Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 112 Lin Yuqing's Dafa of Coquetry and Cuteness

Chapter 112 Lin Yuqing's Dafa of Coquetry and Cuteness
PS: Sorry, it's late, there will be another update later.

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, grabbed Zhang Fan's hand, and said with a very excited face: "Fuck, confidant, confidant, this is simply a confidant. I didn't expect Duan Yingjun to meet me here today!" My confidant!"

"You really deserve to be a musical genius. Your thinking is different from ordinary people. Ordinary people think that my cosplay and women's clothing are crazy, but you appreciate my cosplay so much. You appreciate my cosplay." A kind of women's clothing!"

"This is genius. Genius is different. Now I finally know why you can write so many good songs!"

After Zhang Fan was grabbed by another man at this time, he was shocked and quickly shook off the man's hand.

Zhang Fan wondered if he had bad luck during this time, why was he always being caught by men?

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "If you have something to say, talk about it, if you have something to say, can you not touch your hands? But I am a little curious, you went to this cosplay comic exhibition, this comic exhibition to participate Are there really many people there?"

Duan Yingjun heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a proud face: "Of course there are a lot of them, but you don't even know that there are really many people who like cosplay. Every time there are some large-scale comic exhibitions, there will be thousands Tens of thousands of people even participated!"

"Every time I go to this cosplay comic exhibition, I can see all kinds of weird things, some new clothes, and some different people. It's really fun!"

"You all don't know how famous I am in the Two-dimensional cosplay circle. I have millions of fans on a Two-dimensional website, Station B. I have a lot of fans on Weibo and Kaidou. They also like my cosplay very much!"

"If you are interested in this aspect, I can introduce you to join our cosplay, our cosplay is really fun, there are all kinds of weird people and all kinds of weird costumes !"

Duan Jiabao was taken aback when he heard his younger brother's words, and heard that his younger brother wanted to introduce Zhang Fan to their cosplay comic exhibition group, and hurriedly said: "Hey, hey... Duan Yingjun Let me tell you not to go too far. If you want to play cosplay, you can play cosplay by yourself. If you want to be a women's clothing boss, you can be a women's clothing boss. Can you stop coming and harm our family? Zhang Fan?"

"Our Zhang Fan is going to be a big star in the future, can you not bring him down?"

Duan Yingjun: "..."

When Duan Yingjun heard his sister's words at this time, he immediately looked aggrieved.

Sister, you are my own elder sister, and I am your own younger brother. Is there any elder sister who treats her own younger brother like you?
Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "It's okay, it's okay, Duan Yingjun is your younger brother, that's my younger brother, and it's almost night now, why don't we find a place to have dinner!"

"Anyway, we've already been delayed today, and we probably won't be able to shoot a movie if we want to. I guess we won't be able to shoot this movie until tomorrow!"

clap clap clap!
When Duan Yingjun mentioned Zhang Fan's words at this time, he clapped his palms with great excitement: "Okay, okay, to be honest, I didn't eat much at noon today, I'm so hungry now, Let's go eat quickly!"

At this time, Duan Jiabao saw his younger brother's appearance, as if he hadn't eaten for hundreds of years, and immediately looked disgusted: "Hey, hey... can you stop looking like a starving ghost reincarnated, let's Whether the family lacks food for you or persuades you to drink, it seems that our family abused you!"

"And don't you have any money yourself? Don't you know how to buy food yourself? Why do you always eat and drink like this!"

Duan Yingjun: "???"

When Duan Yingjun heard his sister's words at this time, he really doubted whether he was born by his parents?

He really doubted whether this Duan Jiabao was his own sister?

Is he the younger brother of this Duan Jiabao?
Listen, listen, is this like what a sister said to her brother?

At this time, Lin Yuqing jumped out and said with a smile on her face: "I just heard that you are going to have a big meal tonight, Mr. Zhang, you can't eat alone secretly, you must bring me !"

Lin Yuqing has now changed the school uniform she usually wears when she was filming, and put on a white shirt, matching blue jeans, and a pair of white shoes. Her whole body has an indescribably youthful and lively feeling.

She also combed her long hair into a ponytail. When she walked, she bounced and bounced, and even the ponytail behind her kept shaking.

Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face at this time: "Are you sure you want to join us in the fun?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, crossed her waist, and said with a smile: "Of course, do I have any work tonight? How boring to be at home alone, of course I also want to go with you Lively and lively!"

"How about I call Wang Xue's, and you call Wang Teng again, and we have a meal together. Is it lively if everyone eats together?"

Zhang Fan was just about to speak at this time, but Duan Jiabao suddenly jumped out at this time, and said excitedly: "Great, great, really great, Lin Yuqing, do you know that I have always I am your fan, I like you very much, I only saw your videos and photos on the Internet before, and I never thought that you are more beautiful than the videos and photos."

"May I take the liberty of asking you a question? Do you have a boyfriend now? If not, would you mind having one? If so, would you mind having one more?!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw the colorfully dressed man who suddenly jumped out in front of her, and she was a little confused.

Who the hell is this guy?

This guy is too weird.

She had never seen such a wonderful person before.

At this time, Duan Jiabao saw his brother's coquettish appearance, he couldn't help it, and slapped him on the head directly: "You are dead on the street, roll as far as you want, You don't even look at who the person in front of you is, how dare you say such things to anyone???"

Duan Yingjun covered his head at this time, and said to him with aggrieved face: "Sister, you are my own sister, why do you always hit me? Although beating is said to be love, but you don't have to do that." love me Please!"

Duan Jiabao heard his younger brother's words at this time, gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, you are right, I love you, I love you very much, do you need me to use our washboard and big stick to love you again?" what?!!"

At this moment, Duan Yingjun saw his sister's vicious look, and when he heard his sister's words, he was startled, and quickly took a few steps back: "No, no, I just opened an It's just a joke!"

"Sister, I don't know if you've heard a saying-a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands! If you find me uncomfortable in the future, you can persuade me with your mouth, you can persuade me with reason, but can you Don't do it any more!"

Duan Jiabao heard what his younger brother said at this time, and said domineeringly: "I can't, because I'm not a gentleman, I'm just a woman, haven't you heard that it's difficult to raise a woman and a villain?"

"And to be honest, I've been used to beating you since I was a child. If I don't beat you, but use my mouth to persuade you and educate you, I'm still not used to it, because my hands won't agree. !"

Duan Yingjun: "..."

What you said is so reasonable, I was speechless for a while.

At this moment, Zhang Fan saw how the siblings were in love and killed each other, and said helplessly, "It's alright, alright, you all stop arguing!"

"Since Yuqing wants to go with us to join in the fun, why don't you just go to my house, my house is better, we can just contact the takeaway and have it delivered to our house!"

"And my house has all kinds of wine, all of which are very good wines. Then we can drink together, and my house also has a KTV box. If you want to sing after drinking, you can also sing in it!"

"Of course, my family also has some special barbecue things. If you don't want to eat some takeaways, why don't we go buy some ingredients ourselves, and then make barbecues by ourselves!"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, her eyes were full of little stars, and she said excitedly: "Yes, yes, this suggestion is very good, I agree very much, I agree with both hands and feet!"

"I haven't eaten barbecue before. My dad always told me that barbecue is not very clean, so he just won't let me eat barbecue. Although I have eaten it secretly a few times, I have never done it myself. Yes, it will be very fun to make barbecue, I am really looking forward to it!"

Duan Yingjun also said excitedly at this time: "Fuck, Mr. Zhang Fan didn't expect that all kinds of things in your house are so complete. I'm looking forward to it, and I agree with this suggestion with both hands and feet! "

"What's so delicious about takeaway? When we eat barbecue, drink wine, and sing songs, this is the most fun and interesting thing!"

At this time, Duan Jiabao noticed that several people were looking at her immediately, and said helplessly: "What are you all looking at me for? Of course I won't let go of the opportunity to eat and drink for free. After all, I This migrant worker helps the boss to work every day, he works so hard, and finally has a chance to eat and drink with the boss, he must not let it go!"

Hearing Duan Jiabao's words, Zhang Fan said with a wry smile at this moment: "Hey, hey... can you stop saying such misleading words, people who don't know think how much I, the boss, squeeze my employees!"

"This time, my boss will be generous. I will not only let you eat and drink, but also let your brother eat and drink with me. That's okay. I'm afraid I won't be able to find such a good boss in this world again." Now, don’t ever say that I’m a boss who oppresses people!”

