Chapter 277

The brewing process of traditional Chinese medicine is very cumbersome, especially now that it is necessary to take out a large amount of decoction at one time, which requires the participation of multiple links and person-times, and the amount of work is very huge.for example:
All kinds of Chinese medicinal materials are taken from the medical hall to Huimin Pharmacy, and a group of people are required to transport them. After all, this sack is a sack;
Many medicinal materials need to be processed on-site before they can be used. They are crushed, cut and ground, which requires a group of workers;
Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to one dose, and after receiving the medicine, it needs to be weighed, sorted, and packed in portions. This requires a group of people.

The medicinal materials are used for decoction, which requires a large number of staff to control the heat, add charcoal, and refill water at any time.

Boil the medicine, pour it into bowls, and take the bowls to the ward to serve the patients to drink. This is another large number of people.

In addition, nursing in the ward, serving excrement and urine to patients, and cleaning, this is still a large number of guys.

So despite the fact that there are only [-] patients in each family, the combined number of doctors and assistants participating in the medical treatment exceeds the number of patients, and commanding is a difficult problem.

This is another "temporary Fang C hospital", so it's no surprise that there is no chaos.

On the contrary, Chen Buer was much more relaxed. Just like those nurses in the inpatient department of later generations, he pushed a small cart, "Come on, bed 28 is taking medicine, bed 34 wakes up, take this medicine first."

Efficient and concise, convenient and easy, one is worth ten.

As for the people from the other seven medical clinics, they were still busy preparing soup and medicine. After working all morning, only some patients got the medicine.

Let's not talk about the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but the efficiency is much worse.

After Chen Bu'er was busy with his own affairs, while wiping his hands with hand sanitizer, he hummed a Beijing opera and went to several other houses to watch the excitement:

"It's a coincidence that this letter came, God help Huang Zhongcheng to do his best..."

Pan Mingguang was looking at the stove, his face was covered with burnt ashes, and he opened the lid to look at it from time to time, his teeth were grinning from the heat.

Chen Buer whistled, "Are you busy?"

When Pan Mingguang saw the idle Chen Buer, he became very angry. He was also a dude, why is there such a big gap?

"Damn, bitch, why don't you help? You still have the mind to wander around, you, you, you, you don't want to steal my family's secret recipe, do you? Let me tell you, unless you buy it with money, don't even think about it." !"

Chen Buer raised his middle finger at him, and looked left and right:

"Where's your sister? And that relative from Yingtian Mansion?"

"There are twenty female patients in my family. Mingyue and my mother are treating them. Cousin Yu is weighing the medicine. Do you have anything to do with him?"

"It's okay, it's okay, you continue, it's as dirty as a little cat, pay attention to hygiene, it must be aseptic, and be careful that the hospital's Infection Department will trouble you."

Chen Buer wandered to the ward of the "Baoyaolin" medical center again. Zhu Lichen was coming in from the outside carrying several bags of traditional Chinese medicine. It was already late autumn, and his head and body were covered with sweat.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Lichen, you still need to study more. Look, you have suffered from being uneducated now, right? A dignified Imperial College medical student, the son of a medical family, has actually been reduced to a coolie. Alas, the family is unfortunate."

Zhu Lichen was already half dead from exhaustion, and Chen Buer even made sarcastic remarks, so angry that he threw a medicine bag and chased after him:
"Chen Buer, I will fight with you~~~~~"

The two came to Xuanxingtang's ward after arguing for a long time. They saw Du Zongzhe covering his nose with a piece of cloth and changing the patient's pants with a look of disgust. It was obvious that this man was defecating Out.

Du Zongzhe, who is used to being a young master, is actually taking shit and urinating for others, and he was so angry that he burst into tears.

But there is no way, he doesn't know the medical skills, and he doesn't know the medicinal materials, so he can only work as a nurse.

Chen Buer and Zhu Lichen stood outside the window, shaking their heads together:

"Tsk tsk tsk, Ah Zhe, I still need to read more books, look, now I have suffered from being uneducated, right? The dignified Imperial College medical student is reduced to washing diapers, alas, the family is unlucky.

When Du Zongzhe heard it, he wanted to die, and tears flowed out, "Seventh brother, Zhu brother, save me~~~"

Chen Buer hurriedly flashed:
"Azhe, it's not that my brother doesn't help you, you should come to change diapers and wipe your butt yourself, bye~~~"

Chen Bu'er slowly wandered to the front of the ward where the bed was managed by "Gushengtang".

Relatively speaking, among the eight medical clinics, Gushengtang has a certain advantage. Their secret recipe "Meisu Pill" is very famous in antidiarrheal, even as a tribute.

The most important symptom of bacillary dysentery is diarrhea, so all members of the Cui family are very confident in this "winning the first place".

Brothers Cui Boye and Cui Bohe felt upset when they saw Chen Buer poking his head in front of their ward with his hands behind his back like a street person.

"Chen Buer, what are you looking at? The adults in the family have never taught you, so don't inquire about the exclusive secret recipes of your colleagues, let alone steal them casually?"

Chen Buer was not annoyed, and asked softly:
"Hey, what's the situation here? Is there anyone critically ill? I heard that a patient died in Nanshan Hall just now. Patriarch Ye is really angry."

Cui Boye smiled contemptuously:
"They are them, and we are us. Gushengtang is the largest medical center in Bianliang. How can it be compared with your second-rate and third-rate small medical centers? Don't worry, the patients in our beds are doing well."

Chen Buer curled his lips: "Stop bragging, your family doesn't even have an imperial physician, what is the number one medical clinic? Have you asked Quan Mingtang and Pan's family?"


Both Cui Boye and Cui Bohe blushed, feeling that chatting with this Chen Buer was really annoying, and every time they would kill the sky.

Chen Bu'er just wandered around like this, and when he returned to his ward, he felt confident.

All families are fighting for the honor of the family. At present, it seems that Gushengtang should be in the lead, while Nanshantang has fallen behind. Of course, all the families combined cannot compare with Jingshitang.

Chen's family uses modern western medicine, and has strengthened environmental disinfection and patient care. This is the standard of a top-tier hospital.

As for Mr. Wu Zhiye, he took the remaining students of the Imperial College to practice on-site how to treat each major medical center.

"This time you are also the luckiest of the misfortunes. The eight major medical clinics are out at the same time, and each has its own treatment characteristics, so I hope you can read more, learn more, ask questions if you don't understand, and compare the advantages of each hospital in terms of treatment. Disadvantages, what are the deficiencies, etc.

When this wave of plague is over, it will be clear who is good and who is bad in the eight major medical centers. Take a look at your investigation notes again. Does it match your expectations?Then keep in mind which patients should use which prescriptions. This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, understand? "

The remaining five or six students were all frowning, as if they were about to write a thesis at the beginning of school, how to write it?
(End of this chapter)

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