.

"Go back to the emperor."

"It's really a lot of work to complete the etiquette."

Ying Zheng forehead said:
"Daqin has a lot of etiquette regulations like this."

"At the beginning of the founding of the country, I actually intended to reduce it, and actually abolished some sacrifices, but in the end, it was quietly restored, and some etiquette was even strengthened. It wastes people's money, and I hate these processes, but the ceremony seems unimportant, but it is actually very important."

"The grander it is, the more awesome it is!"

"For three generations, etiquette has become more and more popular in the hearts of the people. Afterwards, the world knows the etiquette, and the world observes the etiquette."

"The major events of the country are only the sacrifice and the Rong."

"The way to govern people, don't rush to ritual; there are five classics on ritual, don't focus on sacrifice."

"Courtesy is irresistible!


Qin Luoheng was thoughtful.

He roughly understood what the first emperor meant.


The ancients are different from the later generations. They really had faith, but it was not in the form of Western religion. The ancients were in awe of heaven, ghosts and ancestors, so the "Japanese Book" is so popular in the world, and the emperor is so expensive. The lord of the world wants to govern the people better, so he can only choose to follow the trend and make himself a 'god', a god who is revered by the people.

Only in this way, the people will worship devoutly and express enough awe, and then expect to be favored by the 'Emperor'.

This is also why there is thunder and rain, all of which are due to the king's grace.

Later generations always commented on Qin Shihuang's extravagance and desire.

However, Qin Shihuang's so-called extravagance, extreme desire, and waste of money and money are hardly opposed by the ministers and the heads of Guizhou in the contemporary era, because in this era, these things are taken for granted.


These measures that Shi Huang did were not to satisfy personal desires, but to make himself awe-inspiring in people's minds. For this reason, Shi Huang first established the uniqueness of imperial power through a series of special titles, and then stipulated "water virtue" Such actions link the imperial power with the divine power, and further deify the imperial power among the people.

Then salvaging Jiuding was to gain greater legitimacy for his regime.

Every time the first emperor visited a place, he would leave engraved stones in various places. This was not for the compliment of the ministers. Those engraved stones were his performance report to the heavens, which reflected the Xianyang court's road confidence, theoretical self-confidence and Self-confident in the system, he expressed the legitimacy of the court by directly appealing to God, and then consolidated the authority of Daqin in the world, so that Daqin was more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The so-called extravagance and extravagance are actually for the better governance of the world.

This is the characteristic endowed by the era in which Daqin lived.

Ying Zheng didn't say much.

Some things, if you can understand it, you will understand it naturally. If you don’t understand it, no matter how much you say, it’s still useless.

a long time.

Qin Luoheng said: Qin Luoheng cupped his hands and said:
"Thank you, father and emperor, for teaching me, my son understands."

Ying Zheng slightly forehead.

Did not continue to say more on this.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Now that you have recovered your status, you should move to the palace."

Qin Luoheng said:

"My son understands."

"When the banquet is over, I will inform the family members that I should move to the palace in the next few days, but I have an unfeeling request, and I hope the emperor will allow it."

"Speak." Ying Zheng said.

Qin Luoheng knelt down on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "I have a son and a daughter right now, and they are in the stage of nurturing. The children are ignorant, and this is the time when they are most in love with their parents. I want my wife and children to continue to be with their children." I live with you."

"I know that this is a bit of a breach of the law, but when Wei Young and Zhiru were born, I was not by their side, and I feel very guilty. If they have to be separated from their parents because of the restoration of their identities, I really feel guilty." Because I can't bear it, I still hope that my father will be fulfilled."

The hall was dead silent.

Qin Luoheng lowered his head and did not let go at all.

Ying Zheng looked at Qin Luoheng deeply, and finally nodded.


"The feeling of licking the calf, I agree."

Qin Luoheng said happily, "Thank you, Father."


Ying Zheng shook his head slightly.

He actually didn't like what Qin Luoheng did.

It's just that Qin Luoheng has been living abroad for many years, and he still has some affection for his family in his heart. Now that he has just returned to his side, he has to make a choice directly, which is indeed a bit difficult for others.

The father and son chatted briefly, got up and went to Zhangtai Palace.

Zhangtai Palace.

Hundreds of officials have already attended.

