Start with a good voice mentor

Chapter 130 Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's couple's signature!

Chapter 130 Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing's couple signature! (additional update)
Could it be that these two people lost their way?

Otherwise, why did they go shopping for so long and haven't come back? ? ?

No, there is a photography team behind them. Even if they get lost, these photography teams shouldn't get lost.

What is the reason?

Why haven't they come back yet?
These two people probably had too much fun on the street, so they haven't come back until now.

No, no, it's not really like that, is it?
If this is the case, it would be too scary.



Lin Jing is from Fenghuang Town, and she is a college student.

When she came back from summer vacation, she went home this time.

After returning home, she hurriedly went to hang out with her best friend from high school.

She and her best friend Shi Haiyao basically played all the things that can be played in the whole town.

It was almost noon at this time, and the two of them were about to find a place to eat, when they suddenly saw a bridge in front of them surrounded by many people.

Not only did this make Lin Jing very curious, Lin Jing said with a smile on her face at this time: "Haiyao, I don't know what happened before? It's so lively, why don't we go and see it together!"

Shi Haiyao heard what her best friend said at this time, and said with a bitter face: "No, no, I heard it right, we've been walking all morning, and you still let me go, do you have any more?" human nature?"

"No, no, no, no matter what you say this time, I won't go again. My legs are about to break now."

"I heard that there is a new milk tea shop nearby. Why don't we drink milk tea in the milk tea shop? It's better than running around on the street. It's too hot!"

Lin Jing heard her best friend's words at this time, pulled her best friend's arm, and said coquettishly: "Haiyao, please, please, will you come with me?"

"I promise, I promise this is definitely the last time, if there is nothing fun ahead, how about we go drink milk tea together?"


When Shi Haiyao heard Lin Jing's words at this time, she snorted coldly, and said with a look of disbelief: "If I remember correctly, this should be the third time you have said such a thing. Do you think I will still believe it?"

"Every time you went to a place just now, you told me that it was the last time, and it turned out to be the last time. I won't believe you anymore!"

3 minutes

A person has come to this small bridge at this time.

At this time, Shi Haiyao looked at her best friend who was pulling her, and Lin Yuqing said helplessly: "Lin Jing, let me tell you that this is the last time, it is definitely the last time, after watching this time, no matter what, we can't do it again Go play, I really can't move!"

Lin Jing heard what her good best friend said at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "An, An, don't worry, this is definitely the last time, I won't lie to you!"

At this moment, the two of them suddenly heard a very pleasant singing from the crowd:

"Under the warm sun
Beside the bridge, there is such a girl
She has long black hair and bright eyes
Girl, you make my heart flutter, the deer is bumping around
You say no one is around, you are wandering alone"

When Lin Jing and Shi Haiyao heard the most beautiful singing voice at this time, they couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, Lin Jing suddenly realized that the singing voice was really very familiar to her, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Lin Jing stood on tiptoe at this time, she wanted to see who this singer was?
When he saw this singing person, her whole body was suddenly shocked with her mouth wide open.

isn't it?
isn't it?
Did he read it right?

The singer turned out to be Zhang Fan! ! !
Lin Jing rubbed her eyes at this time, she thought that what she saw was not real, she thought it was all a dream!

How could the big star Zhang Fan suddenly appear in their small town?

How can this be?

This is also incredible.

But at this time he rubbed his eyes, and when she looked forward again, she found that he saw a very handsome man playing the guitar and singing. This man is her idol, Zhang Fan, a singer she likes very much .

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"I didn't read it wrong, I didn't read it wrong, I really didn't read it wrong!"

"It's Zhang Fan, it's Zhang Fan, it's really Zhang Fan, I'm really not mistaken, he actually came to our small town, I'm so happy!"

Shi Haiyao was also shocked when she heard what her best friend said at this time, grabbed her best friend's arm, and said in disbelief: "I'm going, it's really, it's really, it's really Zhang Fan, I didn't expect that Zhang Fan would Came to our small town???"

"Ahhhh... happy, happy, really happy, I like him the most, I like his songs the most, I didn't expect to be able to see him this time, wait a minute I will definitely Ask him to get an autograph!"

