Chapter 186
The two looked at each other, and separated tacitly to explore the room.

Shen Zhiyu walked to the left side where several large bookshelves stood, she stood beside the innermost bookshelf, pinched a few dust-cleaning formulas, and cleaned the thick layer of dust on the bookshelves.

Afterwards, she picked up a piece of jade slip, carefully poked her consciousness into it, and found that it was a book related to formations.

Not what she was looking for.Shen Zhiyu put down the jade slip in his hand, and picked up another jade slip.

After reading the jade slips of books on the bookshelf one by one, the rapid influx of knowledge made Shen Zhiyu feel a little bored. She pressed her temples and put down the bone fragment slips she had roughly read in her hand. She was not in a hurry Instead of looking through the other bookshelves, I silently recited the meditation mantra twice in my heart to clear my mind.

The entire bookshelf is full of books related to the Four Arts. She didn't read the part about the skills carefully, but focused on reading some experiences and insights, but she couldn't find anything about the wasteland.

After sighing, Shen Zhiyu began to look at the jade slips of books on the second bookshelf.

Just as Shen Zhiyu cleaned the dust off the second bookshelf, she heard Han Lian's voice, "Junior Sister Shen, there is something here."

Shen Zhiyu paused her hand just as she was going to get the book, turned her head to look over, and saw that Han Lian had already checked the situation on the right side, and was standing beside the corpse, holding a finger-thick book made of brown fur. Slowly flipping through the small book.

Shen Zhiyu approached slowly, "What is written on it?"

"It's the self-report of this senior before he passed away." Han Lian just finished turning the last page and handed the book to her.

Shen Zhiyu took it over, looked it over for a while, and then turned to the first page to read.

The characters on this book are flying and dancing. Before I read it carefully, I felt a rough and unrestrained sword intent rushing towards my face.

Shen Zhiyu collected herself to avoid being affected by this sword force, and then began to read the content carefully:

It’s so boring. I’m either practicing or proficient in the four arts every day. I can figure out the talisman that I couldn’t learn before. Now I can draw the fifth-level talisman. I’m really a genius... Hahahaha...


Alas, there are no more things to pass the time when you are bored. Apart from practicing and checking the formation every day, there is nothing else to do. They haven't sent things down for a long time, and the supplies are a bit stretched...

Come to a monk to see me!


What happened?Was the city broken?How could there be such a big movement...

Wow, I really want to go out and have a look...

But the mission deadline has not yet come, if you go out rashly, what if something goes wrong with the Wanjian Guiyuan Formation!
Ahhh!so annoying!Laozi is a swordsman, why was he assigned to such a task? !

want to fight...

Sigh... I will never come to Desolate City again next time!

what happened? !Why is the core of Wanjian Guiyuan Formation suddenly disordered, and it can't be repaired no matter what...

Damn, I seem to be stuck here!

The above people can't be contacted, what happened? !You guys are here to let me out!


The demons seem to have retreated...

Is it about to win?Didn't I come here in vain? !

Didn't the demons retreat?Why is there still no one to check the formation!

I'm going to suffocate to death...


But the aura in the air seems to be slowly decreasing...


Why is no one coming...


Have the people from the various sects retreated...


This is No. 30 years since Lao Tzu has been trapped here.

I'm going crazy!

Been stuck here for too long.There is something wrong with my state of mind, and my cultivation is not advancing but retreating...


The pure aura is getting less and less, but the demonic energy in the air is getting more and more. As the balance ebbs and flows, I can feel my body getting weaker and weaker.

The cultivation base has also retreated from the middle stage of Jindan to the early stage, and it is still falling.


The power of the formation has weakened, but I can no longer break through the formation.

I might be dying here...

The self-report stops here.

At the end, the handwriting on the notebook gradually changed from unrestrained and unrestrained to more and more scribbled, and Shen Zhiyu could see the despair and panic of the writer from the messy lines on the notebook.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the self-report in this book with a heavy heart.

Sure enough, as she had guessed, this barren land was indeed the battlefield where both the Qiming Realm and the Abyssal Demon Race fought.

No wonder she felt that the layout of the city here was similar to the defense line of Baizhan City...

The unknown real person sitting in the dark room was tasked with maintaining the city defense array, but he was trapped here to death.

Thinking of the self-report of this real person, he clearly had the opportunity to get out from here, but because he has been sticking to his mission, he was trapped here for hundreds of years until he passed away.

This kind of straightforward temperament of sticking to promises is really..., I don't know whether she should admire this senior's sense of responsibility, or sigh at this senior's dead-headedness.

If it was her, when there was a big commotion above, she should go up and take a look flexibly instead of sticking here.

But she shouldn't have this trouble, after all, she doesn't have the formation skills to maintain the city protection formation.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu glanced at Han Lian. This Senior Brother Han, who is proficient in formations, might receive such a mission. With his unlucky status just like hers...

Shen Zhiyu gave a soft "tsk" in her heart.

"...What kind of eyes are you looking at?!" Han Lian's goosebumps stood up on the back of his neck.

Shen Zhiyu coughed dryly, looked away as if nothing had happened, and raised the notebook in his hand, "Where did you find this self-report?"

Han Lian stared at Shen Zhiyu for a moment, then turned his eyes away, "It's placed under this pile of ore. I touched the stone table and passed by here, and accidentally saw this."

"Oh," Shen Zhiyu glanced at the real senior sitting on the stone platform, and at the pile of colorful ores on the ground, and suddenly noticed a trace of sharp swords that did not belong to them emanating from the pile of ores. Qi, a little surprised, "Hey, why is there a trace of sword energy down here?"

Saying that, Shen Zhiyu squatted down and moved all kinds of rare ores away with his hands. After moving more than half, Shen Zhiyu saw a rusty long sword exposed.

Shen Zhiyu's heart moved, and she speeded up to break away the other ores, and then saw a rusty long sword more than three feet long appearing in front of the two of them.

"Is this the senior's natal sword?" Han Lian also saw the rusty long sword and asked.

There is still a trace of extremely powerful sword intent on this long sword, which comes from the same source as the sword power in the book.

(End of this chapter)

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