Chapter 21 Rabbit
Shen Zhiyu even saw a rattle drum at a booth, without any aura fluctuations, it was obviously a mortal thing, but the stall owner pulled a second-level Qi training disciple and kept selling it: "Junior brother, don't look at it without aura fluctuations!" , but this is something I brought out from the Tianyuan Secret Realm, and I saw that you saw it at a glance, so I can see that you are very destined for it. I reluctantly cede it to you, and only accept one spirit stone from you!"

It was obviously deceitful words, but Shen Zhiyu saw that the second-level Qi training disciple was still moved.

Shen Zhiyu blushed and walked away silently.

She walked to a booth where she was buying pills and asked, "Is there any powder for repelling snakes and insects?"

Moon pearl grass likes shade, and snakes, insects, rats and ants are more common in places where it grows.

The stall owner looked up at her, and handed over a small paper package, "Five Lingshi."

Only then did Shen Zhiyu remember that he had no spirit stones, so he asked, "Can I use contribution points to pay for it?"

The stall owner was a little surprised. After all, contribution points can be exchanged for spirit stones, but spirit stones cannot be exchanged for contribution points.

He nodded, and said softly, "Yes, 25 contribution points."

In the general affairs hall, five contribution points were exchanged for one spirit stone. She had no objection and readily transferred it to him.

After buying the medicine powder she needed, she bought a magic talisman, a diamond talisman, a bottle of bigu pill and a rejuvenation pill. In case of unexpected situations, she can also defend, escape and heal her injuries.

But those two talismans were too expensive, it cost her [-] contribution points, [-] contribution points for Vajra Talisman, equivalent to ten spirit stones, [-] contribution points for Divine Walking Talisman, six spirit stones.

Bigu Pill is cheap, it only needs ten contribution points, converted into two spirit stones, rejuvenation pill is more expensive, 25 contribution points, five spirit stones each.

Shen Zhiyu sighed, it seems that the sideline business has to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Before Shen Zhiyu returned to the small courtyard, he stopped once on the way, and cut a tall elm in the woods, and prepared to take it back to make a plaque.

She has already chosen the name, and it is called Jinyuyuan, which is taken from the poem "Gold and jade have essence, how can they not be strong."She hopes that she can be as strong as Jinyu, and what's more, this name is very rich at first glance, and she hopes it can bring her fortune.

In the following time, after Shen Zhiyu made the plaque and inscribed the words and hung it up to dry, she took care of the yard again. In the past two months, she had loosened the soil and applied smoke mud, and planted ephedra grass and grape vines. Also, the green mulberry tree given by Senior Brother Liu Bo was also dug and planted by the wall, and the silkworms were also growing slowly.

Now that she was going out for a trip, she naturally had to make preparations so that she would not wither when she came back.

After taking care of the courtyard, she entered the meditation room and began to practice. She wanted to face tomorrow's task in the best condition.

At noon the next day, Shen Zhiyu went to the cafeteria to have dinner, checked again, and set off after not missing anything.

Sitting on the spirit crane for a long time, when he came to the mountain gate, he found that there were already three monks with jade pendants hanging around their waists standing under the tree outside the gate. Shen Zhiyu also took out the jade pendant tokens he got when he received the mission yesterday, and approached .

The monks standing under the tree were two men and a woman. One of the men had a higher level of cultivation. Looking at the aura fluctuations around his body, he could touch the seventh level of Qi training. The other man was at the sixth level of Qi training. A female cultivator has the same level of cultivation as Shen Zhiyu, and both are at the fifth level of Qi training.

After Shen Zhiyu passed by, the three of them introduced her kindly. The male practitioner at the seventh level of qi training is called Zhang Lin, the male practitioner at the sixth level is called Hu Jun, and the female one is called He Cui.

Now there are four people, and after a short wait, the last cultivator also arrived, a female cultivator named Zhao Xue, with a four-level qi training.

When the five people arrived, they officially set off.


The forest is vast, the mountains and forests are constantly undulating, and a piece of emerald green makes people feel comfortable.There is no sound in the forest, only the leaves rustling under the caress of the breeze, the chirping of birds can be heard from time to time, and some small animals such as monkeys and squirrels flash past the canopy from time to time .

The location of the task is not far from the sect, and the surrounding Xuanji disciples are active, so there are no valuable resources.

The five of them walked to the depths of the forest. Gradually, some low-level spiritual plants began to appear on the road, but they were still young and not worth picking.

Shen Zhiyu identified the spirit plants on the ground as she walked forward. After taking classes for a month, she got to know thousands of common spirit plants and spirit beasts.

Suddenly, she met the eyes of a rabbit poking its head.Then the rabbit nimbly twisted its buttocks and ran away quickly.

Shen Zhiyu, who hadn't eaten meat for a long time, couldn't help swallowing.

She looked at the four people waiting in full force around her, and resisted the urge to catch up.

Today is NO.13, and Moon Pearl Grass is blooming at NO.15. They have plenty of time to search, but this time they need a lot, so they have to find a few more places with Moon Pearl Grass in advance, and wait until the month Round the night, pick them together.

When the sky was about to get dark, Zhang Lin, the leader, decided to find a suitable place to camp and rest.

The forest at night is extremely dangerous, and it is not suitable to continue searching for Moon Pearl Grass.

Several people cleaned up the surrounding vegetation and trees, cleared a piece of land, and sprinkled insect repellent powder on the outside.

After assigning a task, Zhang Lin went to patrol the surrounding area, Hu Biao and He Cui went out to hunt, Zhao Xue was in charge of keeping the fire and guarding the camp, and Shen Zhiyu was given the division of labor for collecting firewood.She is very skilled in this kind of thing, after all, she used to be a secret guard.

Shen Zhiyu was the last to leave the camp. She thought that Zhao Xue was going to start a fire, so she picked up some and sent them back to the camp.

After returning to the camp, she found Zhao Xue squatting under a tree and shivering. When she walked a little, she heard sobs.

Shen Zhiyu asked, "...what's wrong with you?"

"Sister Shen...Sister Shen, you're back! It's so dark here, I'm a little scared." Hearing the question, Zhao Xue suddenly raised her head, her tone joyful.

Shen Zhiyu was speechless, she put the firewood on the ground, "...Your husband is on fire, if you have fire, it won't be black."

"Oh, okay."

Shen Zhiyu saw her pinch a fireball and was about to throw it on the firewood, so she quickly stopped her, "Wait, you set up the firewood first, otherwise it won't be long."

Zhao Xue looked at her blankly, Shen Zhiyu had no choice but to start the fire first, and after asking her to add more firewood, she was ready to go out to collect firewood.

Just two steps away, I heard Zhao Xue's frightened voice, "Senior Sister Shen, can I go with you?"

Shen Zhiyu flatly refused, "No, you stay and watch the fire, it's even darker outside."

After finishing speaking, he left without listening to what she said.

There are a lot of dead wood in the forest, and firewood is easy to get. She picked up a big bundle in a short time. She was walking out with her shoulders on her shoulders, when she suddenly heard a rustling sound. The rabbit with a piece of fur missing from its ear met its eyes.

Shen Zhiyu's eyes lit up.

Rabbit, let me do the math, I am destined to be with you!
 Hahaha, I checked my eyes, it's the right rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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