"No, no, how could such an important moment not be recorded with a mobile phone?"

When Shi Haiyao came out, she took out her mobile phone and took a few photos, and then sent them to her circle of friends with the text [Hahaha... Guess who I met today?You will never guess, I met the big star Zhang Fan, and he came to our town today?Really happy! 】

At this time, Shi Haiyao had just posted a photo of Zhang Fan singing here in his circle of friends, and then his cell phone kept ringing.

In less than a minute, his circle of friends has already reached dozens of likes, and many of his college friends have left messages below.

"Fuck, I read it right, Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan, it's really Zhang Fan, it's really Zhang Fan!"

"What you said is too low-level. What is a living Zhang Fan? Zhang Fan is already alive. Do you have to kill him?"

"Ahhhhh...the god, my god, my god!"

"Envy, envy, I'm really envious, the male god who hasn't seen me for a few days has changed again, forget it, I'm drooling while looking at his photo now!"

"Hey hey hey... what are you, I'm looking at his picture and kissing my phone constantly, rounding it up is equivalent to me kissing him, he's mine now!"

"Bah, all of you are too shameless, you are a girl, why can't you be more reserved?"

"Tingting, you still have the face to say, I remember you bought a big pillow in the dormitory, the character on it is Zhang Fan, every day you hug this pillow to sleep, when you wake up you have to kiss this pillow, sleep every day You still want to kiss this pillow when you are in love, and you still have the face to say that we are not reserved???"

"I've seen someone post it on the Internet before. It seems that they are recording some program. I really look forward to this program coming out soon!"

"By the way, I like Zhang Fan and Lin Yuqing very much. I like their CP very much. Now they are finally participating in a program. I am really looking forward to it!"

"Haiyao, I really envy you so much. You can actually see my idol and my male god at close range. Wait a minute, don't forget to ask him to ask for his autograph!"

"That's right, if possible, I'd better ask for a group photo. When the time comes, I'll post my profile picture on P. Rounding it up, it's equivalent to taking a photo with my idol!"



At this time, Wang Fugui saw more and more people surrounding him, and his bridge was basically full of people.

There are still many students coming outside now, and it is obviously the time for summer vacation, but all these students ran over excitedly.

It was only at this time that Wang Fugui knew from chatting with the people around him that this handsome guy was not an ordinary handsome guy, but a big star in the entertainment industry.

Wang Fugui is a very old man, plus he is a rural person, and he is not interested in these things in the entertainment circle, so he doesn't pay attention to these stars in the entertainment circle!

So when he saw Zhang Fan, he only knew that he was a handsome guy, but he didn't know that he was a star in the entertainment industry.

But later, Wang Fugui asked the people around him, and found out that this handsome guy is a singer, and he has heard this handsome guy's songs before!

He really likes the handsome guy's "Sailor" and "Serving the Country with Loyalty". He really likes these two songs.

When he was making rice wine every day, he would hum these two songs in his mouth. He never thought that these two beautiful songs were written by this handsome guy.

However, he didn't expect that he would attract such a big star by randomly pulling a handsome guy over to sing.

This has to say that my luck is really good.

He found so many people just now, but no one was willing to come and sing. He thought his opening ceremony was going to be messed up.

The reason why he pulled this handsome guy over to sing just now was because he was a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Didn't he think that he would actually pull a big star over? ? ?

This time, my own opening ceremony can be said to be completely popular.

The audience around him had already surrounded him.

Could it be the power of the legendary star?

It's really amazing.

Lin Yuqing couldn't help being completely intoxicated when she heard Zhang Fan's gentle singing at this time.

This man's singing voice is really nice.

This man's lyrics are really good!

He really likes it too much.

[Under the warm sun, beside the bridge head, there is such a girl with long black hair and bright eyes] Isn't this lyrics about yourself?

I am standing by the bridge head now, and I also have long black hair, and a pair of bright eyes
At this moment, Lin Yuqing couldn't help but think in her heart, is this man using this song to express his love to himself?

