Chapter 53 Xingyue
After the two reached a deal and signed a temporary contract together, Lin Zhen left, and Shen Zhiyu didn't intend to stay where he was.

After picking up the Blood Demon Sect brand, she glanced at Zheng Ting who was still lying quietly, and raised her hand to remove the sound-proof barrier covering her.

When he just started talking about the deal, Lin Zhen put a sound-proof barrier around Zheng Ting's body.

After breaking the barrier, Shen Zhiyu took Zheng Ting and left the monster cave quickly.

Shen Zhiyu resolutely stayed away from the path to Heifang City and Zhuyun Town outside, and walked eastward towards another big city—Dongling City.

In order to avoid accidents again, Shen Zhiyu directly fed Zheng Ting enough drugs to make her fall asleep for half a month, and then left the forest at the fastest speed, heading towards Dongling City.

On the way, Shen Zhiyu kept thinking about the fleeting idea before, but in the end it was fruitless. She didn't give up. After thinking about the series of behaviors after she decided to go out for training, she finally figured out where it was. Something went wrong.

Although she didn't tell others about her own training path, she did look for information about Day City in the library!
Could it be him?The figure of the gray-robed monk at the gate of the Zangshu Pavilion appeared in Shen Zhiyu's mind.

Thinking of the gentle smile of the grey-robed monk, Shen Zhiyu felt chills all over his body.

Twelve days later, Shen Zhiyu arrived outside the gate of Dongling City.

Dongling City is located at the southernmost tip of Pingcang, on the dividing line between Qinghuang Mansion and Jian'an Mansion, and belongs to the jurisdiction of Xuanji Sword Sect.Because the east is adjacent to the Kunlun Mountains, it is an important supply city for the defense line against the beast tide. The geographical location is extremely important, so the control is very strict, and no one is allowed to enter without an ID card.

Shen Zhiyu didn't have this trouble. As Xuanji's disciple, she entered the city very smoothly, and she didn't even have to pay the entry fee.

Carrying Zheng Ting, who was still in a coma, Shen Zhiyu went straight to the Foreign Affairs Hall.

In a big city like Dongling City, there are ways to directly contact the sect. Shen Zhiyu knew that since the demonic energy in her body could alarm Lord Qing Lingyuan, there were so many secrets in the outer sect competition in the law enforcement hall. It's definitely not a small thing.So Lin Zhen still had to report this clue to the sect as soon as possible.

There was a monk on duty at the entrance of the foreign affairs hall. After Shen Zhiyu showed the sword order to explain the situation, the monk on duty took her to the meeting hall, and soon someone offered tea.

Zheng Ting was still in a coma, Shen Zhiyu put her on a chair beside her, and sat down to drink tea and wait.

Not long after, a round-faced nun in a purple uniform came to the meeting hall.Shen Zhiyu saw her waist badge, it was Zhang Wan, a student in charge of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

The round-faced woman has cultivated qi level [-], which is four levels higher than her.

Shen Zhiyu stood up, cupped his hands and said hello, "Senior Sister Zhang."

"Junior Sister Shen, please sit down." The round-faced female cultivator walked over with a smile and asked why she came.

Shen Zhiyu roughly explained the specific situation in Heifang City, but hid the news about Lin Zhen.

"Is that so?" Zhang Wan pondered for a moment, then looked at the sleeping person beside her, "Is she Zheng Ting?"

"Right." Shen Zhiyu nodded.

"I will send someone to verify it. If the situation is true, Dongling City will send people to destroy Heifang City." Zhang Wan raised her hand to call for someone to take Zheng Ting away.

Shen Zhiyu nodded in agreement, and then talked about another matter, "Senior Sister Zhang, I have made an important discovery, and I need to report it to the sect, and I want to see Senior Xingyue."

