Chapter 27 Sword Box
Shen Zhiyu was not in a hurry to go to the Little Sword Forest or the ring, but first went to the Tiandiyuan where the disciples who practiced Qi below the fifth level lived.

She made an appointment with Chen Chen to go shopping together.

This time, the visit is not a small market, but a big market spontaneously formed by Zongmen once a month. It is held in Yanwu Square. She knew this when she visited the market before, but she has never had time to go. Going to set up a stall, she also decided to go with her, just to deal with the miscellaneous things she got in the past few months.

She still has a lot of materials from monsters on her body.

Just after it's over, you can take a look at the arena behind Yanwu Square.

The two flew to Yanwu Square on a flying crane.

The Yanwu Square, which is tens of thousands of meters away, can be seen from a distance. The usually clean and uninhabited square can now be described as bustling with people, somewhat similar to a busy city in the mortal world.You can see monks sitting on the ground everywhere, with things for sale in front of them.

Because it was only for one day, there was no sound insulation barrier like in Fangshi.

Hearing the noisy sound from a distance now, Shen Zhiyu still had a long-lost feeling.

Landing on a clearing, the two began to stroll.

When the scale is large, the types of things begin to increase. Looking along the way, both of them are dazzled.

In a corner, Shen Zhiyu's eyes fixed, and he found something of interest.

She walked over and asked, "Senior brother, how did you sell the sword box?"

Her black sword was too troublesome, it couldn't be put into the storage bag, and it didn't like to put it in the dantian, and it had to be by her side at all times, otherwise it would lose its temper and be extremely clingy.

She had no choice but to wrap it with a cloth strip and carry it around her body, but it was still a little inconvenient. Now that she saw the sword box, it could be regarded as a solution to her urgent need.

"Which one do you want?" The stall owner's sleepy-eyed demeanor immediately revived when he saw the business came.

"How many spirit stones are these?" Shen Zhiyu picked out a sword box that was close to his eyes, opened it, and saw that the inside was sapphire, and the formation of the Wen Yang Fa sword was engraved on the outside.

"This is a sword case made of hundred-year-old Heyuan wood. The inside is top-quality spiritual jade, and the outside is engraved with a sword raising circle, which can be used to cultivate magic swords very well. I only charge you 150 spirit stones."

Hey, this is too expensive.

"This sword case is a bit short." Shen Zhiyu held the black sword wrapped in cloth strips next to the sword case for comparison. The length of the sword case was quite a bit shorter.

"Friend Daoist doesn't know, the sapphire in this sword box is refined by melting a small piece of space rough stone. You see that the space is very small, but after you put the magic sword in, the sword box will be regenerated according to the size of the magic sword. .” The stall owner smiled triumphantly.

The raw space stone, Shen Zhiyu knows, only a little space rough stone powder is needed to refine the storage bag, but the space rough stone is required to refine more advanced storage magic tools.

Shen Zhiyu pointed to another lightning striker, "What about this one?"

"This is a sword box made of century-old lightning strike wood. It is more expensive, and it costs 180 spirit stones."

Shen Zhiyu: "..." Forget it, she can do it herself, let's make do with it, and talk about it later.

"I'll take a look." Shen Zhiyu was about to leave after finishing speaking.

"Hey, fellow daoist stay here, if you like it, I'll sell you 130 spirit stones from Heyuanmu!" Seeing that she didn't want it anymore, the stall owner hurried to keep her.

Shen Zhiyu turned around and made an "eight" gesture, "Is the 80 yuan Lingshi for sale?"

"This won't work, 80 Yuan Lingshi is not even enough for the cost price." The stall owner shook his head repeatedly.

"Then eighty... a spirit stone?" Shen Zhiyu searched and added a spirit stone.

The stall owner sighed, "Fellow daoist, you should add more. You know the price of Heyuan wood, and sapphire is not cheap either. There is a formation on the outside of the box, and space rough stone powder is added inside to open up space. The price is already high.”

Well, she should go back and make a wooden box by herself, no wonder there are not many people buying sword boxes, the price is too high, and she really can't afford it.

Shen Zhiyu gritted her teeth, "90 yuan spirit stone!" She had to keep the 20 yuan spirit stone she had just sold for the talisman pen.

The stall owner shook his head, and said in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist, I'll give you a base price, 100 yuan for spirit stones, no less."

Shen Zhiyu looked down at the black sword in her hand, and felt the cheerful consciousness of the black sword in her mind. She was a little speechless, "Okay, 100 yuan of spirit stones is 100 yuan of spirit stones."

Hei Jian was so happy that the blade buzzed, she could feel the blade shaking her head.

After paying off the spirit stone, Shen Zhiyu felt the black sword urging her to put it in.

Shen Zhiyu stuffed it in, out of sight, out of mind!The storage bag does not go in, the dantian does not go in, I bought a new sword box and lay down happily, the dog thing is too realistic!
After closing the box, Shen Zhiyu carried the sword box behind his back.

"Wow, sister Shen, you look so handsome with this sword box on your back!" The quiet statement on the side gave out admiration.

"Really?" Shen Zhiyu touched her head with a smile, "Then do you want to recite it?"

Chen Chen stretched out his hands to compare the height, and said discouragedly: "No, this sword box is taller than me."

"Then grow taller quickly, and buy your favorite sword box when you grow taller." Shen Zhiyu said while leading Chen Chen.

"Okay." Chen said with a smile.

"Is there anything you want to buy?" Shen Zhiyu asked her.

Statement nodded, "I want to buy an alchemy furnace, the master will let us make alchemy tomorrow."

The two kept an eye on the alchemy furnace all the way, but they asked several booths in a row, but they didn't find a suitable one.

The last statement stood in front of a stall, looking at the small stove used by the stall owner to press the cloth with some doubts.

The small stove was about the size of a palm, black all over, rusty, and looked very dilapidated.

Statement tugged her lightly, Shen Zhiyu bent down, and heard her whisper, "Sister Shen, it seems to be calling me."

Shen Zhiyu suddenly understood in her heart that the statement had met her own chance, but it was useless to whisper in front of the monks, the stall owner probably already knew.

She sighed in her heart, and asked calmly: "Senior sister, how many spirit stones are there in this alchemy furnace?"

"One thousand spirit stones." The stall owner didn't lift his head.

Well, sure enough, I got it, the thousand spirit stones are obviously raising the price and don't want to sell them.

The two with empty purses looked at each other and left helplessly.

Shen Zhiyu said softly to the statement: "If you encounter such a situation in the future, you must keep it in your heart and don't tell anyone, including me. Moreover, it is useless for you to keep your voice low in front of monks who are more cultivated than you. Do you remember?"

Statement unhappy, nodded silently.

Wandering around, Chen Chen dragged Shen Zhiyu to a booth selling alchemy furnaces, and bought the cheapest alchemy furnace.

In the following time, they didn't find anything they wanted to buy, so the two found a place with a lot of people and started to set up a stall.

 Hahaha, the statement cutie is a lucky Max's little koi.

(End of this chapter)

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