Chapter 17 Sword Qi
Early the next morning, Shen Zhiyu came to Zongmen Academy relying on the meager memory and map from yesterday.

When I saw it from a distance yesterday, I was shocked by a large group of buildings. Now when I stand in front of the school with a gate that is more than ten meters high, I feel even more shocked.

These continuous buildings are piled up together, looking like a small city.

She handed the identity sword order to the qi training disciple on duty, and took the opportunity to ask, "Senior brother, how do I get to the place where I transferred to practice?"

"After you enter the door, walk along the wall on the left. About one stick of incense, you will see a place called Koxian Tower, and that's it." The disciple on duty kindly showed her the way.

"Brother, do you know which senior is in charge of this matter? What should I call it?" Shen Zhiyu asked again.

"The person on duty this month is Uncle Xue Youliang from the Foundation Establishment Stage, you can just call him Uncle Xue." The disciple on duty returned her the identity sword order.

"Okay, thank you brother for clarifying the confusion." Shen Zhiyu thanked and entered the gate.

After walking along the path indicated by the disciple on duty for a while, I saw a small two-story building with the words "Kow Immortal" written on the door plaque.

I want to come here.

She saw many monks standing densely in the open space in front of the building, as if they were all queuing up to get their numbers.

Shen Zhiyu was also at the back of the line, and it was her turn after waiting for half an hour. The disciple sitting behind the table took her sword order, looked up, and took out a jade slip from under the table to her, "Go in .”

"Don't you want to wait for the sign?" Shen Zhiyu was surprised.

"No matter what, if you're told to go in, go in." The person behind the desk was impatient, "There is someone in the room, you wait outside the door first, and you can go in when he comes out."

"...Okay." Shen Zhiyu shut up.

Not long after entering, the people inside came out. Shen Zhiyu pushed the door open when she heard "next" from the door.

Uncle Xue Youliang, who looks to be in his thirties, looks honest and honest.

But Shen Zhiyu could feel a faint coercion from him, similar to the coercion she had experienced on the evil cultivator's altar.

"Disciple Shen Zhiyu has met Master Uncle." Shen Zhiyu bowed his hands respectfully.

Xue Youliang saw the jade slip in her hand, and asked gently: "Don't be too polite, just give me the jade slip."

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu offered it with both hands.

Xue Youliang quickly finished reading the content on the jade slips, and looked up at her.

She felt a powerful divine sense sweeping across her body, but it receded quickly.

"Come and sit." Xue Youliang pointed to the futon two meters in front of him.

Shen Zhiyu stepped forward and sat down cross-legged.

"I have a general understanding of your situation." Xue Youliang put down the jade slips, and pointed out her problem sharply, "There is no official inheritance, and you have a wild way, and you have practiced by mistake until now. It all depends on your talent."

This Uncle Xue looks simple and honest, but his words are not simple and honest.Shen Zhiyu thought silently.

"However, your talent is indeed very high, and you have cultivated a body of pure sword qi even after groping for it yourself. Fortunately, you have only cultivated the fifth level of qi, and you still have time to repair the foundation."

"The "Five Spirits Jue" you practiced is a non-attribute technique, so it's relatively easy to transfer to our sect's "Longevity Sutra". You go back to the grotto and rent a temporary cave, and after taking the meridian-protecting pill, you will be able to recover when the aura is abundant. If you are not in the situation, get through the meridians of the "Longevity Classic". Then use Lingyin Pill, and the medicinal power of Lingyin Pill will guide you to go through a few circles. After you are familiar with it, slowly convert your non-attribute true essence into longevity true essence .”

Shen Zhiyu took the two jade boxes handed over by Xue Youliang, and said yes in a soft voice.

"Take a move at me, and I'll see what kind of sword art you are suitable for practicing."

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu stood up, flipped her wrist, took out the spirit sword from the storage bag, pulled out a sword flower in mid-air, the sword energy rippled, and finally formed a sword-shaped gloomy light around the spirit sword, and then Following the changes in her footsteps, she stabbed straight at Xue Youliang.

