Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 105 Yuqing, promise me not to be a licking dog, okay?

Chapter 105 Yuqing, promise me not to be a licking dog, please? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
When many audiences at the scene heard Zhang Fan's singing at this time, they couldn't help but gasped.

"Fuck, it sounds good, it sounds good, it really sounds good!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Zhang Fan is really awesome. He wrote a song in such a short period of time, and it sounds so good. It's really awesome to open the door for awesome--you're awesome! "

"Stop it, stop it, after listening to this song, I feel like my own goosebumps are getting up!"

"Is it the strength of a musical genius? It's really awesome!"

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, now I finally understand why many people on the Internet say that only Zhang Fan can defeat Zhang Fan!"

"That's right, especially after listening to the heroic story of Pei Yanzhi, the founder of Huangmei Opera, listening to this song, I really feel special!"

"Duckweed in troubled times bears watching the flames of flames burning mountains and rivers, and does not dare to forget to worry about the country even if no one knows me in a humble position... This lyrics is so well written!"



"Okay, okay, it's really great!"

"Duckweed in troubled times bears watching the flames of flames burning mountains and rivers, and does not dare to forget to worry about the country even if no one knows me... This lyrics is really well written, and it really expresses the mentality of our ancestors back then. !"

"In fact, the status of us singers was very low before, but later it was because of the heroic feats of our ancestors, because of his heroic feats that would rather be broken than broken, because of his humble status. Forget the patriotic spirit of worrying about the country.”

"Because of his spirit of daring to fight the Japanese invaders and never give in no matter what, the world has re-recognized us opera singers, and the world respects our ancestors, so the status of us opera singers has gradually improved. !"

Li Zongxian, who was sitting under the stage at this time, couldn't help being very excited when he saw this.

At this time, Meng Xiaochun also sighed beside him and said: "Mr. Zhang Fan is really amazing, excellent, and talented. I didn't expect him to write such a good song in such a short period of time." , I really admire him so much!"

Li Zongxian listened to Meng Xiaochun's words at this time, stroked the white beard on his neck, and said with a big smile on his face: "This young man is indeed very talented. Xiaoyong told me before that this young man is known as the leader of the entertainment industry." When I was a musical genius, I still thought it was a bit exaggerated, but after listening to this song, I felt that the title of this musical genius is very good, and it is not an exaggeration at all!"

"After listening to this song, I realized that he is really well-deserved as a musical genius. He was able to write such a wonderful, excellent, and classic song in such a short period of time. This is not ordinary. Humans can do it!"


But what surprised them even more was yet to come.

At this time the song reached its climax, Zhang Fan also changed his singing style at this time, he no longer sang this song like he used to sing pop music, but changed to an opera accent.

"People in the audience can't see the old color when they walk by

People on stage sing heartbreak farewell song

Love words are hard to write, she sings to be reconciled with blood
Who is the guest when the curtain starts and the curtain ends

ah ah ah ah..."

Zhang Fan was very happy at this time, the opera accent he had learned in the past few days was finally ready to use.



When Zhang Fan's part of the play came out, no matter whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience watching the live broadcast, everyone couldn't help but feel a feeling of scalp tingling.

"Damn it, it exploded, it exploded, I feel like my whole head is exploding!"

"Who can tell me when Zhang Fan learned the opera tune, this singing is too good!"

"It's really Haoting, mother! Open the door for Haoting—— Haoting is home!"

"Silky, silky, really silky!"

"Silky? Are you sure you're describing Zhang Fan's singing voice?"

"This is not the most awesome, the most amazing is his last ten seconds of high pitch, which is simply amazing, is this the legendary human nature suona?"

"Yes, yes, Zhang Fan's singing skills are really getting better and better!"

"What does it mean that Zhang Fan's singing skills are getting better and better? Zhang Fan's singing skills are already amazing, okay? In addition, he has been very self-disciplined for so many years, and he keeps practicing every day. I can see it through his clothes." His eight-pack abs and two pecs!"

"Zhang Fan's own singing skills are already very diverse. He can be said to be a fusion of popular, bel canto, and ethnic singing. Now he has an additional opera style, and his singing is more complete and diverse. His singing skills are even better!"

