Chapter 59 Spiritual Pet
Shen Zhiyu immediately jumped up from the ground, grasped the Qingya sword, and made a defensive posture.

Just when the sword light was on, she had a quick glance and saw that this space was covered with countless blood-red vines stretching and dancing.

Throwing the Zhang Minghuo Talisman, the dark cave space was instantly lit up.

At this time, she had a complete view of the environment here, blood-red vines were crawling all around, like clusters of tentacles twisting and twisting in the darkness, one after another, densely packed, which made her feel uncomfortable in her heart.The surrounding vines protruded out their branches, hanging in the air and eagerly facing her. Judging from its aura, it should be a sixth-level monster, which is equivalent to the twelfth level of human monks' Qi training.

After dragging for a long time, the ordinary clothes on her body were scratched like a beggar's clothes, and even the defensive vestments she wore inside were exposed one by one.

There are so many blood-red vines around, which makes her feel troublesome, and the defense power of these vines against spiritual attacks is ridiculously high. For a thin vine, Zhao Kong, who spent [-]% of her true energy, barely cut off one. I don't know how many times stronger than the psychedelic vines I met in the secret realm before.

The fire talisman gradually burned out, and the surroundings gradually dimmed. The blood-red vines around her began to move around, and the stretched out vines slowly approached her.

Shen Zhiyu hastily cast three open fire talismans, and three groups of bright flames surrounded her body.

The vines approaching from all directions retracted abruptly as if they had been scalded.

Is it afraid of light or fire?

Shen Zhiyu was thoughtful, she reached out and took out two moonstones from the storage bag, and flicked her fingers towards the vines that had gathered into a messy pile of threads.

When the strong wind hit, the pile of entwined vines scattered like lightning, and the moonstone fell to the ground with two "clicks", emitting a faint light.

The blood-colored vines probed around the moonstone, and found that there was no threat, so they quickly swarmed up and completely submerged the moonstone.

It turned out to be afraid of fire.However, this open fire talisman is only a first-order talisman, and the flames that come out are only ordinary fires, which can only be used for lighting and lighting, and are not powerful enough for monsters.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyu quickly played two second-order explosive flame symbols.

The flaming talisman rose into the air, and strings of orange-red sun flames exploded from it, burning the blood-colored vines spreading around.

Those vines were burned by the spiritual flame, and quickly burned a large area, and those vines swung up and down "shuashuashua", as if they had been scalded.

But Yanghuo can't be easily shaken off. Not only did the flame not become smaller during the dance, but it gradually spread upwards.

At this time, the vines that were not on fire receded like the tide, but soon, the vines rushed back with some sunken stones filled with liquid, and then poured the liquid on the stones on the burning part.

Standing not far away, Shen Zhiyu could feel that the liquid in the stone was not ordinary water at all, but spiritual spring water that contained a lot of aura.She couldn't help being amused, the Yanghuo would burn even more vigorously when it met the aura, which was simply adding fuel to the fire!

Sure enough, the flames burning on the burned vines grew bigger, and those vines kept dusting the ground to prevent the fire from spreading too quickly.

The other vines that were not on fire froze, and then angrily smashed the stone containing the spirit spring water aside, and after waving wildly in mid-air for a while, suddenly, all the vines turned around and pointed at her.

How do you feel so human?Shen Zhiyu swallowed slowly.

One person and one vine were in a stalemate for a moment, a thin vine tentatively stretched out, and then stopped two meters in front of her.

Shen Zhiyu's heart moved slightly, so she didn't react hostilely.

The tip of the cane swayed from side to side, then moved a little closer, and finally, afraid of the open fire talisman beside her, stopped a foot away and hesitated.

Shen Zhiyu moved the open fire talisman away calmly.

The vine rolled up cheerfully, then gently hooked a corner of her clothes that was cut, and after shaking it coquettishly, stood up and swayed the vine body, looking quite expectant look.

Um?Shen Zhiyu was very puzzled.

After shaking the vine tip again, she found that she didn't respond. The vine tip was crooked, and then a few vines retracted into the darkness.Not long after, those vines reappeared, and each vine was more or less curled with a few pieces, crystal?
The crystal was blue in color and had a translucent gel-like texture. It was covered with thin black threads, which looked like crystal veins, and she could feel an inexplicable evil from a distance.

At this time, a chill suddenly spread in the dantian.After a little inspection, it turned out to be the sealed cold demonic energy rushing left and right in the seal.

Shen Zhiyu was startled, and hastily stepped back a few steps away from the crystals, and then sacrificed a few fire talismans to protect her body.

The vine near her froze, feeling the surging heat, not daring to move.

After staying away from the crystal, the cold demonic energy gradually calmed down, she was temporarily relieved, and looked at Youlan Crystal with numb scalp, why did she always meet ghosts related to the demonic energy? !
The burned vines were already half-burned, and they were lying on the ground, while the surrounding vines were already a little restless.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the still stiff vine tip, pointed to those dark blue crystals, shook her head, and tentatively said: "Take it away, I don't want it."

The tip of the rattan slightly tilted, and then those rattan curled with crystals quietly faded away.

It's interesting, have they already developed spiritual wisdom?Shen Zhiyu became very interested in these vines.

Those faint blue crystals were gone, and Shen Zhiyu had the time to study these vines. She extinguished the extra fire talismans, leaving only three guards around her.

And the vines don't know why, all the tips of the vines are drooping.

Taking out a talisman to dispel the Yanghuo, Shen Zhiyu suppressed the fire on the burned vines a little.

The rattan in front of me raised its tip, and spread it on the ground with a snap. After twisting the rattan, it retracted "swish". A dark green bead the size of a longan slowly swam over with its rattan.

Shen Zhiyu slightly tightened Qingya's hand.

The rattan quickly came to her side, touched her fingertips lightly, and then handed the emerald green beads to her as if offering a treasure.

This is... the demon bead?Can the gate of fate like the Yaozhu be taken out of the body?

Shen Zhiyu was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered that he had seen a book called "Great Demon Illustrated Book" in Zangshu Pavilion, which recorded all the monsters in the cultivation world with strong bloodlines and great potential that could grow to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Great Demon Illustrated Book" records a powerful vine-like monster called Undead Vine.As the name suggests, the undead vine has a very strong vitality and amazing defensive power. It has a gentle temperament and likes to grow in places with strong aura. Its name of immortality is because the undead vine can take out its own demon beads and hide them in a safe place , and the demon bead is not in the body, even if all its vines are wiped out, it can't really kill it.

However, this blood-colored vine also has many inconsistencies. For example, in the records, the immortal vine is green all over and has no fatal flaws such as fear of fire, and it will not produce wisdom before it takes shape.

So what the hell is going on here?What is this stupid vine trying to do by giving her the demon beads?
Seeing that Shen Zhiyu didn't pick up the demon beads handed over for a long time, the rattan pushed the demon beads in front of her, and the tip of the rattan gently scratched the rattan's body, feeling like scratching her ears and cheeks.

Shen Zhiyu stretched out her free left hand tentatively, and as soon as she touched the demon bead, the blood-colored vines wrapped around her fingers excitedly, and then a young leaf cut her fingertips, and blood oozed out immediately.

The emerald green monster bead just touched the blood bead, and a dazzling light burst out from the contact point. The light lasted for a while and then gradually disappeared, and then it seemed that an invisible pen drew a series of silver light rays in the air. The esoteric runes made,
After the silver rune revolved around Shen Zhiyu and Yaozhu a few times, it gradually faded away.

Feeling the faint connection with this vine, Shen Zhiyu was a little dumbfounded.

Did she inexplicably contract a spiritual pet?
(End of this chapter)

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