Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 404 Guo Dan's doubts! ! !

Chapter 404 Guo Dan's doubts! ! ! (four thousand words)

Guo Dan said:
"Young master, I'm telling you the truth."

"It's not that I don't want to help, I really can't do anything."

"Young Master should have heard about my situation. The ministers of the court have dismissed me, but it's actually far more than that."

"Those things that my father-in-law did in those years were in line with the current situation of the world, but they have always been criticized by others. Even though the father-in-law has passed away, the officials of the Manchu Dynasty still looked on at me with cold eyes.

"Nothing has changed."

"Now not only the courtiers, but even ordinary officials, respect me at a respectful distance."

"This is especially true for officials from the six regions."

Guo Dan smiled wryly, eyes full of helplessness.

He doesn't want to change the status quo, but Guo Kai is really famous, even if there are officials who are close to him, but after hearing that his father is Guo Kai, they will quickly distance themselves from him, and he is really helpless.

Qin Luoheng frowned.

He actually expected a thing or two.

But still did not expect that Guo Dan's situation is so difficult.

It has almost reached the point of 'people see sorrow'.

Qin Luoheng asked: "You were born in Zhaodi, and you should know some people from Liudi. Could it be that you are so annoying? No matter how bad you are, your rank is over six hundred stones, so you are still an official."

Guo Dan frowned slightly.

He stared at Qin Luoheng closely.

Probing: "Young Master, the people you want to seek are not limited to officials?"

Qin Luoheng said:

"There is no limit to background, only ability."

"All walks of life will do."

"But it can't be the remnants of the six kingdoms, let alone treason for the court!"

Guo Dan trembled.

tremblingly said:
"Young master is really joking."

"Even if I, Guo Dan, have the guts to collude with the remnants of the Six Kingdoms."

"If you don't insist that you must be an official, I do know a few talented people, but their backgrounds are a bit low."

Guo Dan smiled awkwardly, and continued: "My lord, don't blame me. Although I, Guo Dan, do have some status, but in Xianyang City, there are a lot of people who are higher than me. In the eyes of Daqin officials, it is nothing at all, if you exclude the old Qin people and Daqin officials, I, Guo Dan, have somewhat of a face outside."

"After all, I'm more or less an official!"

"In the past, there were indeed people who deliberately curry favor."

"But don't worry, my lord. Although I, Guo Dan, are not valued, I have always kept my life clean. I have never been greedy for anything, let alone any malpractice for personal gain. Otherwise, with my background, I don't know how many people want to drag me down."

"It's just to curry favor with me, most of them are merchants, and I'm afraid the young master will look down on you."

"Merchant?" Qin Luoheng frowned.

Guo Dan nodded and said: "Most of them are merchants, and the young master also knows that these merchants have no profit, and sometimes even do some outrageous things in order to gain more profits, but these people are worried about being found out by the court, so Sometimes it will."

Guo Dan didn't say any more, Qin Luoheng already understood.

Merchants are sometimes willing to take risks for the sake of money, but later they are worried about being targeted by the government, or they want to mitigate their crimes when they are investigated by the government, so they want to rely on bribes to let themselves be forgiven, or directly exonerated.

Guo Dan is an official of Tingwei Mansion.

And his father, Guo Kai, was even more greedy, so Guo Dan became the best candidate for merchants.

However, he didn't like the merchant Qin Luoheng.

He doesn't want to use these people either.

As the saying goes, good horses do not keep company with poor horses, and brave men do not go on the same road with thieves!

The status of merchants in the Qin Dynasty was very low, and no one with lofty ideals would join the merchants. In history, even if Han Xin was almost starved to death, he did not go into business. This is enough to see the status of merchants in the Qin Dynasty. Such a person who only cares about money Qin Luoheng didn't dare to reuse groups.

I am afraid that I will be sold by these people.

Guo Dan knew exactly this, so he didn't say much.

There was silence for a while.

Qin Luoheng said:

"Merchants are unlikely."

"Although I intend to meet people with lofty ideals in the world, merchants are obviously not among them."

Guo Dan smiled bitterly and said: "I also know this very well. Merchants value profits over righteousness, and I have always despised this kind of business. I have almost never had any contact with them. It's just that the son's secretary is short of officials. This is a real problem."

Think for a moment.

Guo Dan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said: "I work in the court captain's mansion, and I can meet many people on a daily basis, and there are many of them who are eloquent or have some talents. I will definitely pay attention to such people in the future." , I’m just afraid that the minister can’t come out on his own, otherwise the status of the minister may only lead to bad things.”