When Duan Jiabao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, he not only blushed, but also explained with a smile: "No, no, in fact, I was just joking just now. How could you be a boss who oppresses people? I never I have never seen such a good boss like you!"

"Besides, now that I'm doing this job, I can see big stars every day, and all kinds of wonderful things in the entertainment industry every day, and I can often get free planes, hotels, and all kinds of food. It's simply unnecessary. So cool!"

"Now even if a Fortune 500 company invites me to work in their company, I will not go, because this job is really cool, and this job makes me feel very fulfilled!"

"Seeing that you are becoming more and more popular day by day, seeing your influence getting bigger and bigger day by day, and seeing your music being liked by more and more people, I am actually very happy for you..."

Zhang Fan heard Duan Jiabao's words at this time, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you, thank you, I really appreciate you so much during this time, if you weren't for helping me, I might Are you going to be exhausted by these jobs?"

"However, let's not talk about these sensational words today, it's time to buy ingredients!"

At this time, Lin Yuqing saw Zhang Fan patting Duan Jiabao's shoulder, but she didn't react at all.

Because she saw Duan Jiabao's face and figure, she knew that Duan Jiabao would not be her opponent.

She also knew that Zhang Fan would definitely not like this Duan Jiabao.

The two of them are ordinary bosses and colleagues!
The two of them are just ordinary friends.

If this Duan Jiabao is really as beautiful as herself, with such a good figure, and with such a temperament, she may still be a little worried.

After all, according to her understanding, this Zhang Fan may be an old pervert who is very interested in beautiful women.

So Lin Yuqing directly ignored all the beautiful women around Zhang Fan who were not her own.

Because Lin Yuqing is very confident in herself.

At this time, Lin Yuqing directly pulled Duan Jiabao and the two of them to sit in the back of Zhang Fan's car.

A few people went to a big supermarket to buy some ingredients first, and then came to Zhang Fan's house.

When Zhang Fan returned to his small villa and saw his room, he immediately had a very strange feeling.

Because he didn't know how long he hadn't come back.

It seems that since he came to this world, he has been back several times in total, and the others seem to have been spent in companies or hotels.

The current Zhang Fan is basically too lazy to come back here.

Every night after work, he would either sleep directly in the hotel, or directly in his son-in-law.

Although I haven't been here for a while, this small villa is still very clean and tidy.

Zhang Fan knew that all of this was due to Liu Awei. Liu Awei would invite some housekeepers to come over every once in a while to clean his house.

Sometimes Zhang Fan felt that Liu Awei was not just his manager!

He is like his own family!
He is like his own parents.

This idea had just sprouted in Zhang Fan's mind, and he quickly discarded it.

What are you really thinking about?

How could I treat this Liu Awei as some kind of parent?

If Liu Awei knew what he was thinking just now, he might not be able to help but laugh out loud.

Speaking of Liu Awei, Zhang Fan suddenly thought of Liu Huawei at this moment.

So Zhang Fan called Liu Yawei at this time: "Ah Wei, what are you doing now?"

At this time, Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's voice on the other end of the phone, and said with a smile on his face: "Nothing, nothing, I'm picking up Qianqian and Xiaoyu from school now!"

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly came: "Is this a call from Brother Zhang Fan?"

As soon as Zhang Fan heard this crisp voice at this moment, he knew it was Xiao Yu's voice, and said with a smile on his face, "So it's Xiao Yu, I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss Brother Zhang Fan?"

At this moment, Xiao Yu said excitedly: "After thinking about it, I miss Brother Zhang Fan during this period of time. I miss Brother Zhang Fan every day!"

At this time, a soft and cute voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Zhang Fan, don't believe what sister Xiaoyu said, sister Xiaoyu is lying, she has had so much fun at school these days, she has already forgotten about you Already!"

When Xiao Yu heard Liu Qian's words at this time, her face blushed suddenly, and she said threateningly: "Qianqian, how can you say that about me? Believe it or not, I will never tell you about your homework again." How did you write it?"

Liu Qian made a point at this time, and said without fear: "Huh, I'm not afraid, because the teacher taught children not to lie at school, and Qianqian did nothing wrong, and she didn't lie , what is there to be afraid of?"

