Chapter 19
Shen Zhiyu silently recited the formula in her heart, and operated her true energy according to the book, and her spiritual consciousness fell on the Lingyun sword in a net, and then tried to control it.

After working hard for a long time, Ling Yunjian didn't respond.

She looked at Ling Yunjian with some distress: what is wrong?

Shen Zhiyu carefully studied "Basic Sword Control" several times, word by word, and finally discovered the key point.

It turned out that it was necessary to inject power into the flying sword with real energy, and then use the formula to make it levitate, and finally control the flying sword with spiritual consciousness.

It's no wonder that one has to practice Qi to the fifth level to be able to learn the swordsmanship, because after the fifth level of Qi training, one can release the true essence without touching it!

Shen Zhiyu tried again, she silently recited the mantra, and after running the real energy, released it, and then poured it into the sword smoothly.

Sure enough, Ling Yunjian trembled slightly this time in her spiritual perception.

Shen Zhiyu was overjoyed, it was a good thing to be able to move!

She first gave up using her spiritual sense to control the flying sword, and only concentrated on practicing to make the flying sword hover smoothly.

But this is obviously not an easy task, and it has become a big problem to inject true essence into Ling Yunjian smoothly and evenly.

Often the true essence is interrupted in the middle, which leads to failure, or too much true essence is accidentally injected, which leads to failure.

Shen Zhiyu practiced all day, but she was only able to let the hilt of Ling Yunjian float an inch above the ground for a while.

Alas, she still has to travel so far to practice, at her level, she has to levitate the flying sword first.

Shen Zhiyu was not discouraged either, she practiced silently in the yard for three days, practice makes perfect, and finally she was able to float Ling Yunjian one meter above the ground for half a cup of tea time.

During the period, she also went to the General Affairs Hall and accepted a task of feeding spirit beasts. She will report to the spirit beast garden this evening.

Anyway, she can practice Yujian anywhere, but if she doesn't do the task again, she will run out of food.

Yes, Shen Zhiyu, who was already penniless, and even bought the remaining nine spirit stones during the three days of practicing Yujian, found a task of feeding the spirit silkworms for a month.

After one month, you can still get [-] contribution points.

Shen Zhiyu went to the Spiritual Beast Garden in the afternoon, and had a smooth dinner.

The person who gave her the task was a very kind senior brother named Liu Bo, who practiced Qi at the eighth level.

Liu Bo took her to the mulberry forest where silkworms were raised, and told her the living habits of silkworms in detail.

For example, we need to collect fresh green mulberry leaves to feed silkworm larvae every morning, clean the silkworm house regularly, let the silkworm larvae bask in the sun every day, and when the larvae grow up, put the adults into the green mulberry forest. Also pay attention to the silkworms that have cocooned in the green mulberry forest. It is not difficult to take them back, but it is very complicated.

Shen Zhiyu collected green mulberry leaves every morning to feed the silkworm larvae, took them out and put them outside to bask in the sun, and then began to practice Yujian. Beast Basics and Spiritual Plant Basics, and come back in the evening to clean up silkworm houses and inspect green mulberry forests.At night, I will practice in the small courtyard.

A month passed quickly, and Shen Zhiyu handed in the task. Brother Liu Bo was very satisfied when he came back, and gave her ten silkworm larvae and two green mulberry trees.

This month, Shen Zhiyu has gained a lot. She can control the sword stably, and she can use her spiritual sense to control the flying sword skillfully within a distance of five meters from the outside of her true energy.

It's just that she hasn't tried flying with the sword yet, so she has to go to Xiaotupo to practice first.

Moreover, she has successfully completed the two courses of "Spiritual Beast Basics" and "Spiritual Plant Basics". Not only that, she also learned a lot of common sense that she didn't know before.

For example, the ting stones and other messy materials in her storage bag are very useful to sword repairers.

The sword of a sword cultivator is different from the magic weapon of ordinary monks. The so-called sword cultivator only cultivates one sword throughout his life, and his determination remains unchanged. The sword also becomes stronger with the growth of the master. From that moment on, it is necessary to start raising the sword, and the most important thing to feed the natal sword is the material of the five elements.

She didn't know anything before, and she was going to take out those materials and exchange them for spirit stones, but luckily she didn't have time, but this made her even poorer.

The materials used by the sword cultivator to feed the natal sword are also first-class and expensive. When she thinks of this, she feels that her eyes are dark.

Moreover, she also needs to start slowly accumulating some materials, otherwise she will not even be able to forge the natal sword in the foundation building period.This is the special feature of sword cultivators. Other cultivators only need to refine their natal weapons during the golden core period, but as a sword cultivator, they have to offer their natal swords from the foundation establishment, and the sooner the better.

Shen Zhiyu felt that if she became a sword cultivator, it would be difficult for her to become rich in the future, and she had to think about how to develop a side job. If she didn't work hard to earn spirit stones, she might not even be able to afford the materials for raising swords.Fortunately, there will be a discount in the General Affairs Hall to use contribution points to buy materials for refining the natal sword.

After she lamented, she quickly cheered up again, and ran to the small slope before, ready to formally practice Yujian flying.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the flying sword in front of her, and stood up tentatively, but as soon as she stood up, she felt strenuous, and felt that Yujian flying and simply Yujian were two different things.

Rising crookedly for about two meters, Shen Zhiyu felt the flying sword start to shake violently. She panicked, and the flying sword lost control, and fell to the ground directly with the sword.

Shen Zhiyu rolled on the ground to relieve her strength, but she was not injured, but she was a little embarrassed.

She gave up the difficult movement of standing, and sat down on the sword, suspended at a height of about one meter, slowly getting used to it.

After she was able to control the flying sword from shaking, she moved forward slowly and steadily.

At this moment, when she touched the flying sword, she controlled it more stably than when she released her true energy.

After she got used to it slowly, she tried to speed up a little.

But with this acceleration, something went wrong again, and he lost control again. This time, the sword fell to the ground, and the person was still standing still.


Shen Zhiyu affirmed herself, and then continued to practice. After a day, she could sit on the sword and walk slowly at a height of about one meter.

She slowly practiced for another two days, and gradually she was able to fly at a height of two meters while sitting, and after another two days, she was able to fly at a height of one meter while standing. Fly freely in the low air.

It's just that the speed should not be too fast, otherwise there is still a risk of losing control.

She has been in the Xuanji Sword Sect for the second month, and Yujian is already proficient at flying, but she still doesn't dare to fly at high places.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu was holding a sword, standing on the edge of a cliff and looking down hesitantly.

She mustered up her courage several times, but she was always scared back when she was about to kick the door.

Shen Zhiyu struggled in her heart for a long time, and finally she closed her eyes and jumped off the cliff.

The sense of weightlessness hit, Shen Zhiyu bit the tip of her tongue, the pain caused her to concentrate and concentrate on controlling the sword.

Ling Yunjian flew out of her hand with a "swoosh", caught her falling body, and then flew up unsteadily.

Finally, he was about to fly up the cliff, but saw a white shadow suddenly appearing on the edge of the cliff.

Shen Zhiyu's scalp went numb, her mind lost control, and she fell towards the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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