Chapter 206
Does He Chongming's secret contact have anything to do with Han Lian?What exactly is he trying to do?
Forget it, no matter what purpose he has, just pretend he doesn't know it, and the most urgent thing is to finish what needs to be done first.

Shen Zhiyu withdrew his gaze, and continued to think of ways to sneak out.

The black vines are all over the wall, and once they get close to it, they will inevitably make noises, and then attract the attention of the monks on duty.

Shen Zhiyu's eyes fell on the vines climbing on the surface of the wall. These vines should also be afraid of fire, right?
Moreover, when she was inspecting the circle just now, she saw a few inconspicuous areas of scorched black caused by lightning strikes, presumably caused by the falling electric snakes falling from the clouds in the sky.

It should be feasible to set a fire a little farther away, pretend it was caused by the thunderclouds above the head, and then run out while taking advantage of the chaos.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu picked a suitable place and placed a lightning-inducing talisman and a thunder-fire talisman, then she hid aside and activated two talismans with the sword energy left in the talisman.

Immediately, Shen Zhiyu, who was hiding aside, heard a "boom" of thunder, and under the action of the lightning-inducing talisman, the white lightning rushed out of the shackles of the thick clouds, tore the clouds, and was freed, illuminating a large area of ​​the nearby scene brightly. .

After the thunder, the flames flickered, the red flames flew wildly, and the hissing voices sounded. Many monks on duty noticed something strange and came together.

Shen Zhiyu, who was standing in the black rockery, felt that the monks outside the wall had left their places, so she casually summoned the Qingya Sword.

The true energy in her body surged, but the sword energy was specially compressed by her.

The sixth form of "Breaking the Army", disappearing.

An inconspicuous sword light flashed from the edge of Qingya Sword's sharp blade, and then disappeared completely in the air.

Afterwards, Shen Zhiyu raised his hand and pushed the tip of the sword, sending Qingya sword out of the garden.

Seeing that Qingya sword flew out of the fence smoothly without arousing the detection of the black vines, she was relieved in her heart.

Then with a thought, the body became light and thin, and at the same time stretched out his fingers and pinched the formula, the true energy in the body changed its course according to the trend, and the true energy surged wildly.

The ninth form of "Breaking the Army", the replacement of the sword.

Shen Zhiyu and Qingyajian exchanged positions in an instant, she sensed the surroundings, chose a safe place, and then lightly landed at a corner, revealing her figure.

She looked around vigilantly, and found that it was an extremely remote alley, with no monks coming and going, and the houses and roads were built with a kind of gray-black stone, which was very suitable for the gray samurai uniform she specially put on. .

Moreover, the spiritual consciousness is suppressed in the gap between the spirit and the devil. She only needs to hide the breath from her body and the sound of her actions, so she won't be so easy to be discovered.

Now I am only worried about encountering those demons who don't know the depth, and I don't know if their way of detecting and sensing has been suppressed. Shen Zhiyu will not naively think that the methods of the demons are the same as monks. Other sensing methods are just fucking fucked up.

After Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, she took a water breath pill to hide her already inaudible breathing.

Then Shen Zhiyu poked his head out to look at the environment on both sides of the alley, and saw that there were hardly many monks or demons wandering on the streets in the city, and the shops on both sides were also closed, which looked very deserted.

Is it because of that feast of spirits and demons that caused this situation?Or is this city just so deserted and lonely?

But this way, good and bad.

The good thing is that there are few people in this city and the environment is dark, so it is convenient for her to walk and explore. The bad thing is that there are too few people, so it is not convenient for her to hide, and if she is not careful, she will be found and hunted down.

After taking a careful look, Shen Zhiyu walked along the street to the south side where she was given during the discussion.

On the way to the south of the city, Shen Zhiyu went into the house to have a look, and found that the houses in the city were basically unoccupied, and the tables, chairs and benches in the house were covered with a thick layer of dust.

Shen Zhiyu frowned slightly, this city seemed to have been deserted for a long time, could it be the same as those cities in the wasteland, it was the city built during the previous battle between the spirit and demon?
So now this city will be reopened because of the Feast of Spirit Demons?
I passed by a store during the period, and saw maps on the counter for sale from the gap in the half-broken window next to the store, and there were books on the bookshelf against the wall.

Shen Zhiyu didn't hesitate much, after careful observation, she quietly turned in through the window.

Picking up the map that was almost submerged in dust on the counter, she found that the characters on the map were unfamiliar characters that she was familiar with but did not recognize. Shen Zhiyu guessed that this kind of strange characters were probably demon characters. , It's a pity that she can't understand the specific content.

There are simply pictures of houses and buildings in the city on the map. Even if you can't read the text on it, it's better to have these pictures to compare and search for than headless flies.

I looked at the books on the bookshelf lightly, and found that they were all recorded in magic script, but Shen Zhiyu did not search so many books in vain, and found some crude topographical maps recording the gap between spirits and demons.

Comparing the rough map of the holy city, Shen Zhiyu roughly deduced the direction he was in by relying on the route he wrote down when he entered the garden under house arrest and his memorization of the garden.

It was discovered that although she was also going south before, she took a detour. Now that she had a map to compare, Shen Zhiyu found the south of the city as quickly as possible.

Looking at the environment in the south of the city, Shen Zhiyu took a deep breath and slowly searched one by one.Fortunately, the city was deserted and almost no one lived in the houses, otherwise it would have taken too much time for her to search the south of the city.

Not long after, Shen Zhiyu came to a huge mansion, and unexpectedly found two monks guarding the gate of the mansion.

Um?Is there anyone in this mansion?
Shen Zhiyu stepped aside at once, then hid in the dark and looked at the situation of the mansion.

In general, this mansion is huge. She looked at the graphics drawn on the map and found that this mansion alone occupies one-tenth of the south of the city.

The mansion that was cleaned up on a special trip must be useful, maybe it has something to do with the feast of spirits and demons...

Shen Zhiyu rubbed his chin, determined to go in and have a look.

Just in case, Shen Zhiyu took out the special hidden talisman and held it in the palm of his hand.

Just as she was about to find a way to sneak into the mansion, Shen Zhiyu saw someone coming out of the gate.

Black dress, graceful figure.

It's Shen Lingyu!

Shen Zhiyu's eyes lit up immediately, there must be important clues in the place where the fake Shen Lingyu was staying!

After Shen Lingyu went out of the gate, a four-hoofed monster covered in pitch black was released from the spirit beast bag, sat on it and ran away quickly.

I just don't know if that group of demons are inside... Shen Zhiyu hesitated.

Afterwards, she decided to give it a try, because if she didn't enter the tiger's lair, how could she win a tiger's cub? After she got the clues, she would be more confident of escaping!
(End of this chapter)

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