Chapter 2 Salvation
Shen Zhiyu was on the verge of losing consciousness, and when the antidote was in her mouth, her strong desire to survive made her swallow hard.

Not long after drinking the antidote, she fell into the darkness, and the spiritual power in her body was reactivated by the antidote, gradually repairing this body that was on the verge of collapse.

Brother Biao quickly took away the rest of the people, and rushed to the altar in a hurry.


As soon as the dungeon door was closed, Lin Yunhao jumped out of the cage like a swift big black mouse, leaned on the dungeon door and looked at the backs of a large group of people.

These evil cultivators started to harm people again so quickly!

He was a little anxious, looking at the unmoving homonym ring on his finger, he couldn't help but quietly poured in a urge of spiritual power.

Not long after, the homonym ring suddenly lit up with a soft light.

Lin Yunhao was overjoyed, and after setting up the sound-proof barrier, he connected the input spiritual power to the opposite side of the homophonic ring.


Shen Zhiyu was awakened by the unbearable pain and itching all over her body. When she opened her eyes, she was confused. When she slowly woke up, she found that she had come to a completely strange place.

This is a huge valley, quiet, not even the chirping of birds and insects that often occur in the woods, surrounded by criss-crossing green mountains, it is quite gloomy.

She was bound by a rope and sat cross-legged on the edge of a raised stone platform. The surrounding area was very open, and a huge tripod was directly in front of her eyes. texture.

From the looks of it, this should be the altar that those people mentioned just now, but I don't know where the owner they mentioned is.

Shen Zhiyu looked around, and found that besides her, there were other people on the altar, and they were all tied up and sitting cross-legged. Some of them had their eyes closed and they hadn't woken up yet, and some of them had their eyes open with fear on their faces. .

It seems that the water has been boiled in the pot, and they are waiting to slice the fish on their chopping boards and put them in the pot.

Such a feeling of powerlessness is really unpleasant, Shen Zhiyu took a deep breath to calm her mind and began to silently check her physical condition.

The rejuvenation pill that Lin Yunhao gave her was more effective than she had imagined. Logically speaking, the wound on her body suffered serious secondary injuries. I gave it to her, but with her meager cultivation at the third level of qi training, it wouldn't be of much use.

But now the injuries on her body are slowly improving, and the situation is actually better than before she suffered the second injury. Even apart from the slow circulation of spiritual power along the meridians, there is also an inexplicable heat flowing around her body.

This effect seems to be completely different from the rejuvenation pill she had taken before.

Is it because the rejuvenation pill she bought is a low-level pill, so the effect is different?
Is this the power of Lingshi?
While thinking wildly, Shen Zhiyu transferred all the spiritual power circulating around her body to her right hand, and compressed it into the small iron piece in her hand that was picked out from the iron cage.

Although there is a high probability that it will be futile, no matter what, she is still unwilling to let the mermaid be like this.

She still had so many things to do, and she didn't see anyone she wanted to see, so she really didn't want to be caught without a fight.

After about half a cup of tea, Shen Zhiyu heard the sound at the tip of her ear.There should be many people densely packed, and the sound of footsteps is particularly obvious in this silent valley.

Shen Zhiyu's heart sank with a big stone, and she could feel her heart beating faster and faster, and an indescribable heat rushed to her head.

The feeling of congested head made her very uncomfortable. She took a few deep breaths and tried her best to calm herself down.

The people who were tied up around the altar probably realized what was going to happen. Those who were awake all howled in terror, and the quiet valley suddenly became noisy.

A group of people who came to the altar scattered in all directions, knelt down around the surroundings regularly, and shouted loudly in a neat and fanatical voice: "Welcome the coming of the Holy Lord!"

"Welcome to the coming of the Holy Lord!"


"Welcome to the coming of the Holy Lord!!!"

After shouting more than a dozen times, a heavy pressure suddenly appeared, and everyone around them fell to the ground.

This pressure made Shen Zhiyu feel as if he was in water, heavy and stagnant, but the people on the altar were not crushed down like the people around him, but it also suppressed the voices of the awake people on the altar, and it was quiet .

The heavy coercion became heavier and heavier, and when Shen Zhiyu was about to be unable to bear it, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and a black figure fell from the sky to the middle of the altar.