When Xiao Yu heard Liu Qian's words at this time, she was very angry: "Brother Zhang Fan, don't listen to Qianqian's words, she is talking nonsense, in fact, I miss you every day, and I wrote it down in my diary. And you, if you don't believe me, I'll show you this diary later!"

What followed was the noisy sound of the two children, and after a while, the silver-like laughter of the children came.

"Sister Xiaoyu, I was wrong, I was wrong, stop making trouble, stop making trouble, itch, I really itch!"

At this time, Zhang Fan heard the voices of these two children on the phone, and not only did he smile very happily!

Zhang Fan said: "Ah Wei, I'm going to hold a barbecue dinner here today, Yuqing Wang Teng and the others are here, why don't you come over together, we haven't been together for a long time, call my sister-in-law over!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Liu Awei said hesitantly: "This...isn't that good, this is all your young people's dinner, your sister-in-law and I are both very old, so we won't participate in your young people's gatherings. It's a dinner party!"


When Zhang Fan heard Liu Awei's words at this time, he couldn't help but pooh, "You're just a few years older than me, and what you said is the same as you are an old man in his seventies and eighties!"

"Besides, it's fine if you say you're old, but you still say sister-in-law is old. Later, I must call my sister-in-law and talk to her about this matter, saying that you despise her for being too old!"

Liu Awei heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said helplessly: "Xiao Fan, you can't do this, I usually treat you so well, you can't trap me in injustice!"

If his wife finds out about this, he will probably kneel on the keyboard for a while.

After all, age and weight are the most taboo things for women.

The keyboard at home has been useless for half a year, and he doesn't want to use it again at this time.

After all, he is getting older now, unlike when he was young, kneeling for hours was not a problem, but now he can't stand kneeling for 10 minutes.

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Liu Awei's frightened face, and said with a smile: "It depends on what you do. If you do what I say and bring your sister-in-law and children over, I say Maybe I can consider letting you go, if you don't follow what I say, then don't blame me for being rude!"

"Kneel on the durian, kneel on the washboard, or kneel on the keyboard, choose one!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Liu Awei couldn't help but gasped: "Okay, you are ruthless, you are ruthless, just wait for me, I will drive home to pick up your sister-in-law first! "

Liu Awei has now discovered that this Zhang Fan is really getting more and more despicable.

No, it should be said that this guy is really getting more and more insidious.

The current Zhang Fan is no longer the innocent, pure and kind Zhang Fan who just entered the entertainment circle before.

It is said that the entertainment industry is a big dye vat. It seems that this sentence is not wrong. Zhang Fan has changed from an innocent child to this old cunt.

Now Zhang Fan is not only cheating others, even his manager is cheating, it is really too ruthless, too dark.

At this time, Zhang Fan said proudly: "Hey hey... It would have been better if it had been like this earlier, you still insisted on forcing me to use so many tricks, do you know what your behavior is called in one word? It's cheap !"

"I asked you not to come here just now, and insisted that I use this method to force you, why do you say you are doing this?!"

When Liu Awei heard this at this time, his whole face was not only black!

"Get out, I don't want to talk to you anymore, I'll just hang up if I want to drive!"

Liu Awei really didn't want to talk to this guy anymore at this time, he was afraid that if he talked to this guy for a while, he would have a heart attack from this guy.

Why didn't he realize that this guy could speak so well before?
Liu Awei found that not only Zhang Fan's musical talent became better and better during this period of time, but his eloquence also became better and better, and he became more and more eloquent.

It is said that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. How did this Zhang Fan change so much in this period of time?

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Zhang Fan's appearance was exactly the same as before, Liu Awei doubted whether this Zhang Fan was the same person as the previous Zhang Fan.

But not the same person?

How can this be?

Liu Awei shook his head at this moment, and put the messy thoughts in his mind behind him.

I must have watched too many TV shows with my wife at home recently, so I have these messy thoughts in my mind.

Although this Zhang Fan has undergone some changes, some things about him have not changed. He is still so kind.

Even tonight, when the group of young people had dinner together, they specially invited him, their children, and his wife.

From the beginning to the end, this Zhang Fan not only regarded him as a manager, but also regarded him as a relative as before.

