Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 102 The Clown Is Actually Me?

Chapter 102 The Clown Is Myself? (Wan Zi Da Zhang asks for a subscription and asks for a monthly pass)
At this time, Meng Xiaochun sang this song and it came to the end. Meng Xiaochun continued to sing at this time:

"I didn't take the number one examination to show off my name,

I did not take the number one examination to be a high-ranking official,

For the affectionate Mr. Li,

Husband and wife are loving, flowers are so beautiful, the moon is round
I also went to Qionglin Banquet,

I also hit Ma Yujie,

Everyone praises me for Pan An's appearance,
It turns out that the photo of the gauze hat,

Zhao Chanjuan..."

The song is over!
There are still many audiences immersed in this wonderful singing.

They really didn't expect that this kind of traditional opera, which they didn't pay much attention to before, could be so good.

Many netizens who are watching this program also expressed that this opera is really good.

"It sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"I heard my grandma listen to Huangmei Opera when I was young. At that time, I thought this Huangmei Opera was very good. However, I grew up and got in touch with more things, so I didn't listen to it again. Now I listened to it again and thought it was true. It sounds very nice!"

"That's right, that's right, so is my grandpa. My grandpa also likes to listen to operas very much. He still listens to operas every day with that radio in his arms!"

"I heard from my grandma that once a theater troupe came to their village to sing in those days, all the people in the village would gather around, hoping to watch a play?"

"That's right, that's right. There are also large-scale temple fairs. Every year when there are such temple fairs, there will be a lot of opera singers here. Now there are fewer and fewer such things!"

"Yes, yes, I also went to this kind of temple fair when I was a child. This temple fair is really fun. There are all kinds of fun and delicious things in it. I remember that there was a circus at that time, and it cost ten yuan to buy it. You can go in with just one ticket!"

"I also have some memories about this opera. I lived with my grandparents when I was a child. Whenever there was a temple fair in our place, my grandparents would take me to buy a lot of delicious food and take me there together. Listen to the play!"

"I suddenly felt that Huangmei Opera is also very attractive, no worse than these popular music in the entertainment industry!"



"Up, up, director, our ratings have increased. Ever since Meng Xiaochun took the stage just now, our ratings have been continuously rising. Just now, the ratings actually broke 2!"

Li Tao was not only very happy when he heard the voice of the work at this time: "Hahaha... It is really a very wise decision to let this Huangmei Opera be on the stage of our good voice."

"At that time, several planners in the stage suggested to me not to let this Huangmei Opera perform on the stage of our good voice. After all, our stage of good voice is a stage for pop music, not a stage for traditional operas. In the end, I still let this Meng Xiaochun is on the stage of our good voice."

"Now it seems that she did not disappoint me. What she did is really good, she is really amazing, she is really outstanding!"


clap clap clap!
When Meng Xiaochun finished singing the opera, Zhang Fan also clapped his palms.

At this time, Zhang Fan clapped his palms and said with a smile on his face: "It sounds good, it sounds good, it's really good, this opera of yours really caught my eye, do you know why I turned around just now? "

Standing on the stage at this time, Meng Xiaochun still felt unreal when she saw this mentor who turned around for her.

She felt like she was dreaming at this moment.

It was the first time to stand on such a big stage, the first time to face so many people, Meng Xiaochun was still a little nervous at this moment.

So when he heard Zhang Fan's question, he shook his head in confusion.

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

They thought the little girl was really funny.

Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing seeing Meng Xiaochun like this at this time: "The reason why I got the first place is because you sang so well. When I heard your opera just now, I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but see a bright light, your opera tone surprised me very much, I was very curious about what kind of person could sing such a beautiful opera, so I turned around."

"The second is that the opera you sang is really nice. I was really attracted by the opera you sang, so I want to learn this opera from you, is that okay?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Meng Xiaochun didn't say excitedly: "Of course, of course, Mr. Zhang Fan, you are a singer I like very much, and I like your songs very much. In fact, I am also your singer." fans."

Hearing Meng Xiaochun's words at this time, Zhang Fan said in surprise, "Really? I didn't expect that I would be so popular now, and so many people are already my fans. I am so lucky." .”

"You said you are my brother's fan, then I will test you. Which one of my songs do you like the most? You must not be unable to say or make a mistake, otherwise I am really too Embarrassing!"

Many netizens who are watching this program couldn't help laughing when they saw this

"Hahaha... I am dying of laughter, I am dying of laughter, this Zhang Fan is really too much fun!"