The people around were a little excited when the black shadow appeared, and when the coercion was removed, they frantically began to kowtow to the black shadow.

Hei Ying raised his hand, and a hoarse voice came out slowly: "Today is the day when the Blood Bone Sword will be completed, and when the sword is completed, it will be the day when we will return to the Blood Demon Sect!"

As he said that, Hei Ying held out a pitch-black sickle, and a pair of hands like chicken feet protruded from the black robe, and his skinny fingers quickly formed complex seals one after another.

The jet-black sickle trembled as the seal was formed, and then spun rapidly. When the seal was about to form, the sickle split into dozens of phantoms and scattered around the shadow like a goddess scattered flowers. The sickle blade was pointing at the altar. sacrifice.

She couldn't wait any longer, her intuition told her that she couldn't wait for the seal to be formed, Shen Zhiyu's eyes sank.

This is not a good time to do something, but she thought of Lin Yunhao in the dungeon, so she decided to take a gamble. If it was as she had guessed, she wanted to try to see if she could delay some time.

If it's not what she thought, then she will die early and be reborn early.

Shen Zhiyu clamped the small iron piece in the palm of his hand with his fingers, hooked his hand and cut off the rope on his wrist. As soon as his hand was free, he quickly wiped the joints bound by the rope a few times, and successfully untied himself.

Then she rolled and reached the side of the black shadow. She kicked her foot on the ground and jumped up with her strength. With her spiritual power, she stabbed the black shadow's neck with a small iron piece.

But Soi Ying's cultivation was obviously much higher than hers, and the small iron piece had just pierced half a palm away from her side before being blocked by an invisible barrier.

But fortunately, she also interrupted the formation of the seal.

The black shadow let out a weird laugh, raised his hand and waved a wave of spiritual power, hitting Shen Zhiyu, knocking her out of the altar.

Shen Zhiyu flew upside down, only to feel a brutal force rushing into her body, stirring and cutting her internal organs, she let out a muffled grunt, and spurted out a big mouthful of blood.

Her body slid on the ground for three to four meters, her back rubbing against the ground made a toothache sound, and a bloodstain was drawn on the ground.

Shen Zhiyu was lying on the ground on her back, the severe pain caused by the displacement of her internal organs made her breathless as if her chest had been hit with a sledgehammer, her throat was flooded and blocked with blood, and she let out a hoarse "gurgle" when breathing "Voice.

She spat out a big mouthful of blood again, raised her body with difficulty and slowly, and stared at the black shadow.

The black shadow sneered, and stretched out his left hand like a claw, and a little red aura diffused from his body.

Shen Zhiyu let out a muffled snort, her neck seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand, her face turned blue and hideous due to suffocation, her hand stretched out around her neck trying to grab and break the invisible bondage.

Gradually, her body rose from the ground, Shen Zhiyu opened her mouth to breathe with difficulty, her face became more and more terrifying.

When she was about to suffocate, Soi Ying waved her arm, and immediately, she was thrown out violently like a piece of rag and dusted on the ground.

Regardless of the severe pain in her body, she breathed in the air greedily after being let go of the shackles.

After a while, she slowed down a little bit and turned her head slightly, and saw a black corner of the clothes, the black shadow had come to her side, Shen Zhiyu felt a strong sense of despair.

Shen Zhiyu's eyes turned black, she was lying on the ground, warm and sweet blood poured out of her mouth continuously.

In a trance, I heard the strange and hoarse voice of the shadow again, "You should be honored to be the first to sacrifice the sword."

Heiying picked her up again with spiritual power, flew up to the altar, and lifted the cauldron cover in the center with a flip of his hand.

Immediately, a strong smell of blood spread, and the cauldron was filled with more than half of the scarlet blood, and a huge black and red sword stood in the middle.

The black and red sword gradually enlarged in her somewhat slack pupils...

Just as Shen Zhiyu was about to be thrown into the pool of blood, purple thunderbolts suddenly exploded over the valley.

A flash of emerald green light "swished" and fell on the altar and divided into many paths, forming a protective shield on the body of the sacrificed person.

Shen Zhiyu raised his eyes with difficulty, and in a trance, he saw the brilliant spiritual light all over the sky and a slender figure stepping on a sword.

 Chapter 2 is freshly released!
(End of this chapter)

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