Zhang Fan has changed, he is more talented than before, he is more eloquent than before, they are more eloquent than before.

But in fact Zhang Fan has not changed, he is still as kind as before, he is still as kind as before, and he still treats him as a friend and relative as before.

As long as these things don't change, isn't all this enough?
At this time, Liu Awei said to the children with a smile on his face: "We don't have to eat at home tonight, we are going to brother Zhang Fan's to have a barbecue tonight, are you happy?"

"Ahhhhh...Happy, Dad, are you serious? Can we really have barbecue tonight? I'm so happy!"

At this time, Liu Qian sat in the back and heard her father's words. She was very happy and screamed excitedly.

When Xiao Yu heard Liu Awei's words at this time, she was not only very happy.

Because this means that she can not only eat delicious food tonight, but also meet brother Zhang Fan.

It's all really good.


Liu Awei didn't know why at this moment, but suddenly yawned.

He always felt that something bad would happen tonight.

His intuition told him that it was best not to go to this dinner tonight, otherwise he might get into big trouble.



"Hey, hey, you smelly man, after you answer the phone, hurry up and get some barbecue, don't be lazy there anymore, don't think I can't see it, you just want to answer the phone there on purpose, and be lazy there!"

At this time, Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's voice just after answering the phone. At this time, he walked to the lobby and saw Wang Xue lying on his sofa with a faceless face, hugging Lin Yuqing, and eating potatoes. film while looking at the phone!

Seeing Wang Xue's faceless appearance at this time, Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly: "Tsk tsk tsk... image, image, can you pay attention to your image, you are a woman anyway, you can't Pay attention to your image?"

"And the children will come over later, pay attention to your own image, don't spoil the children, if the children see you lying down like an uncle, I'm really afraid that they will learn from you! "


Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said indifferently: "You just stand and talk without back pain. If you visited dozens of stores in Michelle Ice City today like me, you would Know how tired I am now!"

"Now I only have the strength to eat potato chips with my mouth open, and the strength to look at my phone with my eyes open. I don't have any strength left!"

"By the way, why am I talking about these things to you again? Anyway, you don't understand. The work of you stars is so easy. How can I be so tired as a big boss!"

"Didn't you just buy the ingredients? Hurry up and get the barbecue. You let a girl from Duan Jiabao go there to make the barbecue. Are you embarrassed?"

"As a man, even if I don't tell you, you should take the initiative to do this, instead of hiding in a corner and being lazy alone! Do you know that your behavior is very shameful!"

Seeing Wang Xue's appearance at this time, Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly: "You always talk about me, what about yourself? You yourself lay dead as soon as you came to my house, why didn't I see you get the ingredients? ? Why didn’t I see you go to make a barbecue? Don’t tell me that you came here with a mouth, just to eat!”

Wang Xue heard Zhang Fan's sarcasm at this time, and said with a very proud face: "You are right, this time I came here with a mouth."

"What kind of eyes are you? Don't look at me with those eyes. This girl is worth hundreds of millions now. Being able to come to your place for dinner is to give you face, and that is to make your place flourish. , that is your honor!"

"It's fine if you don't appreciate me, but you still have such a complaining look and asked me to do some barbecue. Did you make a mistake?"

"Besides, you are a man and I am a weak woman. You are a big man and let me work as a weak woman. Are you still human? Do you still have any humanity?"

"Do you understand, a gentleman? As a man, you have to be courteous to women, and you have to do all the tiring and dirty work, instead of arguing with me all day long over trivial things like you..."

Zhang Fan heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said with a speechless face: "Okay, I'm afraid of you, can you stop punching, even the most serious things can involve men and women, I am really convinced It's you!"

"Isn't it just a barbecue? Should I go to the head office?"

Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and wanted to stand up and go to barbecue with Zhang Fan, after all, she had never grilled herself before.

"Mr. Zhang, let me go to the barbecue with you. I have only eaten barbecue before, and I have never personally grilled before!"

It's just that she just wanted to stand up at this time, but she was grabbed by Wang Xue: "Yuqing, why are you helping this man? Just leave these dirty and tiring jobs to their men. We are here Wait well, when they are ready, we can eat with one mouth!"

"Besides, I finally finished my day's work. I'm exhausted. Can't you stay with me here? If you don't hug me, if you don't feed me potato chips, I will I really can't lie here in peace!"

