Chapter 6 Set sail
The ting stone Shen Zhiyu took out weighed about twelve catties, and he exchanged 170 seven spirit stones.

After changing the spirit stone, she entered the practice area and found what she wanted in the paper book.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't understand the world of practice, she can learn it from the book!
"History of Qiming·Tianji Volume", "Brief Introduction of Tianji School", "Pingcang Customs Record", "Travel Notes of Dongling", "Vision Analysis"... "Monk Handbook" and more than ten books.

Compared with the Jade Slips of Cultivation Techniques, which cost tens or hundreds of spirit stones, the price of these paper books is much more friendly. She took away such a large pile, and it only cost two spirit stones.

After coming out of Wanfa Pavilion, Shen Zhiyu put the book in the storage bag and stopped shopping.

She had been shopping for about half a day, and it was almost dusk when she returned to the Foreign Affairs Hall. The afterglow of the setting sun made the city appear radiant and beautiful.

With the beautiful and unfamiliar city in front of her eyes, Shen Zhiyu returned to the Foreign Affairs Hall in a good mood.

After eating a bigu pill, she took out the book she bought and read it with relish.

The first thing she read was "A Brief Introduction to Tianji Sect". After all, she now wants to learn about the Xuanji Sword Sect before deciding whether to join or not.

The ten sects of Tianji Zhengdao are Qingxu Palace, Wenxianzong, Xuandaozong, Shumen, Xuanji Sword Sect, Kongjing Temple, Pill Valley, Tianjilou, Xiaoyaomeng, and Xianling Pavilion.

Xuanji Sword Sect is the only pure sword cultivator sect among the top ten sects. It is located in the Cangshu Mountains in Pingcangqinghuangfu. The Sword Intent Stone Forest is a sacred place in the hearts of sword cultivators all over the world.However, compared to other sects with strict rules, Xuanji Sword Sect's style of sect is very loose and free. Most of the disciples are raised in free range. Among them, most of the sword cultivators are irritable and straightforward, and the outside world has mixed reviews.

Shen Zhiyu couldn't help laughing, for some reason, she read from the lines in this book that the Xuanji Sword School had a naive quality.

In addition to the Xuanji Sword Sect, among other sects, Qingxu Palace and Wenxianzong follow the path of pure Dharma cultivation, Tianjilou is good at deduction techniques, Kongjing Temple is mostly Buddhist cultivation, Xuandao Sect is multi-body cultivation, taming sect cultivation The method of taming animals, Pill Valley Medical Cultivator lineage is at its peak, Xiaoyao Pavilion is a place where scattered cultivators gather, and Xianling Pavilion is the only one of the ten sects that is full of female cultivators, located in the extreme northern ice field.

Speaking of it, Shen Zhiyu also felt that she was more compatible with the Xuanji Sword Sect. She liked the feeling of the sword being swung like an arm in her hand. She liked it from the beginning of learning swordsmanship. There are [-] weapons, and she only loves the sword.

When she was very young and ignorant, she was always intoxicated when she heard old people telling stories about gods and ghosts.She thought that one day she would also learn from a teacher, learn these unpredictable methods, and become a sword fairy in the daytime.

But then she grew up slowly, and realized that those grotesque worlds were just mortal imaginations, but she was still influenced by the naive thoughts in her heart. When she became a dark guard, she chose swordsmanship without hesitation. It's the same to be a swordsman who goes to the sky and enters the earth, and a chic swordsman who is a chivalrous man.

But now, she has really come into contact with these immortal methods, and also knows the existence of sword cultivators. What's even more amazing is that she has this talent. She knows that she wants to become a sword cultivator.

She decided that she would join the Xuanji Sword Sect!
Shen Zhiyu took out the sound-transmitting paper crane that Zhou Ying had left for her, and was about to tell her her decision when she was suddenly a little dumbfounded. How could this sound-transmitting paper crane be used?

After struggling for a long time, I found out how to use the sound-transmitting paper crane in the "Cultivator's Handbook". After activating it with spiritual power, I passed the message out.

And she only now knows that the spiritual power in the body is called true essence in the practice world, and each monk's true essence is different, and the storage bag must be marked with true essence before others can't open it.

Thinking of this, she remembered that her storage bag seemed to have not been branded with the mark of true essence, and it was because she did not recognize the owner that her spirit stone was taken away!
She took out the storage bag and was about to drop the mark, when she suddenly remembered that after her storage bag was taken away, there was no real essence mark, so how did the monk who gave it back to her know that the storage bag belonged to her?Could there be another way?

Shen Zhiyu shook her head, the monk's methods are so profound, there must be some miraculous methods that she doesn't know about.

Next, Shen Zhiyu's daily routine is to practice swords, read books, and occasionally wander around with the map given by Zhou Ying.


A month later, Zhou Ying came back.

