Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 239 Articles of Association

239 The Return
The place where Shen Zhiyu is standing now is not the east gate of Zhengdao City. After a short distance, she automatically released the flying state of Yujian, switched to walking, and rushed towards the city gate.

Other cities have a no-fly ban, and this top-level city of proving the Tao in the Enlightenment Realm has a lot of rules. Shen Zhiyu decided to walk on his own initiative, so as not to be crushed to the ground by the ban and lose face.

Shen Zhiyu is now a Foundation Establishment cultivator, and her speed of concentrating on her journey was astonishingly fast, but within half an hour, she arrived at the opened east city gate.

After arriving at the east gate, Shen Zhiyu was taken aback because of the empty city gate.

Are there no monks on duty at the gate of this city?

After scanning around suspiciously, Shen Zhiyu put away the identity sword order that he had prepared earlier, and walked straight into the city.

When she just walked into the city, Shen Zhiyu thought she had found the wrong place.

This city is naturally too much, not only the city walls are overgrown with spiritual moss, but even the city is full of spiritual plants, with grass deep in the roads and passes. Looking far away, there are tall and thick trees growing in the city, and there are almost no traces of human habitation.

So, quite casual, Shen Zhiyu knew that monks followed nature, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

As she walked, Shen Zhiyu suddenly felt an extremely subtle monk's breath, her heart moved, and she looked in the direction of the breath.

As a result, I saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the ground among a pile of fallen leaves. The person had been completely covered by the thick leaves, and only a bunch of raised leaves emerged. If Shen Zhiyu hadn't felt the subtle monk's breath , It never occurred to me that there was only one person sitting here.

The corners of Shen Zhiyu's mouth twitched, and he stepped carefully so as not to disturb others.

The map recorded in this book is very detailed, and the inside and outside of the city are recorded separately. Shen Zhiyu followed the map in the city to find the Foreign Affairs Hall of the Xuanji Sword Sect.

All the way from the east of the city to the north of the city, Shen Zhiyu thought that she was walking in a deep forest, and those tall and sturdy ones turned out to be tree houses one by one. The branches and leaves completely submerged the wrapped monk.

But this situation is much better outside the east of the city. The other three areas all look like houses and roads are neat and clean.

Only then did Shen Zhiyu breathe a sigh of relief, she thought that the whole city had such a rough temperament, but now it seems that it is only in the east of the city.

The foreign affairs hall of the Xuanji Sword Sect is in the south of the northern area of ​​the city. Shen Zhiyu saw the foreign affairs halls of Kongjing Temple, Xianling Pavilion, Xuandao Sect, and Xunmen in the north of the city, but he didn't see many people.

And judging from the layout style of the houses around each foreign affairs hall, it should be the place where the monks of the corresponding sects of the foreign affairs hall lived.

There are many bodhi trees planted in the area of ​​Kongjing Temple, the air is filled with a faint aroma of sandalwood, and there is a slight reverberation of Zen sounds.

The styles of Xuandao Sect and Taming Gate are much more extensive, and within the scope of Taming Gate, there are many monsters lying on the ground, basking lazily in the sun and absorbing spiritual energy at the same time.

Shen Zhiyu was impressed by the houses within the range of Xianling Pavilion. The materials used to build the houses were like faint blue crystals, and there was a faint cool breath radiating from them, making them look extremely delicate and dreamy.

Shen Zhiyu didn't stay too much in other sects' sites, and passed through these places quickly and silently, and came directly to the Foreign Affairs Hall of the Xuanji Sword Sect. The style was very familiar, similar to that of the sects.

When Shen Zhiyu stepped into the gate of the foreign affairs hall, a handsome female cultivator wearing the uniform of the Xuanji Sword Sect Jindan Qi came out of it. When she saw her, her footsteps stopped.

"Disciple Shen Zhiyu has met Master Uncle." This Master Uncle has a very sharp eye, and Shen Zhiyu has never seen him before, but since she is wearing the Golden Core Qi uniform, calling him Master Uncle can never go wrong.

