Chapter 68 Doubt
It looked like Shen Zhiyu was not awake, but in fact she was still conscious, but all her mind was used to resist the pain in her body, like every inch of flesh and blood was crushed and then kneaded into mud.

He vaguely felt Han Lian coming over, said something vaguely, then parted her lips and fed her a pill.

The pills with a strange fragrance melted in the mouth, and the majestic but gentle power of the medicine soothed and repaired her dilapidated body.

Shen Zhiyu felt a strong sense of gratitude in his heart.

However, the medicinal power of the elixir did not alleviate the severe pain in her body, on the contrary, it was the healing medicinal power that caused a strong itching sensation in her body.

Severe pain and itching intertwined, Shen Zhiyu's body kept convulsing and curling up, and then straightened and tensed suddenly.

She wanted to yell to vent, but the muscles on her throat seemed to be stretched, and she couldn't yell at all.

A vortex of spiritual energy appeared around Shen Zhiyu's body. Countless spiritual energy entered her body along the pores, continuously tempering her muscles and bones, and gradually her body became stronger and stronger.

Time passed by, and after the extreme pain passed, a burst of cool breath suddenly gushed out from the body, slowly flowing through the body, allowing the tense body to relax slowly.

The indescribable comfort made the tortured Shen Zhiyu drowsy.

It seems that a long time has passed, and Shen Zhiyu, whose thinking is a bit chaotic, only feels his body sink, and his five senses come back.

She is fully awake.

The sealing formation on the ground was repaired, and the blue light was released, completely sealing the gap in the abyss in midair.

Shen Zhiyu stood up from the ground and looked around.

Han Lian changed into a dark blue robe, and sat casually leaning against a stone wall not far away, with one long leg slightly bent, and his hand casually placed on his bent knee.

His long black hair was neatly bundled up by a silver crown, his eyes were closed, and his eyelashes cast a little shadow on his glistening white face, giving him a lazy aura.

Shen Zhiyu was taken aback by this extraordinary beauty.

After a while, she walked over.

With his eyes closed, Han Lian raised his eyelids and glanced at her.

Shen Zhiyu cupped his hands and saluted with a very sincere attitude, "Thank you, Master Han, for saving your life many times."

Han Lian gave a "huh" and stretched out his palm, "Chenghui, one hundred thousand spirit stones."

Shen Zhiyu was taken aback.

"The price of the pill, why, do you want me to pay you?" Han Lian looked at her with a half-smile. .

"Ah, no, no." Shen Zhiyu shook her head quickly, and then took out 5000 yuan of spirit stones from the storage bag with a wave of her hand.

There is still a shortfall of 5000 yuan, but she really doesn't have that much. Shen Zhiyu looked at Han Lian and apologized, "Uncle Han, I don't have that much on me. I will make up for it later. Do you think it will work?"

Looking at the pile of low-grade spirit stones on the ground, Han Lian slightly raised his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Uncle Han." Shen Zhiyu thanked again.

"They are all disciples of the sect, so you don't have to be polite." Han Lian said flatly.

"Uncle Han, when are we going to leave here?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

"Wait." After saying two words, Han Lian closed his eyes again, apparently no longer wanting to talk to her.

"Yes." Shen Zhiyu consciously squatted aside.

Not long after, a blinding white light suddenly exploded from the gap in midair.

Shen Zhiyu's heart trembled, and she stood up "shua".

The white light suddenly stopped, and a figure slowly landed with a long sword dripping with blue liquid.

Seeing the man's face clearly, Shen Zhiyu immediately opened his eyes wide, pity for the real one?
She hastily saluted as a disciple, "I have seen the True Venerable Compassionate."

Zhenzun Ren Xing shook his long sword, shaking off the blue liquid, and then put the sword away.

Hearing the voice, he glanced at Shen Zhiyu and nodded slightly.

"True Honor." Han Lian's voice came from behind.

True Venerable Compassionate glanced around, the corner of his mouth pursed into a slight arc, and praised: "Good job."

After speaking, he took the lead to go out.

Han Lian followed, and Shen Zhiyu, who had always been quiet and honest, quickly followed.

True Venerable Compassionate threw several talismans and completely sealed the cave.

The three of them walked out all the way.

True Venerable Compassionate did not take the two of them in the direction that Shen Zhiyu had come in before, but took another road with many twists and turns.

It didn't take long to see the light.

After coming out of the cave, Master Benedict glanced at the two of them and said, "I still have something to do, you two should deal with it here."

The two replied respectfully: "Yes."

True Venerable Compassion immediately turned into a sword light and soared into the sky.


The place where I come out is the other side of Yangjiao Gorge, under a waterfall on the edge of the Yanhe River.

"Let's go, go see how the blood demon sect's stronghold is going." Han Lian sacrificed the flying magic weapon, and after identifying the direction, he flew towards the direction he came before.

Shen Zhiyu also sacrificed Qingya sword and followed.

Looking at the bare long sword, Shen Zhiyu sighed. When she woke up, she only saw Qingya sword lying beside her, and the sword case was gone.

Although it was only 100 Yuan Lingshi, it was even worse for her now.

Han Lian took her straight to a remote courtyard group.

The first impression these courtyards gave her was that they were secluded, and there was still a faint smell of blood wafting in the air.

"Go." Han Lian walked forward.

There was no one on the road, only occasionally a little blood was seen in the crevices of the path, walking through the courtyard, after passing through several courtyards, Shen Zhiyu saw the previous mountain wall.

It is the mountain wall where the entrance of the cave where the moon was discovered.

Before arriving, I saw many people lying on the ground in a distance, all wearing Xuanji Foreign Affairs Hall's costumes.

Shen Zhiyu hurried forward to check.

Xie Ying, Zhang Suicheng, the monks who were in the same team as her before... After walking two more steps, Shen Zhiyu even saw Pei Liqiu.

Fortunately, they just passed out.

Shen Zhiyu woke up these people.

She stood beside Xie Ying, "Senior Sister Xie, how are you doing?"

Xie Ying sat up from the ground, pressed her temples in pain, looked up and saw her, "...Junior Sister Shen?"

Shen Zhiyu nodded, "It's me."

"Where did you go before? We couldn't find you and Uncle Han everywhere." Xie Ying asked.

"It's a long story..." Shen Zhiyu sighed.

Isn't it just a long story, not only has her life been hanging by a thread several times in a short period of time, she is also heavily in debt now.

"Why are you down here?" Shen Zhiyu asked.

"We were stopped by a formation on the road. After the formation was broken, we quickly cleared the stronghold by attacking back and forth. After controlling all the evil cultivators inside, we found that you and Uncle Han were not there, so we came to look for you. "

"After searching all the way, some disciples suddenly discovered that there was a restriction on this mountain wall. As a result, Master Pei had just broken the restriction, and a burst of tyrannical power erupted from it, which stunned us all." Xie Ying briefly described the process. .

"I see." Shen Zhiyu nodded, but she keenly remembered something was wrong.

If this is the case, when did Han Lian enter the cave?

(End of this chapter)

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