Lin Yuqing: "..."

Lin Yuqing was speechless when she heard her best friend's words at this time and saw her best friend's appearance.

At this time, Lin Yuqing wanted to persuade her best friend to try the feeling of grilling by herself, and said: "Xiaoxue, we have all eaten barbecue before, but we haven't done it by ourselves, why don't we do it together this time?" Do it yourself, the things you make will definitely taste delicious when the time comes!

"Don't you want to do a barbecue yourself? What a meaningful thing is this?"

Wang Xue heard Lin Yuqing's words at this time, and shook her head resolutely: "I don't want to think about it at all now, I'm really too tired now, I just want to lie on the sofa like this and wait for things to be done before I go Just eat it!"

"Besides, Yuqing, isn't it just a barbecue? What's the fun? We just lie quietly on the sofa and wait for them to cook, isn't it delicious?"

"If you are really lonely, how about I take you to play King of Kings? To be honest, I haven't played King of Kings for a few days, and I still miss this game a bit. I will take you to fly, go, get on the number!"

Lin Yuqing: "..."

Lin Yuqing didn't know what to say when she heard her best friend's words at this time and saw her best friend like this.

Lin Yuqing even wondered if her best friend had been reincarnated as a lazy person in this life.

Except when she is working, she can basically lie on the bed and never sit on the bench; she can be idle and never do any work.

In the end, Lin Yuqing abandoned her best friend in order to go to barbecue in person, and to see for herself what it was like to barbecue by herself.

"Woooooooooo... Yuqing, my Yuqing, you still abandoned me in the end. I have seen through you. You are a woman who values ​​sex over friends. I want to break up with you, I want to break up with you, you guys Don't stop me, ahhhh..."

At this time, Wang Xue watched Lin Yuqing leave her back, and wailed in pain.

She had a warm embrace, and a soft embrace was gone. How could this make her not sad?

When Zhang Fan came to the barbecue, he found that only Duan Jiabao was grilling, and it seemed that Duan Jiabao was very proficient. Zhang Fan said with a look of surprise: "You seem to be very skilled in this technique. I didn't expect you to be so familiar with barbecue. I understand that too!"

Duan Jiabao didn't speak at this time, Duan Yingjun said with a smile on his face: "Of course, my sister is a famous foodie, as the saying goes, she can recite three hundred Tang poems, and can sing poems even if she can't compose them. Thirty thousand dishes of food..."

Duan Yingjun really wanted to continue talking at this time, but suddenly saw his sister's murderous eyes looking at him, as if if he wanted to say one more word, he would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Duan Yingjun felt his sister's murderous eyes looking at him, and couldn't help coughing: "Actually, it's not so exaggerated, I was just joking, my sister is not an ordinary person , she is a good woman of the new century who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen!"

"I remember that when our family went on an outing, my sister cooked all the barbecues. The barbecues made by my sister are delicious!"

Hearing Duan Yingjun's explanation at this time, Zhang Fan realized why Duan Jiabao's barbecue is so proficient.

At this moment, Duan Jiabao heard his younger brother's words, and gave his younger brother a hard look: "Duan Yingjun, if you don't speak, no one will be dumb, can you shut up?"

At this moment, Duan Yingjun was taken aback by his sister's sharp and mighty eyes, and quickly covered his mouth with his hands!

Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would be killed by his sister later.

At this time, Lin Yuqing also ran over. She saw how proficient Duan Jiabao was in grilling, grabbed Duan Jiabao, and said excitedly: "Xiao Duan, you are so proficient in grilling, can you teach me?" ? I also want to grill by myself, I have only eaten barbecue before, and I have never done it myself!"

"Please, please, please teach me!"

At this time, in order to let Duan Jiabao teach her how to barbecue, Lin Yuqing also resorted to her own tricks of acting like a baby and being cute.

Seeing Lin Yuqing acting coquettish and cute at this moment, Zhang Fan felt as if he had been electrocuted.

Duan Jiabao also likes Lin Yuqing, who is beautiful and cute, and has a very good personality. Hearing Lin Yuqing's words, he said with a smile on his face: "Of course there is no problem. In fact, barbecue is very simple. The most important thing is to Just to control the heat..."

(End of this chapter)

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