Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 216 Dong Shi's imitation is ugly

Chapter 216 Dong Shi's imitation is ugly
Shen Zhiyu reached out to catch Han Lian's fallen body, and flew up with Han Lian. She immediately felt several cold breaths locked on her body.At this time, you must not stay, you can only fly desperately to the place where the formation was arranged before.

And the scattered demons saw that they had passed through the siege spells and chased after them again.

The abilities of these humanoid demons are weird. After Shen Zhiyu's aura was locked, even if she used her sword to attack, she couldn't break it, and that cold aura would also affect her speed. They should have locked Han Lian, and now locked on her body, it is impossible for Shen Zhiyu to get rid of them in a while.

The speed of several demons was extremely fast. They separated into a fan shape and approached like lightning in a semi-enclosed shape.

The speed of those demons is now faster than Shen Zhiyu's. Before, it took advantage of the long distance and the lack of locked energy, so they kept the same distance.

But now the distance between the two sides is too close, and the air mechanism is also locked. I am afraid that they will be caught up in a short time.

Moreover, these demons are very powerful. Shen Zhiyu, who has been dragged by one person, is not an opponent at all. Even if she can continue to support under the siege of these demons, as long as these demons entangle Shen Zhiyu for a while, the following Once the demons catch up, the two of them will die.

Fortunately, she was familiar with the environment in this courtyard in advance, Shen Zhiyu flew in mid-air, and flew straight to the territory surrounded by the formation.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly came from behind.

The strong sense of crisis made Shen Zhiyu's mind extremely calm. With a thought, the true energy in her body was withdrawn instantly, and the whole person fell to the ground immediately.

At the same time, Shen Zhiyu pointed upwards, and Qingya Sword made a sharp sword cry, and stabbed at the demon flying over at high speed.

The third form of "Breaking the Army" is to fix the wind.

The surrounding space was stagnant, and the body of the demons flying above also stopped for a moment. Taking this opportunity, Shen Zhiyu's toes touched the rockery, and she jumped out instantly.

While flying out quickly, Shen Zhiyu waved his hand, and a large amount of true energy surged out. The Qingya sword, which was frozen in mid-air, instantly "hummed" and spun around in mid-air. The point of the sword flew towards the demons. past.

The eighth form of "Breaking the Army" is to open the waves.

Senhan's icy sword qi raged out, forming a huge vortex of sword qi, and the Qingya sword became bigger immediately, and then wrapped in a sharp sword intent, it stabbed at the demon clan who was fixed in midair.

The sharp blade pierced into the body of the demon clan who was stagnant in mid-air, the sword energy exploded on Qingya Jianjian, and the tyrannical attack force immediately tore a huge blood hole in the demon clan's body.

At this moment, Shen Zhiyu had already flown tens of feet away. Seeing that she had struck with all her strength, the body of the demons had only broken a bloody wound. She secretly took a deep breath. It's too tyrannical, no, you can't go head-to-head with them!
The fastest-flying demon was injured by her, and the rest of the demons did not fly so fast, and Shen Zhiyu's pressure suddenly eased a lot.

At this time, Qingya's sword flew back, Shen Zhiyu thought that he might have to strike again later, so he didn't put the sword back in his dantian, but held it in his hand.

In the haste just now, she didn't notice the specific direction and flew a little off.

While Shen Zhiyu was flying with his sword, he quickly glanced at the surrounding environment, corrected his direction, and continued to fly towards the place surrounded by the formation.

Fortunately, this place is not far from the place surrounded by formations.

After running for a while, Shen Zhiyu glanced at the demons approaching behind him, took a deep breath, threw Han Lian forward forcefully, then put away the ordinary flying sword under his feet, and at the same time of falling, Qingya sword was in his hand With a stretch, countless gorgeous sword lights flew out continuously, and under the guidance of Shen Zhiyu, they flew towards those demons.

At this time, Shen Zhiyu raised her eyes and glanced at Han Lian's direction, her body turned into a wisp of mist, and floated past like lightning.

Shen Zhiyu fell on a tall rockery and revealed her figure, and when Han Lian was about to fall to the ground, she caught him dangerously.

Afterwards, Shen Zhiyu led Han Lian up again, and the moment she left her original position, those demons faced the brilliant flying sword light, and when they waved their hands to resist, they let out a "clang, clang, clang" sound of gold and iron. The sound of fighting.

After looking up and scanning, seeing that the place surrounded by formations was hundreds of feet away, Shen Zhiyu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

The distance of hundreds of feet was crossed in an instant, Shen Zhiyu came to the front of the large formation, and when she raised her hand to make a tactic, she suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

Shen Zhiyu's eyes sharpened, and while dodging away, she raised her hand and sent Han Lian into the formation.

Shen Zhiyu, who dodged and moved away, faced the formation with his back, standing tall, pointing at the tip of the sword obliquely.

A clear, soft sound of slowly flowing water resounded out of nowhere in the air, gentle and gentle, and at the same time, the surrounding air gradually became humid.

Shen Zhiyu held the sword horizontally in front of her body, watching a voluptuous figure wrapped in a light green water curtain appear not far in front of Shen Zhiyu.

The visitor was wearing a lake-green long dress with wide sleeves and a tunic waist. The lapel was opened to reveal a delicate white collarbone. His black hair was pulled into a simple bun, which looked lazy and gorgeous.

Looking at the bright and beautiful face that was as bright as the morning sun before, now rouged and rouged, becoming coquettish and charming, Shen Zhiyu's hand holding the hilt of the sword tightened slightly.

"Long time no see, Zhiyu." A meaningful smile appeared on Shen Lingyu's face.

Shen Zhiyu's eyelashes drooped slightly, her eyes were as cold as the winter wind, and she remained silent.

At this time, those demons also chased after them, and when they were about to attack, Shen Lingyu raised her arm and said with a smile: "You all back away, I want to catch up with her."

The few demons stopped when they heard the words, and after looking at each other with some hesitation, they hesitated, and not long after, the few demons all retreated to the side according to the words.

Seeing this, Shen Lingyu's gloomy expression due to the hesitation of those demons faded slightly. After she glanced at those demons, she snorted coldly, her eyes fell on Shen Zhiyu, and an innocent look appeared on her face. "Why, aren't you happy to see me? Zhiyu."

The Qingya sword lying in front of him swiped, pointing directly at Shen Lingyu, Shen Zhiyu raised his eyelids, and said calmly: "If you want to fight, do it, don't talk nonsense, I'm too lazy to listen."

"It's so hurtful to fight and kill, why don't we chat?" Shen Lingyu tilted her head.

Shen Zhiyu raised his eyebrows, glanced at her up and down, a hint of sarcasm appeared in his phoenix eyes, and said sincerely: "No one told you that you are ugly when you act like this?"

 Next chapter later~
(End of this chapter)

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