Chapter 34
Not long after, she stopped, Shen Zhiyu's heart tightened, and she was ready to break through the vine.

She can't figure out the situation outside now, she has to get out first, find out the situation outside, and then use the Thunder Fire Talisman to wipe out the psychedelic vine in one fell swoop.

She waited quietly for a while, but there was still no sound outside, and the vines did not move.

After a while, the psychedelic vines wrapped around her suddenly tightened, as if trying to twist her into pieces.

It hurt a little, Shen Zhiyu frowned slightly, and pointed a little, several sword qi broke a big hole in the vines wrapping her.

Before those vines continued to wrap around, Qingya moved with his heart.

The third form of "Breaking the Army" is to fix the wind.

The surrounding vines seemed to be imprisoned by something invisible, and Shen Zhiyu took the opportunity to escape.

After she left the pile of vines, she slashed the psychedelic vines into pieces and fell to the ground.

Shen Zhiyu had come to the body of the psychedelic vine at this moment, and she saw the strong and undulating roots under several vines that were as thick as pythons.

In addition to the vines, there are also countless white bones laid out around the roots, including those of monsters and human monks.

Seeing the vines coming in like a wave, Shen Zhiyu sneered, and urged the Thunder Fire Talisman to throw it at the root of the psychedelic vine.

At this time, Shen Zhiyu suddenly heard a weak meow coming from under the vines at her feet, and she looked over in surprise.

I saw a kitten covered in blood and mud wrapped around its neck by vines, its limbs were twitching feebly, and its breath gradually weakened.Feeling Shen Zhiyu's gaze at this moment, he let out a soft cry.

Seeing the hope in the kitten's eyes, Shen Zhiyu felt a little pity in her heart. She swung her sword and cut off the vines wrapped around the cat's neck, and put an aura on it.

As soon as the aura shield was finished, the thunder fire talisman made a loud bang, and the purple thunder light exploded, scorching the roots of the main body of the psychedelic vine and igniting a raging fire at the same time.

He pinched a spell of clear wind, the wind helped the fire, and immediately, the flames became bigger.

It was flat here, except for the psychedelic vines and some flowers, there was nothing else, so it didn't burn for too long before the fire was extinguished.

Looking at the pitch-black scorched earth, Shen Zhiyu couldn't help but be speechless: It is indeed a third-order talisman, and its power is really great.

She went into the scorched earth to pick up the demon beads of the psychedelic vine, they were all good materials.

When she picked up the largest demon bead, she suddenly discovered that there were several white beads under the bead.

This is……?
Just as Shen Zhiyu was about to pick it up to take a look, he saw the number plate on his waist glow, sucking the beads in. At the same time, a number, ten, appeared behind the wooden plate.

The ones that just sucked in were ten beads.

Shen Zhiyu understood, probably this is the jade beads to be fought for, if they were all in the place where the monsters were, they would probably have to fight non-stop for a month.

I don't know if the strength of this monster has anything to do with the number of beads.

Find some monsters to verify first.

Shen Zhiyu was about to leave, she patted the sword box and let Qingya go back.

As a result, Qingya sword swayed the blade a little bit, and rubbed against her fingertips with the hilt.

"Are you hungry again?" Shen Zhiyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

Sensing a pleasing emotion in her mind, Shen Zhiyu reluctantly took out a few pieces of ore and threw them into the sword box, and Qingya sword went in happily.

This little broken sword has woken up from a deep sleep a year ago, and has been hungry since it was promoted to an intermediate magic weapon. At first, she was startled, and she didn't know what it was going to eat, so she took out a little of everything. , it turns out that it actually eats anything, as long as it is a material with aura, it especially likes ores of various attributes.

It's just that Shen Zhiyu is a little bald. Originally, raising a sword is a sweet burden that can only be produced by having a natal sword after the foundation is established, but now it is on her body early.

And this guy has to "eat" every once in a while, he can eat anything, but he doesn't get stronger.

Shen Zhiyu sighed, she couldn't afford it.

She walked slowly to where she could see the forest.

There was a constant "swish" sound in my ears.

Shen Zhiyu was a little helpless, she stopped and looked back at the kitten who was limping and following her.

"Why are you following me? Hurry back and find your clansman." Shen Zhiyu said helplessly.

Of course the kitten didn't understand, but when it saw Shen Zhiyu talking to it, it responded with a few childish meows.

The kitten was dirty before, and it couldn't be seen what kind of monster it was. Later, Shen Zhiyu fed it a healing elixir, cleaned its fur with a few dust-cleaning formulas, and then recognized it.

The low-level monster, the snow civet, has the potential to grow up to the third level, but it is good-looking, so it is usually kept as a pet by female cultivators who love beauty.It's just that this cub is obviously not a purebred snow civet, and the fur on its body is mottled, far from being pretty.

"...Sly little guy." Shen Zhiyu looked at the kitten that was wobbly rubbing against her ankle, reached out and poked it behind the forehead, picked it up and put it on his shoulder.

No way, she never thought about keeping pets before, and she didn't buy a spirit animal bag.

"Since I found it among flowers, you will call it Xiaohua from now on, right?" Shen Zhiyu brushed its tail away from its chin.

Xiaohua let out a soft "meow".


Not long after, Shen Zhiyu walked into the forest, dealt with a few low-level monsters, and got some jade beads. She found that the stronger the monsters, the more jade beads they could get, and the higher the level of the monster, the more beads would be. Take two.

After knowing this information, Shen Zhiyu tried to choose higher-level monsters to kill, and collected as many jade beads as possible.

After wandering in the woods for most of the day, I didn't see anyone else.

I don't know where her teammates are. Except when absorbing jade beads, this number plate does not respond at other times.

When it was getting dark, Shen Zhiyu found a hidden cave and prepared to rest overnight.

She took out a piece of monster meat and roasted it. After sharing a piece with Xiaohua, she settled the dinner in two or three bites, and began to cultivate the second layer of "Boundary" with the power of the blood in the monster meat.

Shen Zhiyu had read a lot of books in Zangshuge in the past, only to know that "Boundary" is a pure body cultivation method for improving physical fitness. The first layer is to temper the skin, and the second layer is to smelt the flesh and blood. After each layer is practiced, it will get a special effect, and it will greatly improve the physique and strengthen the defense.

The special effect of the first layer is to heal trauma, and she can vaguely feel the effect of the second layer, which should be violent. When she uses it, it will greatly increase the combat power, but it will consume a lot of true energy and the duration is short.

But such skills are undoubtedly very useful in battle.Ten breaths of time is enough to decide the outcome.

 It's a cat, an ordinary monster!

  Very weak, very ordinary, don't despise it!
  There is no way to raise cats in reality, I raise them in the clouds in the novel, hahahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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