Qin Luoheng glanced at Guo Dan.

Lightly said:
"It's not necessary."

"I'm looking for talented people. If these people don't even have the capacity to accommodate others, even if they have talents, they are just small-bodied people who can't become great ones. There may not be many talented people in the world, but I think they are talented people. Not less."

"Just help me find it."

"If the other party really has the heart to serve Qin, you can directly report my name."

Guo Dan nodded.

There was also a touch of touch in my heart.

It's just that Guo Dan was still a little puzzled, and after a moment of hesitation, he still asked.

Guo Dan said: "My lord, you rely on the Guanzhong clan, so you can directly use the talents of the Guanzhong clan. Why do you go to such lengths to find officials from the six regions? If you let the Guanzhong clan know and let them misunderstand you, wouldn't that be the case?" Will it be detrimental to the son?"

Qin Luoheng said lightly:

"The governance of the world not only needs capable ministers, but also requires dry officials."

"The Guanzhong clan is indeed close to me, but most of the Guanzhong clan rely on military merits to get to the top. In terms of specific affairs management, they are actually not as good as local officials. Moreover, the imperial court does not know when the Guanzhong clan and the officials of the six places have been at odds with each other. Deng is right, the situation of secret rivalry happens from time to time, this kind of situation is unhealthy."

"Daqin is currently suffering from internal and external troubles, how can I let this trend continue to spread?"


"There is never a shortage of talents in the world, what is lacking is actually a promotion channel."

"This is especially true for the officials of the six regions."

"How can I treat one more favorably than another?"


Qin Luoheng looked at Guo Dan with deep eyes.

"Whether it is the Guanzhong clan or the officials of the six regions, they are all officials of the Great Qin. Since I am the son of the Great Qin, I naturally want to be exposed to the rain and dew. They will be deeply involved in party struggles and cannot extricate themselves.”

"This is not the wish of the world, nor is it the wish of the Great Qin, nor is it the wish of thousands of people."

"Great Qin is the only one in the world!"

"It is not only necessary to achieve regional unification, but also unification in culture, habits and other aspects, so that people from all counties and counties in the world can gain a sense of identity and belonging to Daqin, and they can live and work in peace and contentment, without barriers, prejudices, and living freely in the On this land."

"This is what Daqin should look like."

"And such an empire can be called a paradise!"

"The survivors of Great Qin Fen VI ruled the world under the rule of the First Emperor, and they will surely make the world completely unified and unified under the rule of the Great Qin Emperor. This is the mission of the Great Qin, and it is also the pursuit of the children of the Great Qin clan. "

Guo Dan looked at Qin Luoheng deeply.

With a long bow, he said:

"Young Master's mind, I am in admiration."

"Chen Ding will do his best to help the young master achieve this grand goal."

Qin Luoheng nodded.


"Some things don't have to be forced."

"Shang Shusi's current focus is not on it."

"You do your part first."

Guo Dan said: "I know clearly."

At this time.

Dahean has packed up everything.

Qin Luoheng took a few glances, and directly ordered the things to be moved to the carriage.

As for the three daughters, Bo Shu, Zhao Tan, and Guan E, after packing up, they took the two children into the carriage, while Guo Dan followed Qin Luoheng closely, with an attitude of looking ahead.

Qin Luoheng didn't care too much.

After all the things were moved to the carriage, Qin Luoheng looked at the house he had lived in for nearly two years, with nostalgia in his eyes, and then went straight into the carriage.

Guo Dan bowed and saw them off.

When Qin Luoheng walked away, Guo Dan looked at Da He'an, and said in a deep voice: "You have always served by the side of the tenth son, but now the status of the tenth son is not what it used to be, remember not to ruin the reputation of the tenth son, let alone Doing evil outside, if you let me know, I will definitely not let you wait lightly."

Da He'an hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the superior, we will never dare to betray the trust of the young master."

Guo Dan nodded.

Then he walked away directly.

He has achieved the purpose of this trip, although he still has a lot of doubts in his heart, but as he himself said, Qin Luoheng is no longer what it used to be, no matter how many doubts he has in his heart, he dare not be as presumptuous as before .

back home.

Mrs. Li warmly greeted her and asked, "My dear, how are you doing?"

