Chapter 257 Sledgehammer
After understanding the meaning in the monk's eyes, Shen Zhiyu's heart moved slightly, but she didn't care, she was not planning to get involved in the fight between the two at all, she was just preventing the third person from entering the battle.

Shen Zhiyu looked away and looked at the group of Pill Valley Foundation Establishment monks surrounding the door.

At this moment, the battle became more intense. The woman in red and Su Zining fought several times, and several flames shot up into the sky. Coupled with the strong wind in the sea of ​​fire, the fire became even bigger.

Shen Zhiyu could sense that the fire caused by fighting skills was gradually spreading and growing, and the "cracking" sound of burning flames could be heard in her ears, and her body was sinking slowly. will completely collapse.

It can't go on like this, the floor can't last for too long, and it won't be good if it falls into a pile of coke.

Shen Zhiyu was about to fly Yujian into the air, but just as she moved her finger, a raging killing intent pressed towards her brazenly.

It was the Golden Core cultivator.

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu raised her eyes and glanced at her, ignoring the turbulent killing intent, completed the finger spell in her hand in an instant, and flew up with her sword.

Just when she flew away from the original place, the precarious coke floor collapsed, but unexpectedly, the attack that Shen Zhiyu thought did not come.

Shen Zhiyu looked towards the door in surprise, but there was too much smoke, and she could only vaguely see a few more figures outside without showing her consciousness.

Among them was a figure wearing a familiar purple uniform. Presumably, the reason why the real person at the Golden Core Stage of Pill Valley did not attack before was most likely because he was blocked.

Shen Zhiyu's heart immediately settled down.

Flying in the raging fire, she looked at the black hole in the floor that had collapsed due to insufficient load bearing. Inside was the explosion of flames and the howling of wind.

Not long after, Shen Zhiyu felt an extremely mighty scorching sword intent rising from the hole, and then, an extremely powerful wave of air exploded from the hole.

Shen Zhiyu turned into sword energy before the wave of air hit, and fled away with the flying sword.

After she avoided the core area of ​​the battle situation, she looked back and saw that a small three-story teahouse had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the center of it had been blown away by the previous air waves.

There were two figures flying out from the hole in the open air, you came and I fought inextricably.

At this moment, a swift and fierce streamer flew in the distance, looking at its whereabouts, it was Su Zining.

Shen Zhiyu's phoenix eyes were narrow, and when she raised her hand, the Qingya Sword instantly appeared in her hand. She looked at the stream of light, and quickly calculated its trajectory in her heart. Fly forward.

When she moved, the Pill Valley Golden Core monk who was still standing at the door frowned slightly, and his body moved slightly.

At this time, a white and slender hand pressed on her shoulder, and the woman in the purple dress smiled slightly, with a gentle but unquestionable voice, "Fellow Daoist Xunwei, let them settle the matters between the younger generation by themselves." .”

Daoist Dan Gu Xunwei's complexion turned black after being suppressed immobile.

in the sea of ​​fire.

Su Zining was also affected by the powerful momentum behind him. At the moment when he was in a trance, his actions against the enemy were also slowed down for a moment. The woman in red also seized the opening of this moment, raised her hand and handed out the long sword, stabbing Su Zining of the scapula.

Su Zining came back to his senses in an instant, and with a wave of the folding fan in his hand, dozens of small and sharp wind blades slashed towards the woman in red, preventing her from making any further movements.

But the woman in red was also cunning, parading beside Su Zining, restraining his movements.

Just when the stream of light was five or six feet away from Su Zining, a figure holding a black long sword quietly appeared in front of the stream of light.

That stream of light was formed by a sledgehammer moving at high speed. It has not diminished its power even now. Shen Zhiyu stands in front of the sledgehammer and looks at the approaching sledgehammer. The ferocious beast rushed towards her.

Such a mighty and fierce power cannot be dealt with by ordinary tricks.

Shen Zhiyu's face was solemn, and with a thought, Qingya's sword flew into the air, and then she poured a large amount of real energy into the sword while making a formula in her hand.

The eighth form of "Breaking the Army" is to open the waves.

The blade of the Xuanhei sword shook violently, and the sword screamed, and then countless sharp and biting sword qi swept out from the Qingya sword. The sword qi condensed to form a huge sword shadow, which slowly solidified.

The giant sword was quietly suspended in the air, and a terrifying and ferocious aura slowly escaped. With Shen Zhiyu's soft rebuke, the giant sword flew out through the air, facing the swiftly flying sledgehammer.

A sword and a hammer were very close, and they collided into one place in an instant. The tip of the black long sword was on the sledgehammer. Under the collision of the two phases, with the intersection point as the center, an extremely domineering movement was set off around the magic weapon. blast.

Shen Zhiyu was controlling the Qingya sword, and she had no time to look at him. She was pushed back a long distance by the strong air wave, but soon, she tried her best to free one hand, and made a tactic. Stabilized his figure.

After stabilizing his body, Shen Zhiyu continued to perform tricks to control the Qingya sword whose sword energy had not dissipated on the outer layer.

Suddenly, countless bitter sword qi burst out from the giant sword, tearing and shredding the spiritual light wrapped in layers on the sledgehammer, but the sledgehammer was not far behind, and the tyrannical force exploded violently, sweeping across Looking at the surrounding sword energy.

When the hammer, light and sword energy continued to tear, the surrounding air suddenly became quiet.

The two forces around the sword and the hammer seem to be completely still, only the two magic weapons are still in a stalemate, seemingly suspended in the air quietly, but in fact they are trembling slightly, even the magic weapons around The space is also distorted due to the powerful squeeze.

The true energy in Shen Zhiyu's body poured out like a flood, and flowed into Qingya Sword endlessly.

Feeling that half of the true energy in her body was instantly emptied, Shen Zhiyu frowned slightly, took out a few nourishing pills and took them, and then continued to replenish the true essence for Qingya Sword.

After a long stalemate, Shen Zhiyu's true energy was almost lost. When he was about to open the Tianling Orb, the force of the hammer's end suddenly became lighter.

Then, the long sword and sledgehammer suddenly separated, each flying back in the direction they came from.

A shocking force came, Shen Zhiyu controlled the flying sword to retreat, and at the same time raised his hand to grab Qingya sword that flew back.

With the long sword in hand, an extremely violent force came from the hilt, rushing into the meridians of the arm along the palm of the hand gripped with the hilt, not only that, the violent force was still trying to impact inside her body.

Shen Zhiyu frowned slightly, stretched his palm slightly, and a jet-black sword energy mixed with sword intent appeared, cutting off the violent force outside his body.

But the small amount of violent force that had rushed into her body still hurt her arm a little.

Shen Zhiyu didn't care about such a small injury, but looked up at the monk flying from the other side of the imperial weapon to catch the sledgehammer.

(End of this chapter)

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