"The singing of this part of the opera is really amazing, and my whole body has a feeling of scalp numbness!"



When Meng Xiaochun heard Zhang Fan's play at this time, he was not only very shocked.

She suddenly understood now, no wonder this Zhang Fan always pulled her to ask them some methods and techniques of singing.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that this Zhang Fan would be so powerful. In just a few days, his opera voice had already reached this level.

But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing strange.

After all, Zhang Fan was a musical genius in the entertainment industry before, and his singing skills were relatively good before, and his foundation can be said to be very solid.

So he has a good foundation to learn their opera singing. Naturally, it is not as difficult as the kind of people who learn it from scratch.

After all, one way is universal, and strictly speaking, there is no big difference between singing and singing, both of which are made with the voice.

As long as the basic skills are solid enough, whether it is learning to sing or sing, you can do it with half the effort.



"Ah ah ah ah..."

"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it, I really can't take it anymore, this stinky man is pretending to be aggressive again, this deadly pretending to be a criminal, does he panic all over if he doesn't pretend to be aggressive for a day???"

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw her best friend's appearance, and said helplessly: "Xiaoxue, I really don't understand why you always have such a big prejudice against Teacher Zhang Fan? Since you hate Zhang so much For Teacher Fan, don’t watch his live broadcast, wouldn’t it be fine?”

At this time, Wang Xue held her iPad and said with a straight face: "No, I want to watch his live broadcast, and I want to send bullet screens to scold him. I already scolded him for pretending to be a criminal just now."

"I didn't expect Zhang Fan to have too many idiot fans. I just scolded him, and there were countless barrages scolding me. Fortunately, I used a private account, so they still wanted to find me." There is nowhere to look for trouble!"

"But when did this guy learn to sing, why don't I know? Could it be that he learned it from Meng Xiaochun, but it's only been a few days, how did he learn it so quickly?"

Lin Yuqing heard her girlfriend's words at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Zhang Fan's singing skills were very good before. His basic skills are very solid, and he is very studious. He recorded with Meng Xiaochun. When singing, I have been dragging Meng Xiaochun to learn how to sing opera!"

"And as far as I know, after this, Mr. Zhang Fan also invited a special opera teacher to study systematically. He not only learned Huangmei Opera, but also learned Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera."

"Zhang Fan's singing style originally included a series of singing styles such as popular, folk, bel canto, etc. Now, with the integration of opera tunes, his singing style is more comprehensive and diverse, and his singing skills are even more powerful. Already!"

"Now I finally know why Teacher Zhang Fan is so good. It turns out that he has been studying so hard. Even though he is very good now, he still hasn't stopped learning!"

Wang Xue heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and said in surprise: "Really? Is the Zhang Fan you mentioned the same as the Zhang Fan I knew? When did this Zhang Fan become so fond of learning?" ? I’m afraid I met a fake Zhang Fan?”

"Didn't I hear that Zhang Fan is an idiot? When did he become so good? When did his singing become so bad?"

"Oh, I know, I know, he must be incomparable to a musical genius like you, so he can only use this method, hard work can make up for his weakness, and the stupid bird flies first!"

Lin Yuqing: "..."

When Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time, she couldn't help being shocked and opened her mouth wide.

She really didn't know how her best friend came to the conclusion that Zhang Fan is a fool?

Although some music bloggers or so-called masters on the Internet said that Zhang Fan's musical talent is poor, but this so-called poor musical talent is just a little bit worse than those top musical talents.

Although Zhang Fan is less talented than those top musical geniuses, it doesn't mean that he has no talent. He is still much, much better than ordinary people.

If Zhang Fan really didn't have any musical talent, it would be impossible for him to be admitted to the Beijing Conservatory of Music under such poor conditions.

And about Zhang Fan's musical talent, Lin Yuqing also asked Huang Wenxuan, the teacher who taught Zhang Fan back then.

At that time, Huang Wenxuan had clearly said to her that Zhang Fan's musical talent was very powerful.

Although it is still not as good as those top musical geniuses, it is already very powerful among ordinary people.

But the most powerful thing about Zhang Fan is not his musical talent, but his hard work.