Guo Dan snorted coldly, and said complacently: "What is the relationship between me and the tenth son? The tenth son will naturally not refuse when he sees me. Right now, I can be said to be the first official in the six places to take refuge in the tenth son. In the future, even if you don't look at the past friendship, my status in the ten young master's heart will not be low."

Guo Dan boasted a few words.

Afterwards, as if worried that Mrs. Li would be talking nonsense outside, he hurriedly warned: "But this matter is not suitable for the outside world, as long as you know it, the tenth son has just resumed his identity. The influence is not that great, I am the confidant of the ten sons, so I should abide by it and be cautious in my words and deeds."

"So should you."

Li rolled her eyes.

"Who do you take me for?"

"What is the reputation of your Guo family, don't you know?"

"I was really blind to marry you at the beginning. I usually went out to meet other women, and I didn't suffer less. Now that you have managed to get close to the tenth son, you are not allowed to show off outside? Then you go with the tenth son. What's the use of being near?"

Guo Dan snorted coldly:
"What do you know as a woman?"

"The eldest son has been in the court for so long. As soon as the tenth son came back, he wanted to change his ways. How can it be so easy? And the tenth son seems to have his own plans and ideas. Didn't I tell you before that the tenth son and the elder The son's main dispute should be over the Northern Supervisory Army, but this time the tenth son did not fight for it at all, and even took the initiative to give this opportunity to the eldest son, based on what I know about the tenth son, the tenth son must have considered more."


Guo Dan carefully looked around.

Lower your voice and say:
"You know, I met the tenth son today. Does the tenth son want me to help him with something? The tenth son wants me to help him find some officials from the six places. The tenth son is probably worried that the Guanzhong clan will have too much influence on him. large, which in turn affects subsequent governance.”

"The eldest son will stay away from the court soon."

"And in the court hall, there are only ten young masters left."

"If the ten young masters gradually win over officials from the six regions by relying on the method of the sun's arch and one death, even if the eldest son is doing well in the northern region, and the court loses power in the end, he may not be able to recover."


"There is an allusion in "Han Feizi Nei Chu Shuo [-]"."

"It's about three people becoming a tiger."

"This was originally a suggestion from Pang Gong, Minister of the State of Wei, to the King of Wei. Pang Gong was worried that after leaving the capital, the King of Wei would be bewitched by others, resulting in credulity and even making wrong judgments."

"However, the end result is"

"The slander came first, and then the crown prince dropped the pledge, and the result will not be seen."

"It's clear that there are no tigers in Husband City, but three people can become tigers. Today Handan is farther than the city from Daliang, and there are more than three people in council."

"Ten Young Masters seem to be well versed in this."

"Our Tenth Young Master is really not simple."

At this time, Guo Dan was not as submissive as before, but appeared extremely shrewd, as if he was just pretending to be in front of Qin Luoheng.

Mrs. Li frowned and said, "So what? Some things can't be done just by thinking about them. Haven't you worked hard all these years? You have almost emptied our family, and I haven't seen you promoted to an official." Half-time, even if ten young masters have a lot of ability, but a clever woman can't cook without rice, I don't think it's reliable."


"You go again and take your words back?"

Guo Dan's face darkened.

"I shouldn't have told you that."

"What a shame!"

"I have known Young Master Shi for so long, and I have always said that this person is not simple. He is not the kind of person who acts impulsively when he is hotheaded. Doesn't he know that his actions may cause dissatisfaction among the Guanzhong clan? He knew it, and he did it anyway.”

"Except that there may be a little naivety mixed in, it's more likely to be reckless."

"I can't guess this person!"

"I remember that your Li family still has some contacts in Handan. Help me find some unused officials, or some people with lofty ideals who have nowhere to go."

"Since I have taken refuge in the Tenth Young Master, I want to express my attitude."

"At least."

"I want to find out what the Tenth Young Master thinks of me and whether he really trusts me. However, the current situation in the court is complicated. No matter whether it is the eldest son or the tenth young master, the court may change drastically. With my identity I'm afraid there will be no escape in the end."

"But my father has offended too many people. Once he loses his official position, he may encounter disasters in the near future."

"I am also really helpless."

Guo Dan let out a long sigh, his eyes full of melancholy.

If it were someone else, there would be no need to worry so much, but because his father is Guo Kai, he has been living in fear all these years, not daring to offend anyone easily, for fear that he will be framed by other officials and his official position will be abolished. At that point, the Guo family is really finished.

How dare he take it lightly?
Everything I do now is helpless!

(End of this chapter)

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