Sword Immortal Cultivation Handbook

Chapter 272 Asking about poisonous blood

Chapter 272 Asking about poisonous blood
After taking the pulse, Su Zining's injury was not serious, Xu Feining just prescribed a few pills for him and it was over.

When Shen Zhiyu watched Xu Feining pack the medicine box silently, some questions suddenly floated in her mind. She found a jade bottle from the storage ring.

What was contained in this jade bottle was the poisonous blood forced out of her body after He Chong poisoned her.

Shen Zhiyu is just a half-hearted alchemist now, and can't recognize what kind of poison it is, but Xu Feining is a medical practitioner, and there is no separation between medicine and poison, and this senior sister Xu is also famous for being good at detoxification, and she is above poison theory. His attainments must be much higher than hers, and now that Senior Sister Xu is here, she just took the opportunity to ask for advice.

"Senior Sister Xu, can you recognize what kind of poison this is?" Shen Zhiyu handed the jade bottle containing the poisoned blood to Xu Feining.

Xu Feining took the jade bottle and first opened it to smell it. After smelling the strange and special stench, she frowned quickly.

"I've never seen this toxin, where did you get it?"

Shen Zhiyu said: "I was accidentally hit by a poison dart before, and this jade bottle contains poisonous blood forced out of the body."

Hearing this, Xu Feining nodded suddenly, took out a silver needle from her waist, examined it, and found that the tip of the needle was black and red, a hint of interest flashed in her eyes, and she asked: "This poison is really interesting." , what is your performance after being poisoned?"

"This poison is a bit strange. After being poisoned, the limbs become numb, the body cannot move, and the true energy in the body does not circulate smoothly. Moreover, the most important thing is that this poison can also affect the mind of the poisoned person." Shen Zhiyu thought carefully about her life after being poisoned. It showed that the symptoms of poisoning were described one by one.

After hearing Shen Zhiyu's words, Xu Feining's eyes became more interested, and she asked: "Listen to you, this kind of toxin acts on both the body and the soul, right?"

"Yes!" Shen Zhiyu nodded.

"No wonder," Xu Feining looked at the black and red color of the needle tip, she understood a little bit, she slowly turned the jade bottle in her hand, full of interest in her heart, "Well, I'll take some poisonous blood to study, look at this What kind of poison is it?"

Xu Feining was both surprised and interested, and couldn't wait to study the toxins in this poisonous blood.

She is a medical practitioner, who is a student of the Nascent Soul cultivator. She is famous for her strong medical skills and is famous for being good at removing various toxins, but few people know that she is really talented in poison techniques. Detoxification is because her poison technique is better than those monks who poisoned, so she can detoxify easily.

It's just that, in the course of medical training, poison art is a heretical way after all, and the master controls it very strictly. Although she has a talent for poison art, she is also interested in it, but she dare not show it blatantly.

A long time ago, she had studied most of the toxins circulating on the market, and the rest were untouchable and incomprehensible with her cultivation base. Now she suddenly discovered a new toxin, which made her very nervous. The itching is unbearable.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the frenzy in her eyes, and was slightly surprised that Senior Sister Xu was so interested in poison, but she readily agreed, "Okay, Senior Sister Xu just take it."

"What kind of poison is so mysterious?" Su Zining, who had finished taking the medicine and adjusted his breath, came up to him.

Xu Feining just happened to take something out of the medicine box to distribute the poisonous blood, so she handed the jade bottle to the curious Su Zining.

After Su Zining took the jade bottle, he poked his head closer to the mouth of the bottle and sniffed it. As a result, he was smothered by the poisonous blood in the bottle, and his face changed suddenly, "...I'll go, it stinks!!"

As he said that, he stretched out the hand holding the jade bottle with a face full of refusal.

Seeing this, Shen Zhiyu twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, "What are you hearing?"

Su Zining held the jade bottle containing poisonous blood with one hand at a distance, covered his nose with the other hand, and said with a bitter face, "I didn't expect it to smell so bad!"

He held the jade bottle far away, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. It happened to be in front of Qin Xi who had been silent all this time, and it was still dangling.

But it's also strange, the smell of poisonous blood seems to be becoming more and more unpleasant, and the range of the smell has also become larger. Before, it was only possible to smell it when it was close, but now, Shen Zhiyu stood two meters away. Can smell it, it stinks.

Qin Xi glanced at Su Zining without a word, took the jade bottle directly, resealed it and handed it to Xu Feining.

Xu Feining also smelled the stench coming out, frowned slightly, and looked down at the jade bottle containing the poisonous blood in her hand, "...the toxin seems to have been catalyzed and scattered into the air."

Hearing this, Shen Zhiyu's complexion changed slightly, she put a protective shield around her body, took out a bottle of detoxification elixir and took a pill, and then handed it to the other three people present.

Shen Zhiyu has personally experienced how domineering this toxin is, and it is better to be on guard early. Now there is no elixir that can detoxify the poison.

Su Zining and Qin Xi also took the detoxification pill, and when they handed it to Xu Feining, she gently refused, "There is very little toxin in the air, and it has no effect on me."

As she spoke, she glanced at the three people who had already been protected, reopened the jade bottle, divided some into another jade bottle, then resealed it and handed it back to Shen Zhiyu, "I'll tell you the result after I research it." .”

Shen Zhiyu nodded first, then hesitated for a while, and said, "Senior Sister Xu, this toxin may have originated from Qingyi Mansion."

Qingyi Mansion, the sect residence of Qingxu Palace, is also the place under its jurisdiction.He Chong is a disciple of Qingxu Palace, and the toxin on his body may also come from the vicinity of Qingxu Palace. Of course, this is not absolute, but there is a great possibility.

"Okay, I got it." Xu Feining replied, then packed her medicine box, carried it on her body, and said to Shen Zhiyu and Su Zining, "Then I'll go first."

"Okay, Senior Sister Xu, go slowly." Shen Zhiyu nodded.

Su Zining also raised his paw and waved it, and said goodbye with a smile, "Senior Sister Xu, see you next time~"

After Xu Feining took two steps, she turned her head and looked at Qin Xi, "Remember to change your medicine tomorrow."

Qin Xi remained silent and did not speak.

Xu Feining, who didn't get a response, stood where she was, staring at him motionlessly with a pair of clear almond eyes.

The two suddenly fell into an inexplicable stalemate.

The atmosphere became quiet, and the voices of the on-duty monks coming and going not far away faded away. The four of them stood very close, but Shen Zhiyu felt that she and Su Zining seemed to be separated by them in another space Same.

Shen Zhiyu and Su Zining glanced at each other, they didn't need too much eye contact, they stepped back a few steps tacitly, squatted on the stone steps before, and watched the play silently.

(End of this chapter)

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