Great Qin's son-in-law

Chapter 413 Morality comes from the king, laws come from the prime minister!

Chapter 413 Morality comes from the king, laws come from the prime minister! (seeking subscription)


Qin Luoheng's face changed slightly.

It never occurred to him that Shihuang was thinking about this.

What he thought before was just to tell Qin that the foundation of the state had been greatly damaged, and he regarded it as a matter of consolidating the foundation and cultivating the source. It directly depends on the top, but the discussion of the lower group of officials. In the end, it needs the unanimous approval of the ruling and opposition parties before it is implemented.

The first emperor believed that the courtiers had misled the decree.

Courtiers have too much desire for power.

Qin Luoheng took a deep breath. He knew very well that once the deliberation system was abolished, Daqin would completely enter a situation where the emperor would dictate the policy and act arbitrarily.

Qin Luoheng's eyes shifted, but he didn't dare to speak for a long time.

What needs to be clarified is that the prohibited discussion is not a normal court meeting, but a system of discussion and decision-making about specific major events by the emperor's "officials". This system is similar to the plenary meeting system of later generations. Moreover, the matters discussed will eventually need to be approved by the ruling and opposition parties before they can be finally implemented.

To a certain extent, this system is curbing the arbitrariness of imperial power.

This system was formed in the political atmosphere of the Warring States Period, and Shang Yang strongly admired it back then. This is why the Qin government and the public have always followed this system.

But now.

Because of suspicion and dissatisfaction with the courtiers, Shi Huang decided to abolish the discussion system.

This impact is not far-reaching.

The first emperor was dissatisfied with the deliberation system, and Qin Luoheng could probably guess the reason. The first emperor blamed the current predicament of Daqin on the selfishness of the courtiers, thinking that they were all focused on self-interest, and did not take Daqin's interests into consideration at all. Again and again through the damage to the country.

What's more.

Collusion between courtiers is enough to deceive the public.

It even directly disrupted the court.

Many policies of the Great Qin were decided through the discussion system. Now that the first emperor is aware of the danger of the Great Qin, he naturally wants to change it. Because the interests of the courtiers were involved, the final decree failed to pass, and even suffered criticism and opposition.

This was beyond the tolerance of the First Emperor.

In order to prevent this from happening, as well as to strengthen the imperial power and limit the power of courtiers, the first emperor wanted to eliminate future troubles forever and directly abolished the deliberative system.

Further strengthen the imperial power! ! !
If the name is not right, the words will not be right; if the words are not right, the affairs will not be accomplished; if the affairs are not accomplished, the rites and music will not be prosperous;

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there has been a popular saying.

That is to say, morality comes from the king, and laws come from the prime minister.

This is also the reason why many scholars are keen to become officials, in order to find a platform, display their ambitions, and give full play to their talents. Although the emperors of the Great Qin Dynasty treated scholars very leniently, they have been deliberately restricting the power of ministers in private. The titles of prime minister, left and right prime minister, and Xiangguo can be detected one or two.

at the moment.

The position of Prime Minister of Great Qin has been divided into two.

But facing the current situation, Shihuang thought it was not enough.

He wanted to further attack the power of the prime minister, strengthen the power of the emperor, and even sway the power of the prime minister, so that the prime minister could completely become the emperor's mouthpiece, so that the government orders come from one, and the government orders depend on one.

In the eyes of Shihuang, only when the imperial power is strong enough can the empire be commanded like an arm.

But Qin Luoheng was very clear.

A high concentration of imperial power can certainly be prominent for a while, but human energy is limited.

In the end, many things still have to be handled by the courtiers.

Ying Zheng didn't say anything more.

He just looked at Qin Luoheng coldly.

Qin Luoheng's complexion kept changing, and he finally cupped his hands and said, "I really dare not agree with you. The deliberative system has existed since the beginning of the Qin Dynasty. It is true that the sudden abolition can make government orders decide, but in the long run, it will have no effect on the empire." beneficial, even harmful."


"Daqin's current predicament is not all caused by the discussion system. In fact, Daqin has taken too many steps and done too many things in recent years, so that the world has not had a moment of peace. Of course, the minister also believes that the discussion system is true. The convening is too frequent, and it is indeed necessary to make certain restrictions.”

"but repealed"

"My son really dare not agree."

Ying Zheng said indifferently:
"So you still insist on your own opinion?"

"Think that Da Qin should harm himself and benefit the old Qin people?"

Qin Luoheng said:

"My son doesn't mean that."

"It's just that in my son's eyes, Da Qin and the people of the old Qin are both prosperous and hurt. At present, the world is not set for a long time, and the integration of the world is far from the point where we can give up prejudice and obsession. We still have to make a decision." preferences, at least to make the people of the world dare not have the heart to make mistakes."

"Father, please be careful!"

Ying Zheng remained silent.

Qin Luoheng bit the bullet and continued: "Father's prestige surpasses that of ancient and modern times. He lives in the capital and orders the world. There is nothing he can't do."

