Chapter 193

Moreover, the trace of horror on this monk's face is much lighter than that of ordinary monks in the wilderness. Maybe it is someone from the Jingling Pagoda. If she is really being targeted, it will be a little troublesome.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu's eyes became a bit fierce. She looked down at the monk lying on the ground, and a dagger that she had taken from the main room of the Jingling Pagoda appeared in her hand, and said coldly : "Can't you hear me?"

After seeing the dagger in her hand, the monk's face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "Are you also a corpse hunter?!"

After Shen Zhiyu was slightly stunned, she looked up and down the monk whose complexion had changed dramatically. After a few thoughts flashed through her mind, a look of vigilance appeared on her face. She squatted down and pressed the dagger against the monk's neck, and asked in a low voice. , "Who the hell are you? How do you know about corpse hunters?!"

Seeing this, the monk pulled out a dagger from his waist, and said repeatedly: "I'm my own! I'm also a corpse hunter!"

Shen Zhiyu secretly compared the two daggers, and they were indeed identical in shape.

She narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, stared at him dangerously, and asked, "Then what are you going to do when you stare at me?!"

Helplessness appeared on the monk's face, "Recently, the task is too heavy, and there is really no other way but to take risks." He also gave her a look of "you understand".

It turned out that this corpse hunter actually hunted and killed living people?
Shen Zhiyu looked at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I just didn't know that you are also a corpse hunter, so I would attack you." The monk turned his neck away from the dagger, and there was a flattering smile on his face, "Fellow Daoist, don't you now?" Can you let me go first?"

"You set your mind on me, and you just want me to let you go easily?" Shen Zhiyu thought of this man hunting and killing wantonly in the city without pretending, and there was a bitter coldness in his eyes.

"I didn't know you were also a corpse hunter!" The monk shouted his grievances loudly. When he said this, his voice suddenly paused. Looking at Shen Zhiyu's appearance, he was a little suspicious, "Why haven't I seen you before?"

Before Shen Zhiyu could react, he looked stunned again, "I forgot, not long ago, the tower owner issued an order to send nutrients and ingredients from other cities. Are you a corpse hunter from other cities?"

Hearing this, Shen Zhiyu quickly analyzed in her heart, and said calmly: "Yes, I came from Huangwu City and just arrived in Xiguang City." Having said that, she patted his face with the dagger in her hand, With a half-smile, he said: "As a result, I just arrived in Xiguang City, and you met my idea."

"I didn't do it on purpose. I really didn't know that you were also a corpse hunter. Your lord has a lot, please forgive me!" The monk stretched his neck, trying to avoid the dagger.

A sinister smile appeared on her face, and she said quietly: "Forgive you once? Then I lost a mission goal? Your mission is heavy, and mine is not light."

The monk's face changed drastically, his face was stiff, and there was a look of horror in the eyes of Shen Zhiyu, and he said bravely: "You, have you forgotten, hunters... corpse hunters... are not allowed to hunt each other. "

Shen Zhiyu paused slightly, but she didn't expect such a rule, she stared at him with dark eyes, playing with taste: "You did it to me first, didn't you?"

The monk's face froze, he tried his best to squeeze out a flattering smile on his face, and even flattered him: "Fellow Daoist, fellow Daoist, it's all my fault that I don't know Mount Tai, but it's hard for you to hand over my corpse, right?" , just let me go this time, and I can give you compensation to buy my life."

Shen Zhiyu looked at him without expressing his opinion.

Seeing that she was unmoved, the monk gritted his teeth and said, "How much nourishment do you still lack, I can supply it to you!"

"...All right." Shen Zhiyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded under his nervous gaze.

The monk immediately breathed a long sigh of relief.

Shen Zhiyu stood up, removed the sound-proof barrier, and then played with the dagger, watching the monk who was frightened by her go limp, and after lying on the ground for a long time, he staggered to his feet.

"Fellow Daoist, follow me, and I'll take you to get nourishment." The monk said to Shen Zhiyu cautiously after recovering.

After weighing in her mind, Shen Zhiyu nodded and said, "Okay, let's lead the way."

She is not afraid of this monk playing tricks, in a situation like Huangyu, she is confident that she can escape safely.

The two walked one after the other, Shen Zhiyu looked at the monk in front of him, and asked casually: "Are you currently having a lot of tasks?"

"Don't mention it, isn't there a feast of spirits and demons going to be held recently? The superiors require us to hunt five foundation-building nutrients in ten days." The monk kept shaking his head, his voice bitter, "Now the foundation-building monks in the city have all I'm not going out of the city, there are only some qi training periods outside the city, and I have no choice but to do it in the city."

Shen Zhiyu thought deeply, why did these people arrest so many people...

Moreover, the arrested people are also called nourishment and ingredients, will it have something to do with viewing flowers?What is the connection between the two?

Shen Zhiyu was thinking about it when she heard the monk ask, "Fellow Daoist, what should I call you?"

"My name is Shishi." Shen Zhiyu casually mentioned a monk in the wasteland that he was a little familiar with.

"So it's Fellow Daoist Shi!" The monk said with a smile, "My name is Wade. Fellow Daoist Shi, you can just call me Old Wei."

"Oh." Shen Zhiyu responded coldly.

Wade didn't care, and asked with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Shi, besides nourishment, how many ingredients did Huangwu City send?"

Shen Zhiyu frowned, this Wade was quite good at asking, and he just asked something she wasn't sure about.

However, she probably had some guesses in her mind, but she didn't know if she was right or not. The corpse hunter was hunting for nourishment and ingredients, and he said that it was because of a feast of spirits and demons that he aggravated the task.

In addition to what he had seen and heard about the flower viewing party when he was in Huangwu City before, and the vague knowledge that the five of Han Lian were sent to participate in some banquet, Shen Zhiyu probably guessed that the five of Han Lian and the others were probably ingredients.

Shen Zhiyu's body was terrified, and the name "ingredients" would have bad intentions.

Feast and ingredients, the connection between the two... Shen Zhiyu couldn't help shivering.

"Five ingredients." Shen Zhiyu replied while pinching a solid sword energy in her hand to observe Wade's movements.

"Five? Is that much?" Wade's voice was extremely surprised, "Xiguang City only selected three this year."

elected?Shen Zhiyu's heart skipped a beat.

There seems to be a separation between nourishment and ingredients?Not for the same purpose?
That's right, what Wade mentioned inside and outside the words is nourishment, whether it is describing the person arrested or compensating her, it is nourishment, not food.

If this is the case, will the nutrients be used to purify the aura?If you think about it this way, it's very possible.

It's no wonder that the number of people selected by the Flower Appreciation Club did not match the number needed to purify the spiritual energy. If she guessed it now, it would match...

Nutrients are used to purify spiritual energy, and the people selected by the flower appreciation meeting are the so-called ingredients for the feast of spirits and demons!
Shen Zhiyu let out a long breath. If these behaviors in this wasteland are as she guessed, it will really challenge cognition...

(End of this chapter)

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