According to what this teacher Huang said, he has taught so many students, and he has never seen such a hard-working student like Zhang Fan when he was in college.

He is really working very hard, and his hard work is beyond the kind of hard work that ordinary people say. He has already regarded hard work as a normal state in his life, a habit in his life .

Lin Yuqing clearly remembered the excited expression on Huang Wenxuan's face when he mentioned Zhang Fan. Did you practice singing?"

"Have you ever seen a person who can stay in the library all day with a bottle of water and a few steamed buns?"

"Have you ever seen the kind of person who can sit on the bench and play the piano for five or six hours as soon as he goes to the piano room?"

"I've seen all of these, and I've seen it more than once. This Zhang Fan didn't do it on a certain day, he did it every day. He didn't work hard occasionally like ordinary people. He worked hard every day. He Putting effort into it has long been a habit!"

"This Zhang Fan was not the best talent in the whole school back then, but it was because of his hard work that he was able to get the best in every school assessment and competition. results!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing couldn't help being very happy when she thought of what Teacher Huang told her about Zhang Fan's life in college.

Huang Wenxuan was also very happy when he talked about some things about Zhang Fan when he was in college.

Because this Zhang Fan is really the most worry-free student he has ever taught, he doesn't need to supervise him at all, he can do everything well by himself.

As a teacher, being able to teach such students is really a very happy thing.

Huang Wenxuan said: "Many people think that hard work is the easiest thing in the world, and many people even think that hard work is a very shameful thing, because sometimes you say that a person who works hard means that this person is very stupid."

"I have taught many students. Many students would rather go to play every day and get a passing grade in the final exam, rather than study every day and get a score of more than 80 in the final exam, because they think it is a very important task. What a shame!"

"They think that if they don't work hard every day, they can get [-] points in the test casually. As long as they work hard, it is too easy to get [-] points in the test, so they don't want to work hard and don't want to work hard. It's a very embarrassing thing."

"But after being a teacher for so many years and teaching so many students, I know very well that hard work is really very important, and hard work is really a student's best talent!"

"Many people think that hard work is easy, they are wrong, they are completely wrong, temporary hard work, occasional hard work, of course it is easy, but it is very difficult if you want to work hard for a long time!"

"It is very difficult for many students to work hard. Many people want to work hard, but they have to face too many temptations. You want to play when others are playing, and you also want to learn when others don't want to learn." I don't want to learn..."




Speaking of this, Huang Wenxuan couldn't help sighing: "This is why I say that hard work is the best talent. Many people think that hard work is so simple and anyone can do it. It is a kind of talent." Is it? They don’t know that hard work is the best talent.”

"Although Zhang Fan's musical talent was not the best among the students at that time, I knew at that time that Zhang Fan would be the best among them in the future. Facts have proved that I was right. After this group of students entered the entertainment circle, most of them didn't have any splashes."

"Even if there are a few people who can barely make a name for themselves in the entertainment industry, their current achievements are really far behind Zhang Fan. Back then, Zhang Fan studied hard at school every day and didn't talk to other people. Sometimes, many people laughed at him behind his back, calling him a nerd!"

"But when they graduate from university and enter the society, they will understand the gap between them and Zhang Fan, a nerd. The gap between them and Zhang Fan will be quickly widened in a few years after graduation, and as the time axis lengthens, , the gap between them and Zhang Fan will become wider and wider!"

"They all think that they are the pride of heaven, they think they are geniuses, and they joke that Zhang Fan is a nerd and a fool. They probably didn't expect that after they entered the society, the so-called nerd in their mouths would be far away. surpass them!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing told Wang Xue the things that Huang Wenxuan told him about Zhang Fan.

Wang Xue's eyes widened in disbelief when she heard the whole person: "Really? Is the Zhang Fan your teacher mentioned the same person as the Zhang Fan I know? Are you kidding me? "

"It's clearly referring to two people? If you beat me to death, I can't believe it's referring to the same person! I really can't imagine that this stinky and shameless man would work so hard and work so hard when he was in college. And it's the kind of so-called academic nerd in the school, it's too unbelievable!"