But her sword moves are clumsy and slow in Xue Youliang's eyes, and her body and footwork are full of loopholes.

With just a swipe of his hand, the attacking sword power disappeared invisible, Shen Zhiyu only felt that he was bounced away by a huge force, and "Deng Deng Deng" took several steps back before stopping his feet.

But to Xue Youliang's surprise, the sword-shaped glint was not scattered by him, but pierced through a small hole in his body shield, and Yu Jin bounced to the back of his hand, cutting a shallow small hole.

Although he didn't even bleed, it still surprised Xue Youliang.

Shen Zhiyu turned pale with shock, "I didn't intend to offend you, please forgive Master Xue!"

Xue Youliang felt a little ashamed, but he was not someone who cares about everything, so he let it go, "It was my carelessness, and it has nothing to do with you."

He raised his hand and performed a rejuvenation technique, and the small cut healed instantly.

He glanced down at the back of his hand, interested, "The characteristic of your sword energy is very interesting, it can penetrate my body shield?"

"If you have a sharp personality," Xue Youliang rubbed his chin, "Of the 24 sets of sword formulas that go with the "Longevity Classic", "Breaking the Army" is very suitable for you."

"It's just that "Breaking the Army" is too slanted. Although it is suppressed by Zhongzheng's peaceful longevity essence, it still treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Forget it, you should practice "Five Elements Sword"."

Shen Zhiyu listened silently.

"It takes [-] contribution points to redeem the matching sword formula. You should switch to the practice first. By the way, before you practice the sword formula, you must first learn the sword control technique well. Just now I saw that you still have to stab with a sword? And you The movement technique is also horrible! You remember to use the contribution point to go to the library to exchange for a movement technique!"

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu was humiliated by the training, and respectfully agreed.

"Go out." Xue Youliang waved his hand, at this moment he caught a glimpse of the spirit sword in Shen Zhiyu's hand from the corner of his eye, "Wait, where did the spirit sword in your hand come from?"

Shen Zhiyu didn't know why, but still answered, "I got it from a monk's tomb in the mortal world."

"Show it to me." Xue Youliang looked it over carefully, "Yes, this is the standard flying sword of Xianling Pavilion, you should try not to use it in the future, those tigress in Xianling Pavilion are unreasonable, seeing you The sword in your hand, you are destined to be beaten."

Shen Zhiyu was surprised, was the monk in the tomb of the celestial master actually a person from Xianling Pavilion?But aren't all the female cultivators in the Fairy Pavilion?The owner of the master's tomb that day was a male cultivator!
Xue Youliang returned the spirit sword to her and told Shen Zhiyu to leave.

She suppressed the doubts in her heart, and only secretly decided not to use this spirit sword in the future.

Coming out of Kouxian Tower, Shen Zhiyu walked around the school and got a general idea of ​​the school's layout.

The real area of ​​this school is actually not too big, in fact, nearly half of the large buildings she saw were the residences of those disciples who hadn't drawn their energy into their bodies.

The center of the school is a large square, and it is also the place where Master Zhuji preaches on the [-]th day of each month.All Qi training disciples can listen to this kind of preaching, but it is difficult to solve the confusion caused by different monks at the same time, so there is a second mode, you can spend [-] contribution points to find it in the Daoist hall in the school. Uncle Zhuji answered questions.

The reason why there are so many people knocking on the door of the Immortal Tower is because too few people have switched to practicing the exercises, so Uncle Xue Youliang started to earn extra money, and Qi training disciples can ask him to solve their problems by paying [-] contribution points.

The disciple who knocked on the door of the Immortal Tower to issue the number just now said something different, and it was because of this.

In addition to the puzzle-solving mode, there are also teachers who teach regularly, with different cultivation levels.

The "Spiritual Beast Basics" and "Spiritual Plant Basics" that Luo Hongmian asked her to study are the regular content of the lectures, and they are free.

In addition, the school will often invite some monks with a certain specialty to teach some anecdotes or small skills of cultivation.

Shen Zhiyu found it very interesting.

 Hahaha, I was kicked out of the second one!Akimbo laughing wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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