Chapter 189 Negotiation
As soon as Shen Zhiyu said the words, Han Lian's whole body froze, and then he heard Han Lian's voice pretending to be calm, "There can be any reason, that is, the two sides met each other, and they were on guard against each other, and they started fighting as soon as they talked. gone."

Your behavior is not as calm as the reason you said.

Shen Zhiyu looked suspiciously at Han Lian's stiff body movements, narrowed her eyes slightly, and stretched out her voice, "Oh, is that—"

"Yes!" Han Lian replied firmly.

"So that's how it is," Shen Zhiyu sighed regretfully, "I thought it was the Pagoda Master who took a fancy to Senior Brother Han for your beauty~"

Han Lian stopped suddenly, turned his head little by little like a wooden puppet, and stared at Shen Zhiyu quietly.

Shen Zhiyu: "..." Really? !She just made a joke and joked, don't stare at her like this.

Han Lian was silent for a moment, then pushed Qin Xi out without hesitation, and retorted: "'s not me, Qin Xi was the first one to fall in love with."

"Senior Brother Qin?" Shen Zhiyu's mouth was quicker than his brain, "But your appearance is obviously more attractive to girls."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Shen Zhiyu realized that she was talking, and she felt a little embarrassed.

Then she thought that Han Lian didn't seem to like people complimenting his appearance, so she quietly raised her eyes to glance at him.

Just in time to meet Han Lian's expression of wanting to smile, his peach blossom eyes slightly raised the end of his eyes, and after seeing Shen Zhiyu's gaze, he just said slowly, "My appearance pleases girls, I wonder if I can please Shen Zhiyu?" The favor of my junior sister~"

Shen Zhiyu: "..." Sorry, I was wrong!

She cleared her throat and raised her head to apologize with a correct attitude, but unexpectedly found that Han Lian's fair ears and neck were flushed.

Co-author, you are pretending to be calm with the expression of provoking a teacher...

Shen Zhiyu's thoughts turned in her mind, and it was rare for her to feel bad emotions. She smiled slightly and said openly: "Of course, after all, Brother Han, you are beautiful. No matter who you are, you will feel happy when you see a beauty."

Han Lian: "..." You are cruel!

Han Lian turned around and left, walking fast, no matter how you look at it, there was a feeling of fleeing.

Shen Zhiyu laughed and saw Han Lian walking faster.

Shen Zhiyu suppressed her laughter, and hurriedly followed, lest Senior Brother Han run too fast and leave her behind. She has never been here before, so she doesn't know the way here.

Ever since Han Lian was molested, he had been silent. The two of them walked quietly through a large piece of ruined walls, and soon approached the building complex where the monks lived in the wasteland.

The two restrained their breath, slowly approached the small courtyard where they lived, came to the vicinity of the small courtyard, stopped at a distance of about twenty feet from the small courtyard, and sensed the monks in the room next to the small courtyard together.

Although it could be felt that the monk had tried his best to restrain his breath, the technique of restraining his breath in the wasteland was obviously not very good.

After the two looked at each other, they nodded to each other, bypassed the side where there were people, and came to the other side of the small courtyard.

After feeling it for a while, Shen Zhiyu found that except for one formation in the yard, the restrictions set up before had disappeared.It seems that Brother Qin and the others knew that there were people outside, so they deliberately lifted the ban that would cause slight movements when the ban was lifted.

Han Lian naturally also noticed this situation, turned around and mouthed to Shen Zhiyu, "Follow my footsteps." '

After the formation is arranged, even if it is an extremely weird and dangerous killing formation, in order to follow the natural way of heaven, a life gate will be left for entry and exit. The life gate is generally set by the formation master. The more difficult it is to detect the door of life, and there will be a lot of cover-ups. Most of the time, the door of life is equivalent to not having it.

Han Lian was the formation mage who set up this formation, so he knew the formation inside the small courtyard like the palm of his hand, so he would not make any noise when walking through it.

After seeing Shen Zhiyu nodding, he jumped lightly, climbed to the top of the wall, and then jumped into the courtyard.

Shen Zhiyu also nimbly jumped onto the wall.

After seeing Shen Zhiyu's figure appearing on top of the wall, Han Lian left the position where he jumped off.

Shen Zhiyu spotted the spot, jumped down, landed silently like a cat, and stepped on the spot where Han Lian had stepped on before.

In the small courtyard, after going around several times, he finally left the range of the array attack.

Just outside the attack range of the formation, Shen Zhiyu saw several pairs of eyes in the center of the yard looking at her and Han Lian with burning eyes.

Shen Zhiyu: "..."

From the outside, it looked like there was no one in the courtyard, but the situation inside was completely opposite. Not only were there people, but it was also quite lively.

Shen Zhiyu looked back at the formation traces on the edge of the wall, feeling regretful in her heart, why didn't she have the talent for formation?But this also strengthened her idea of ​​understanding formations and the analysis of various formations. A sword cultivator who would be trapped by formations was not a good swordsman.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu heard Qin Xi's caring voice, "Fellow Daoist Han, Junior Sister Shen, are you not injured?"

Han Lian returned to the state of silence again, walked to the table and sat down silently. Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu shook his head and replied, "We're fine."

Shen Zhiyu also walked to the left and sat down.

As soon as his butt touched the stone bench, Chen Xingwei couldn't help but asked her, "How's the situation? Have you found any clues?"

Several other people also looked at her expectantly, Shen Zhiyu looked around and said: "It's not bad, this time the harvest is good."

The eyes of the surrounding people suddenly became brighter.

Shen Zhiyu took out the Jingling Cauldron and put it on the ground, and placed another jade slip on the table, "This Jingling Cauldron is a method for cultivators in the wilderness to purify spiritual energy, and that jade slip contains a sentence related to the exit." clue."

Sitting around the table, several monks suddenly became excited. Shen Zhiyu quietly watched them pass the jade slips to each other, and Chen Xingwei circled around the Jingling Cauldron excitedly.

However, the few people were not excited for too long, Qin Xi looked at Shen Zhiyu and asked, "Junior Sister Shen, please tell me the details."

Shen Zhiyu nodded, "I don't recommend using this kind of purified aura. I don't mention the method of making aura. The side effects of this kind of evil aura are terrible for monks. So I think we should go to the seam of spirit demons as soon as possible. Find a way to get out while you still have fighting power."

Several monks at the table agreed very much. The side effects of evil spirits were obvious to all. If they were not desperate, no one would want to be contaminated by this ghost thing.

"Speaking of the seam between spirits and demons, I remembered that when the city lord sent someone to invite us to the flower viewing party, he once mentioned that after we have participated in the flower viewing party here, if we want, we can escort us to three Any one of the big cities." Zhou Jiyao frowned, and said slowly while recalling.

(End of this chapter)

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