Chapter 66 The Abyss
Between the huge black gaps, the slowly rotating vortex first stagnated, and then rioted, suddenly getting bigger and then shrinking.

The edge of the black gap also shrinks with the vortex, causing the blue light film attached to the surface to be bright and dark from time to time, and from time to time reveals a huge dark atmosphere like the top of Mount Tai, which makes Shen Zhiyu who is watching from the side frightened.

Han Lian's casual expression also turned serious. He frowned and looked at it for a long time, then raised his hand and threw out a pile of colorful stones, each white jade pillar was integrated into one piece.

Even though it was out of season, Shen Zhiyu was still a little speechless, these colorful stones were all high-grade spirit stones!
In general spirit stone mines, low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones have no attributes, and only high-grade spirit stones contain auras of various single attributes.

The white jade pillar, which had been supplemented with a large amount of spiritual energy, was greatly stimulated, and the process of repairing the formation was speeded up by nearly [-]%.

After a moment, countless light blue rays of light burst out from the ground, all pouring into the blue light film blocking the crack.

The blue light film was replenished, immediately blocking the ever-changing cracks tightly.

At this moment, Han Lian glanced at Shen Zhiyu, who was waiting in full force, and lazily said: "If something happens, your preparations will be useless. You might as well run away now, at least you can die later."

What does this mean, because it is useless to not prepare?Just wait to die after the accident?

Shen Zhiyu didn't do the stupid thing of killing her neck, she nervously looked at the gap in the air, pretending that she didn't hear what Han Lian said.

"Do you want to know what is here?" Han Lian didn't care that he was being ignored. Taking advantage of the fact that he didn't need to replenish the spirit energy of the white jade pillar, he laid down on the blanket-shaped flying magic weapon with a relaxed face, put his hands on the pillow, and smiled. asked.

Shen Zhiyu's ears moved, and she quickly glanced at Han Lian.

Want to know, ask to tell.

Shen Zhiyu's little action made Han Lian silently curl his lips, but he pretended to regret and said: "Forget it, it seems that you don't want to know."

The hand holding Qingya sword tightened suddenly, Shen Zhiyu gritted her teeth secretly, how could there be such a bad person? !
She forced a smile on her face, and said sincerely: "Please also ask Uncle Han to show me."

Han Lian's eyes fell on the gap in the air, his eyes were deep, "Do you know what an abyss is?"


Shen Zhiyu thought about it for a while, and was sure that he hadn't heard the rumors about the abyss, so he shook his head.

Han Lian didn't intend to continue to be a secret, so after sorting out the general situation, he slowly talked about it.

Thousands of years ago, the Qiming Realm suddenly encountered a catastrophe.

It was a normal first day, but something very unusual happened.

That is, the opportunity for ascension in the Qiming Realm was suddenly cut off, and the cultivators who were constantly honing themselves in order to achieve the ascension of the Dao found that they could no longer perceive the secret of heaven.

Moreover, the aura in Qiming Realm is also gradually decreasing, and no one has been able to advance to Huashen for hundreds of years.

So many great powers joined forces to investigate the cause of the predicament. After many investigations, it was found that the entire Enlightenment Realm was covered by an invisible formation, which isolated the secrets and spiritual energy, and the ascension passage was blocked by a huge stone. Living.The monks in the Enlightenment Realm called the formation covering the Enlightenment Realm a prison cage, and the stones blocking the passage of ascension were named Proving Stones.

After understanding the reason, the cultivators who turned into gods began to think of ways to solve the plight of the Enlightenment Realm. After many efforts, the cage covering the Enlightenment Realm was finally broken, but the joyous Enlightenment Realm ushered in it. but the abyss.

Speaking of this, Han Lian sighed, "The cage that surrounded the Qiming Realm was not just for confinement, but also for protecting the Qiming Realm, although this kind of protection is too extreme."

"After the cage was broken, countless auras entered the Qiming Realm, which indeed solved the plight of the exhaustion of auras in the world, but what people never expected was that with the influx of auras, countless cracks in the abyss appeared all over Qiming. In the cracks, countless strange monsters appeared, killing wantonly in the Enlightenment Realm."

"The monsters that emerge from the abyss are called demons by them. The strength of the demons is extremely strong. Even if all the forces at that time joined forces to resist, it would not help. Potential."

"At that time, the entire Enlightenment Realm was almost overthrown, and the many cultivators who had caused all this saw this tragedy, and with the help of the rest of the cage, they used all their manpower and material resources to build a large formation of heaven and earth that sealed the cracks in the abyss. Similarly, All the cultivators who worked so hard also fell."

As he spoke, Han Lian raised his chin towards the gap in the air, "Here, this gap is a small gap in the abyss."

After listening to it, Shen Zhiyu still couldn't come to her senses. Even after listening to a simple description of this period of Qiming Realm's history, she was still shocked.

At this time, another bad movement appeared in the gap.

The vortex in the gap began to change again, from big to small, as if it was about to break through the control of the blue light film.

Shen Zhiyu, who didn't know the situation before, was just a little nervous, but now that she knew the seriousness of the problem, her heart almost jumped into her throat.

Shen Zhiyu watched the strange movement in the air without blinking.

After a while of changes, the gap seemed to become angry from embarrassment, and countless overwhelming demonic energy suddenly burst out, and a huge shadow suddenly squeezed out of the vortex and hit the top of the blue light film.

With a wave of his sleeve, Han Lian threw out a large pile of colorful high-grade spirit stones again to supplement the spirit energy of the white jade pillar.

But this time it didn't work. The blue light film was suddenly covered with cracks and was about to collapse.

Han Lian looked solemn, jumped off the flying magic weapon, and after a few tricks, began to manipulate the white jade pillar to speed up the repair.

It didn't take long for Shen Zhiyu to see that his face was pale and his body was trembling faintly, looking extremely struggling.

That's right, such a large array of repairing magic tools is definitely not easy to control.While Shen Zhiyu showed worry, she also felt powerless.

After the huge shadow hit once, seeing that the light film was not broken, it let out an extremely low whine that seemed to be able to burst eardrums, and hit the blue light film hard again.

The invisible sound waves spread out and penetrated into the ears of the two with an irresistible force.

A burst of soft pink light shone from behind her ears, enveloping her sea of ​​consciousness, and it was the flower god seal that protected her soul.

But just for a moment, the pink light shattered quietly, Shen Zhiyu only felt a heavy hammer slamming on her temple, and a sharp and piercing hum continued to echo in her ears, causing double images to appear in front of her eyes, and her throat was sweet.

Han Lian, who had devoted himself to repairing the formation, was in even worse condition. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, his breath faltered, and his movements of controlling the white jade pillar also froze, but soon he held back and continued to control the white jade pillar. Repair the array.

In the middle of the sky, a huge shadow blatantly hit the light film.

Like a stone hitting an egg, with a few "clicks", the light film suddenly shattered into countless pieces of light.

An extremely cold atmosphere permeated the air, and a huge shadow eagerly squeezed out of the gap. Soon, the gap widened, and a black tentacle slammed towards the ground, trying to destroy the large formation on the ground.

Suppressed by the strong pressure, Shen Zhiyu, unable to move, looked at the overwhelming black shadow like a mountain, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

Just when the black tentacles were about to destroy the ground formation, a sudden change occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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