At this time, it is really difficult for Wang Xue to connect the current Zhang Fan with the figure in his mind who sits in the library reading and studying all day long, and sits in the piano room practicing piano and singing all day long!
Because she felt that this was really too inconsistent.

It is really difficult for her to connect these two people together, because she feels that these two people have nothing in common, and there is no connection at all. How can this connect the two of them?

Lin Yuqing said: "Of course I didn't joke with you. What I said was true. When I first heard Mr. Huang talk about Zhang Fan's college days, I couldn't believe Mr. Huang's words." What Teacher Fang said was Zhang Fan!"

"But later, Teacher Huang told me with great certainty that this person was Zhang Fan. At that time, Teacher Huang also explained to me why Zhang Fan became what he is now. He said that Zhang Fan and the others were indeed such hardworking and hardworking people when they were studying. good student."

"But the entertainment circle is a very complicated circle. There are too many intrigues and intrigues in this circle. If you don't pay more attention, you may be sold and count the money for others one day."

"He said that the reason why Zhang Fan has been able to get along so easily in the entertainment industry these years is that he must have changed. The society is a big dyeing vat in the middle of the road. As long as a person is beaten up by this society, he will definitely change. !"

"He said that although Zhang Fan had some changes in his personality, it was only for better survival in the entertainment industry. In fact, there are still some things about Zhang Fan that have not changed. For example, he has always been so strict with himself, and has always been So hard."

"So after he left school, entered the society, and entered the entertainment industry for so many years, his singing skills have not only not deteriorated in the slightest, but have become more refined, and not only in singing, he has also learned to create, so he can You have created so many excellent songs continuously!"

When Wang Xue heard what her best friend said at this time, she couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, Wang Xue stroked her chin and said, "Hearing what your teacher said, this Zhang Fan sounds very inspirational, but I didn't expect that this stinky and shameless Zhang Fan was once a pure and innocent boy! "

"Later, he left school, entered society, and entered the entertainment industry. In order to survive better in this entertainment industry, to realize his ideals, and to have a bigger stage, he had to make some changes..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... your teacher said that Zhang Fan is like the male protagonist in a novel, who keeps growing and getting stronger all the way, and then after entering the society, he was severely beaten by the society, and his personality began to change. It became the shameless look it is now, and then it became more and more popular..."

"Could this be the legendary boy who slays the dragon and eventually becomes a dragon? I never thought that the Zhang Fan from before would be such a Zhang Fan, Ye Qingjie!"

Lin Yuqing heard her best friend's words at this time, raised her snow-white chin, and said proudly: "I think this is what should be done. The image of Teacher Zhang Fan when he was in college is very in line with my imagination of him. , After deeply understanding some things about Mr. Zhang Fan when he was in college, I found that I really like Mr. Zhang Fan more and more!"


When Wang Xue heard what her best friend said at this time, she couldn't help but take a sip: "I said, can you stop calling this shameless man a teacher? How can this shameless man be worthy of a teacher?" It’s just a word, you call him a teacher, you are insulting the teacher, you are insulting the engineer of the human soul!"

"But I'm a little curious. Why do you know so much about this man's past? Do you really have any thoughts about this man?"

At this time, Wang Xue was taken aback by the conclusion she came to, and quickly sat up from the sofa, hugged Lin Yuqing, and said excitedly: "Yuqing, don't scare me, you can't be scared." Don't be too hard on yourself, you say you are so beautiful, have such a good figure, and are so smart, there are a lot of men who want to chase you, and they can all be queued to Bangzi Kingdom from here."

"Why do you have to think about it? Why do you choose this shameless man? What's so good about this shameless man?"

"Isn't he just a little bit handsome, isn't he just a little bit talented, isn't he just a little bit good at writing songs... Bah, what am I talking about?"

"What I meant just now is that this man looks like a little bit of a dog, relying on his little talent, pretending to be aggressive every day, and this smelly man is shameless, shameless... "

Lin Yuqing shook her head helplessly when she heard her best friend's words at this time.

No matter how this good side of hers slanders Zhang Fan, she will not be affected by this good girlfriend of hers.

Seeing Lin Yuqing shaking her head at this time, Wang Xue couldn't help but said, "Why do you always shake your head? Did you hear what I said? You must take what I said to heart, no no no , I can't let you be with this man anymore, or else you will be completely bewitched by him!"