"Maybe this student is just saying polite words, but I really don't know what songs he has!"

"Impossible, this Zhang Fan has been so bad recently, even if you are not a fan of his, you must have heard his songs, and it is too easy to say one of his songs?!"

"Hahaha... I really hope that this student is wrong. Then I want to see how embarrassing Zhang Fan's expression is."

"Who is Zhang Fan? Is this person famous? Why don't I know him? But I seem to have heard some of his songs, "It's a pity and what if", "It's not romantic"!"

"Hahaha... Brother upstairs, you are really excellent, excellent, so excellent!"

"Brother upstairs, where can I buy your book?"

"Brother upstairs, you are so talented, why don't you hurry up and publish a book, I'll reward you!"

"Hurry up and post a book on Tiandi Chinese Website, I'll reward you with a cute Baiyin right now! [Crazy Hint jpg]"



Meng Xiaochun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, thought about it carefully, and then slowly said: "Mr. Zhang Fan, your question is a bit difficult for me!"

Zhang Fan: "..."

Zhang Fan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Meng Xiaochun's words at this time.

No way, no way, this student really doesn't know any of his songs, right?

He was just making a joke just now, but he didn't expect the joke to come true now.

Is this the legendary retribution?

a room


"I'm dying of laughter, I'm laughing to death, I'm really laughing to death, this man finally failed to pretend to be coercive, this is a pretentious criminal, and finally got his retribution, it's just that the heavens have eyes!"

At this time, Wang Xue saw the Good Voice program on her tablet, and she was out of breath from laughing.

Lin Yuqing shook her head helplessly when she saw her best friend like this.

She knew that her best friend and Zhang Fan were not getting along, but she never thought that the relationship between the two of them had become so bad.

Once Zhang Fan said something bad, this Wang Xue was always so happy.


On stage
Liu Ying couldn't help laughing at this time: "Goose goose goose goose goose... I can't take it anymore, I can't take it, I can't take it anymore, it's funny, it's funny, it's really funny, Zhang Fan, you're considered Have you set a flag for yourself?"

The other two mentors are not much better at this time, although they are trying their best to control their expressions and hold back their smiles, but fools can also see that they really want to laugh at this time .

At this time, Zhang Fan saw the other two mentors working so hard, and said to him helplessly: "You can laugh if you want, you don't have to work so hard, your faces are distorted, I will work hard for you! "

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Wang Feng couldn't hold back all of a sudden.

Wang Feng said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, you have to believe me, I'm not laughing at you, I just thought of a very funny thing, so I couldn't help laughing, it wasn't laughing You, I'm really not laughing at you!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words at this time, Zhang Fan immediately felt a great comfort in his heart, and said with a smile: "Is what you said true? Are you really laughing at me? Are you really because Did you think of a funny thing, so you couldn't help laughing? You swear!"

Wang Feng: "..."

I'm just talking casually, you really believe it.

You made me swear, can you still have fun together?

Seeing Wang Feng's speechless look at this time, Zhang Fan knew that he believed in the wrong guy.

But it's okay, this Li Jian didn't smile.

Teacher Li Jian really deserves to be a graduate of a prestigious university, but he is very polite and qualified, at least he won't laugh at him in front of him.


At this time, Li Jian couldn't help laughing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought that I had received professional training in the Ninja Laughter Club in college, no matter how funny things I encountered, I would never laugh." , I didn’t expect that this time I really couldn’t hold back, I really broke my defense, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”

Zhang Fan: "???"

Seeing Li Jian like this, Zhang Fan immediately looked helpless.

Can we still have fun together?

He also said just now that Li Jian is a polite and qualified person, and he would definitely not laugh at him in front of him, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face so soon.

Is this the legendary Murphy's Law?


"Ah ah ah ah..."

"It's over, it's over, senior sister is really over now, how can she not know such a simple question?"

"I remember that she had heard Zhang Fan's songs before? How could she not know Zhang Fan's songs? Wouldn't it be enough to just name one?"

"Just name a song, even if it's a very unknown song, a very unpopular song, it's better than not being able to name a song like this now, it's too embarrassing for Teacher Zhang Fan Come on!"

When Yang Yong saw the program on TV at this time, he said embarrassing words for Zhang Fan.

At this time, he was so embarrassed that he almost picked out a three-bedroom and one living room by digging his toes.

At this time, Meng Xiaochun saw the mentors on the stage laughing so hard, not only did they have doubts on their faces.

