Chapter 61 Water Hole
"...Execute." The foundation cultivator on the stone platform said indifferently.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life! My lord..." Not long after, the begging voice suddenly stopped.

Shen Zhiyu glanced at it quietly, and found that the evil cultivator who came in before her was killed by the surrounding evil cultivators, and the blood dripped all over the ground, scarlet.

Suddenly, another vague voice came from below, and Shen Zhiyu quickly put his ear on it again.

"This place may have been exposed, everyone packed up their things immediately and started to retreat." The evil cultivator of the foundation establishment period ordered.

"My lord, but the people from the Xuanji Sword Sect are already surrounded outside..." the monk under the stone platform asked anxiously.

"Then withdraw inside." Establishment Evil Cultivator said indifferently.

"But..." the voice of monk Dao who asked before was hesitant.

The foundation cultivator snorted coldly.

With a "bang", the head of a monk under the stone platform exploded like a watermelon, red and white exploded all over the ground.

"Let's get ready, we'll set off after a stick of incense." Xiexiu Zhuji said impatiently.

Under the coercion of the monks in the foundation building period, all the evil cultivators acted tremblingly.

About to retreat, Shen Zhiyu's heart tightened, and she quickly discussed with Yueyue in her mind, "Yueyue, go and report a letter for me." Then, she handed up the identity sword order and a sound transmission talisman left behind the spell The tip of the vine, patted its body, "Afterwards, if people come into this cave again, if there is a response to this sword order, you will give this sound transmission talisman to those people."

The moon looked very happy after receiving the errand, "Okay! Sister." It separated a cane and took two things to do the errands.

Shen Zhiyu looked at the little flower lying in the space below, silently hoping that these evil cultivators would leave quickly.

The female cultivator in the cage suddenly moved, and her eyes hidden under the heavy black hair directly met Shen Zhiyu's furtive eyes.


Shen Zhiyu's heart "thumped", her heart was in her throat, she quickly shrank her body, her heart was still beating even after she had avoided it, she took a deep breath, and quickly got up to move the place.

After moving around for a while, he found a closed stone cave far away from those evil cultivators, and hid in it.

After finding a hiding place again, Shen Zhiyu finally felt at ease. At this moment, she remembered something was wrong: she had a hidden talisman on her body!Ordinary monks can't see her at all!Could it be just a coincidence?
Shen Zhiyu was a little suspicious, but the female cultivator's goal was too clear, so she met her eyes in a daze.

Although she left the stone cave where she could peek just now, the moon left a branch vine there, reporting to her the situation of those evil cultivators at any time.Not long after she moved the place, all the evil cultivators in that space had already withdrawn.

Shen Zhiyu asked the moon to keep up with those evil cultivators as much as possible under the premise of ensuring safety.

Then a person ran to the previous space to check on Xiaohua's situation.

What made her breathe a sigh of relief was that Xiaohua was still alive, but Xiaohua's physical condition was very bad, she was lying on the ground dying, and when she saw her, she let out a painful and small cry, and raised her head slightly, as if she wanted to Rubbing her hand.

Shen Zhiyu took out a elixir specially designed to heal monsters and stuffed it into Xiaohua's mouth, and then cleaned its body with the dust cleaning technique, then ignored its pitiful coquettishness, and stuffed it into the spirit beast coldly. bag.

She had indulged this little thing too much before, and now such an uncontrollable thing happened!
And the most important thing now is to keep up with the direction in which this group of evil cultivators are evacuating, and Xiaohua's matter will be resolved later.

Following the guidance of the moon, she slowly followed the evacuation path of that group of people.

Walking quietly in the darkness, Shen Zhiyu felt the aura around him getting stronger and stronger as he walked.

Not long after, she heard the sound of "gurgling" water, and walking a little further, she found that the end of this narrow tunnel turned out to be a river, and both ends of the river were accessible stone caves.One leads to the dark depths, and the other leads to a flat exit with light.

Shen Zhiyu walked out of the small cave along the sandy beach.

This is basically the limit of the distance that the moon can keep up with. After she arrived, the moon peeked out from a crevice in the rock.

"Where did they go?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

The moon bends its body, pointing to the depths of the dark river.

Shen Zhiyu decided to follow without thinking too much. At this time, she couldn't help but rejoice that she signed an equal contract with the moon, and she could leave the moon to report to her fellow disciples later. If it was a master-servant contract, there would be no separation between monks and spiritual pets too far.

After walking to the depths for less than half an hour, Shen Zhiyu found that there was no way ahead, the environment in front of him suddenly became clear, the space in front of him was astonishingly large, and the aura that was so dense that it turned into mist rushed towards his face, while the river water was wrapped in an astonishing aura Flow far to the bright exit.

In the empty space of the stone cave, there is only a faint deep pool rippling on the ground, which can be seen in all directions, and there is no place to hide at all.

She sacrificed a bright fire talisman, and after searching around, she didn't see any other passages. Shen Zhiyu frowned, and her eyes fell to the center of the deep pool, which was obviously darker than other places.

Under this deep pool, there should be an underground cave that gushes out water continuously, and the river water flows out of it to form a river because the deep pool can't hold so much water.I think there should be a spring or a rich underground river connected to the cave below.

Shen Zhiyu stretched out his hand to explore the pool water, only felt a chill creeping up his fingers, bitingly cold.

It would be great if she had the foundation-building stage now, she would be able to not know the cold and heat, Shen Zhiyu, who was shivered by the freezing of the river, thought to herself, but soon she felt that something was wrong, if she really had the foundation-building stage, she would be able to Pushing across, there is no need to follow secretly.

I don't know how deep this dark river is. Fortunately, she was well prepared before going out, otherwise she would be trapped here.

After taking the water-breathing pill that allowed him to breathe in the water for two hours, Shen Zhiyu slowly dived into the water, and after adapting to the temperature in the water, he slowly swam towards the depths of the cave.

The underwater cave was quite big, and she could roughly see the outline of a stone cave nearly two feet away.

Continuously diving down the underwater cave, Shen Zhiyu carefully felt the water flow in the cave, and at the same time silently pinched the time in her heart. It was not until she touched half a stick of incense that she felt a little difference from the calm water cave. of water flow.

That's it.She has cave diving experience before, so she knows how to find hidden passages.

Following the direction of the water, Shen Zhiyu raised his hand to sense it, and then slowly swam over.

Not long after, she groped for a hidden hole and reached out, just enough for a person to swim in.

Just as she was about to enter, Shen Zhiyu suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in her heart.She stopped immediately, startled and uncertain.

Her intuition has always been accurate and helped her avoid many catastrophes of life and death, so Shen Zhiyu has always believed in her intuition, but now this cave gives her a very strong sense of crisis, and her heart speeds up a little uncontrollably.

Forget it, life-saving is the most important thing.

Shen Zhiyu immediately gave up the idea of ​​entering the water cave, and prepared to swim out of the water cave, and then talk with the people in the sect first.

At this moment, a powerful suction force suddenly came from the hidden cave she touched.

Shen Zhiyu felt bad, and immediately went upstream desperately.

But it was too late, the suction force had already stuck to her body, dragging her into the water hole with an irresistible force.

(End of this chapter)

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