Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 212 The Fake Zhou Jiyao

Chapter 212 The Fake Zhou Jiyao

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu quickly stopped talking, and injected real energy into the homonym ring.

The soft light is on, and the homonym is connected.

Before Shen Zhiyu could speak, Han Lian's voice came from Tongyinjie's end, "Junior Sister Shen, martial law is suddenly enforced in this city, Daoyou Chen and I hid in the same room unintentionally, we met, how is the situation on your side?"

Meet up?That's a good thing.

"My side is alright. I hid with Zhou Daoyou in the garden before we set off." Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, and then asked, "Senior Brother Han, how many people from your side have gathered together?"

A slight bell sounded suddenly from the other end of the homonym ring, and then Han Lian said softly: "Only Daoyou Chen is alone."

Shen Zhiyu paused and became puzzled. Han Lian was really talking about Daoyou Chen and the others, right?
Why did Daoyou Chen suddenly become the only one now?
Why did such a change of mouth occur?
Shen Zhiyu's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, Chen Xingwei's concerned voice came from the other side of the homophonic ring, asking Zhou Jiyao, "Ayao, how are you? Are you injured?"

A deep chill suddenly rose from Shen Zhiyu's back, flowing down her limbs and bones, making her covered in cold sweat, Han Lian and the others were warning her!

When introducing common names to each other before, Zhou Jiyao once said that his main magic weapon is a bell, and the relationship between Chen Xingwei and Zhou Jiyao is not that close.

Zhou Jiyao beside me has a problem!
Shen Zhiyu's eyes became sharp almost instantly, but they were suppressed by her indistinct drooping eyes.

The previous conversation with Zhou Jiyao came to mind, and Shen Zhiyu quickly found doubts in it.


The real Zhou Jiyao didn't even know about the demon race!The monks in the wasteland also called the demons the people of the holy city, not the demons.

So, where did the "Zhou Jiyao" in front of me know about the Demon Race?

And she took it for granted when she mentioned the demons before, so that Shen Zhiyu didn't notice the strangeness for a while.

No, there was a trace of doubt in Shen Zhiyu's heart. She had always kept secrets about the Demon Race, but when "Zhou Jiyao" mentioned the Demon Race just now, she didn't notice it, and continued to follow her words.

This is simply too scary!

Shen Zhiyu subconsciously slowed down her breathing, and glanced at "Zhou Jiyao" who was speaking with a gentle expression.

This is definitely not something that a monk in the wasteland can do. It must be the demons. She is completely unfamiliar with the specific situation of the demons, but now she has seen the abilities of the demons by accident.

Before that, she made a special trip to confirm Zhou Jiyao's aura, and she was relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

Moreover, Zhou Jiyao's words were obviously full of loopholes, but she didn't realize it...

Shen Zhiyu's scalp was numb, and she just felt that the demons were a little too scary...

Quickly sorting out her messy mood, Shen Zhiyu restored herself to her usual appearance, so as not to be noticed by "Zhou Jiyao" in front of her.

"Zhou Jiyao" didn't exchange too many pleasantries with Chen Xingwei, and stopped talking after saying a few words.

"Shen Daoyou, all four of us have been in contact now, only Daoyou Qin and Daoyou He have no news, do you think we should meet first or what?" Chen Xingwei asked Shen Zhiyu's next move.

Shen Zhiyu let out a long and slow breath, and said with a smile: "Let's meet up first, and Daoist Zhou and I will go find you."

"Okay, then we'll wait for the two of you to come over." Chen Xing quickly agreed.

But at this moment, Han Lian suddenly spoke, "It's too dangerous outside, let's go find you in the garden."

Shen Zhiyu froze for a moment.

"Junior Sister Shen, hide as soon as you find a safe place. Before we go back, if you encounter those search personnel returning, hide as much as you can, and don't do anything." Han Lian's voice was extremely gentle and earnest, "Other things wait After we meet up with you in the past, we will discuss again."

So, after Han Lian said such a long paragraph, did he want to convey it to her to tell her not to act rashly?Shen Zhiyu's eyes flickered slightly.

"Okay, I got it." Shen Zhiyu agreed, she didn't know the details of those demons at all, and she wouldn't act rashly without Han Lian reminding her.

Homophony or contact cut off.

Shen Zhiyu looked at "Zhou Jiyao" with a soft smile on his face, and asked with a smile: "Friend Zhou, let's go out and find a new place to live now?"

"Okay." "Zhou Jiyao" smiled and nodded.

Taking advantage of "Zhou Jiyao" getting up, Shen Zhiyu touched the storage ring lightly with her finger, and two talismans came out.

When he got up and got out from the crack of the rockery, he pressed one hand into his belt, and the other buckled in the palm of his hand.

The rockery they drilled is sewn in a hidden place, and the location is also very good. It can be attacked or defended, and it is also convenient for running. If it is not too small, it is actually quite suitable here.

There is no other scenery in this garden, but there are many black rockery, which can be seen everywhere, making the whole garden look desolate.

There are many rockeries, and the number of them means that there are many corners for people to hide and hide, which is very suitable for Shen Zhiyu's appetite.

Shen Zhiyu had gone through the garden thoroughly and carefully before, and had already drawn up a few places in her heart where she could hide after something happened. Now that she and "Zhou Jiyao" were looking for a hiding place, she took the initiative to say that she had visited the garden before. When I found a nice place, I could use it as a shelter.

"Zhou Jiyao" had no objection, so Shen Zhiyu took her to an extremely remote corner, away from the fence, away from the monks on duty, away from all kinds of houses, and as far as the eye could see, they were all deserted rockery with strange rocks.

Shen Zhiyu led "Zhou Jiyao" here, please let her pack up a temporary camp and come out, while she went around to set up formations.

After saying goodbye with a smile, Shen Zhiyu turned around and her face darkened instantly.

I don't know if the demons have any special way of contacting. This demon pretending to be Zhou Jiyao must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the safety of their group will be difficult to guarantee.

Unexpectedly, the illusion technique of the demons' transformation and appearance is so outstanding, and it seems to have the ability to affect the mind and thoughts invisibly.

At this time, the unison ring on the finger trembled slightly, and the base of the finger numb slightly.

Shen Zhiyu glanced at Tongyin Jie helplessly, and injected a little real energy in response.

Han Lian seemed to be overly worried, and would use the homophonic ring to confirm every half cup of tea, the contact was too frequent.

But Shen Zhiyu also knew that he was kind, so she would reply patiently every time the homonym ring trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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