Is there anything funny about what he just said?
Why are these mentors smiling so happily?

It was like hearing something very funny.

Meng Xiaochun said: "Teacher Zhang Fan actually..."

Before Meng Xiaochun finished speaking at this time, she was interrupted by Zhang Huan directly: "Okay, okay, you don't need to talk, I understand, you don't need to comfort me anymore, you didn't listen to my song to show that I do It’s not good enough, I will work harder to make more good works in the future, I believe you will like my works in the future.”

Although thinking this way can make him feel much better, Zhang Fan still feels his heart hurts at this moment.

Obviously, the four mentors turned to choose her by herself, but she hurt herself like this.

Could it be that he is not popular enough now?
Meng Xiaochun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and immediately said with a very puzzled face: "Mr. Zhang Fan, what are you talking about? Who said I haven't listened to your songs? It's just that many of your songs are like "Unfortunately No If" , "The Most Romantic Thing", "Tomorrow Will Be Better", and "Serving the Country with Loyalty" I like all of them very much."

"But if you insist on asking me which one is my favorite, it is really difficult for me to choose, because I like every song of yours very much!"

When Zhang Fan heard Meng Xiaochun's words at this time, he couldn't help but gasped.

It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this, it turned out that he had misunderstood everything.


I just knew it, I just knew it, I just knew it was impossible for this person not to have heard my song?
After all, I am so popular now.

After all, the songs I write now are so good.

After all, I am so handsome.

How could this student not have heard of my song?

At this time, many netizens who were watching the show couldn't help but gasped.

They really didn't expect to engage in it for a long time. It turned out that they had misunderstood.

"Damn it, after a long time, it turned out that I made a mistake. I thought this student really hadn't heard Zhang Fan's songs before!"

"I was going to take a look at Zhang Fan's extremely embarrassing appearance. I didn't expect that the last thing would be like this. This really caught me off guard!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, my old waist has been flashed off!"

"As I said just now, this student definitely didn't mean that. How could she have never heard of Zhang Fan's song?"

"That's right, this student looks like he's in his early twenties. Young people like this have basically heard Zhang Fan's songs. It's impossible to say that she doesn't know what songs Zhang Fan has!"

"Hahaha... Those three instructors who laughed in front of Zhang Fan just now are really embarrassing!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the clowns turned out to be themselves!"

"Tch, you didn't think that way just now, you are actually a clown!"

"Who said that, I was on Zhang Fan's side just now, you are the clown, and your whole family are clowns!"



"Ah ah ah ah..."

"No, no, no, I was successfully pretended by this man again!"

"Heaven, earth, is there any sense of heaven? Why do you always let this deadly criminal pretend to be successful? This little girl is also true. You said you are singing traditional opera, why do you want to listen to this song? Fan's song?"

"Now these little girls are really too superficial. Seeing this man looks like a dog, they think this man is a good man, and everyone is fascinated by him. When will you be able to see through this The true face of a man!"

At this time, Wang Xue saw this and found that things had turned around again, and she was very angry immediately.

When Lin Yuqing saw this, she was not only very happy, she looked at Wang Xue, and said with a smile on her face: "Xiaoxue, I told you just now, don't get complacent so early, you must believe me, and in the end After a long time, the clown turned out to be yourself!"

When Wang Xue heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, she became even more angry, and immediately pressed Lin Yuqing on the sofa, and began to scratch Lin Yuqing up and down, left and right.

"Cluck cluck cluck cluck... itchy, please, stop scratching!"

Wang Xue said proudly at this time: "You still know itching, as my best friend, it's too much for you to stand on this man's side."

"I really don't know what kind of ecstasy drug this man gave you. You actually trust this man so much and support him so much. Even my best friend doesn't pay attention to me now."

"I can see it. You are a person who values ​​sex and despises friends. Could it be that our girlfriends of more than ten years can't compare with this stinky man you have only known for a month?"



On stage
Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Thank you, thank you very much for your liking. I just listened to your opera, and I suddenly had a very good idea. I want to collaborate with you on a song. I don’t know. Would you like to?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, no matter whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience watching the show, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Zhang Fan even took the initiative to say that he wanted to collaborate with this student on a song.

real or fake?

Did they hear it right?
This... is too incredible.

How is this possible?
Since Zhang Fan created several hit songs in a row a while ago and demonstrated his strong creative ability, he has completely confirmed his identity as a singer-songwriter, and many people call him a musical genius.