Lin Yuqing heard what her best friend said at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "There is no other way to do this, because we will be filming a movie next, so we must be together every day, but don't worry, I Surely you won't be fooled by him, fight for me to fool him when the time comes!"


"Ah ah ah ah..."

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, Yuqing, how can you do this? What's so good about this man? Why do you never forget this stinky man?"

At this time, Wang Xue saw her best friend like this, and said with a look of hatred.

Lin Yuqing heard what her best friend said at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "You shouldn't ask him what's good, you should ask him what's wrong."

"The former question is really too simple. I can say a lot of things without thinking about it. The latter question is more difficult. I may have to think about it for three days and three nights before I can barely say anything. Bad place!"

Wang Xue: "???"

Wang Xue heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and really wanted to ask Lin Yuqing: Are you a dog licker?
You are a goddess!

You want good looks, good figure, ability and ability, whatever you want, why do you want to be a dog licking?

At this time, Wang Xue hugged Lin Yuqing's arm, and said solemnly: "Yuqing listen to my advice, you must listen to my advice, we have been best friends for so many years, can I still harm you? "

"You said that you want good looks, a good figure, and ability. People who want to chase you can go to the United States from here. You can be a goddess, why do you have to be a licking dog? "

"Yuqing, promise me not to be a dog licker, okay? Do you know that licking a dog will kill you? Do you know that licking a dog will leave you with nothing in the end!"

Lin Yuqing: "???"

Lin Yuqing was stunned when she heard what her best friend said at this time.

Don't you just like and admire Teacher Zhang Fan more?
When did you become a licking dog?

Can the word lick dog be used indiscriminately?



On stage
At this moment, Zhang Fan has completely integrated himself into the song.

At this time, he seemed to have traveled through time and space, and returned to a long, long time ago, and smelled the era when wars were raging.

He saw a group of little devils entering the city. They threatened the Huangmei Opera masters and ordered Pei Yanzhi to sing for them.

So he decided to deliberately make compromises first, trick these devils into it, then seal up all the places, and finally set fire to the entire yard.

Because he wanted to die with these little devils.

Although he is an opera singer, he should sing operas for others, but his operas have always been sung for Chinese people.

Although art has no national boundaries, artists have national boundaries.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw these little devils seeing the courtyard on fire, and all of them became angry from embarrassment. Only then did they realize that they had been cheated.

So they cruelly hurt Pei Yanzhi!
Pei Yanzhi's body was suddenly pierced by the bayonets of the little devils at this time, but at this moment he showed a happy smile: "Hahaha... little devils, don't think that you can make us submit by force, and take my life I really made a lot of money by exchanging the lives of so many of you, and someone will definitely avenge me in the future!"

In troubled times, duckweed endures watching beacon fires burn mountains and rivers

Even if no one knows me, even though I am humble and dare not forget to worry about the country, this Pei Yanzhi really interprets this sentence vividly.

The country is gone, where is the home?
Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but wet his eyes. At this time, he brewed all the emotions in his heart into this song, and continued to sing:
"It is customary to hide emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy in ink
How can I sing and wear the words

In troubled times, duckweed endures watching beacon fires burn mountains and rivers

I am humble but dare not forget to worry about the country even if no one knows me

The people in the audience walk by without seeing the old color
People on stage sing heartbreak farewell song

Love words are hard to write, she sings and must be reconciled with blood"

At this time, whether it was the audience at the scene or many of the audience watching the live broadcast, when they heard Zhang Fan's emotional singing, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

As Zhang Fan's song sounded, they seemed to see the image of a hero who would rather die than surrender in the face of the threat of the little devil.

"Woooooooo... I can't take it, I can't take it anymore, this song is really tear-jerking!"

"The song Zhang Fan sang is really emotional, I seem to really see Pei Yanzhi standing on the stage and looking at the group of little devils, even though he is singing for these devils at this time, But he's just paralyzing these devils..."

"I'm used to hiding all my joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys in ink, and how can I sing through my clichés... This lyrics is really well written, and it really has been written into the lives of these opera singers."