[Girl, you make my heart flutter, the little deer is bumping around, you say no one is around, you are wandering alone] This line of lyrics made Lin Yuqing very happy to hear it.

Girl, you make my heart flutter, and the deer is bumping wildly. Could it be that you really made the heart of the man in front of you flutter?
Otherwise, how could he have written such a line of lyrics?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing couldn't help being very happy, and brushed her long hair by her ear.

Her own person is so beautiful and has such a good figure, it is not a problem to do splits and leg presses, and any posture is not a problem for her!
No way, her figure is so good, and her body's flexibility is so good!
And her own personality is so lively, cute, and considerate...

As long as you are a man, I'm afraid there are very few people who don't like themselves, right? ? ?
Lin Yuqing was really happy at this time that she didn't go back in time to find her best friend, but came to participate in this lively event!
Otherwise, she would not be able to hear such a beautiful song, or she would not be able to hear the man in front of her.

"Xiaoxue. I'm really sorry I didn't go back to see you in time this time, but I don't regret this decision at all. If it wasn't for this decision this time, I might not have heard such a good song. I can’t hear Teacher Zhang’s feelings for me anymore!”

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing felt guilty for a while for her best friend Wang Xue.

Lin Yuqing has already made up her mind, when she goes back, she must cook a good meal for her best friend!

Forget it... I still don't need to cook for my cooking skills.

If my own cooking skills cook for my good girlfriends, it will not be compensation, but harm.

Forget it, forget it, the big deal is that I will buy her more snacks when the time comes, and just treat it as compensation for not going back in time this time.

At this time, the song came to the end, and Zhang Fan was completely devoted to the song at this time, and continued to sing:
"Fenghua appearance, you are graceful

Sitting on the bridge, I hear you sing
I say bridge girl, your fragrance

I put you at ease, engraved in my heart

bridge girl, your sadness

I put you at ease, I don’t want you to wander.”

song is over

Many people at the scene were still deeply immersed in Zhang Fan's beautiful singing.

At this time, I don't know who patted my palm first, and the others slowly realized that the song was over, and then followed suit.

This song is really nice. After hearing this song, they all thought of the girl they met when they were young!

Although they didn't get together in the end because of this reason, that girl still lingers in their hearts and never forgets.

May I ask which man does not have such a very unforgettable girl in his heart?
There are two men that a woman can never forget, one is the one who gave her a romantic night at the beginning of love, and the other is the one who understands her but can't give it to her after years, the former is the first love, the latter is the beauty, and the former is the heartache , the latter is insomnia, - one amazing time, one wet sleep
But the two women that men can't forget, one is the person who gave him a romantic relationship at the beginning of love, and the other is the person who understands him after many years and can't marry him. The former is first love, the latter is beauty, the former is sad, The latter was insomnia, one was amazed by time, and the other wet his eyes.

"Damn it, it's good, it's good, it's really good. An entertainment ghost is worthy of being an entertainment genius. The songs he wrote are really good!"

"Sigh... I don't know if it's because I'm getting old, or because he wrote this song in my heart. When I heard this song, my eyes were moist!"

"Yes, yes, this song is really written in my heart. When I heard this song, I also thought of the girl in my heart. I don't know if she is still okay now?"

"Those who write songs use their brains, those who sing use their hearts, those who listen to songs use their emotions, and those who have stories shed tears. Don't be afraid that the music is too good, but the lyrics are in your heart. I hope you only listen to the song to your heart's content. Be a part of the song!"

"What this brother said is good, what he said is really good, but I am the person in this song!"

"Oh...don't say it, don't say it, when I heard this song, I remembered my first love again!"

"This is called a classic, unlike today's, we learn to meow together, meow meow meow together, Beibei who draws pictures, Beibei who draws pictures, you say mouth beep, beep beep, I will give a hammer beep beep..."



After Zhang Fan sang this song at this time, he realized that there were so many people around him.

He didn't expect to sing a song casually here, which would attract so many people's onlookers and cause such a big commotion.


Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh.

He also wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength really didn't allow it.

