Chapter 51 Lin Zhen
Shen Zhiyu thought about it carefully, trying to capture the thread-like familiarity.

The Blood Demon Sect...?
Suddenly Shen Zhiyu's eyes lit up, she remembered!
Two years ago, when she first entered the world of practice, after she strayed into Heifang City and was arrested, when she was almost sacrificed to the sword on the altar of evil cultivators, that Holy Master mentioned the Blood Demon Sect.

"How do you know for sure that the brand is from Nether Craftsman?" Shen Zhiyu asked again.

"Because, because of that discarded cauldron, I...I know her..." Zhao Cheng hesitated for some reason, "She told me that the brand...was obtained from Nether Craftsman."

"Where is that sign now?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

Zhao Cheng shook his head, "I don't know, something happened to the two of us at the time, and we both passed out for some reason, and when we woke up, the sign was gone even with the scrap cauldron. It must have been rescued by her brother. He murmured, "So we randomly found a... mortal to go on a business."

Shen Zhiyu didn't feel disappointed at all, it would be good if there were clues that could be investigated, and it wouldn't be a big deal if the sign was gone.But this Zhao Cheng, how to deal with it is a troublesome matter.

"Has there always been so many people coming and going in this Heifang City?" Shen Zhiyu thought of the many mysterious monks who came and went when she was lurking.

"No, the auction happened to be held these few days, so so many monks came here." Zhao Cheng quickly explained, "An auction will be held every three months in Fangshi. At that time, many monks will come, and the guards in Fangshi are the strictest at this time."

"Auction?" Shen Zhiyu is no stranger, she participated in many auctions when she was in the mortal world, "What are you auctioning?"

Zhao Cheng said: "There are everything, but the most important thing is to buy female cultivators from various places, feed them into furnaces, and then auction them off."

Bought nun?
Shen Zhiyu was silent: Not only in the world of mortals, but also in the world of practice. Even if you become a monk, you can't control your own destiny?

"How many monks are there in Fangshi, and how strong are they?" Shen Zhiyu had the idea of ​​cleaning up the Heifang City in his heart, so he wanted to understand the situation of the Heifang City as much as possible.

"In addition to the Youming craftsman, two more foundation-building monks came to Fangshi in the second year. They didn't show up very much. I don't know their specific cultivation levels." Zhao Cheng thought for a while, "There are more than ten There are a total of 100 Qi training monks who have perfected Qi training, more than [-] Qi training monks at the [-]th level, and the rest of the Qi training monks who are resident in Fangshi are more than [-], all of whom are above the [-]th level of Qi training."

Shen Zhiyu was not too surprised, she looked at him with great interest, "Do you know Lin Zhen?"

"Lin... Lin Zhen?" Zhao Cheng once again showed that hesitant expression, but after seeing Shen Zhiyu lightly looking at the dagger nailed between his legs, he suddenly became excited, "I know! I know him! The one in the hand just now The abandoned cauldron holding the Blood Demon Sect brand is Lin Zhen's younger sister, Lin Xueyun."

Lin Zhen, Lin Xue, the two brothers and sisters, the couple who opened the inn, and many monks including Zhao Cheng were all native residents of Zhuyun Town outside.

Three years ago, after the Nether Craftsman came, he had to use the furnace to practice every three days, but he never used those furnaces for auction, so he ordered Zheng Kun and Aunt Qian, who surrendered themselves, to find a way to arrest the nun. For him to practice.

But Zhuyun Town is not a place rich in resources, and female cultivators from outside are even rarer, so when they finally had nowhere to go, Zheng Kun, Aunt Qian and his wife extended their hands to the local female cultivators in Zhuyun Town.

Shen Zhiyu sighed in his heart when he heard it, people's hearts are so vicious that they really can't look directly at them.

"Originally, Lin Zhen's talent was not obvious, his cultivation base was low, he was bullied in Heifang City, and he had no strength to take revenge, but a year ago, he did not know what kind of opportunity he had, and suddenly his cultivation base increased greatly, and his cultivation speed also increased greatly. Promoted. And gave Nether Craftsman a lot of ideas, won his favor, and became the most powerful assistant under Nether Craftsman."

"Not long after that, he revealed the secret that Zheng Kun and his wife tried to hide in front of Nether Craftsman. That Zheng Ting is actually a pure yin body, with an excellent furnace physique. After the man and his dual cultivation, he will get great benefits .”

"The Nether Craftsman was furious and ordered Zheng Kun and his wife to hand over Zheng Ting, but Zheng Kun and his wife refused. Because the two of them voluntarily surrendered and there was no restraint on them, they wanted to escape overnight, but they couldn't. Ting was arrested soon."

Shen Zhiyu smiled after hearing this, and asked quietly: "Does the restriction that controls you really exist?"

Zhao Cheng was taken aback when he heard this.

"If the restriction really exists, why hasn't it been triggered after you have said so many things?" Shen Zhiyu said, lifting Zongyun, stepped aside violently, and summoned Qingya sword to stand in front of him.

She deliberately chose the side where no one was there, and she was far away from Zheng Ting.

Zhao Cheng didn't speak for a long time.

Shen Zhiyu was not in a hurry, and looked at him from a distance.

After a while, the rope on Zhao Cheng's body suddenly broke, and he sat up with his uninjured hand supporting his body, pulled out the dagger between his legs and played with it in his hand, watching her question, "... What are you doing?" When did you find out?"

Shen Zhiyu thought for a while, "Maybe it started when I asked you what controlled you, and you used your tricks?"

At that time, she thought about it, why did she need to be controlled so as not to leak the news? Wouldn't it be more confidential for everyone to hide it willingly?

It's just that, the truth must be even dirtier and unimaginable.

At that time, she was just skeptical, but she was sure when she heard a few doubts later.

For example, a person who has been banned can tell so much information, and the content of the banned protection is even more strange, just to prevent people from revealing the means of control?Others are not hindered?
Another example is why he, a monk who disposes of discarded cauldrons, knows so much.What he was doing was destroying the waste tripod. Obviously he was not a high-level person in Heifang City, but he was so clear about the situation in Heifang City.

For another example, Lin Zhen rescued Lin Xue and took away the Blood Demon Sect brand, but spared Zhao Cheng who almost insulted Lin Xue and would bring him trouble.

For example, in the vast practice world, she happened to meet the Blood Demon Sect that she would be interested in.

In the end, Zhao Cheng understood Lin Zhen's affairs too clearly.

"Heh~" Zhao Cheng smiled and was full of admiration, "As expected of a genius disciple of a great sect, he really has a keen mind and a perfect mind."

The air around the body of 'Zhao Cheng' suddenly twisted, and a moment later, a bearded monk appeared on the spot, it was Lin Zhen.

"However, you missed one thing. Restrictions do exist. After all, how can a cunning and suspicious villain like Nether Craftsman trust other monks who surrender for their own interests?" Lin Zhen took out the hemostatic powder from the storage bag and started Slowly bandaged his palm, "It's just that the restriction doesn't work for me."

Shen Zhiyu looked at him, wondering, "So why are you trying so hard to lie to me?"

Lin Zhen wrapped his injured hand and looked at her, "Let's make a deal."

"Put the transaction aside, I just want to know, when did you find me?" Shen Zhiyu was puzzled, she specially concealed her breath, and she didn't follow too closely.

(End of this chapter)

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