Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 179 4 Choices 1 Wrong 3 Times

Chapter 179 Four Choices One Wrong Three Times

Shen Zhiyu glanced at the hole on the far left, and ruled it out decisively.

There were still three holes left, she hesitated for a moment, feeling that none of them looked right, so she turned to look at Han Lian.

Han Lian still pointed innocently to the leftmost passage.

Shen Zhiyu was silent. In fact, she couldn't choose the remaining three passages, but she subconsciously felt that she wanted to choose the leftmost passage.

Her current state of mind is actually a bit like a gambler's state of mind when she gambled on size and always chose the big one but kept losing. She always feels that this one is the big one.

It shouldn't be so unlucky every time, right?Shen Zhiyu had the idea of ​​fluke in her heart.

The two looked at each other, and after confirming each other's thoughts, they both jumped towards the leftmost hole.

Although the Qingya sword is relatively far away, the distance of about ten feet is not too far for a monk in the foundation establishment period, and it can be passed with a light jump.

After Han Lian jumped over and walked a few steps inside, Shen Zhiyu jumped into the hole.

Withdrawing the Qingya sword, the two walked into the cave together.

But within half an hour, Shen Zhiyu and Han Lian appeared at the entrance of the cave again.

At the moment, both of them are in a bit of a state of distress. It seems that they have experienced a battle, and one corner of Han Lian's sleeve was torn.However, the two of them were just out of breath, and they didn't seem to be in any great threat.

Shen Zhiyu rubbed his eyebrows and said speechlessly: "The mentality of a gambler is bad."

Han Lian cast the Cleansing Dust Art on himself, and nodded in agreement, "That ghost vine is really disgusting."

"That's right, it looks like it was arranged by the Pagoda's master to thwart intruders." After a pause, Shen Zhiyu looked at Han Lian, "Senior Brother Han, how much true energy is left in your body?" What?" Just now he was walking in front, and when he came out, he was broken behind, and his real energy must have been spent.

After a moment of silence, Han Lian replied helplessly, "There's only less than one percent left."

Shen Zhiyu thought for a while and said: "Then you restore your true essence first, and after the strength adjustment is completed, we will choose another passage to enter."

"...Alright." Han Lian nodded.

The true essence in Shen Zhiyu's body was also reduced by nearly [-]%. In order to cover her eyes and ears, she did not activate the Heavenly Spirit Orb, so now she took out a middle-grade spirit stone and began to replenish the true essence.

And Han Lian also took out something from the storage bag to restore his true energy.

It's just that what he's carrying...

Shen Zhiyu's eyelids twitched, thinking that she had read it wrong, she took another look, and made sure that what he was holding was the kind of elixir with evil spirits.

Seeing that he was about to absorb the evil aura in the elixir, Shen Zhiyu grabbed his arm quickly and asked in disbelief, "Are you crazy?"

Obviously knowing that the evil spirit inside is not much better than the devil's spirit!The terrifying and ugly appearance of the monks in this wasteland is all due to this evil spirit!

Han Lian's hands paused, and a helpless smile appeared on his face, "Didn't I tell you everything, I can't even pay you back the Great Repayment Pill."

Shen Zhiyu couldn't help but frowned and looked at him.What happened to this man? Not only did he have such a strange injury on his body, but did he even lose so many spirit stones?Was this robbed?
After a pause, Shen Zhiyu wanted to ask what exactly happened to him, but in the end she held back, and she took out hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones and a few bottles of spirit-replenishing pills and put them in front of him, "Use this."

Fortunately, she knew that she had to resist the beast tide. When she went to Shuwutang to foster Xiaohua, she used the spirit stone card from Wanfa Pavilion to exchange all the middle-grade spirit stones in Shuwutang, otherwise she would not be able to get the middle-grade spirit now. stone.

Moreover, the spirit-replenishing pills she carried were all low-level and intermediate-level spirit-replenishing pills taken during the Qi training period, which were not very effective for foundation-building monks.I just hope that this time I can find a way to leave this wasteland.

Han Lian looked at the pile of things on the ground and lowered his eyelids. After a while, a lazy smile appeared on his face, "Thank you, Junior Sister Shen."

"You don't have to thank me," Shen Zhiyu had already restored her true essence to its full state. While studying the other three paths, she replied casually, "Remember to return it when you go out."

"Okay~" Han Lian said happily.

It didn't take long for Han Lian's true essence to recover almost. He put the unused spirit stones and spirit pills into the storage bag, then stood up and looked at Shen Zhiyu, "Let's go."

"Okay," Shen Zhiyu nodded, and she looked at the remaining three passages, "It's better not to try the remaining three passages one by one. Now that we are in good condition, we will take one each separately. After finding the real passage, use the homophonic ring to contact us."

"Okay!" Han Lian decisively chose the next one, and went straight in.

Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, looked at the remaining two holes, randomly picked the rightmost hole, and went in.

After walking for about half a cup of tea, Shen Zhiyu saw the same kind of vines in the previous cave on both sides of the cave.

That kind of vine is dark all over, with dense blood spots floating on it, and goose bumps will appear all over the body after seeing it.There is also a flower bud the size of a human head on the top of the vine. The flower is a dark flesh-red color. Normally, those thick petals are closed together, and it looks ugly, and there is no other feeling.

But Shen Zhiyu just met him and knew that once a monk approached, the vine would stand up and attack like a snake, and the flowers on the top were its weapons.

This vine is very difficult to tangle, the vine is extremely tough, when Qingya sword is not using sword moves and sword intent, it takes two or three times to cut at the same place to break the vine.And after the buds opened, a circle of sharp yellow and white teeth grew around the petals, and the stamens were valves, and foul-smelling pus flowed out of the valves.

In general, this is a very disgusting monster.

Shen Zhiyu frowned when she thought of the evil plants she saw in the City Lord's Mansion.

I don't know whether these plants are unique to the wasteland, or are they mutated from ordinary plants?

While thinking about it, Shen Zhiyu stuck a hidden talisman on himself, and then quietly approached those vines.

These vines were also very cunning, and they waited until she and Han Lian reached the middle position before attacking.

I don't know whether these vines judge the comer by sensing the breath, but I can try it now.

Soon, one of her feet stepped into the distance where she was last attacked after stepping out of the vine before.

Shen Zhiyu paused for a moment, then slowly walked into the path covered with vines on both sides, stepping on the ground without vines, the true energy in her body was ready to go.

Going all the way to the place that was attacked before, the vines did not move.

It seems that the vines are indeed distinguished by breath.

Shen Zhiyu quietly walked through a large section of vines, and then continued to move forward. After a while, she saw the end.

Shen Zhiyu: ... I knew it!
She fell all the way back to the entrance of the cave, and happened to see Han Lian coming out of it.

Two unlucky guys, choose one of four, and make mistakes three times.This luck is also gone.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, then walked towards the correct hole.

(End of this chapter)

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