Zhang Fan looked up at this time and found that Lin Yuqing was standing beside him at this time, looking at him with a very strange look: "Thank you, Teacher Zhang, thank you for giving me this song, this is really The most special gift I have received over the years, thank you so much!"

At this time, Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuqing's excited expression, and said with a smile, "Hahaha... no thanks, no thanks, I just sent out my feelings!"

"Besides, I want to say thank you. I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the inspiration to write such a good song!"

bang bang bang...

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, her little heart started beating wildly.

Although she knew that the song written by this man was for herself, but at this moment she heard the man say that she was inspired to write this song, and Lin Yuqing was already very happy.

Lin Yuqing suddenly couldn't help asking at this time: "Mr. Zhang, I was inspired to write the song you mentioned, so the feelings and words you expressed in this song just now are true. Is it?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing Lin Yuqing's words at this time, Zhang Fan couldn't help coughing violently. The emotion expressed in this song...

Zhang Fan said vaguely at this time: "Art is such a thing, it's true, it's true, it's false, it's true, it's true, I must have done some artistic processing and some things that don't exist!"

"Okay, okay, it's getting late now, we've been here for such a long time, go back quickly, if you don't go back, your best friend will probably starve to death!"

Lin Yuqing was very dissatisfied when she heard Zhang Fan's vague answer at this time.

But she also knew that Zhang Fan probably didn't want to answer this question now, or he didn't know how to answer this question, or he didn't know what he should think in his heart.

Maybe I shouldn't be so anxious!
Maybe I shouldn't push him like this.

Anyway, wouldn't it be nice if he wrote this song for himself?

Anyway, this song of his was written because of his own inspiration, wouldn't it be good?
Why do you have to worry about so much?

When Zhang Fan had just left at this time, he was immediately stopped by two girls.

These two girls looked youthful and lively, but they were dressed in a more fashionable way. It seemed that they were not high school students, but college students.

Zhang Fan had already judged whether they were high school students or college students based on their appearance and their attire.

Many girls were busy studying in high school, or didn't know how to dress up. They only learned a lot about dressing after entering college.

Many girls who may be inconspicuous or relatively ordinary in high school, once they learn how to make up and dress up after they go to college, they will be properly dressed as a beauty.

This is why many people feel that when they were in high school, it seemed that there were not a few beauties in the entire class, but after they arrived at university, it seemed that the whole school was full of beauties.

These girls learned to make up and dress up when they were in college, and their clothes are different from when they were in high school. The temperament of the whole person is naturally different, and the whole person naturally looks better on the whole. beautiful.

Lin Jing saw this handsome man in front of her at this time, and said excitedly: "Mr. Zhang Fan, I... am your fan. I like your songs very much. I... can I sign an autograph for you." ?"

Zhang Fan heard this lively and lovely girl's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "It's okay if you give me an autograph, but now I don't bring a pen or paper, so I can't ask you to give it to me." Signed!"

Lin Jing:"???"

It was only at this time that Lin Jing realized that she had accidentally said the wrong thing because she was too excited just now.

Oh, shame, shame, it's really too shameful, I actually said the wrong thing in front of my favorite idol and singer!
I was really ashamed, really embarrassing.

At this time, Lin Jing felt like she was dying.

At this time, Shi Haiyao saw her best friend like this, and hurriedly explained: "Mr. Zhang Fan, isn't it... so, my best friend just said something wrong, she meant to ask you to give her an autograph!"

Zhang Fan said with a slight smile at this time: "Of course it's no problem, but I see that you only have pens and no paper. Where should I sign this signature?"

When Lin Jing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she couldn't help but secretly laughed in her heart.

In fact, when they went shopping, they didn't bring a pen or paper at all.

After all, who would take this kind of thing with them when they go shopping when they have nothing to do?
But when she saw Zhang Fan just now, she immediately wanted to buy a pen and paper, and then ask him for an autograph after Zhang Fan graduated from acting.

But at this time, her best friend suddenly said to her, let her buy a pen, don't buy paper anymore, it is best to buy a thicker black pen.

Lin Jing was quite surprised when she first heard the words of her good girlfriends. If she only bought pens but not paper, how could Zhang Fan sign with them?

