Chapter 203
As long as there are no major problems in the end, it will be fine, and through the previous relationship, Shen Zhiyu believes that Han Lian has his own measure.

So now, she is not going to ask more questions, Shen Zhiyu's eyes wandered, avoiding He Chong's helpless eyes that wanted to ask for help, and looked at the sky and the earth, but she didn't meet He Chong's eyes, and she simply turned around at the back Get up.

It's none of her business, she can't see it, and she doesn't want to care about it.

As for why she didn't just leave.

Ahem, although she doesn't want to be nosy, she is still interested in listening to a gossip.

And she stands here, in case the two of them really get out of control, she can stop it in advance, although she doesn't want to take too much care of the grievances between them, but the current situation is special, not internal fighting good time.

If you really want to fight, you can fight after you go out, she must have walked away in a hurry.

Simply because this dispute was broken, and everyone is still here, it seems that the dispute between the two is not suitable for people to hear.

Therefore, Shen Zhiyu only heard Han Lian reprimanded with disgust, "Get lost!"

Then, Shen Zhiyu heard footsteps coming from behind, um, she heard that it wasn't Han Lian's, it was He Chong.

The footsteps approached, and finally stopped beside her, Shen Zhiyu looked sideways.

He Chong Youyuan had a bit of accusation in his eyes again, he sighed faintly, "Friend Shen, you are so cruel..."

Shen Zhiyu was a little puzzled, I don't know you very well, if I really want to get sidetracked, I should also help Han Lian who has saved her several times.If I didn't help him beat you up, I would have been fair!

Just as he finished speaking, a piece of jade pendant flew from behind suddenly and hit He Chong's shoulder accurately. Han Lian's voice was cold and irritable, "Get lost!"

He Chong caught the falling jade pendant, then turned around slightly, with a helpless expression but a strange connivance, and said in a good temper: "Okay, okay, I'll just go, Junior Brother Han, don't be angry. "

"Fellow Daoist Shen, do you want to go together?" He Chong blinked at her.

The corners of Shen Zhiyu's eyes twitched indistinctly, and silently moved a little distance away, "No, fellow Daoist He, you can go first."

"Then I'll go back~" He Chong spread his hands towards Shen Zhiyu with a smile, and left in time before the next object flew.

Shen Zhiyu looked suspiciously at He Chong's leaving back, dense goose bumps appeared all over his skin.

How do you feel... this He Chong seems to be teasing her?

Is it an illusion?Is it an illusion...

Shen Zhiyu patted his arm with goosebumps, and then silently raised He Chong's alert level by one level.

Now there are only Shen Zhiyu and Han Lian left around.

Shen Zhiyu didn't turn around immediately, but waited for a while, and only after Han Lian's breathing became calmer, did she turn around slowly.

Then he saw Han Lian standing there silently with his eyes downcast, and Shen Zhiyu saw his expression clearly. That handsome face was a little annoyed and a little dazed.It looked very much like a child who was caught after doing something wrong, dazed and at a loss.

Such a pitiful expression appeared on such an astonishing face, it was too easy to soften one's heart.

Shen Zhiyu looked at him quietly, and finally she sighed silently, knowing that this had nothing to do with her, but somehow she couldn't bear it, she cleared her throat and said: "Senior Brother Han, I have something to do with you, you Do you have time now?"

Hearing Shen Zhiyu's question, Han Lian blinked slowly, his slender eyelashes trembled a few times, he silently moved a few steps towards Shen Zhiyu, stood in front of her, then pursed his lips slightly, "I have time."

Shen Zhiyu nodded and turned away, "Then I just go to Senior Brother Qin to discuss the current situation, let's go."

"En." Han Lian responded softly, followed Shen Zhiyu slowly, and walked towards Qin Xi's house.

Qin Xi's house was in a remote location. Not long after Shen Zhiyu and Han Lian had left, they saw Qin Xi sitting alone at the door, holding a long sword with stars in his hand, his eyes fell on the sword, dazed Preoccupied.

As Shen Zhiyu approached, he heard footsteps, waved his sword away, looked at the two of them, a trace of doubt appeared on his face, and asked: "Junior Sister Shen, Fellow Daoist Han, why are you here?"

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu suddenly realized that Qin Xi didn't know about the demon clan, so naturally he didn't know about Shen Lingyu's existence, so he naturally didn't know about the current situation.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu hesitated for a moment, considering whether to directly tell the whole story about the demons?
But the Zongmen's senior management seems to strictly forbid this matter from leaking out, and there is also He Chong who is on her alert list in this team.

While Shen Zhiyu was hesitating, Han Lian suddenly tugged at the corner of her clothes. Shen Zhiyu turned his head slightly, followed Han Lian's slight pulling force, and stood behind him.

A slender wooden stick suddenly appeared in Han Lian's hand, and there was a blood-red fierce word on the front of the wooden stick.

After seeing this wooden stick, Qin Xi's complexion changed slightly, and his voice was surprised, "What's going on?!"

Han Lian handed him the wooden stick directly, and said calmly, "Since I entered the city, I have been restless, so I used the life and death stick to make a divination."

Afterwards, Han Lian asked again, "Should we leave here first?"

Qin Xi frowned slightly and remained silent.

Shen Zhiyu looked curiously at the slender wooden stick in Han Lian's hand. It looked very ordinary, but judging from the performance of Senior Brother Qin and Han Lian, it seemed to be a very extraordinary magic weapon?
Han Lian felt Shen Zhiyu's curious eyes, his eyes fell on Shen Zhiyu's face without any trace, and he explained calmly: "This is a special magic weapon made by Tianjilou, called the life and death lottery, which is specially used to test Good or bad."

Oh I got it.

Shen Zhiyu suddenly realized that something about the Tianji Building, no wonder Senior Brother Qin reacted so strongly to it.

However, she has only heard of other magical artifacts from the Tianjilou before, and this is the first time she has heard of the life-and-death sign. Although she has never heard of it, she also knows that the magical artifacts produced by the Tianjilou are generally very accurate. .

Seeing the ominous blood-red fierce characters on the wooden sign, Shen Zhiyu nodded silently in her heart, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation, produced by Tianjilou, it is indeed a high-quality product.

Isn't their current situation an ominous omen.

After pondering for a while, Qin Xi finally had a reaction. He raised his head and glanced at the two of them, and said slowly, "Let's ask the other three fellow Taoists first."

Shen Zhiyu and Han Lian naturally agreed, they walked together as equals, so naturally they couldn't overstep their authority and make decisions on their behalf.

So the three of them split up to find He Chong, Chen Xingwei and Zhou Jiyao.

It didn't take long for the six of them to gather in Qin Xi's room, staring at the life and death lottery on the table together, almost making a hole in the table.

(End of this chapter)

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