But the ceremony is over, and the officials don't have to be so restrained.

Huaji, Yang Duanhe and others gathered together.

His face was a little dignified.

What happened this morning did make them excited, but after cooling off, they also remembered something. Gan Luo looked around and said in a low voice: "Everyone, today the ten sons have restored their identities. It can be said to be an honor to have a silver seal and green ribbon."

"The eldest son of this specification is far behind!"



Gan Luo lowered his voice again, and said, "Since Your Majesty values ​​the tenth son so much, and the talent of the tenth son is well known in the world, why don't you just make the eldest son the heir apparent?"

"What's more."

"Your Majesty also recalled the eldest son from Chu."

"What does this mean?"

Hua Ji frowned and said, "It's really weird."

"The eldest son has not been valued by His Majesty for some time. The tenth son has been in the limelight in the past two years, and he has been trained by His Majesty. He has even gathered fame for the tenth son many times. He has been trained for so long, and even the outside world thinks that The tenth son is the heir apparent, why would His Majesty make such an unnecessary move?"

The others were also puzzled.

If there is no idea in mind, it is naturally impossible.

The Guanzhong clan has been depressed these years, but there is nothing they can do about it. An accident happened in the year of Ying Sinian, and they suddenly became leaderless. In addition, when the eldest son started to rise, they looked down on Fusu at all, so they were naturally popular in the court. Squeeze and suppress.

As a result, the Guanzhong clan fell into silence.

But with Qin Luoheng's return, the Guanzhong clan cheered up again.

Now that Qin Luoheng has been restored as a son, it will be announced to the world in a few days that Qin Luoheng has been considered by them as the son of the Great Qin since he came. As long as Qin Luoheng is alive, he is the best candidate for the heir of the Great Qin , so in their view, when Qin Luoheng's identity was announced, it should also be the time when he was established as the crown prince.

It was just a kick in the door, but finally stopped.

This made them a little depressed, even a little impatient.

Because the current situation is not as good as it was back then, their right to speak in the court is not so important, and they are not clear about Mengshi's attitude, and Fusu has worked hard in the court for many years and has a certain foundation. Prince Chu, there may still be certain variables in the future.

How does this make them reconciled?

Qiang Lu said:
"What's this?"

"With the support of our Guanzhong clan, are you afraid that the tenth son will not be able to ascend?"

"It is well known that the eldest son has lost power, and the eldest son has often angered His Majesty in the past. How could His Majesty like the eldest son? In terms of talent and ability, the eldest son is not as good as the tenth son. I don't know what you are worried about?"

Gan Luo whispered:
"How can the matter of General Qiang Li be so simple?"

"The Guanzhong clan has always had a lot of conflicts with the officials of the six places. We support the ten sons, and they will definitely support the eldest son. At that time, it will not only be the eldest son and the tenth son, but the Guanzhong clan and the six lands. The officials of the department have competed, but now the Guanzhong clan is actually no match for them."

"Ten sons are indeed more talented."

"But that was before the tenth son revealed his identity."

"Now that the identity of the tenth son has been announced, it may not be so easy to display his talents as before. After all, some people in the court don't want the tenth son to be in the top position. How can they make the tenth son so happy?"

"I'm afraid there will be no peace between the court and China in the future!"


Everyone was silent.

They raised their heads and looked aside.

At this time, Yao Jia and the others also looked at them, and everyone looked at each other with deep fear and indifference in their eyes, and they all sensed each other's attitude.

This made Hua Ji and the others sink in their hearts.

Just as each other's eyes competed, the shouts of the audience came from outside the hall.

The First Emperor has arrived!

Everyone quickly looked back, stood up and bowed to greet each other. Under the waiting of all the officials, Qin Luoheng followed Ying Zheng into the main hall. Qin Luoheng had a panoramic view of the situation in the main hall, but he did not send Hua Waiting for others to look at each other, but went to his big bed with a blank expression.

It's just that when he was seated, he glanced at Fusu unobtrusively, and there was a flash of hesitation in his eyes.

As the first emperor spoke, the feast officially began.

All the officials had been accompanying to participate in the grand ceremony in the morning, and they were already very hungry. When the food was served, they also started to eat it. In the hall, there was only the sound of sucking and eating.

The scene is so lively.

Great Qin's son-in-law

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