Shi Haiyao heard Lin Jing's words at this time, and whispered in her ear: "Oh, I said, why are you so stupid, what's so good about signing on paper, you might lose it if you are not careful!"

"When the time comes, we'll just buy a pen and say there's no more paper, and then ask Zhang Fan to sign our clothes. Wouldn't that be better? Then we can wear this clothes every day to show off!"

When Lin Jing heard her best friend's words at this time, she couldn't help but gasped.

Well said, well said, really well said.

Such a good idea, why didn't he think of it?


He is really stupid.

So she just went to a nearby store to buy a pen, and it was a thicker and larger black pen, which could be seen very clearly when written on clothes.

Lin Jing blushed a little at this time and said: "Ah, I'm sorry, we don't have paper for this, or else you can sign it on our clothes!"

When Zhang Fan heard this little girl's words at this time, he was quite hesitant!
After all, this little girl's dress looks so white. If you write a name on it, it's like putting a drop of ink in a pool of clear water, and the entire pool of water will be polluted.

"Wouldn't this be a little bad? After all, your clothes look so new, you should have just bought them and worn them not long ago!"

Shi Haiyao heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang Fan, it's okay, it's okay, we don't mind, please, Mr. Zhang Fan, we finally got to see you, I am your fan, you Just sign with us, or you won't know what year, month and day it will be when we meet next time?"

"Teacher Yuqing, I'm actually your fan too, wait a minute and you can also sign my clothes, and make your two names closer together, so that your two names look like a couple's signature , I am your CP, and I like your CP very much!"

When Lin Yuqing heard the words of the girl in front of her at this time, her small face instantly turned red.

But hearing that this female voice is her and Zhang Fan's CP fan, Pa is not only very happy in his heart.

She didn't expect that she and Zhang Fan were already CP fans. It seems that many people are very optimistic about the two of them together.


Since so many people are optimistic about her and Zhang Fan, Lin Yuqing feels more confident in her heart.

Lin Yuqing said with a smile on her face at this time: "No problem, no problem, I have no problem, I don't know if Teacher Zhang Fan has any problem!"

When Shi Haiyao heard Zhang Fan's promise at this time, she was very happy, and then looked at Zhang Fan expectantly!

At this time, Zhang Fan was looked at by a little girl with such expectant eyes. If he refused to agree, wouldn't it appear that he was too impersonal.

So Zhang Fan could only sign their names on the clothes of the two people, and then Lin Yuqing also signed their names on the clothes of the two people. The names of the two people, one on the left and one on the right, really looked like a couple's signature .



After making this signature, Zhang Fan just wanted to leave when he was stopped by the rice wine seller: "This handsome guy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were the big star Zhang Fan just now, That's why I pulled you over to sing, I really didn't mean it!"

"I'm quite old, and I usually don't pay much attention to the affairs of the entertainment industry, so I don't know much about the stars in the entertainment industry."

"However, I have heard your songs before. I really like your "Serving the Country" and "Sailor". I really like these two songs. Every time I make rice wine, I will hum this song !"

At this time, Zhang Fan waved his hand when he heard the rice wine owner's words, and said indifferently: "'s all right, it's just a trivial matter, I wish you, boss, your business will be more and more prosperous in the future!"

Wang Fugui heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much, but don't rush to leave now, your rewards haven't been taken yet!"

"As I said just now, if anyone comes up to sing a song, I will give him a big jar of rice wine I made myself."

"What I didn't expect was that when I just came here to sing, I would attract a big star. You sang a song here, but it helped me attract many, many people, so in order to thank you, I will send more You two cans of rice wine!"

"The rice wine here is made by myself. It tastes very good. You can take it home and eat it slowly!"

At this time, Zhang Fan heard that the boss was going to give him two more cans of rice wine, and he said with embarrassment: "Why is this so embarrassing? I didn't do anything, and you already gave me a can of rice wine. It’s really embarrassing to ask you for two cans of beer!”

Wang Fugui heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, and said seriously: "Who said that you singing here will not help me? It will be of great help to me if you sing a song here. Did the song help me attract a lot of guests?"

