Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 225 Foundation Establishment Chapter Cultivation Techniques and Sword Art

Chapter 225 Foundation Establishment Art and Sword Art
After patiently answering a few questions, Zhenzun Renxing waved his hand to let the two of them move freely, and then they disappeared on the mountain with the cat.

Shen Zhiyu: ...my cat!

Looking sideways at Qingling Yuanjun who was standing on the side, she saw that she was looking at Han Lian who lowered her head and tried to lower her sense of existence, "There are people from Qingxu Palace waiting at the foot of the mountain. If you want to go back, Just go down the mountain by yourself."

Han Lian bowed and saluted, "Yes."

After Qingling Yuanjun finished speaking, he nodded to Shen Zhiyu, and his body turned into a ray of light and flew into the distance.

Shen Zhiyu was dumbfounded: what about me?Just, just put me here?Can you tell me where this is? !

In such a strange place, I always feel a little empty and unreliable in my heart, but since the two big bosses put her here, there must be no danger in my mind.

After sighing, Shen Zhiyu looked at Han Lian and asked, "Senior Brother Han, when are you going back?"

"Don't go back." Although Han Lian could hear Qing Lingyuan Lord's intention to drive away the guests, but due to some reasons of his own, he didn't want to go back to the sect, so he simply pretended not to hear it.

"Oh." Shen Zhiyu nodded, his eyes fell on the few books on the high coffee table between the two bamboo chairs, and he walked forward slowly.

Huh, I read that right, the top one is the "Longevity Sutra" exercise that I practiced during the Foundation Establishment period.

Is this for her?It must be too careful.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the stack of books on the table and hesitated.

At this time, a shiny black snake head with two small horns protruded from the armrest of the bamboo chair, and the big eyes looked at her, "The ones on the top are exercises and sword formulas, and the ones on the bottom are some of the real master's previous works." You can take all the books you have checked."

Shen Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, she didn't pay attention before, but now that Mo Du poked her head out by herself, she realized that it was also left behind. She came back to her senses and asked, "Can I also take the book below?"

"It was originally prepared for you." Mo Du said casually.

Shen Zhiyu silently put away all the books on the coffee table.

When she was in the wasteland before, Shen Zhiyu could feel that the conversion speed of the qi training period was very slow many times. Even if the aura of the Tian Lingzhu was pure, the trickle-like conversion speed was still uncomfortable.

Now that I have got the exercises and sword formulas, I just took advantage of these idle time when I was freed to go to a small test, and transfer all the skills and sword formulas to the foundation-building stage.

After speaking with Mo Du and Han Lian, Shen Zhiyu searched for an empty room by himself, set up a restraint, and then sat down on the futon in the room.

Shen Zhiyu first took out the "Longevity Classic" and looked through the exercises carefully, and found that not only the exercises of the Foundation Establishment period were recorded in this booklet, but even the exercises of the Jindan Yuanying period were all recorded in it.

Dazed for a moment, Shen Zhiyu took out the "Breaking the Army" sword formula, and after a rough review, he found that the sword formula was the same, not only the second layer of the foundation building period, but also the third and fourth layers.

Shen Zhiyu's heart moved, what does it mean to give her all these exercises? Could it be that the sect has any other arrangements for her?
After thinking for a while, Shen Zhiyu shook his head to clear everything in his mind. It's too early to think about those things now. It's better to do all the things in front of him before thinking about other things.

Shen Zhiyu repeatedly read the exercises in the Foundation Building Chapter several times, familiarized the circulation of the true essence and the various techniques of moving the true essence in his heart, which corresponded to the actual meridians and acupoints, and then carefully wrote down, thought carefully, and strived for Get everything in there together.

Shen Zhiyu finally calmed down when he was familiar with all the foundation-building chapters of the "Longevity Classic". First, he guided the true essence to circulate in the body for a few big cycles, and waited for the true essence in the body to be harmonious and calm, without any waves. , she began to practice the "Longevity Sutra" in the foundation building chapter.

In the foundation building chapter of the "Longevity Classic", the meridians that circulate the true essence are basically the same as those in the Qi training period, but there are more than a dozen new blocked meridians that need to be opened up to connect to the acupoints that were opened during the foundation building.

There are not many meridians that need to be dredged, and the foundation has been washed with aura before, and now it is only necessary to slowly get out the blocked foreign objects in the meridians.

It's not difficult, but it's a delicate job that takes some time.

Shen Zhiyu sank into her mind and began to dredge the meridians bit by bit.

After half a month passed, Shen Zhiyu, who had opened up a new meridian and carefully checked the inside and outside of his body, slowly opened his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.

The meridians have been opened, now you only need to introduce the true energy into the new meridian, and then familiarize yourself with the running circuit a few times, to ensure that the situation that the true energy will not detour and hit the hatchback will not happen.

This step is very simple. Shen Zhiyu slowly guides the true essence, and after walking for a few days according to the new true essence running route, she feels that the speed of the transition from the previous small stream to the speed of the current rushing river, she A faint smile appeared on his face.

Now that the cultivation of the foundation-building period has been completed, it is time to practice the second level of the "Broken Army" sword formula.

Shen Zhiyu didn't leave and took out the sword formulas to study carefully, but stood up from the futon, and moved a little bit the legs that were a little numb after sitting cross-legged for several days.

In fact, the pain in the legs is not too painful. After all, when the true energy is running, the gentle power remaining in the meridians will seep out to moisturize and soothe the muscles, bones and flesh, and maintain the health and vitality of the body.

Otherwise, once a high-ranking monk retreats, it may take decades, and his legs in meditation will be useless long ago.

But after all, after sitting cross-legged for so long, even with the comfort of real energy, it still feels a little uncomfortable.

After the activity was over, Shen Zhiyu came to the desk in the room and sat down, and then took out the second layer of the "Breaking the Army" sword formula.

After a little research, Shen Zhiyu's face became a little strange. She checked it over and over several times, and she was sure that this was the second layer, so her phoenix eyes were full of confusion. The name of the sword move on it and the first layer Exactly the same.

But the boss probably wouldn't like her, so Shen Zhiyu calmed down and looked carefully at the various detailed techniques that recorded the sword moves. After a closer look, he found some subtle details.

In the sword moves recorded above, there have been some slight changes in the way some of the true energy operates and the meridians through which the true energy circulates.

After reading it, Shen Zhiyu felt the mystery of the second layer. It cleverly used the acupoints opened during the foundation building, and did not need to mobilize the true essence from the dantian from time to time, which made it much clearer and simpler than the first layer. , and at the same time, the difficulty of performing sword moves has correspondingly become higher.

For example, the flames of war on the first floor required several meridians to be used at the same time, and the true essence was mobilized from the dantian, but in the second floor, the true essence in several acupoints on the arm can be used first, and the speed is faster. Even more difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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