Chapter 32 Victory
A huge mountain-like force came from the point of contact, Shen Zhiyu didn't resist, let go of the hilt of the sword, and flew backwards along the force.

She controlled the Qingya sword in the air to block Zhou Chong's pursuit of victory, and when she felt that the impact force had weakened almost, she made a movement of falling a thousand catties, and landed steadily from midair.

Hiss, difficult to deal with.

Shen Zhiyu licked her back molars, with excitement in her eyes.

At this time Zhou Chong was holding the Qingya sword, approaching her step by step.

Among the 24 sets of sword formulas, there are three kinds suitable for heavy swords, namely "Xuanwu", "Sixiang" and "Lingyu".

I just don't know which one Zhou Chong practiced?
While Shen Zhiyu's mind turned, she manipulated the Qingya sword to continuously attack Zhou Chong, and at the same time used Zongyun to constantly change the standing position.

Most people who practiced epee lack mobility, so she didn't plan to fight Zhou Chong in close quarters.

But this time it was beyond her expectation, Zhou Chong kicked the tip of the epee, pushed the hilt hard with his wrist, and the whole epee pierced towards her through the air.At the same time, Zhou Chong's body also followed the trend of the heavy sword flying, and used his body skills to avoid the attack of Qingya sword, and approached.

Shen Zhiyu hastily changed his position again, dodging from the front of the epee to the side.

Unexpectedly, the epee also turned, locking onto her aura.

It is "Ling Yu".

Shen Zhiyu knew that avoiding was useless, the first form of Lingyu was special, it could lock the enemy's breath, chase all the way, no matter how to change the place, it was useless.

She simply stopped dodging, recalled Qingya Sword, raised her sword to meet him.

Zhou Chong raised his heavy sword and slashed down on his head.

Shen Zhiyu turned her body slightly, raised her hand, Qingya sword was at her side, a sound of metal friction sounded, sparks flew, the blade slashed against her body, and sword qi fell on her like small knives On her body, she was running "Boundary", her skin was slightly shiny, and all the attacks were blocked.

Once the physical training method is well practiced, it is very resistant to beating.How painful it is to soak in the medicated bath, and how difficult it will be for the opponent when fighting, no loss.Shen Zhiyu thought optimistically.

As Zhou Chong failed to close in time, she took the opportunity to sharply point her sword at the center of his brow.

Zhou Chong abandoned the sword resolutely, turned his body backwards, kicked his feet on the ground, and took advantage of the momentum to kick Shen Zhiyu's waist.

The ground of the arena was cracked like a spider web.

This kind of impact attack is not the same as sword energy, one hit will cause internal injury.Shen Zhiyu didn't dare to resist, and quickly avoided, so the sword finger could only fall on Zhou Chong's shoulder.

But Zhou Chong didn't feel well either. Shen Zhiyu's sword energy was stronger than before, piercing through his temporary aura shield, and his shoulders were dripping with blood as soon as he pointed it out.

Zhou Chong groaned and took a few steps back.

He looked up at her, "That's right, your strength is worthy of the name. But I was too careless just now, and I'm going to get serious next time." While speaking, he raised his uninjured hand and recalled the epee to his hand.

"Wait and see." Shen Zhiyu was not afraid.

Zhou Chong held the hilt of the sword with both hands, separated his feet one after the other, and sank slightly to make himself stand more stably. Suddenly, his hind legs rested on the ground, and his whole body followed the epee and slammed towards her like a meteor.

Perhaps it was not accurate to use ramming, his body spun rapidly, and the blade twisted towards her in a circular arc.

Shen Zhiyu sensed that the qi all over her body was locked, and there was no way she could avoid it.

She calmly calculated the trajectory of Zhou Chong's actions, carefully sensing the fluctuations around her.

This is it, Shen Zhiyu raised his hand and pointed, and used a stance of fighting endlessly in the air. Dozens of sword flowers bloomed around the sword, and the aura within a few meters around was swept away.

Zhou Chong's movements froze for a moment.

Shen Zhiyu's toes touched the ground, and she jumped out with force, and her whole body lightly floated in front of Zhou Chong, taking advantage of the opening in the blink of an eye, she pointed out with a sword.

The flames are raging!

The gorgeous sword light suddenly bloomed, and countless intertwined sword qi strangled towards Zhou Chong.

Zhou Chong didn't retreat but advanced, his eyes were fierce, and he continued to strike at her regardless, even planning to sacrifice his life for injury.

Is it certain that she will stop? !
Shen Zhiyu was startled, if the flames of war fell on him, Zhou Chong would definitely die!

At the critical moment, she withdrew her sword momentum without thinking about backlash.

The next moment, Zhou Chong also retracted the blade, and the back of the sword slammed into Shen Zhiyu's waist and abdomen.

Shen Zhiyu only felt that her internal organs were smashed to pieces, she flew upside down a few meters, fell to the ground, and spurted out a big mouthful of blood.

Zhou Chong didn't get any better. Although Shen Zhiyu stopped at the last moment, he just withdrew the deadliest sword blade, and countless sword qi still fell on Zhou Chong, drawing sword wounds one after another on his body. , almost became a blood man, but it was all traumatic.

Shen Zhiyu only felt a burning pain in his lungs, and it seemed that several ribs were broken.

She gritted her teeth and stood up, looking at Zhou Chong who picked up the epee again, her heart was filled with anger.

Seeing that Zhou Chong was still about to make a move, she thought together, and the Qingya sword flew into her hand immediately.

Raising his hand and throwing it, the sword body flew into the air. When he fell, he clamped the blade with two fingers, turned his wrist over and threw it at Zhou Chong, and the whole sword body flew out immediately.

The fourth form of "Breaking the Army", Zang Feng.

The long sword was thrown out by a special technique, and the hilt whizzed across it, hitting Zhou Chong's chest with great force, like a giant hammer, and Zhou Chong was thrown backwards.

Zhou Chong fell under the ring, his whole body twitched a few times, and he was unconscious.

Since you are eager to win, I will beat you so hard that you cannot fight back.

Shen Zhiyu watched coldly, although she kept her hand this time and did not hurt his life, but it would also make him suffer a lot.

For at least a month, he had to stay in bed for recuperation.

This action involved the injury again, Shen Zhiyu said "Wow", and vomited a big mouthful of blood again.

The brother who made the ruling went down to check Zhou Chong's injuries, and seeing that he was not life-threatening, he was carried down to heal his injuries.

Then he returned to the ring and announced Shen Zhiyu's victory.

After receiving the number plate for promotion, when she got off the ring, she heard Brother Judging whisper in her ear, "Good job!"

Shen Zhiyu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "Thank you, brother."

When she stepped off the stage, she found that Zhou Ying had gone somewhere, and only Luo Hongmian, Lu Baiheng and Chen Chen were left.

"Sister Shen, are you okay?" Chen Chen hurried over to help her.

"I'm fine, just a small injury." Shen Zhiyu looked around and asked, "... Where's Senior Sister Zhou?"

Luo Hongmian and Lu Baiheng looked at each other, their expressions were a little weird.

Shen Zhiyu's heart skipped a beat, she thought of Zhou Chong just now, "Could Zhou Chong be...?" Zhou Ying's someone.

Luo Hongmian looked at her helplessly and nodded, "That's right, they are brother and sister."

Shen Zhiyu: "..." I feel bad.

(End of this chapter)

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