The senior Xingyue that Shen Zhiyu said was a tool spirit, and his real body was the Thousand Miles Xingyue Mirror, a high-level magic mirror, one of the three guardian spirit treasures of the Xuanji Sword Sect, with strong strength and many means.Because of its feature that the star mirror can remotely contact the main moon mirror, foreign affairs halls in large cities often invite a star mirror to guard it, and use it to deliver intelligence and information in a timely manner.

Zhang Wan looked at her in surprise, "Okay, follow me."

The two walked through the central garden, and after passing through a moon gate from the corridor on the left, they came to a small building.

Zhang Wan stopped at the entrance of the small building, reached out to knock the door, and said loudly: "Disciple Zhang Wan, bring Junior Sister Shen to see Senior Xingyue."

A gentle wind came out of thin air, and the wooden door slowly opened with the sound of "quack".

"Come in." A soft female voice came from inside the door.

Zhang Wan looked back at Shen Zhiyu and signaled her to go in.

Shen Zhiyu nodded and walked in.

After entering the door, the wooden door closed by itself.

The small building is very empty, only in the center is a half-meter-high gossip-shaped small table, with a slowly rotating Tai Chi fish in the center of the table, and a simple and exquisite mirror quietly suspended above it.

In a trance, Shen Zhiyu seemed to see a galaxy falling from the sky, covering the mirror, and the mirror shone slightly, like a dazzling star, with an unparalleled attraction, which made people fall into obsession.

It seemed like a long time, and it seemed like only a moment, when Shen Zhiyu suddenly woke up.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she respectfully bowed to the mirror, "Disciple Shen Zhiyu has met Senior Xingyue."

"You're welcome, what's the reason why you came to see me?" A gentle voice sounded in my ears, and it seemed to come from afar, from all directions, without source.

"Senior Xingyue, this disciple went out to practice not long ago. On the way to Zhuyun Town, I encountered the devilish energy from the outer sect competition before." Shen Zhiyu said respectfully.

"Huh?" There was surprise in the gentle female voice.

Shen Zhiyu saw a burst of red light glowing on the mirror surface like a starry sky, and then the red light floated in front of her like a ribbon, and gradually solidified.

Finally, the figure of a woman in red slowly appeared in front of Shen Zhiyu.

The figure of the woman in red was a bit unreal, her stature was not high, it probably only reached Shen Zhiyu's chin, her face was blurred and changing from time to time, Shen Zhiyu even saw her own face on the face of the woman in red.

Some horror, goosebumps appeared on Shen Zhiyu's skin.

"Tell me carefully." Xingyue waved her hand, and a large wooden chair appeared behind her. She sat on it and looked at Shen Zhiyu.

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu began to tell the news about Lin Zhen, not even hiding the fact that the two had made a deal.

It didn't take long to explain the situation after meeting Lin Zhen.

Xingyue listened quietly until she heard Shen Zhiyu's guess about the gray-robed monk at the door of Zangshuge, she suddenly raised her head, her voice was gentle but obviously solemn, "Are you sure it's him?"

What's the meaning?Shen Zhiyu felt a "thump" in her heart, a little vigilant.Is there anything special about that gray-robed monk?
Shen Zhiyu, who was vigilant, shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, I'm just guessing." As she spoke, she glanced at Xingyue quietly.

But she didn't move at all, and she didn't show anything special.

After being quiet for a while, Xingyue suddenly said, "You are in a worrisome situation now. After considering it, the headmaster decided to teach you a forbidden technique. After you learn it, you can seal the devilish energy in your body. Before you learn it, you will stay temporarily." In Dongling City, don't go out."

Shen Zhiyu was stunned for a while, and then became excited, overjoyed, "Thank you for the head! Thank you, senior!"

Xingyue nodded, stood up, walked to Shen Zhiyu, and stretched out her hand.

Shen Zhiyu only felt a cold breath pass through her mind, and a lot of information exploded in her mind. Shen Zhiyu sat down cross-legged and received the formula.

(End of this chapter)

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