Chapter 55 Alliance
"This mission is of great importance. Although all parties have blocked the news in time, it is inevitable that rumors will leak out in a hurry. Therefore, we must act as soon as possible to prevent the mission from failing." Pei Liqiu looked calm and quickly analyzed the situation.

"The Blood Demon Sect has four strongholds in Lianyun Prefecture, Qinghuang Prefecture. The previous Zhuyun Town has been abolished, and there are three remaining, namely Yangjiaoxia, Gujiazhuang and Ercheng. After investigation, these three strongholds Among them, Er City has the largest scale, among which there are eight evil cultivators in the foundation building period, and the evil cultivators with the highest cultivation have reached the completion of foundation establishment."

"The second is Gujiazhuang. There are six foundation-building stage monks, and the highest cultivation level is an evil cultivator in the late foundation-building stage."

"The last one is Yangjiaoxia. There are only two evil cultivators in the foundation establishment stage, both of which are in the middle stage of foundation establishment."

Pei Liqiu looked around, "We have a total of seventeen Foundation Establishment Fellow Daoists here. According to the strength of the three strongholds, we formed three teams and went to destroy the strongholds."

"What do you guys think?" Pei Liqiu asked the sitting monks for their opinions.

Of the seventeen foundation-building monks present, in addition to members of the ten major sects, there were also seven foundation-establishing monks sent by nearby small sects and families.

Hearing Pei Liqiu's words at this time, all the monks looked at each other tacitly, and quickly formed a team.

The seven monks who came to support all came from adjacent places, they all knew each other, and the number was just enough to cope with the people in the Gu family village. They automatically formed a team and led the disciples they brought to be responsible for paying the Gu family. village.

As for the foundation-building cultivators of the top ten sects, except for the expressionless Han Lian and Pei Liqiu who waited for the results of the discussions, the remaining eight sects also formed an alliance to take charge of the stronghold of Er City.

Seeing that everyone else had discussed it, Pei Liqiu looked at Han Lian who had been left behind, and smiled, "Fellow Daoist Han, our two sects have formed an alliance to take charge of the Yangjiaoxia stronghold, what do you think?"

Among the people who came, only the disciples from Qingxu Palace were the fewest. There were more than a dozen people standing behind the Foundation Establishment cultivators, while Han Lian had only two Qi training disciples behind him, looking quite shabby.When Shen Zhiyu saw the monks discussing, she ignored Han Lian intentionally or unintentionally. No monk took the initiative to talk to him, and he also looked indifferent.

Hearing Pei Liqiu's words at this moment, he rolled his eyelids, and gave a vague "hmm" as a response.

After receiving a response, Pei Liqiu took out three jade slips and looked at the monks, "Our sect has also obtained some information about the three strongholds before, let's find out for ourselves." Then, he distributed the two jade slips go out.

He had read all the information in the jade slips before, so he handed the remaining one to Han Lian.

Han Lian reached out to take it, and after casually scanning it with his divine sense, he handed the jade slip to the disciple behind him.

After everyone else had read the information, Pei Liqiu said: "The situation is known, so let's act separately."

After the monks nodded, they all got up and left the meeting hall.

Pei Liqiu led Xie Ying, Zhang Suicheng and Shen Zhiyu's disciples, together with Han Lian and another group of qi training disciples from the Foreign Affairs Hall, and rushed towards Yangjiao Gorge without stopping.

Among the three strongholds, Ercheng is the farthest, followed by Gujiazhuang, but Yangjiaoxia is not far from Dongling City, only more than 200 miles away.

The jade slip that recorded the information on the Yangjiao Gorge, after being read by the people in the Qingxu Palace, was passed around in the hands of the qi training disciple who was about to perform the task. Shen Zhiyu quickly read it and passed the jade slip to the next one. people.

The Yangjiao Gorge is a remote place with thin aura, not far from the Kunlun Mountains. The water of the Yanhe River falls from Kunlun and flows through two peaks with sharp horns, forming a canyon, so it is called Yangjiao. gorge.

There are no people within a hundred miles of the Yangjiao Gorge, and the people from the Xuanji Foreign Affairs Hall followed the clues for a long time before they found the stronghold established by the Blood Demon Sect in the Yangjiao Gorge.

The reason why Yangjiaoxia is sparsely populated is not only because of the very thin aura, but also because of the dangerous terrain and the environment filled with miasma. If there is no special miasma-resolving pill, even the monks who established the foundation would not be able to withstand the toxicity of the miasma.

The distance of two hundred miles is not too far for a group of monks who can fly with imperial weapons. It didn't take long before they saw the unique appearance of Yangjiao Gorge.

In order not to be found whereabouts, a group of people fell from the sky ten miles away, preparing to touch the land from the land, and then act after finding out the situation.

Shen Zhiyu looked around quietly, and found that she seemed to be the only person with the lowest cultivation level, and felt that she was just here to make up the numbers.

Xie Ying distributed the miasma-removing pills prepared in advance to all the disciples, and when it reached Shen Zhiyu, she whispered, "Be careful later, try to hide behind and protect yourself."

Shen Zhiyu nodded obediently. She has self-knowledge, and she basically came to gain insight. At such a time, of course she can't be the one who hinders her, and with her cultivation base, she will fall into the crowd with a little impulsiveness. There will be no life in the pile.

Pei Liqiu asked his disciples to repair on the spot, and then called Shang Han Lian to go aside to discuss the countermeasures to destroy the stronghold.

Not long after, the two came back. Pei Liqiu pointed out a group of Xuanji disciples with low cultivation levels and asked them to follow Han Lian around and outflank them, while Pei Liqiu led his people to attack from the front.

With Shen Zhiyu's cultivation, he was assigned to Han Lian's team as expected.

After Pei Liqiu divided into teams, he led the team away very quickly.

The rest of the people looked at Han Lian anxiously, waiting for his command.

Han Lian didn't delay either, and not long after Pei Liqiu left, he led the people to fly around to the back of the Yangjiao Gorge.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the foot of the mountain behind Yangjiao Gorge.

The jungle at the foot of the mountain is dense, there are many snakes and insects but there is no sound, it is so quiet, the light gray miasma pervades, covering the entire Yangjiao Gorge in the thick fog and darkness, it looks very gloomy.

Han Lian raised his hand at the foot of the mountain to stop the crowd, and said, "Take the Miasma Relief Pill."

The time limit for the detoxification of Miasma Pill is three hours, and Xie Ying distributed four pills to everyone, which is enough for a day and a night.

After everyone took the Miasma Elixir Pill, Han Lian scanned it and said concisely, "Let's go."

A group of people stepped into the Yangjiao Gorge.

The gloomy miasma enveloped the jungle eroded by darkness, and this miasma can also isolate the spiritual consciousness. The monk's spiritual consciousness is displayed in the miasma, and the range is no more than three meters away from the whole body, which is not far enough to be seen by the naked eye.

After entering the jungle, a moist, fishy and sweet smell rushed into the nose and sank into the lungs. Everyone only felt dull in their minds. If it wasn't for the cool breath of the Miasma Pill, they might be dizzy and unable to fight.

Wherever the human eye can see, there are a lot of eerie and dark tree shadows, like a group of ghosts with teeth and claws.

Han Lian sacrificed two fire talismans, bright flames jumped, and the surroundings were immediately illuminated.

Everyone moved forward with vigilance.

Not long after, besides the sweet miasma in the air, there was a faint smell of blood drifting with the wind.

"Pay attention to your surroundings." Han Lian, who was walking in the front, stopped.

Everyone stopped, and they all got very energetic, and they were on guard.

 La la la, here I come!

(End of this chapter)

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