The delicate female cultivator looked her up and down, saw the identity sword token and jade token in her hand, nodded slightly, pointed to the corridor on the left, and pointed to her, "The teleportation array is over there, You go."

"Yes, thank you uncle for your guidance." Shen Zhiyu saluted and thanked.

"En." The delicate female cultivator responded lightly, and left the foreign affairs hall straight away.

Shen Zhiyu walked through the corridor in the direction pointed by his uncle, and after pushing open a stone door, his vision suddenly widened.

Behind the door is an open-air space, which is sunken downwards in a funnel shape. In the center of the depression is a huge platform. There is no pattern or decoration on it, but it has a solemn bearing.

Looking down from a high position, you can clearly see the deep lines of the complex high-level teleportation array on the stone platform in the center of the depression.

In the center of the stone platform, there is a well-shaped square stone with sharp corners floating on one side, which should be the key to activate the teleportation array.

Shen Zhiyu closed the door with her backhand, and walked down the stone steps. Soon, she was standing on the stone platform, and then quickly walked towards the suspended square stone.

There was a familiar depression on one side of the suspended square stone. Shen Zhiyu first took out a mint pill and put it in his mouth, then pointed the jade tablet at the depression, and pressed it down.

A burst of extremely mighty breath waves emanated from the square stone, and then a burst of dazzling bright white light lit up.

Shen Zhiyu felt a sense of weightlessness coming from her body, and after the scene in front of her eyes became grotesque, she knew that the teleportation had started.

During the teleportation process, Shen Zhiyu thought that she would be dizzy and nauseated by the upside-down feeling just like sitting in the teleportation array before, but this time the teleportation process was surprisingly easy, only a slight dizziness appeared. How long does it take to get used to it.

Until the moment when Shen Zhiyu put her feet on the ground, she still couldn't believe that the teleportation process was so easy this time.

Shen Zhiyu muttered softly: "Could it be because of the improvement of cultivation base?"

Looking around, she found that she is now in the teleportation array of Xuanji City. Although she walked through it several years ago, she has a good memory, and she still remembers the way, and walked out familiarly.

After leaving the teleportation array, I saw some monks coming and going, most of them were qi training disciples. When they saw her, they saluted according to the rules, and then left without making a sound, without coming forward to disturb her.

Soon, a qi-training disciple on duty greeted Shen Zhiyu, who had reached the eleventh level of qi-training. When he saw her, he smiled respectfully but not flatteringly, "Uncle Master, disciple Zhang Xin."

The cost of the teleportation array is extremely expensive, so few people use it generally. The on-duty monks of the Xuanji Sword Sect will only send people to guard the entrance of the teleportation array at all times during grand ceremonies or other events. The disciples on duty came to greet him.

Hey, after calling so many Shishu, Shizu, and Taishizu, now I finally hear someone call her Shishu.

Shen Zhiyu, who was in a good mood, showed his identity sword order, "I'm going back to the sect, you can go by yourself."

After seeing the identity token in her hand, the qi training disciple became cautious, and took out a stone plate with a mysterious aura from the storage bag, "Master, please verify it."

Shen Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that her identity token was in the Qi training stage, but she was in the foundation building stage, and the previous sect encountered many disasters, so the guards were much stricter than the previous ones.

After reacting, Shen Zhiyu nodded, put the identity sword order on the stone plate, and then stamped a real essence on the stone plate.

Soon, the stone plate emitted a gentle white light.

Zhang Xin's expression was relaxed, and after putting away the stone plate, he handed back Jian Ling with both hands, "Master, do you need my disciple to arrange a flying boat for you to go back to the sect?"

Shen Zhiyu shook her head slightly, the speed of the flying boat is not as fast as that of her Yujian, "No need."

"Then the disciple will not bother the uncle." Zhang Xin withdrew.

Shen Zhiyu walked out of the foreign affairs hall, did not wander around in Xuanji City, went straight to the city gate, and then flew to the Zongmen's residence with Yujian.

(End of this chapter)

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