Chapter 261
"Now?" Su Zining just felt baffled.

Shen Zhiyu nodded, "Yes, it's now."

"Okay, I'll draw it for you because you begged me." Although Su Zining was puzzled, seeing Shen Zhiyu's persistence, he obediently picked up the pen and paper and began to draw. After the outline, when it was the turn to detail the facial features, Su Zining paused, frowned in distress, and said, "...I don't seem to remember clearly."

After realizing that he didn't seem to remember clearly, Su Zining couldn't believe it, "How is it possible... I can't remember how long it's been since..."

At this time, he suddenly realized Shen Zhiyu's abnormality, and his expression gradually became serious, "Did you find something?"

Shen Zhiyu looked at the familiar brushstrokes on the drawing paper, and felt relieved. Seeing Su Zining's reaction, she paused, and said, "There seems to be something wrong with our memory."

Su Zining looked at the outline of the human figure he had drawn. After a moment of silence, he said, "Tell me about it."

"It's like this..." Shen Zhiyu said the strangeness he found.

After finishing speaking, Su Zining paused for a moment, staring straight at her with bright and energetic eyes, and asked, "You just said that during the confrontation in the conference hall, apart from me, you, and Lin Shishi , and a nun?”

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu's heart skipped a beat, seeing Su Zining's serious expression, she nodded slightly.

"In my memory, apart from me, you, and Lin Shishi, there is no fourth nun." Su Zining shook his head slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the two fell silent immediately, staring at each other with big eyes.

After a while, Shen Zhiyu glanced down at the rough outline on the drawing paper, and asked, "Do you still remember the characteristics of that tea waiter?"

After Su Zining thought about it carefully, his brows relaxed slightly, he pointed at the corner of the man's mouth in the painting and said, "I remember he has a big mole here."

Shen Zhiyu nodded inexplicably.

She had been to Guxi Tea House several times before, and in her memory, there seemed to be no waiter with a mole on her chin.

If Su Zining's memory is true, this waiter is a fake, and he must have left the teahouse by now.

If Su Zining's memory is fake, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Shen Zhiyu sighed, in this way, no matter whether Su Zining's memory is true or not, it is impossible to find the monk who refills the tea when he goes to the teahouse now.

And now it is not clear whether her own memory has been deceived, or Su Zining's memory has a problem.

People in the dark are very cunning.

Shen Zhiyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Don't worry too much." Seeing Shen Zhiyu's expression, Su Zining looked worried.

Shen Zhiyu shook her head and asked, "Can you tell me more about what happened? It started with the waiter with the mole refilling the tea."

"Okay." Su Zining nodded decisively.

After Su Zining finished speaking, Shen Zhiyu fell into deep thought.

There is one more person in the memory of the two, which is closely related to the reason why Pill Valley heard the two talking.

In this way, as long as there is a flaw in the existence of a person, it will be possible to judge whether the memory is true or false.

After thinking for a long time, Shen Zhiyu asked: "Then what was my reaction when I saw that cultivator who continued tea?"

Su Zining thought for a while and then sighed, "I was too busy drinking tea and didn't notice your reaction, but you didn't say anything."

Shen Zhiyu paused, "Did you drink three cups of tea?"

Although she didn't have a tea refill waiter with a mole in her memory, she did have the memory of Su Zining drinking three cups in a row.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Zining nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

After hearing Su Zining's very affirmative answer, Shen Zhiyu felt sure, but she didn't show it on the surface.

At this time, a somewhat familiar figure suddenly flashed out of the corner of his eye, very much like the female cultivator who said that she had a spiritual pet in the conference hall.

Shen Zhiyu looked over, and raised her eyebrows when she saw the female cultivator's back disappearing around a corner.

Here comes the bait.

It's a pity, you treat me like a fish, but I just don't want to be a fish to be slaughtered.

Shen Zhiyu snorted coldly in her heart: Only fools would fall for such an obvious trap.

While thinking, Shen Zhiyu turned his head and glanced at the meeting hall not far away.

It was only a few words of effort to walk towards the teahouse just now, and now they are only a few tens of feet away from the meeting hall, which is an extremely short distance for monks.

And now, the memories of the two of them may have been tampered with. Obviously, someone wanted to fish. As two weak fish caught, it would be safer for the two of them to go back and hug their thighs.

And it's normal for them to be deceived in the foundation building stage, but Jindan stage real people shouldn't be so easily fooled by others, right?

Shen Zhiyu turned her head decisively, and said to Su Zining, "Xiao Ning, go back to the conference hall."

Saying that, the vines flew out from Shen Zhiyu's sleeves, wrapping around Su Zining's waist, in order to prevent the two from being separated by any other moths, it is better to prepare in advance and tie them together.

"it is good."

Hearing Shen Zhiyu's words, Su Zining nodded decisively without any hesitation, and then the two ran towards the direction of the meeting hall.

At this time, on a corner of the eaves, a slender figure wrapped in black mist looked down at the two people running into a remote alley, with a pair of deep and narrow eyes fixed on Shen Zhiyu all the time.

After Shen Zhiyu disappeared around the corner, the figure above the eaves corner also floated away from the eaves corner.

Shen Zhiyu pulled the vines that bound Su Zining and ran all the way. After the number in her heart reached a dozen, she grabbed Su Zining and stopped. Su Zining, who was extremely vigilant while pinching his fan, couldn't help but sighed.

Apparently, things were at their worst.

Not only has the memory been tampered with, but also perception has problems.

She had calculated before that according to the distance from the place where the two of them were standing to the meeting hall, the distance they ran just now should have just run to the entrance of the meeting hall, but now, the two have only just walked halfway.

Shen Zhiyu raised her eyes and looked at the meeting hall in front of her, but she knew in her heart that this meeting hall seemed close to them, but in fact it was far away in the sky.

It is now afternoon, but the sun in the sky has not yet set, the sun is shining brightly, and the warm light shining on the body gives people a soft and comforting feeling.In the past, Shen Zhiyu liked to bathe in the sun like this. This kind of warm but not warm feeling would make her whole body relax and feel indescribably comfortable.

But now, the warm sunshine was clearly shining on her body, but that warm feeling had disappeared. Instead, there was a faint coolness quietly coming from all directions, making her feel the boundless coldness.

"Get ready to fight."

After Shen Zhiyu said a word to Su Zining very quickly, he raised his hand, and the Qingya sword flashing faintly and brightly appeared in his hand.

And Su Zining also reacted immediately, with the fan spread out, the coercion belonging to the foundation-building stage monk spread out.

The two of them leaned back to each other, watching the streets that became eerily quiet after the pedestrians gradually disappeared in the surrounding streets, waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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