Ever since Zhang Fan showed his strong creative ability, countless singers in the entertainment industry wanted to cooperate with him. It was even revealed that a certain king was willing to buy one of his songs for 300 million yuan, but he rejected them all.

So far, Zhang Fan has only cooperated with Lin Yuqing.

What they didn't expect was that now Zhang Fan actually said that he would collaborate with this student on a song!
Now Zhang Fan can be said to be very popular on the Internet. Everyone knows that as long as there is a song by Zhang Fan, or a song with Zhang Fan, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless, and it will definitely become a big hit on the Internet. of.

At this time, several students standing in the background couldn't help but look at Meng Xiaochun out of breath, and all of them showed envious and jealous eyes.

This Meng Xiaochun is too lucky.

Zhang Fan, known as a musical genius, even took the initiative to invite her to collaborate on a song.

For Meng Xiaochun, this is simply an opportunity to become famous overnight.

They are really too envious and jealous!

Why didn't such a good opportunity come to them, but it happened to this Meng Xiaochun.

They thought they were no worse than this Meng Xiaochun.

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, seeing that Meng Xiaochun didn't respond for a long time, he said with a smile on his face, "Is this question so difficult to answer? If you don't want to, just say it directly. Don't worry about my face. I'm a very thick-skinned person." Yes, the most fearful thing is being rejected."

"Anyway, after so many years in the entertainment industry, I understand a truth, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed."


"Promise him, promise him!"

"Senior sister, what are you doing there in a daze? Hurry up and promise him, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, this is simply a rare opportunity, you must not miss it, hurry up and promise him!"

At this time, Yang Yong saw his senior sister in a daze on the stage, and he was not only very anxious.

At this time, he could not wait to rush to the stage and agree to Zhang Fan's cooperation request for his senior sister.

At this time, Li Zongxian saw Yang Yong's appearance and reprimanded him: "What is it called? What is it called? Can't you be quiet? Watching TV is not enough for you to call, you forgot how I usually teach you Already!"

Yang Yong heard his master's post at this time and said excitedly: "Master, you don't know, you don't know, you don't even know how powerful this Zhang Fan is, this Zhang Fan is known as a musical genius in the entertainment circle, He has created a lot of excellent songs, and many people in the entertainment circle would have no chance to cooperate with him."

"Now that Zhang Fan is taking the initiative to invite Senior Sister to cooperate, what a great opportunity this is. Senior Sister is standing there in a daze. I am worried for her. She should hurry up and agree. Such a good opportunity, if I miss it I really regret it for the rest of my life!"

Li Zongxian shook his head, and said with disbelief: "Music genius? Is this guy as exaggerated as you said? This guy looks like he is only 30 years old at most. He is so young, how could he be as exaggerated as you said? "

Hearing what his master said at this time, Yang Yong retorted and said, "What's wrong with being young? Art requires talent. It doesn't mean that the older you are, the better things you can make. If you don't have that talent, even if you don't Even if you live to be a hundred years old, you will not be able to produce excellent works!"


At this time, not only Yang Yong was worried for Meng Xiaochun, but many viewers who were watching this program were also very worried for Meng Xiaochun.

"Fuck, I read it right, right? Why is this student still in a daze for such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Why don't you hurry up and agree!!!"

"That's right, this Zhang Fan is so awesome, he has already written so many excellent songs, as long as we cooperate with him, it will definitely become popular!"

"Zhang Fan's products must be high-quality products! If you can get the opportunity to cooperate with Zhang Fan, it will definitely be a storm overnight. Such a good opportunity is in front of you, why is she still in a daze?"

"No way, no way, you said this student won't reject Zhang Fan's request?"

"How is it possible? Such a good opportunity is in front of her, how could she refuse it? Even a fool would not refuse such a good opportunity!"

"Hey... Zhang Fan is really awesome. Being able to cooperate with Zhang Fan will definitely become popular overnight. Just look at Lin Yuqing. Such a good opportunity is in front of her. I really don't know why she is hesitating. !"

"If I'm worried about this student, if she doesn't, I'll join. I also want to cooperate with Zhang Fan!"

"You are the legend that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. He himself is not so excited yet. Why are you so excited?!"

"You are the eunuch, and your whole family are eunuchs!"



Meng Xiaochun took a deep breath at this time, suppressing the excitement in his heart and said: "No, no, I don't disagree, I was just too excited just now, I can't believe all this is true, I thought I was dreaming."

"Mr. Zhang Fan, you have always been a singer I like very much. I am really honored to be able to cooperate with you. I was so excited just now!"

