Chapter 40
The guests came slowly, but Shen Zhiyu was surprised to find that the control of Xuanji Sword Sect had become stricter. From time to time, she saw the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall dispatched and escorted several disciples away.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of turmoil in the sect, but the law enforcement hall has not explained to the outside world. As the grand ceremony is approaching, the number of arrested disciples has gradually decreased, but the previously arrested disciples have not been released.

Shen Zhiyu secretly wondered in her heart, did this series of actions have anything to do with what happened in the outer sect contest before?

But she obviously didn't get an answer.

As the birth ceremony was approaching, the atmosphere in the sect gradually became tense. For a while, the actions of the law enforcement hall were temporarily ignored, but Shen Zhiyu still faintly felt the undercurrent.

Time passed day by day, and soon, the day of the grand ceremony came.


On the day of the big pawn, the mountain gate was wide open.

The two-meter-wide red carpet stretches from the Zongmen Hall all the way along the Way of Asking Hearts, all the way to the mountain gate, temporarily blocking the effect of the Way of Asking Hearts.

Tables and chairs for banquet guests are placed on Yanwu Square. At a glance, it stretches for a kilometer without end. Among them, the melon and fruit agar liquid is a good product that is hard to find for gods.

The high-level monks were all led into the main hall of the sect by the great power of the sect, and the qi training disciples like Shen Zhiyu were only responsible for welcoming the low-level disciples who came here.

However, Shen Zhiyu didn't like doing things like welcoming guests and seeing them off, so she took the initiative to transfer to the inspection team, which is patrolling in all directions at the moment.

The grand ceremony has not been formally carried out, and the banquet will not officially start until after the auspicious time to worship the heavens.

Today is an important day for the Xuanji Sword Sect. The forces of all parties and the powers of casual cultivators have a sense of proportion. easy.

After patrolling in a circle, nothing was found. After changing shifts, everyone went to Yanwu Square to watch the ceremony.

The mountain gate was almost crowded with people. Looking around, almost all of them were Xuanji's disciples. They were all dressed in uniform martial arts costumes, and their faces were solemn. Even if there were tens of thousands of people crowded together, they would be silent.

The grand ceremony has already begun, the head of the sect has finished his speech, and the newly promoted Yuanying monk is about to start worshiping the ancestor.

Shen Zhiyu and the others were wearing special disciple uniforms, and just now successfully entered the guarded Yanwu Square.

The birth ceremony is of great importance. Every Nascent Soul cultivator is a high-end combat power of the sect, so the ceremony is grand.

Standing in the corner of Yanwu Square, Shen Zhiyu saw so many high-level monks gathered together for the first time.

Today's grand ceremony, not only the disciples in the sect were all wearing uniform disciple uniforms, even the Nascent Soul masters in the main hall were all wearing purple special sect costumes. At a glance, there were no less than twenty of them.The rest are high-ranking monks from other sects or Nascent Soul cultivators from various places in uniform.

The powerful people tried their best to restrain their aura, but Shen Zhiyu stood far away in the square, and could still feel a faint sense of oppression.

At this time, Xianle suddenly sounded, and countless sword qi slammed across the sky, and a purple figure slowly fell at the mountain gate.

It is the protagonist of today's ceremony, Lord Qingling Yuan.

Qingling Yuanjun was wearing a solemn ritual Taoist robe, a jade crown on his head, precious boots on his feet, and burning incense in his hand, walking up step by step from Wenxin Road.

At this time, a ritual monk came out and read her life experience aloud.

Shen Zhiyu had met Qing Lingyuan Lord twice before, and both of them seemed to be silent and reticent. Looking at it now, Qing Lingyuan Lord was solemnly dressed, full of majesty, and the aura on his body was so sharp that it made people palpitate.

This is, a high-ranking monk who looks up to.

Lord Qing Lingyuan came to the stone statue step by step, and under the guidance of the etiquette monks, he saluted and inserted incense to complete the worship.

Then, it is the thank you ceremony.

Qingling Yuanjun has been talented since he was a child. He showed his talents at the Wanjian Festival after the foundation was established.

The power of transforming gods, the pinnacle of the entire Qiming world.

All monks, including all Nascent Soul powers, are eagerly waiting.

Without any warning, after the air in front of Qingling Yuanjun was slightly distorted, a figure suddenly appeared.

Black hair in purple, handsome face, aura like a rainbow, terrifying aura, even all the long swords nearby vibrate and resonate faintly.

All the monks bowed their hands and saluted, "I've seen the Compassionate One."

"You don't need to be too polite," Zhenzun Minxing raised his hand slightly, and looked at Lord Qing Lingyuan with gratified eyes.

Lord Qing Lingyuan knelt down to thank the teacher, and listened quietly to the admonition.

"My apprentice is pure, talented, and stable. I am very pleased to have formed a Nascent Soul today. I hope you will stick to your heart and achieve success in the future."

"Yes, Qingling would like to listen to the instruction." Qingling Yuanjun kowtowed.

"Get up."

True Venerable Compassion Xing hadn't finished speaking, but his figure had already dissipated.

The etiquette monk shouted, "Thank you, master."

Then there are some other steps, after Qingling Yuanjun completes them step by step.

The master officially announced that the ceremony was over and the banquet began.

Shen Zhiyu and other disciples retreated and began to perform their duties.


And Zhenzun Minxing, who had left on Yanwu Square before, was sitting in the Law Enforcement Hall at the moment, and the first person next to him was the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, Zhenjun Yuanming.

True Venerable Compassionate slowly twiddled the beads, "...You mean, the demons may have reappeared?"

Zhenjun Yuanming handed over a transparent crystal box, inside which was a stream of black mist that was constantly drilling around, trying to find a hole.

True Venerable Compassionate took it, raised his hand to open the box, and a cold, evil and frenzied aura wafted out immediately.

The mist saw an opportunity and was about to flee immediately.


True Venerable Compassionate let out a cold snort, and the surrounding space froze immediately, and the black mist was frozen in mid-air, unable to move.

"It's indeed a fog demon." After careful observation, Zhenzun Mercy sighed.

Zhenjun Yuanming's expression changed drastically.

"Zhenzun, this... what should I do?"

"Since Zhonghua Zhenzun failed to ascend 1000 years ago, he disappeared not long after, and the gaps in the abyss where the demons kept appearing were inexplicably closed, and the demons gradually disappeared. Unexpectedly, they appeared again now. Have you found out where it came from?" True Venerable Benevolence sealed the fog demon into a crystal box again and asked.

"This was detected from inside the disciples of our sect. The person behind the control of the fog demon is very cunning. He divided the fog demon into hundreds of ways and hid them in the disciple's dantian." Zhenjun Yuanming looked helpless, "If it weren't for the people behind the outer sect controlling the disciples to hunt and kill the geniuses in our sect, and if there was an accident, we would not have found its trace until now."

Immediately, Yuanming Zhenjun sneered again, "There is also an inner ghost in our sect! Those disciples who were controlled came back and walked through Wenxinlu, but there was no problem. The inner ghost who can deceive Wenxinlu's detection is at least golden. The cultivation base of Dan's late stage may even be an elder in the Nascent Soul stage!"

True Venerable Compassionate's eyes were calm, but the breath around his body was even more piercing. He closed his eyes, twirled the beads, "Check."

Zhenjun Yuanming got up and saluted, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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