"Yes, I also think that the lyrics of this line are really well written. They have been performing various characters all their lives, and they hide their emotions under the ink, although these operas have already been sung Many times, but they still don't get bored!"

"Those who write songs use their brains, those who sing use their hearts, those who listen to songs use their emotions, and those who have stories shed tears. Don't be afraid that the music is too good, but the lyrics are in your heart. I hope you only listen to the song to your heart's content. Don't be a part of the song!"

"This is called a classic, unlike today's, we learn how to bark together, bark together, good people are not suitable, we have to be some kind of dog, Bei Bei who draws pictures, Bei Bei who draws pictures, you say your mouth is pouting , beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, uncle!"

"Hahaha... I laughed to death, I laughed to death, I really laughed to death!"

"Are you a joke sent by a monkey?"

"Is that you Xiu'er???"



Li Zongxian, who was sitting under the stage at this time, couldn't help shedding muddy tears from his old eyes when he heard this.

I am used to hiding all my emotions and sorrows in pink ink
, so what if the clichés are sung through, the bones and ashes are all me, this line of lyrics is really written into the lives of their singers.

In troubled times, duckweed endures watching beacon fires burn mountains and rivers

Even if no one knows me, I am humble and dare not forget to worry about the country. This line of lyrics is written into the mentality of their Huangmei opera ancestor Pei Yanzhi at that time.

In the beginning, their status in society was relatively low, even the lowest, and no one could look down on them.

If it wasn't because there was no other way, if it wasn't because they couldn't afford to eat, few people would be willing to let their children learn to sing.

But what everyone didn't expect at the time was that it was the very lowly actors in their eyes, these actors with very low social status, who actually did such a thing? ? ?
At this time, people realized that these lowly actors in their eyes had such backbone! ! !

In order not to succumb to the despicable power of the little devils, in order not to act for these little devils, they chose such a tragic way, and chose to die with the little devils.

Every time a dog is slaughtered by justice, it is mostly a scholar who bears his heart.

In their eyes, these actors with low social status are so spineless, and in their eyes, some of the scholars with very high social status have become traitors.

It was at that time that people's views on actors changed a lot.

It was at that time that the status of their actors gradually improved a lot, and they were no longer those very lowly people in people's eyes.

The people in the audience walk by without seeing the old color
, the people on the stage sang a heartbroken farewell song, and the words of love are hard to write. She sang to make peace with blood. This line of lyrics is even more classic in this song.

This song has also been sublimated a lot because of this line of lyrics. Now when they walk under these stages, they can no longer see the colors and scenery as before.

But based on the descriptions of these descendants, they can imagine that when Pei Yanzhi, the ancestor of Huangmei Opera, sang the last scene, he must have felt heartbroken.

As sung in the lyrics, people on stage sang a heartbreaking farewell song.

Love words are hard to write, and she must sing with blood. This line of lyrics is very heavy, and people can't help but feel a sense of scalp numbness after listening to it.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying again?"

Seeing his master shed tears at this moment, Meng Xiaochun was very worried.

Li Zongxian heard his apprentice's words at this time, patted his apprentice's hand, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's nothing, I'm happy for the patriarch, what he did back then, he sacrificed his life and The heroic deeds of these little devils who died together have not been forgotten, and some people still remember."

"And now someone has written such a song for him, a song written for all the actors who did not want to sing for the devils and sacrificed their lives. I am really happy for the patriarch and these heroes!"

Meng Xiaochun patted his master's back at this time, and said with a comforting expression: "Master, don't be sad anymore. I believe that if the ancestor master is alive in heaven, he knows that after so many years, there will still be people who remember his heroic deeds. If someone else writes such a song for him, he will be very pleased!"

On stage
At this time, the song has come to the end.

Fate comes and goes and will eventually disperse, and flowers bloom and fail to return to dust.

Although Zhang Fan's heart is very reluctant at this moment, but at this time he can't help but draw an end to this song.

Zhang Fan continued to sing at this time: "After you sing, I will appear on stage."
Don't laugh at Fengyue drama, don't laugh at people's absurdity
I also asked Qinghuang and sang the rise and fall
How can you think when you are ruthless and if you are sentient?"

(End of this chapter)

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