Chapter 42 Rules
Shen Zhiyu crushed the warning talisman and used Zongyun's movement to escape from the encirclement.

I can't do anything now, it was to prevent that Qingxu Palace disciple from committing violence, and I took the opportunity to teach him a lesson, but if I continue to do it now, in her capacity, it's not easy to explain.

Shen Zhiyu was extremely flexible, and a group of disciples from Qingxu Palace rushed forward, and without a ruthless hand, no one could touch her clothes for a while.

"You trash, get the hell out of here!" The disciple was so annoyed that he even took out a Thunder Fire Talisman and was about to detonate it and throw it out.

When Shen Zhiyu saw it, he was immediately furious. There were so many low-level qi practitioners nearby, and this thunder-fire talisman exploded, causing either death or injury.

She took a step forward and came to the man in an instant, and with a wave of her finger, the sword energy came instantly, cutting off his fingers.

"Ah—" With a shrill scream, the Thunder Fire Talisman immediately fell to the ground.

Shen Zhiyu saw that the Thunder Fire Talisman had been activated and was about to explode.

Such arrogant and domineering disciples usually have backgrounds, so they must have protective objects on their bodies, and even if they don't, it's their own fault.

Heartbroken, Shen Zhiyu kicked the disciple over to cover the thunder fire talisman that was about to explode.

At the same time, she cast a spirit shield and tried her best to protect the surrounding low-level disciples.

A "touch" sound.

The thunder fire talisman exploded, and tongues of fire sprang out amidst the flashes of thunder.

As expected by Shen Zhiyu, the moment the Thunder Fire Talisman exploded, a burst of gentle white aura suddenly appeared on the disciple, which quietly offset the violent air wave of the Thunder Fire Talisman.

The disciple was not injured at all, and was still alive and kicking, ready to be a demon again.

Shen Zhiyu dispelled the aura mask, stepped on the ground, the whole body was ejected, and kicked the disciple, kicking the whole body away.

At the same time, Shen Zhiyu also used his strength to take off, jumped to the sky above his soaring body, and then stepped down his body heavily from the air, Shen Zhiyu also landed lightly, and stepped on his body.

"Ouch—" the disciple suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his body convulsed.

At this moment, the other Qingxu Palace disciples who retreated surrounded them again.

With a thought, Qingya sword fell into his hand, Shen Zhiyu pressed the tip of the sword against the disciple's throat, "One more step forward, and I will cut his throat."

Those few Qingxu Palace disciples immediately threw their hands at each other and did not dare to go forward.

The disciple's injury was not serious, and he recovered within a short while.

"Bitch, do you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this?" He kept struggling, his eyes were red, "According to the rules of our Qingxu Palace, your cultivation base will be abolished and you will be kicked out of the sect!"

Shen Zhiyu snorted coldly, "I don't care what the customs of Qingxu Palace are, but this is the Xuanji Sword Sect. Since you set foot on this territory, you must abide by Xuanji's rules!"

"well said!"

At this time, the people from the Law Enforcement Hall also came.

The leader was Xie Ying who was in the secret realm before, and she was the one who spoke just now.

"Bring them back!" She didn't say much, and was going to take all of them back to the Law Enforcement Hall.

Several people escorted the disciple of Qingxu Palace who was stepped on by Shen Zhiyu, and the disciple of Qingxu Palace was still thrashing about, swearing wantonly.

However, the disciples of Law Enforcing Hall are not very good-natured people, so they directly cast a banning curse to shut him up.

The people in the law enforcement hall were ready to leave immediately.

"Hold on."

A monk suddenly walked out of Guiyun Courtyard, a monk named Liu Guangzhen from the Qingxu Palace in the foundation period.

"Lousi, save uh!" The disciple hummed a few syllables from his throat.

A group of qi training disciples around saluted, "I have seen Master Liu."

Liu Guangzhen nodded slightly, glanced at the people around him, especially staying on Shen Zhiyu for a moment, then looked at the detained Qingxu Palace disciple, and said with a sneer, "It's inappropriate for you to deport my Qingxu Palace disciples like this? "

Xie Ying was neither humble nor overbearing, "Returning to Master Uncle, this person is causing trouble here, and we will act according to the rules."

"Rules? When will the rules of your Xuanji Sword Sect be governed by our Qingxu Palace?" Liu Guangzhen looked arrogant.

Without waiting for Xie Ying to answer, Liu Guangzhen pressed Shen Zhiyu, "Besides, a small outer disciple of your sect actually injured our direct disciple of Qingxu Palace, what should he do?!"

Shen Zhiyu only felt that the coercion was pressing towards her like a mountain, and the terrifying pressure made her unable to move.

She quickly ran the "Longevity Sutra", gritting her teeth to resist the pressure.

But at this time, Liu Guangzhen saw that he didn't suppress the qi training disciple for a while, so he narrowed his eyes slightly and increased his coercion again.

The huge coercion continued to increase, and Shen Zhiyu felt a tyrannical force pressing down on her body, wanting to make her kneel on the ground.

Cold sweat kept oozing out of her body, almost in a moment, her clothes were already soaked in sweat.Shen Zhiyu only felt that the external force was constantly squeezing her internal organs, her body seemed to be squeezed to burst, her whole body was in extreme pain, her skin was slowly congested, and blood was already oozing from between her lips and teeth.

This Liu Guangzhen didn't want her to be soft at all, but wanted to force her to kneel down to him and break her spirit.

As a sword cultivator, once the spirit is defeated, the cultivation base will no longer be able to improve!Liu Guangzhen has such a vicious mind!Shen Zhiyu carried it tightly.

The second layer of "Boundary" operates on its own.

As if the blood that was about to burst stagnates, the blood in the whole body is constantly rushing in the blood vessels. Under the huge pressure, the smelting process that has been stagnant for a long time is actually progressing rapidly, and the strength of the flesh and blood is more tenacious.

However, under the increasingly powerful coercion, it was useless.

Shen Zhiyu's teeth made a "creaking" rubbing sound, her whole body was filled with blood, and her body was constantly shaking.She felt her legs were about to be crushed.

At this time, the body of Qingya sword shook and a clear cry was heard.

The turbulent sword energy burst out instantly, and sword energy moved faintly around her body one after another.

Shen Zhiyu felt her body lighten, blood flowed from the pores, she gritted her teeth and straightened her back.

Never bow your knees!

The sword aura around him swirled rapidly and continuously, showing its essence faintly, and the sharp sword aura was uttered with sharp clanks under the coercion.

The prototype of the sword intent?

Liu Guangzhen's eyes were fixed, and there was a faint killing intent in Shen Zhiyu's eyes. Originally, he just wanted to punish Xiaojie, but this girl is extremely talented, and revenge will be unattractive in the future. It is better to take the opportunity to get rid of her.

The coercion was even heavier, and at the same time, he snorted coldly, raised his hand and summoned a magic sword, waved it easily, and the magic sword roared towards Shen Zhiyu.

Shen Zhiyu, who was resisting the coercion with all her strength, was unable to move at all. Seeing that the magic sword was approaching with murderous intent, despair appeared in her eyes.

"Stop!" There was a loud shout not far away, a swift and fierce sword light flew from a distance, and with a soft "ding", the magic sword was knocked out.

The powerful coercion dissipated like ice and snow melting.

Shen Zhiyu's body softened, and she fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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