"Look at how many customers have come to buy my rice wine all of a sudden. If it weren't for you singing here just now, I definitely wouldn't have so much business!"

"These two cans of rice wine are from my heart, please accept it, if you don't accept it, then you will lose face to me!"

Finally, under Wang Fugui's enthusiasm and sincerity, Zhang Fan reluctantly accepted the three cans of beer, put them on the battery car, and he took Lin Yuqing away.

After all, he has been here for such a long time, and it is already past one o'clock. If he doesn't hurry back, Zhang Fan suspects that Lin Yuqing's best friend might really starve to death in the mushroom house.

When returning home, Zhang Fan didn't dare to delay any further on the road, and directly turned on the maximum horsepower, and saw the mushrooms in less than 10 minutes.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Zhang Fan had just driven the car to the mushroom house at this time, and Rhubarb ran out immediately.

When Rhubarb ran out and saw that it was him and Lin Yuqing, he immediately stopped barking, and wagged his tail, constantly rubbing against their legs, looking very intimate.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing saw that Rhubarb was so cute, so she patted his head and gave him some potato chips to eat.

At this moment, Wang Xue heard the barking of dogs outside, and ran out excitedly. When she saw that her best friend Lin Yuqing had returned, she was so happy that she stepped forward and hugged Lin Yuqing , said with an aggrieved face: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, you're back, you're back, you're finally back, do you know? How long have I been waiting for you here? starving!"

"You don't even know how long I've been waiting for you here. I ate all the potato chips I brought and you haven't come back yet. I've watched another episode of very boring cartoons here, and you haven't come back yet. Now my stomach is growling with hunger!"

At this time, Caimu Yuqing heard the complaints from her best friend, and thought that she didn't come back in time because she went to participate in that lively event just now, and she felt extremely embarrassed.

Lin Yuqing tried her best to hide her embarrassing emotions at this time, and said with a smile on her face: "Okay, Xiaoxue, don't be angry, we have already bought all the things, we can start cooking later, we I also bought your favorite scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and your favorite braised pork and cola chicken wings..."

When Wang Xue heard Lin Yuqing's delicious food at this time, she couldn't help but drool: "Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk, I'm going to drool! "

"It's really boring for me to stay here alone. If you hurry up and accompany me into the house and talk, I'll leave the cooking to them!"

Lin Yuqing heard Wang Xue's words at this time, and said hesitantly: "Is this...isn't that good? We can't leave all the meals to Mr. Zhang to cook by himself!"


At this time, Wang Xue looked at Zhang Fan and snorted coldly: "Who said he was allowed to do it alone, isn't there another person here?"

"Besides, don't you know your cooking skills yourself? If you dare to cook, I won't dare to eat it!"

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble anymore, come in with me to talk and watch TV!"

"You don't even know that you are not allowed to bring your mobile phone when you participate in this program. I am so boring. If you don't accompany me anymore, I will really go crazy!"

Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuqing's hesitant look at this time, and said with a smile on his face, "Go and accompany your good girlfriend, and leave the cooking to me and Teacher Huang!"

When Lin Yuqing heard Zhang Fan's words at this time, she was still a little hesitant: "But but..."

Zhang Fan patted Lin Yuqing's head at this time, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, what's so good about it, besides, we need someone to entertain guests, so you can help entertain them Bar!"

When Zhang Fan just took pictures of Lin Yuqing, he was beaten up immediately.

Zhang Fan was slapped on the hand at this time, and he was startled. He saw that Wang Xue had slapped his own hand, and said speechlessly, "Are you crazy, woman? I asked Yuqing to accompany you with good intentions." Tell me, why are you still beating me?"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words at this time, Wang Xue protected Lin Yuqing behind her, and said with a vigilant face: "You speak as soon as you speak, why do you have to touch your hands? Don't you know whether a man and a woman can kiss or not? You Do you think I don't know what you're thinking?"

"Yuqing, you now see the true face of this man. He is taking advantage of you on purpose by taking advantage of this opportunity to speak. It is really shameless. I have never seen such a brazen person!"

(End of this chapter)

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