Chapter 278

Gu Ting was slowly wiping away the blood on his face, when he heard this, he took out a smooth stone from his body and handed it to Shen Zhiyu.

Shen Zhiyu raised his eyebrows, "What is this?"

Gu Ting opened his mouth, but accidentally pulled the wound on the corner of his mouth. He gasped in pain, his voice was a little muffled, "This is a token from your Xuanji Sword Sect."

"... What token?" Shen Zhiyu looked at the stone in his hand, her voice was a little slow.

"Although you and I have personal grievances, it's not to the point where we need someone to assassinate you." Gu Ting spoke slowly and clearly.

Shen Zhiyu slowly raised her eyes to look at his deep and meaningful eyes, and pursed her lips, "What do you mean?"

Gu Ting smiled, "Don't you understand what I mean?"

"I don't understand." Shen Zhiyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

Gu Ting shrugged, "Okay, I'll make it clear." His eyes were fixed on Shen Zhiyu, "This is a token from the Xuanji Sword Sect, a token that prevents you from continuing to participate in the Wanjian Society .”

Prevent her from participating in the Ten Thousand Swords Club?Didn't kill her?

After a flash of surprise in Shen Zhiyu's heart, she turned cold and squinted at him, "How big of a face do you have to think that I will believe you?"

"I don't expect you to believe it either, but I don't want to take the blame for this kind of inexplicable blame." Gu Ting spread his hands.

In fact, he can also directly respond to the Xuanji Sword Sect, but he will consider some issues later on. For example, he doesn't know which faction the person who cheated him is from. What if the person he finds happens to be the black hand behind it?
So after thinking about it carefully, he still decided to go directly to the victim who was ambushed. It couldn't be that Shen Zhiyu was sick, so she should cheat herself.

Shen Zhiyu stared at him closely and didn't speak for a long time. Although her face was calm, there was a huge wave in her heart.

For a moment, her thoughts were extremely chaotic.

What Gu Ting meant...was someone from the Xuanji Sword Sect trying to prevent her from continuing to participate?However, this shouldn't be the case.

If someone wants to kill her, she can still understand, but someone is willing to pay the price of a piece of Excalibur Stone just to prevent her from continuing to participate in the Ten Thousand Swords Association? !

No, no, maybe someone really wanted to kill her?It was purely an excuse to prevent her from participating in the Wanjian Society.

Because Gu Ting will accept the deal that prevents her from continuing to participate in Wanjianhui, but he will not accept the deal that kills her easily.

And as long as Gu Ting agrees to prevent her from continuing to participate in the deal of Wanjianhui, the people behind it will have thousands of ways to turn this ambush into her fatal disaster.

Shen Zhiyu frowned, her expression changed in various ways, after a while, she pressed the center of her brows to stop herself from thinking wildly.

No, you can't just be led by the nose by Gu Ting's one-sided words so easily.

"Where's the evidence?" Shen Zhiyu asked coldly.

"Here." Gu Ting stretched out his hand again, and in the palm of his hand lay the smooth small stone from before.

Shen Zhiyu was silent for a moment, then reached out to pick it up.

"Input a sword energy into it." Gu Ting reminded.

Shen Zhiyu didn't follow suit, but carefully observed the stone in his hand.

This stone is about the size of a baby's fist, and its whole body presents a hazy creamy white color, warm to the touch, and the stone is covered with fine and mysterious fine lines.

After careful observation, Shen Zhiyu easily recognized what it was.

Excalibur Stone.

The Excalibur Stone is the product of Wanjian Forest. It is placed in the core of Wanjian Forest. It has been honed by countless sword qi throughout the day. It will take at least a thousand years to be born. It contains extremely mysterious swordsmanship Sincerely.Before Gu Ting asked Shen Zhiyu to input sword energy into it, it was because this Excalibur Stone could reveal many true meanings of swordsmanship under the stimulation of sword energy.

Even in the production place of the Xuanji Sword Sect, Excalibur Stones are rare. Only powerful monks above the Nascent Soul stage can have the opportunity to see them, and those who can privately own Excalibur Stones are even rarer. .

Shen Zhiyu lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes were full of thoughts, and the emotions in his eyes were turbulent.

But in a blink of an eye, Shen Zhiyu restrained the emotion in her eyes, she smiled disdainfully, and after a cold snort, her tone was extremely mocking, "Just with a piece of Excalibur Stone, you want to put the pot of shit on the Xuanji Sword Sect?"

Gu Ting didn't mind her unfriendly tone, and said very calmly: "You must know how precious the Excalibur Stone is, and the Xuanji Sword Sect never trades the Excalibur Stone."

"Although the Excalibur Stone is precious, it is not unheard of among the heavens. With the ability of Xuan Dao Sect, it is not difficult to get one." Shen Zhiyu threw the Excalibur Stone in his hand, "Is there any other evidence? ?"

When Gu Ting heard this, a strange smile appeared on his bruised and swollen face, "Don't you believe it?"

Shen Zhiyu looked at him strangely when she heard the words, and said to Gu Ting: "You are really strange, no matter whether you are slandering or not, I have to figure it out before I can make a judgment. What does it matter whether you believe it or not?"

Then, Shen Zhiyu said directly: "Besides, don't provoke me, I won't believe a word of what you say before I see the hard evidence."

"Really?" Gu Ting smiled, his smile was very yin and yang.

Seeing the smile on his face, Shen Zhiyu felt a little irritable, but her expression remained calm, "If you have evidence, show it, if you don't, get out."

"I only have this Excalibur Stone in my hand, nothing else." Gu Ting shook his head.

Shen Zhiyu's face was cold when she heard the words, she narrowed her phoenix eyes, her expression was not good, "So you are lying to me?"

When Gu Ting heard this, mockery appeared on his face. He dusted off the dust on his clothes and said, "In this case, I have evidence, right? A monk who can own the Excalibur Stone will naturally not leave people to criticize. beginning and end."

This is true, if this ambush was really the work of those powerful monks who possessed the Excalibur Stone, there would definitely be no evidence left behind.

However, even if Shen Zhiyu agrees with this statement, it will not show it. This is the meeting room of the Xuanji Sword Sect, and it is still under martial law.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu raised his eyelids and leaned against the tree with his fists cupped, "There is no evidence, why should I believe you and think you want to kill me?"

Even so, Gu Ting could tell that she had loosened. A smile appeared in his eyes, and he said, "You don't have to worry that someone will hear it. I wear a spiritual weapon that shields the perception of the spirit."

Shen Zhiyu twitched the corner of her mouth, "I still say the same thing, I won't believe it without solid evidence."

Hearing this, Gu Ting spread his hands leisurely and relaxedly, and said rascally: "Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me. As for finding evidence, I don't care about it."

Anyway, what he wanted to convey had already been conveyed, and the rest had nothing to do with him.

Shen Zhiyu: "..." Doggy!

(End of this chapter)

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