Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 209 Study Restriction

Chapter 209 Study Restriction
Shen Zhiyu was stunned, this casual question suddenly revealed an earth-shattering event.The young master of the Demon Race must be here for something important.

Her mind was still a little stagnant, and she asked subconsciously: "Young Master of the Demon Race, what Young Master of the Demon Race?"

Hongdou said disapprovingly, "It's the young master of the Demon Race."

Shen Zhiyu held his breath slightly, "Tell me what you know from beginning to end."

"Ah? There's nothing to say about that," Hongdou muttered, and then said perfunctorily, "I'll talk about it after I've absorbed the spiritual energy first."

Shen Zhiyu felt her forehead twitch, and said without doubt: "You talk while you suck."

The lifeblood of the spiritual energy channel is in the hands of others, and Hongdou dare not raise its tail at will. It let out an "oh" and began to tell the news it knew.

Shen Zhiyu listened to Hongdou's words, and her hands were not idle, turning all the rooms except the study room upside down.

Sure enough, as Hongdou said, there was nothing in these houses except for some furniture, and Shen Zhiyu found nothing.

In the end, when Shen Zhiyu was standing in the restricted room, Hongdou happened to tell all the scattered news that she knew.

In fact, Hongdou didn't know too much news, but just listened to it from time to time, so what he knew seemed to be scattered and fragmented. Shen Zhiyu didn't understand the whole situation after listening to it.

First of all, it is the matter of the young master of the demon clan. Hongdou just heard Shen Lingyu casually mentioning that a big man from the demon race will come recently. Later, when Ruoshui was chatting with the fake Shen Lingyu, he said that the big man was the young master of the demon race. host.

He also said some strange things, such as how to meet each other, how to make a good impression, and how to prevent the young master of the Demon Race from meeting someone. They discussed for a long time.

I went out today to the east of the city, Shen Zhiyu reckoned, the east side of the city is far from this mansion, if you go all out, it will take about a stick of incense time, since Shen Lingyu cares so much about the young master of the demon clan, even if you feel There is a problem with my own restraint, and I won't come back for a while.

So when it really came to a point where there was no way to untie the restriction on the door quietly, Shen Zhiyu could directly break the restriction by force, but now she still didn't want to cause too much commotion.

As for the other things, Hongdou is not too clear, but after staying by the counterfeit Shen Lingyu for so long, he still knows a little information related to the spirit feast, but most of it is fragmentary, but it is terrifying.

After Shen Zhiyu finished listening, she put those things down for the time being, and began to concentrate on studying the restriction on the study door.

Shen Zhiyu had never seen the restraint on the door, and it was indeed difficult to unravel the complex and mysterious aura fluctuations.

Shen Zhiyu looked at it for a long while, but she could see some subtle ways. After a long while, she took a deep breath and began to break the restriction on the door.

Most of the methods of restricting enchantment are interlinked, not as obscure as the way of formation and talismans. Most of the operating principles of restricting enchantment are the same, but a monk proficient in restricting enchantment will make adjustments by himself The forbidden barrier set up by oneself is more solid and difficult to break.

She has studied some books related to forbidden enchantment, and probably knows the specific operation method of forbidden enchantment. Although the principle of this thing is simple, sometimes the simpler something is, the more difficult it is to do.

Shen Zhiyu carefully used her true essence to mediate the spiritual energy running circuit on the ban, and she soon figured out the most tricky part, which was the perceptual imprint left by the ban owner.

After carefully removing it for a while, Shen Zhiyu looked at the sensory imprint and sighed, saying that this restriction is difficult, it is really not in vain.

On a general ban, there are no more than 64 spiritual energy running lines connected to the perception mark, but now, this ban is densely covered with spiritual energy running lines, and there are hundreds of them.

Shen Zhiyu sighed, and slowly unwrapped one by one, but halfway through untying, she was shocked to find that most of these things were just blindfolds, used to deceive people.

This counterfeit Shen Lingyu is quite accomplished in the method of restraining barriers.

It would take too much time to unravel one by one like this, maybe when that fake Shen Lingyu comes back, she hasn't solved the restriction yet.

Shen Zhiyu raised his eyebrows, staring at the mess of restraints, thinking in his heart: How about stabbing with a sword.

At this time, the red bean in his mind hiccupped, as if he was sustaining himself while devouring the spiritual energy. Seeing Shen Zhiyu's helpless situation, he quickly spoke, "...Let me, let me!"

Shen Zhiyu was a little skeptical, "Are you still going to lift the restriction?"

At this time, Shen Zhiyu felt a scorching air flowing out along the spiritual veins, reaching her fingertips, and the next moment, Shen Zhiyu only felt a scalding pain emerging from the tip of her right finger.

In the space, the scorching fire aura quickly gathered at Shen Zhiyu's finger, and when the fire aura became strong to a certain extent, a small golden-red flame suddenly sprang up from her fingertips.

Shen Zhiyu looked down at the flame as big as a bean on her finger, and she raised her eyebrows slightly. Before, there was a sea of ​​flames with a wave of her hand, but now she squeezed out such a small flame with all her strength.

Hongdou also sensed his own weakness, and once again scolded the counterfeit Shen Lingyu angrily, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Hey, she made so many fire balls with me, and my origin was injured,... It will take time to recover in the future.”

"Then you are like this now, how do you get rid of this restriction?" Shen Zhiyu asked looking at the flame like a candle in the wind on his fingertips.

"Just put me on the ban, I'm going to burn that dead woman's kennel!" Hong Dou was eager to try.

Thinking of this guy's full of resentment, Shen Zhiyu's eyelids twitched, and said quickly: "Don't burn it, I still use the information in it."

"Oh—" Hongdou lowered her brows and drooped her eyes, her voice was limp, "I see."

Seeing that the red bean responded, Shen Zhiyu flicked the golden-red flame on the fingertips onto the forbidden sensory imprint, and then saw the weak flame burning instantly, and it didn't take long for the sensory imprint to be completely destroyed. Burned out.

The mark of perception was disabled, Shen Zhiyu waved a few sword qi casually, and easily solved the restriction on the door.

Shen Lingyu must have been alarmed by the burning of the imprint of perception, so he had to speed up.

Shen Zhiyu swung a wave of true energy, pushed open the door, and then looked around the study room, making sure that there were no traps, before preparing to step into the study room.

(End of this chapter)

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