"The first generation of ministers of the empire are full of talents, and the world is even more fond of talking about the great Qin monarch and ministers as confidants to each other. The sons dare not speculate on the emperor's thoughts, but the sons don't believe it. The ministers of the empire will lose their hearts in just a few years. , so as to do such a perverse thing.”

"I still suggest that Ao Cang be released to support the army and restore the hearts of the people."

"I also know that it is difficult for my father to accept the relaxation of the restrictions on Chi Dao, but I am bold and willing to try something. If I remember correctly, the world is unified, but the country still exists. I want to defend the country. As far as the land is limited, let the children of Weiguo test run and let go of the way."

"My son is willing to limit it to one year."

"Try to grow grain in Weiguo, and improve farm tools, tillage tools, and some transport equipment to improve the efficiency of farming in the head of Guizhou and prisoner's corvee service, thereby increasing rent, and reducing the frequency and quantity of corvee collection. .”

"I know that what I say is a bit shocking, but it is really what I say from the bottom of my heart."

"The world is in dire straits. As the sons of the father and the emperor, the sons and ministers should take on the functions of the prince of Daqin and do what they should do for Daqin and the people. If Daqin wants to get rid of the predicament completely and rise up, it must Protecting people's livelihood is what I have always firmly agreed with."

"My son is unfilial and contradicts his father."

"It's just that I have been living among the people for ten years, and I have truly experienced the hardships of people's livelihood. If there is a chance to survive, the people of the world will never riot easily. I know that I don't have much talent, but I am willing to serve the Great Qin. Contribute a little bit."

"Please give me your permission."

Qin Luoheng knelt down on the ground, his voice was very sincere.

"Guo of Wei?" Ying Zheng frowned. He knew that the country of Wei still existed. country, so after the unification of the world, he finally chose to keep the Weiguo Sheji.

He was not surprised that Qin Luoheng mentioned Weiguo.

What he doubted was that Qin Luoheng really wanted to put those 'unrealistic' ideas into practice. He didn't look down on Qin Luoheng. Peasants, Mohists and other schools of thought had been serving Qin for some years. If they really had such a big breakthrough, they wouldn't wait until now to show it.


Farmers have integrated agricultural books from various places over the years, and their farming techniques and methods have reached the current extreme. How easy is it to make a breakthrough?As for the Mohist school, this is even more so. With the end of the war, the people of the Mohist family seemed to have completely broken their strings. They were all focused on the astronomy and calendar, and the art of manufacturing was even more retreating instead of advancing.

Given the current state of decadence of the peasant Mohists, how could they support Qin Luoheng's bold words?

Ying Zheng said coldly:
"The matter of defending the country will be discussed later."

"Do you know what will happen in the future once the court opens this hole?"

"People in the world don't worry about being few, but about being uneven. This time, we opened the door for the old Qin people in the South China Sea and the North. Wouldn't the old Qin people stationed in other places have a different heart? At that time, don't we have to take care of these people? ? When Daqin really took care of it, and the remnants of the six kingdoms came out to make troubles and spread rumors, causing uneasiness among the people of the six lands, wouldn’t this mean that Daqin was in turmoil?”

Qin Luoheng said:

"The law does not go back in time!"

"The imperial court can limit a range. All the old Qin people within the range can give favors, and those outside the range will not be ignored. Moreover, the ministers don't think that the old Qin people will have opinions. The old Qin people are loyal to Qin. Compared with For these small favors, what they want to see more is the attitude of the imperial court."

"I will live up to the country, and the country will live up to me!"


"When the sons and ministers in Weiguo successfully implement what they want in their hearts, and distribute the grain and tools to the world, then all people in the world will be benefited, and all people will be honored. As long as Daqin gets over the current difficult situation, in the future It will definitely get better and better, and then, who will blame the court?"

Qin Luoheng knelt on the ground the whole time, and never got up straight.

He is very clear.

This is the difference between him and Shihuang's political views.

He must stand his ground.

Ying Zheng looked at Qin Luoheng coldly, how could he not know what Qin Luoheng was thinking, but his and Qin Luoheng's political opinions were different from Fusu's. Heng is only in a different direction, but there are still similarities after all.

Ying Zheng Road:
"Are you sure that you will succeed? What if you fail? I am the Emperor of Qin, how can I play tricks with you?"

Qin Luoheng said in a deep voice, "My son will definitely succeed."

"Reason." Ying Zheng said indifferently.

Qin Luoheng said: "The reason why the Mo family of the peasant family has stopped moving forward is not only that the direction is wrong, but more importantly, the family of the peasant family and the Mohist family have lost their aggressiveness. My son has the confidence to correct the direction of the Moh family of the peasant family, and at the same time has the confidence to let the peasant family The Mohists have regained their aggressiveness."

"The enterprising spirit of the peasant Mohists?" Ying Zheng frowned.

Qin Luoheng raised his head, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "The peasant family has not experienced the feeling of starvation for a long time, so how can they bother to study and think about the future of the farm family? The same is true for the Mo family. It's been a long time since they've had their lives hang by a thread."

"What the son-in-law has to do"

"It is to make them feel the sense of crisis again!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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