When Zhou Ying came to find her, Shen Zhiyu was practicing swordsmanship in the yard.

She used to practice sword chopping [-] times a day, but she was delayed due to an accident, so she picked up this habit again when she had time.

Seeing Zhou Ying approaching, she put away her sword and stepped forward to say hello, "Senior Sister Zhou."

"Junior Sister Shen," Zhou Ying waved her hand with a smile, "I have completed my mission and can go back to the sect. Get ready and we will be leaving tomorrow."

"Okay," Shen Zhiyu nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Senior Sister Zhou, can I go to the evil cultivator's den? My previous black sword fell there. It has been with me for many years. I want to get it back."

When Zhou Ying heard the words, she readily agreed, "Okay, that place is not far from here. We'll go there when you go back and change your clothes. I'll wait for you at the door first."

Shen Zhiyu agreed, went back to the room quickly, changed clothes, and went out to meet Zhou Ying.

As soon as Zhou Ying saw her, she didn't say much, and directly sacrificed a gourd-shaped magic weapon, let Shen Zhiyu go up, and staggered to the destination.

The gourd didn't fly high, but the wobble made Shen Zhiyu feel like she was about to fall at any time. She couldn't help but bend down, open her arms, and try to grab the gourd like a caterpillar.

Seeing this, Zhou Ying, who was sitting leisurely at the end of the gourd, couldn't help laughing and said, "Junior Sister Shen, don't worry, my imperial weapon is very stable in flight, and I won't drop you."

Shen Zhiyu picked up the gourd and looked down quietly. The high-altitude perspective made her a little dizzy.

She hastily closed her eyes, not daring to look any further, and grabbed the gourd even harder.

Zhou Ying saw it, and quickly comforted her: "Junior Sister Shen, my gourd has a shield, so it won't fall off."

Shen Zhiyu managed to force a smile, "Senior Sister Zhou, to be honest, I'm a little afraid of heights."

"Afraid of heights?" Zhou Ying was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Then you will have to suffer a lot in learning how to fly imperial weapons after practicing Qi level five."

When Shen Zhiyu heard it, his scalp went numb.

The gourd flew for about half an hour before landing in a valley.

Shen Zhiyu saw a scorched stone platform, and recognized that it was the previous altar, but the tripod in the center was missing.

She quickly jumped off the gourd, but because her legs were still a little weak, she staggered two steps before she stood still.

Zhou Ying landed on the ground, pinched the formula and retracted the gourd, "Junior Sister Shen, do you know where your sword is?"

Shen Zhiyu shook his head.

"Then we can only look around."

The two searched the den inside and out, but they couldn't find their own black sword.

I don't know why, but after coming here, she always has palpitations from time to time, but it's not the sixth sense before the danger comes, or the inexplicable "thumping" of her heart.

Could it be that she has left a psychological shadow?
Seeing that the black sword was not found after searching, Shen Zhiyu politely rejected Zhou Ying's suggestion to look for a second time, and pulled Zhou Ying out of this ghostly place.

As soon as I left this place, the palpitations disappeared.

After Shen Zhiyu sat on the gourd again, she turned her head and took a deep look at the quiet mountain forest.

Zhou Ying thought she was sad because she didn't find the sword, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only keep silent.

Back in the Foreign Affairs Hall, the two separated at the door.

After Shen Zhiyu returned to her room, she packed her luggage and got ready for tomorrow's trip.

Early the next morning, Shen Zhiyu woke up early.

After tidying up the house, I went out and came to the meeting place that Zhou Ying told her before we left yesterday - Yanwu Field.

When I came to the Martial Arts Field, I saw a group of little radish heads of different ages, about 20, all of them were children who had never practiced, standing in a line in a well-behaved manner, with their eyes dribbling all over the place. Zhuan did not speak loudly.

Shen Zhiyu was full of doubts.

Zhou Ying, who was standing in front of Xiaoluotou, saw Shen Zhiyu and beckoned her to pass.

"Senior Sister Zhou, are these children...?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

"It's the children in the mortal world villages under the Daozhi Mountains. We recruit disciples every five years. These are the children with spiritual roots this time." Zhou Ying explained, calling the little carrot heads to follow, "For half a month before I went out, I went to the mortal world to recruit disciples."

Shen Zhiyu nodded to express understanding.

A group of people came to the gate in a mighty way, and saw a flying boat seven or eight meters long and three or four meters high outside the gate. There is a wooden ladder down, which should be specially prepared for the little radish heads.

After everyone boarded the flying boat, the wooden ladder on the side of the boat retracted automatically, and a layer of light blue light film covered the flying boat.

The feeling of weightlessness hit, and the airship officially set sail.

 Signed!So happy!

  I won't tell you, I secretly voted for myself!Ha ha ha ha


(End of this chapter)

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