Chapter 44 Decision
After the gate of Guiyun Courtyard was closed, Liu Guangzhen felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Pei Liqiu rushed towards him with gleaming eyes like a wolf seeing flesh.

Liu Guangzhen hurriedly dodged, but the distance was too close and it was obvious that he couldn't dodge in time. He couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't get carried away and get so close.

Pei Liqiu swung his long sword swiftly and ferociously, and the sword intent rushed towards him like a storm, leaving no chance.

What a joke, what if something happens again and you can't beat someone up?It's better to beat up quickly, to relieve the anger early after the beating.

With Pei Liqiu thinking in this way, the movements of his hands became faster, a long sword danced vigorously, and the dense sword light formed a sword net, tightly blocking all retreat routes around Liu Guangzhen's body.

Liu Guangzhen was so miserable that he was in a hurry, and he was severely injured before long, and he couldn't afford to fall to the ground.

Just as Pei Liqiu commanded the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall to control Liu Guangzhen and those troublesome Qingxu Palace disciples, the gate of Guiyun Yuan suddenly opened again, and several Foundation Establishment stage monks and a Jindan stage real person poured out from it.

Those monks from Qingxu Palace stopped the disciples from the Law Enforcing Hall, and the two sides immediately became deadlocked.

Pei Liqiu was upset, it was simply because there were too few people present in the Law Enforcement Hall, but if they called people over now, it would appear that their sect was not open enough to bully people.

Standing behind the crowd, Shen Zhiyu looked at the monks from Qingxu Palace, and found that Lin Yunhao and Han Lian were not among them.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Both of them had been kind to her in the past, but the behavior of Qingxu Palace also made her dislike it. Now that they can face each other separately, it won't make her too embarrassed.

After a long stalemate between the two sides, Pei Liqiu suddenly moved, and he turned around with an ugly expression.

"All Xuanji disciples obey the order and leave Guiyun Academy immediately."

"...Yes." Xuanji's disciples were a little puzzled, but the order had been issued and could only be carried out.

"Fellow Daoist Pei, go slowly, don't see him off." A foundation-building monk in Qingxu Palace said with a smile.

Pei Liqiu's face darkened suddenly, he turned around, and sneered, "The top ten sects have jointly performed many tasks. This fellow Taoist from Qingxu Palace will definitely ask for advice when we meet in the future."

After finishing speaking, without looking at the faces of the people in the Ruins Palace, he turned and left.

Shen Zhiyu followed in the crowd, feeling the slight heat from the beads on her wrist, her heart skipped a beat.

This matter is obviously the result of the game above, but obviously, the result of the game is not particularly good.Probably because the other party is Qingxu Palace.

Because of the experience of the past few months, information about Qingxu Palace suddenly came to mind.

Qingxu Palace is the head of the top ten sects in Tianji. The sect is located in Qingyi Mansion, Hengzhou. Among them, there are [-]% more Nascent Soul monks and Jindan monks than the other nine sects.Because of this, most of his disciples are domineering when they do things outside.

In the previous days, those disciples of Qingxu Palace tried their best to restrain their nature because they were guests of Xuanji Sword Sect.

Especially in the Xuanji Sword Sect, there are no servants for them to order, and they have to do everything by themselves, so today these low-level monks who belong to Xuanji were seen by them when they practiced swords on the martial arts field next to Guiyunyuan. I just want to grab a few and use them at the present time.Naturally, these Xuanji disciples were unwilling, so there was the scene Shen Zhiyu saw before.

Shen Zhiyu lowered his eyes. Uncle Pei Liqiu of the Law Enforcing Hall was right. There are many missions performed jointly among the ten major sects, and the lifespan of monks is also long. Revenge will have a long future.

After all, she was still not strong enough, Shen Zhiyu licked the blood at the corner of her mouth, and sighed from the bottom of her heart.


When Shen Zhiyu returned to Jinyu Courtyard, she sat under the grape arbor in the yard, looked at the storage bag containing the compensation in her hand, and made a decision in her heart.

Go out to practice.

Wanting to become stronger is nothing more than improving her cultivation base or enriching her experience, and her cultivation base cannot reach the sky in one step, so she can only hone herself more and become stronger between life and death.

A pampered flower is destined not to grow into a towering tree.

It is undeniable that what happened today has stimulated her, making her eager to gain more strength.Therefore, she made plans to go out to practice in advance.

In the Zongmen, there is almost no danger. The ordinary time of cultivation made her very comfortable, and she completely forgot that in the cultivation world, the weak prey on the strong and the strong are respected, so she has been too slack in the past two years, and now , she has to change.

Jump out of the comfortable environment of Xuanji Sword Sect, experience wind and rain, and grow into a towering tree.

Then, get justice back with your own hands.

Shen Zhiyu has always been a character who does what she says, and now that she has made a decision, she starts to prepare things to go out.

Originally, she planned to go out to find a chance to build a foundation after training on the twelfth level of Qi, but now that the experience was advanced by accident, she had to make a new plan.

First of all, it is to accumulate all kinds of refining materials for the natal sword after foundation establishment.

But looking at it now, Shen Zhiyu felt that she might not need to refine the natal sword. She checked many ancient books and jade slips in the library, which recorded the characteristics of the natal sword.

It is exactly the same as Qingya Sword.

It can be activated without using a special imperial sword, within the range of spiritual consciousness, like swinging an arm.

Instinctively, she knew that she could put it in her dantian, like after the black sword appeared before, she had the idea to put it in her dantian, but Qingyajian herself was not willing to go in.But later Shen Zhiyu learned that generally, magic tools that have not been refined with blood essence cannot be collected into the dantian. Even if they have been sacrificed, they must be carefully controlled, otherwise the meridians and dantian will be easily damaged.

But the natal sword will not have such a problem. Once the sword cultivator confirms the natal sword, the sword will be connected with the sword cultivator's soul, life and death are at stake, and there is no need to worry about accidental injury.

If it doesn't exist, the sword repairer stabs him hundreds of times with his own natal sword without hurting a hair of his hair, unless he uses a blindfold.

In Xiexiu's den before, Qingya Sword suddenly disappeared, then appeared suddenly again, and then somehow became her natal sword.

It's a pity that once the natal sword is determined, it cannot be changed.

After a general sword cultivator's natal sword is cast, it is a primary magic weapon at the very beginning, and it will become stronger as the owner grows.And the Qingya sword is only an intermediate magic weapon, it will neither grow stronger with her cultivation base, nor will it become stronger because of using various materials to raise the sword.

All in all, it's a waste word.

But what can be done, it has already been bound, and there is no way to change it.

The son does not dislike the mother ugly, and the dog does not dislike the poor family.

As a sword cultivator, of course, he can't despise his natal sword waste.

So another method has to be used.

(End of this chapter)

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