Zhang Fan heard Meng Xiaochun's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "That's good, that's good. I saw you hesitated for so long just now, and I thought you didn't want to cooperate with me. I didn't expect you It's so exciting."

"However, I can also understand your excitement. After all, it is really exciting to cooperate with such a handsome person like me!"


"Bah, bah, bah! Shameless, I have never seen such a brazen person."

"Now I suddenly realize that these stars in the entertainment industry are more shameless than the other, and this Zhang Fan is the most shameless of them. I have never seen such a shameless person, even boasting that he is handsome in front of so many people. And he's not ashamed at all!"

At this time, Wang Xue saw the man pretending to be aggressive on the screen, and said really angrily.

Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said seriously: "Xiaoxue, you have misunderstood Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang is not shameless, he just told the truth, he is indeed very handsome!"

Wang Xue: "???"

Wang Xue wanted to refute when she heard what her good girlfriend said, but she thought about it for a long time and didn't know what to say.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that this stinky man really looked like a dog.

But Wang Xue would never admit that this man is really handsome in front of his best friend.

Wang Xuedao: "Hey, hey... Yuqing, are you mistaken? I am your best friend. Why do you always listen to this stinky man?"

"Besides, how stupid you are, your status will soon be lost. In the past, Zhang Fan only collaborated with you and wrote songs for you alone. Now Zhang Fan is collaborating with another person."

"Don't I understand this stinky man? He is not profitable. It is absolutely impossible for him to cooperate with this little girl for no reason. He must have cooperated with her because of her beauty."

"He is lsp. Do I know what kind of person he is? Have you seen that this man is almost snatched away by other women, don't you worry at all?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that this man is indeed very talented in music and can indeed write many excellent songs, which will be of great help to you."

"What if this man is snatched away by another woman and I don't write songs for you in the future?"

Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and asked Wang Xue a question seriously: "Is this Meng Xiaochun as beautiful as me?"

Wang Xue: "..."

When Wang Xue heard the question of her best friend at this time, she was a little confused.

She couldn't figure out why this good girlfriend of hers would ask such a question.

Didn't she hear what she just said?

This smelly man is about to be snatched away by other women, why isn't she worried at all?

But this question is indeed a question worth thinking about. Lin Yuqing carefully looked at the woman on the screen at this time.

Although the woman on the screen looks good, compared with Lin Yuqing, she is really far behind.


Speaking of appearance, since she was a child, Wang Xue has never seen anyone who is more beautiful than her best friend.

Bah, should not say a few, should say none.

Even in this entertainment circle full of beauties, Wang Xue has never seen anyone who can completely surpass her best friend in terms of appearance.

In terms of appearance alone, there are not many who can stand shoulder to shoulder with a good girlfriend like myself, let alone surpass a good girlfriend like myself.

Wang Xuedao: "I took a closer look. Although this woman looks good, she is still far behind you."

"But does this have anything to do with the question I just asked? Did you hear what I just said? This man has already offered to cooperate with this woman just now. This is the treatment you didn't even enjoy at the beginning. "

"Aren't you afraid that this man will be robbed?"

Lin Yuqing continued to say at this time: "Then answer me one more question, what kind of person do you think Teacher Zhang Fan is?"

At this time, Wang Xue was more and more confused when she heard the question about her best friend.

Now she can't figure out what her best friend wants to do.

But since my best friend asked me what kind of person Zhang Fan was, I would never let go of such a good opportunity.

She must let Lin Yuqing know the true face of this smelly man.

Because Wang Xue discovered a very serious problem, she found that her best friend Lin Yuqing seemed to be confused by this stinky man.

Especially in the recent period, two people participated in activities together, sang together, and did various things together, all of which led to the relationship between the two people getting closer and closer.

Now Lin Yuqing can clearly feel that her best friend is not as nice to her as before.

This smelly man took away half of Lin Yuqing's love for her.

Absolutely can't go on like this.

She must not let this stinky man take away her best friend.

Absolutely not! ! !

Wang Xuedao: "Does it need to be said? I don't even want to talk about this stinky man, saying that he is really dirty my mouth! Although I really don't want to talk about this stinky man, but since you asked, then I will say this What kind of person is the stinky man, let you see his true face!"

"I'm also the general manager of a company. I usually manage thousands of people. Let me tell you, I'm the most accurate person. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to manage my company so well!"

"Don't look at this stinky man who looks like a dog on the surface and has a little talent, but this stinky man is actually a shameless, despicable, nasty man!"

"Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that I can tell at a glance that this man is an lsp. You are so beautiful. You must stay away from this lsp in the future, otherwise he will definitely have a bad impression on you. What a dirty idea!"

After Wang Xue said these words, she felt as if she had eaten a popsicle in the dog days, and she felt very refreshed.

She finally vented all the resentment she was holding back against this man.

One word cool!
Two words are very cool!
Three words are very cool!

Now she finally exposed the true face of this stinky man!
Now my best friend can clearly see the true face of this smelly man.

She and Lin Yuqing grew up together, and she knows what kind of person Li Yuqing is.

Lin Yuqing is a very smart, kind and principled person.

What she hates the most are despicable, shameless, obscene, and dirty LSPs like Zhang Fan.

Now she has exposed the true face of this stinky man, and the good image of this man in Lin Yuqing's heart has completely collapsed.

She believed that she had exposed the true face of this stinky man now, and Lin Yuqing would never be fooled by this stinky man again.

Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan, just because you want to fight with me.

You deserve it too? ? ?

Lin Yuqing said with a serious face at this time: "What you said seems to make sense. According to what you said, Mr. Zhang Fan is indeed an old pervert. You just said that I am so beautiful. As an LSP, Mr. Zhang Fan, You must like a woman with a beautiful body and a good figure like me."

"So I have nothing to worry about. This woman is not as good-looking as I am, and her body is not as good as mine. I don't need to worry about this woman snatching Zhang Fan away!"

"Because I am prettier and have a much better figure than this woman, I believe that as an LSP, Mr. Zhang Fan will definitely be able to make the right choice!"

Wang Xue: "???"

When Wang Xue heard what her best friend said at this time, her whole mind was filled with question marks.

Does she think she is dreaming now?
Is there something wrong with her mind?
Did she have some kind of hallucination?
No, no, this is an illusion, this must be an illusion.

Is this still my best friend?
Is this still the Lin Yuqing I know?
How could she say such a thing?
At this time, Wang Xue grabbed Lin Yuqing's arm and said loudly, "Yuqing, did you make a mistake? Do you know what you are talking about? Have you been drugged by this man? "

"You already know that this man is an LSP. As such a beautiful beauty, you are not afraid???"

"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming, right?"


When Lin Yuqing heard what her best friend said at this time, she couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Lin Yuqing said: "Xiaoxue, I know there is a conflict between you and Teacher Zhang Fan, but you really wronged him, he is not as bad as you said, not as dirty as you said, not as bad as you said. "

Wang Xue heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said excitedly: "Fart, who wronged him! What I just said is the truth. Don't be fooled by this stinky man's glamorous appearance, this stinky man It's such a dirty, despicable and shameless man, he is an old pervert!"


Lin Yuqing sighed at this time and said, "If Teacher Zhang Fan is really an LSP, why would he be indifferent to me after I've been in front of him for so long? Could it be because I'm not pretty enough?"

"Besides, it would be great if Mr. Zhang Fan is really an LSP like you said, and I don't have to work so hard."

"I change into different clothes and looks in front of him every day. I want to see what type of woman he likes, whether it's a cute girl, a royal sister, a lolita, or a girl. Queen-type, in the end he didn't seem to see it..."

Wang Xue: "???"

Wang Xue couldn't take it anymore at this time, so she slapped herself three times in the face.

Because she really can't believe it's true.

Is this still the Lin Yuqing I know?

Didn't she remember that Lin Yuqing hated this old-fashioned critique the most?
No, she must be dreaming, she must be dreaming, it's not real.


She originally thought that she was dreaming, but when the severe pain came from her face, she realized that she was not dreaming, and everything was real.

No, this must be the wrong way to open it.

She, Wang Xue, absolutely does not believe that all this is true, it is really terrifying.

God, earth, who can come and save me, this is really terrible.

Seeing Wang Xue like this at this time, Lin Yuqing was startled, quickly grabbed Wang Xue's hand, and said nervously: "Xiaoxue, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this!"

"Yawn yawn yawn..."

Zhang Fan had just finished recording the program at this time, and when he returned to the lounge, he was yawning continuously.

"I don't know which bastard is scolding me!"

"No, no, you can't think like that, maybe some beautiful woman is thinking about me."

"After all, I just finished the show. Today, I made a very handsome look for this show with a good voice. There must be many beauties who see my handsome look can't sleep at night, and then..."

"Hey hey hey..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help showing a very wretched smile!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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